How to write the following MYSQL query in criteria query and hibernate query? - spring

How can I write the criteria query and hibernate query for the following MySQL query
SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM outdatadetail where algorithmno="a0025_d2" and stringno=01 ORDER BY testid desc) sub_query GROUP BY subjectid;
Any suggestions.

String sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM outdatadetail where algorithmno='a0025_d2' and stringno=01 ORDER BY testid desc) sub_query GROUP BY subjectid;";
Session session = getSession().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql);

As far as I understand after reading the documentation and looking at examples you don't need a sub-query to do what you are trying to.
Basically you write 1 query and set a projection to do the grouping.
Criteria query = currentSession.createCriteria(OutDataDetail.class);
query.add(Restrictions.eq("algorithmno", "a0025_d2"));
query.add(Restrictions.eq("stringno", "01"));
return query.list();
The Criteria API by itself is fairly useful. But its real power comes when you start using classes like Projection, Subqueries, Order etc. in conjunction with your Criteria.
If you want to use the Criteria API with a sub-query you can do the following:
DetachedCriteria subquery = currentSession.createCriteria(OutDataDetail.class);
subquery.add(Restrictions.eq("algorithmno", "a0025_d2"));
subquery.add(Restrictions.eq("stringno", "01"));
Criteria query = currentSession.createCriteria(OutDataDetail.class);
return query.list();
Both implementations should return a list of OutDataDetail objects (assuming that's the object you are working with).
DISCLAIMER: I have not tried any of this. It may be that this will not work for you. This answer is written based on my knowledge of working with the Criteria API and its associated classes in the past, and the Hibernate 4.1 Manual. You can see the manual section on Projections and grouping here.


How to create a subquery that uses listagg in JPA repository?

Using JPA specification classes or predicate builder. How can I convert this WHERE clause?
I am using an oracle db.
WHERE (SELECT listagg(reject_cd,':') within group (order by order_no) as rejectList
FROM REJECT_TABLE WHERE ID = transactio0_ id group by id) like '%06%'
The LISTAGG function is highly specific to Oracle, and is not supported by JPQL. However, you can still use a native query here, e.g.
value = "SELECT ... WHERE (SELECT LISTAGG(reject_cd,':') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY order_no) AS rejectList FROM REJECT_TABLE WHERE ID = transactio0_ id GROUP BY id) LIKE '%06%'"
nativeQuery = true)
Collection<SomeEntity> findAllEntitiesNative();
Another option here might be to find a way to avoid needing to use LISTAGG. But, we would need to see the full query along with sample data to better understand your requirement.

Symfony3 multiple update with subquery

Is there ability to make a multiple update with subquery on Symfony3 with Doctrine query builder or DQL?
For example, I want to run this query:
SET fieldA2 = max_field2
max(field2) AS max_field2
FROM table
GROUP BY field1) AS subquery
WHERE subquery.field1 = tableA.field1;
I can't understand how to use $entityManager->createQuery()->update with FROM subquery.
As far as I know, it's not possible through DQL.
You need to go through a loop.
foreach($entities as entity)
Else, you will consider Batch processing, or just use plain SQL. So it might be usefull to check DBAL.

Left Join with Sub Query in grails?

How do i write below query in Grails either using criteria query or executeQuery?
select * from table1 as t1 left Join(select * from table2 where id=2)as t2 On ;
Unlike SQL, in which you query tables, GORM/Hibernate queries query domain classes. Yes, it boils down to tables, but from the Criteria, WHERE, and HQL point-of-view, it's domain classes. Which is why, as Koloritnij pointed out, knowledge of the domain model is necessary for writing the query.
One difference in how SQL and GORM perform joins is that SQL joins are created on-the-fly, in the SQL itself. Whereas GORM joins are predetermined by the domain class associations. This means that in HQL you cannot join to a sub-query. You can read more about such differences here.
An example
That being said, using your example SQL I made an assumption about your domain model:
class DomainA {
class DomainB {
DomainA a
In the domain model above, DomainB (table2) has a uni-directional many-to-one association with DomainA (table1). An HQL similar to your SQL is as follows:
def hql = 'SELECT a, b FROM DomainB AS b RIGHT OUTER JOIN b.a AS a WHERE = :id'
The HQL can be executed like this:
def result = DomainB.executeQuery(hql, [id: 2])
Here you go (if you have Domain Classes with foreign key):
def query
query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(table2.class)
query = query.createAlias("table1", "table1Alias", CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN, '', ''))
Restrictions.eq( "id", 2)
If not, you have to use raw SQL:
def dataSource
Sql sql = new Sql(dataSource)

How can I use Linq to join between objects and entities?

I have a collection of IDs in memory, and I would like to fetch only rows from a DB matching those IDs.
In SQL, I could either write a query like SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id IN (1,3,5,10) or do a join between tables.
My problem is that EF can't build a query where I join my EF-data with my local array or list.
(I'm using EF4.1, but I'm guessing the problem/solution would be similar in older versions, as well as with Linq-to-SQL.)
You can use Contains() with your ID collection myIDs to generate the equivalent WHERE id IN .. query:
var results = context.mytable.Where(x => myIds.Contains(x.Id));

Dynamics CRM 2011 - Filtering LINQ query with outer joins

I have a requirement to query for records in CRM that don't have a related entity of a certain type. Normally, I would do this with an Left Outer Join, then filter for all the rows that have NULLs in the right-hand side.
For example:
var query = from c in orgContext.CreateQuery<Contact>()
join aj in orgContext.CreateQuery<Account>()
on c.ContactId equals aj.PrimaryContactId.Id
into wonk
from a in wonk.DefaultIfEmpty()
where a.Name == null
select new Contact
FirstName = c.FirstName,
LastName = c.LastName,
This should return me any Contats that are not the Primary Contact of an account. However, this query ends up returning all contacts...! When you look at the SQL that gets generated in SQL Profiler it comes out like this:
SELECT cnt.FirstName, cnt.LastName
FROM Contact as cnt
ON cnt.ContactId = acct.PrimaryContactId AND acct.Name is NULL
So, I get the Left Join OK, but the filter is on the Join clause, and not in a WHERE clause.and not as it should, like this:
SELECT cnt.FirstName, cnt.LastName
FROM Contact as cnt
ON cnt.ContactId = acct.PrimaryContactId
WHERE acct.Name is NULL
Clearly, the results from this query are very different! Is there a way to get the query on CRM to generate the correct SQL?
Is this a limitation of the underlying FetchXML request?
Unfortunately, this is a limitation of CRM's LINQ and FetchXML implementations. This page from the SDK states outer joins are not supported:
And while I can't find an official document, there are a lot of results out there for people mentioning FetchXML does not support left outer joins, for example:
Try this:
var query = from c in orgContext.CreateQuery<Contact>()
where orgContext.CreateQuery<Account>().All(aj => c.ContactId != aj.PrimaryContactId.Id)
select new Contact
FirstName = c.FirstName,
LastName = c.LastName,
If you don't need to update the entity (e.g. to process all the corresponding validation rules and workflow steps), you can write less-ugly and more efficient queries by hitting the SQL Server directly.
Per CRM's pattern, the views take care of most of the common joins for you. For instance, the dbo.ContactBase and dbo.ContactExtensionBase tables are already joined for you in the view dbo.Contact. The AccountName is already there (called AccountIdName for some bizarre reason, but at least it's there).
