Set breakpoint on symbol with lldb - debugging

I am trying to set a breakpoint on a function but lldb gives me an error "WARNING: Unable to resolve breakpoints to any actual locations.."
Following their example over at , I have to use breakpoint set --method xxxxxxxxx
The function where I try to set a breakpoint is called
Which one should I use to be able to set a breakpoint?

You can put a breakpoint on your destructor using the --method option,
(lldb) br s -M ~WebViewImpl
You can use the --name option with just the dtor method name too,
(lldb) br s -n ~WebViewImpl
and lldb should find it. Finally, you can pass the mangled name to breakpoint set and that will work as well,
(lldb) br s -n _ZN2pf11WebViewImplD1Ev
Note that there's only one underscore in the mangled name - nm(1)'s output will list a leading underscore that you need to omit.
If this method is in a shared library or framework and the process hasn't launched yet, then lldb is correct in saying "Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations". Once your process starts running, the framework/solib will be loaded, lldb will evaluate all breakpoints and see that it now has a valid location.


How to debug `Error while processing function` in `vim` and `nvim`?

How to find where exactly vim or nvim error started (which file?) when I'm interested in fixing the actual issue and not just removing the bad plugin? Anything better than strace and guesswork to find the error origin?
I often add a plugin to my vim or nvim config and end up getting errors on hooks (buffer open, close, write):
"" [New] 0L, 0C written
Error detected while processing function 343[12]..272:
line 8:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: _exec
E116: Invalid arguments for function get(a:args, 'exec', a:1['_exec'])
E15: Invalid expression: get(a:args, 'exec', a:1['_exec'])
The problem is, I have no idea where those come from, only get some line number of unknown file and I know it's not my vim/nvim config file.
Somewhere, you have a plugin that has defined a dictionary with anonymous-functions (check the help related to this tag).
For the curious ones, it's done this way:
let d = {}
function! d.whatever() abort
throw "blah"
When you execute this function, you'll get the kind of error you're currently observing. That's why I stopped working this way to prefer:
let d = {}
function s:whatever() abort
throw "blah"
let d.whatever = function('s:whatever') " a workaround is required for older versions of vim
" At least this way I'll get a `<SNR>42_whatever` in the exception throwpoint, and thus a scriptname.
That's the why. Now, back to your problem, AFAIK, the only things you'll be able to know are the two functions that have been called:
in line 12 of :function {343}, you've called
:function {272} which contains an error at line 8.
Thanks to these two commands (may be prefixed with :verbose, I don't remember exactly), you'll get the source code of the two functions, which you should be able to use in order to grep your plugins to know where it appears.

Debugging with GDB - seeing code around a given breakpoint

I am trying to debug a C++ program using GDB. I have set 15 breakpoints. Most of the breakpoints are in different files. After the first 5 breakpoints, it became difficult to remember what line of code any given breakpoint refers to.
I struggle quite a bit simply trying to recall what a given breakpoint refers to. I find this quite distracting. I was wondering if there is a way to tell gdb to display code around a certain breakpoint.
Something like this - $(gdb) code 3 shows 30 lines of code around breakpoint 3. Is this possible today. Could you please show me how?
I run gdb in tui mode, and I also keep emacs open to edit my source files.
You can use gdb within emacs.
In emacs, type M-x gdb, after entering the name of the executable, type M-x gdb-many-windows. It brings up an IDE-like interface, with access to debugger, locals, source, input/output, stack frame and breakpoints.
You can find a reference and snapshot here.
I don't think you can do it exactly like this in gdb as such, but it can be scripted in gdb python.
This crude script should help:
import gdb
class Listbreak (gdb.Command):
""" listbreak n Lists code around breakpoint """
def __init__ (self):
super(Listbreak, self).__init__ ("listbreak", gdb.COMMAND_DATA)
def invoke (self, arg, from_tty):
printed = 0
for bp in gdb.breakpoints():
if bp.number == int(arg[0]):
printed = 1
print ("Code around breakpoint " + arg[0] + " (" + bp.location + "):")
gdb.execute("list " + bp.location)
if printed == 0:
print ("No such breakpoint")
Copy this to, source it in gdb (source, then use it like this:
listbreak 2

Pyclewn: Cfile appears last in the debugger when mapping several commands

I would like to use pyclewn in vim in order to debug some of my C++ code. In order to make my day easier I would like to map several commands to one key, for example:
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cxx,*.cpp,*.c noremap <F6>
\:Pyclewn <CR> :Cfile %<<CR> :Cbreak main <CR>
As stated in the manual, I need to have the async keword set, so I have
let g:pyclewn_args = "--gdb=async"
in my ~\.vimrc file. However, when pressing F6, the gdb will load the file after all the other commands like this
Pyclewn version 1.11.py2 starting a new instance of gdb.
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.7.1-0ubuntu5~14.04.2) 7.7.1
(gdb) break main
No symbol table is loaded. Use the "file" command.
(gdb) file foo
Reading symbols from foo...done.
How can I force file foo to come before other commands in the debugger?
So, just changed to pyclewn 2.0, in which I don't have the problem any more

How to set a breakpoint with lldb + mono

I have the following C# program (test.cs) which I want to debug:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine( "Hello, World!" );
List<int> list = new List<int>();
int number = 4;
Console.WriteLine(" number " + number); // <--- L:16 I want to set a breakpoint here :)
Console.WriteLine("Number of elements" + list.Count);
foreach (Object obj in list)
Console.WriteLine(" " + obj);
And below is the debug session using lldb and mono (I am in OSX). I can start the session and run the program however I am not able to setup any breakpoint. I guess that when using mono as the executable file things are different. How can I achieve this?
$ mcs -debug test.cs
$ lldb
(lldb) target create mono
Current executable set to 'mono' (i386).
(lldb) b test.cs:16
Breakpoint 1: no locations (pending).
WARNING: Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
(lldb) run --debug test.exe
Process 15191 launched: '/usr/bin/mono' (i386)
Hello, World!
number 5
Number of elements4
Process 15191 exited with status = 0 (0x00000000)
I've tried with GBD as this old guide suggests but it is worse, apparently there is something broken in mono in OSX that makes it impossible to debug unless the soft debugger is used (which is exactly what I want to avoid. MonoDevelop debugger is really really unstable/unreliable/slow). This is what I have tried with GBD. No luck at all.
And help is appreciated.
Isn't mono the interpreter for your language and test.exe the binary? lldb only knows about mono -- any breakpoints you try to set would be in the mono interpreter. e.g. if you were debugging an issue with mono itself.
This is a unique enough environment that you'll need to do a little analysis to understand what lldb sees. What do you get for
(lldb) image list test.exe
? Of course if you do
(lldb) im li mono
You'll see mono listed -- because that's a binary that lldb knows about. (you can use plain image list aka im li to see all the binaries that lldb knows)
You can ask lldb to list all of the line table entries based on a source filename with a command line
(lldb) target modules dump line-table test.cs
if lldb has any debug information for a test.cs, you'll see a line table. Without a line table, file and line breakpoints (b test.cs:16) won't work.
For what it's worth, I don't think trying to use lldb (or gdb) to debug your C# program will work. You'll probably need to use some facility of the mono runtime itself to set breakpoints and examine program state.

How to use break command in idb(intel compiler debugger) for fortran executable file?

I am new to the idb/gdb debugger so I am apologize for the bad questions in advance. I am trying to set a breakpoint in a function called set_time_i which is in a file called time_manager.F90 by using idb. However, idb keeps giving me error message and stops me from setting hte breakpoint. May I know if I did something wrong ? I tried all these commands:
1) (idb) break time_manager.F90:set_time_i
2) (idb) break time_manager:set_time_i
3) (idb) break set_time_i
4) (idb) break time_manager_:set_time_i_
The error message is
" break time_manager:set_time_i ^ Unable to parse input as legal command or Fortran expression."
None of above work. Did I miss something when I use it ? Thanks
Unlike C, the command
break file:function
doesn't work for Fortran (be it GDB or IDB). I generally start Intel debugger in GDB mode and the 3rd form of your invocation works.
[shell] $ idbc -gdb a.out # Command-line, GDB mode
(idb) break set_time_i
