Definition of "fractional" in algorithms - algorithm

What is the definition of the word "fractional" in algorithms? I have encountered the word in phrases like "fractional algorithm", "fractional node routing problem". I have also encountered the phrase "[...]designing a fractional algorithm and transforming it into a discrete algorithm [...]". Could the word "fractional" mean "continuous"? Could it mean "perfect"?
Note: English is not my native language

I think it's a case of a paper's authors being pretentious. I went digging for some examples, the best I found is this one:
The paper writes:
...we show a fractional algorithm for the switch throughput problem, i.e. one that can insert fractions of packets* [...] Then we transform our fractional algorithm into a discrete algorithm, i.e. one that can insert and transit integral packets.
My understanding suggests that a "fractional algorithm" is one that can process sub-integral, but not necessarily continuous (i.e. "a stream") units of data. Obviously this only applies to certain classes of algorithms, but an example could be an image-processing algorithm: a fractional approach might be able to work on an arbitrarily sub-pixel basis rather than per-pixel (i.e. discrete units), but it couldn't necessarily process a stream of color data (e.g. an analog TV scanline).

"Fractional" in the context of algorithms, my research specialty, has a precise technical meaning, namely, when the problem can be formulated in some obvious way as an integer program, the "fractional" version corresponds to the linear program obtained by dropping the integrality constraints. Often it's possible to transform a fractional solution into an integral one by rounding, often in a randomized manner.


SGM Disparity subpixel estimation - how to?

Some weeks ago I've implemented a simple block matching stereo algorithm but the results had been bad. So I've searched on the Internet to find better algorithms. There I found the semi global matching (SGM), published by Heiko Hirschmueller. It gets one of the best results in relation to its processing time.
I've implemented the algorithm and got really good results (compared to simple block matching) as you can see here:
I've reprojected the 2D points to 3D by using the calculated disparity values with the following result
At the end of SGM I have an array with aggregated costs for each pixel. The disparity is equivalent to the index with the lowest cost value.
The problem is, that searching for the minimum only returns discrete values. This results in individually layers in the point-cloud. In other words: Round surfaces are cut into many layers (see point cloud).
Heiko mentioned in his paper, that it would be easy to get sub-pixel accuracy by fitting a polynomial function into the cost array and take the lowest point as disparity.
The problem is not bound to stereo vision, so in other words the task is the following:
given: An array of values, representing a polynomial function.
wanted: The lowest point of the polynomial function.
I don't have any idea how to do this. I need a fast algorithm, because I have to run this code for every pixel in the Image
For example: 500x500 Pixel with 60-200 costs each => Algorithm has to run 15000000-50000000 times!!).
I don't need a real time solution! My current SGM implementation (L2R and R2L matching, no cuda or multi-threading yet) takes about 20 seconds to process an image with 500x500 pixels ;).
I don't ask for libraries! I try to implement my own independent computer vision library :).
Thank you for your help!
With kind regards,
Finding the exact lowest point in a general polynomial is a hard problem, since it is equivalent to finding the root of the derivative of the polynomial. In particular, if your polynomial is of degree 6, the derivative is a quintic polynomial, which is known not to be solvable by radical. You therefore need to either: fit the function using restricted families for which computing the roots of the derivatives e.g. the integrals of prod_i(x-ri)p(q) where deg(p)<=4, OR
using an iterative method to find an APPROXIMATE minimum, (newton's method, gradient descent).

Reasonable bit string size for genetic algorithm convergeance

In a typical genetic algorithm, is there any guideline for estimating the generations required to converge given the amount of entropy in the description of an individual in the population?
Also, I suppose it is reasonable to also require the number of offspring per generation and rate of mutation, but adjustment of those parameters is of less interest to me at the moment.
Well, there are not any concrete guidelines in the form of mathematical models, but there are several concepts that people use to communicate about parameter settings and advice on how to choose them. One of these concepts is diversity, which would be similar to the entropy that you mentioned. The other concept is called selection pressure and determines the chance an individual has to be selected based on its relative fitness.
Diversity and selection pressure can be computed for each generation, but the change between generations is very difficult to estimate. You would also need models that predict the expected quality of your crossover and mutation operator in order to estimate the fitness distribution in the next generation.
There have been work published on these topics very recently:
* Chicano and Alba. 2011. Exact Computation of the Expectation Curves of the Bit-Flip Mutation using Landscapes Theory
* Chicano, Whitley, and Alba. 2012. Exact computation of the expectation curves for uniform crossover
Is your question resulting from a general research interest or do you seek practical guidence?
No. If you define a mathematical model of the algorithm (initial population, combination function, mutation function) you can use normal mathematical methods to calculate what you want to know, but "typical genetic algorithm" is too vague to have any meaningful answer.
If you want to set the hyperparameters of some genetic algorithm (eg number of "DNA" bits) than this is typically done in the usual way for any machine learning algorithm, with a cross validation set.

Lack of diversification, is it really a drawback of Genetic Algorithms?

We know that Genetic Algorithms (or evolutionary computation) work with an encoding of the points in our solution space Ω rather than these points directly. In the literature, we often find that GAs have the drawback : (1) since many chromosomes are coded into a similar point of Ω or similar chromosomes have very different points, the efficiency is quite low. Do you think that is really a drawback ? because these kind of algorithms uses the mutation operator in each iteration to diversify the candidate solutions. To add more diversivication we simply increase the probability of crossover. And we mustn't forget that our initial population ( of chromosones ) is randomly generated ( another more diversification). The question is, if you think that (1) is a drawback of GAs, can you provide more details ? Thank you.
Mutation and random initialization are not enough to combat the problem that is known as genetic drift which is the major problem of genetic algorithms. Genetic drift means that the GA may quickly lose most of its genetic diversity and the search proceeds in a way that is not beneficial for crossover. This is because the random initial population quickly converges. Mutation is a different thing, if it is high it will diversify, true, but at the same time it will prevent convergence and the solutions will remain at a certain distance to the optimum with higher probability. You will need to adapt the mutation probability (not the crossover probability) during the search. In a similar manner the Evolution Strategy, which is similar to a GA, adapts the mutation strength during the search.
We have developed a variant of the GA that is called OffspringSelection GA (OSGA) which introduces another selection step after crossover. Only those children will be accepted that surpass their parents' fitness (the better, the worse or any linearly interpolated value). This way you can even use random parent selection and put the bias on the quality of the offspring. It has been shown that this slows the genetic drift. The algorithm is implemented in our framework HeuristicLab. It features a GUI so you can download and try it on some problems.
Other techniques that combat genetic drift are niching and crowding which let the diversity flow into the selection and thus introduce another, but likely different bias.
EDIT: I want to add that the situation of having multiple solutions with equal quality might of course pose a problem as it creates neutral areas in the search space. However, I think you didn't really mean that. The primary problem is genetic drift, ie. the loss of (important) genetic information.
As a sidenote, you (the OP) said:
We know that Genetic Algorithms (or evolutionary computation) work with an encoding of the points in our solution space Ω rather than these points directly.
This is not always true. An individual is coded as a genotype, which can have any shape, such as a string (genetic algorithms) or a vector of real (evolution strategies). Each genotype is transformed into a phenotype when assessing the individual, i.e. when its fitness is calculated. In some cases, the phenotype is identical to the genotype: it is called direct coding. Otherwise, the coding is called indirect. (you may find more definitions here (section 2.2.1))
Example of direct encoding:
Example of indirect encoding:
Suppose you want to optimize the size of a rectangular parallelepiped dened by its length, height and width. To simplify the example, assume that these three quantities are integers between 0 and 15. We can then describe each of them using a 4-bit binary number. An example of a potential solution may be to genotype 0001 0111 01010. The corresponding phenotype is a parallelepiped of length 1, height 7 and width 10.
Now back to the original question on diversity, in addition to what DonAndre said you could read you read chapter 9 "Multi-Modal Problems and Spatial Distribution" of the excellent book Introduction to Evolutionary Computing written by A. E. Eiben and J. E. Smith. as well as a research paper on that matter such as Encouraging Behavioral Diversity in Evolutionary Robotics: an Empirical Study. In a word, diversity is not a drawback of GA, it is "just" an issue.

Create a function for given input and ouput

Imagine, there are two same-sized sets of numbers.
Is it possible, and how, to create a function an algorithm or a subroutine which exactly maps input items to output items? Like:
Input = 1, 2, 3, 4
Output = 2, 3, 4, 5
and the function would be:
f(x): return x + 1
And by "function" I mean something slightly more comlex than [1]:
if x == 1: return 2
if x == 2: return 3
if x == 3: return 4
if x == 4: return 5
This would be be useful for creating special hash functions or function approximations.
What I try to ask is to find out is whether there is a way to compress that trivial mapping example from above [1].
Finding the shortest program that outputs some string (sequence, function etc.) is equivalent to finding its Kolmogorov complexity, which is undecidable.
If "impossible" is not a satisfying answer, you have to restrict your problem. In all appropriately restricted cases (polynomials, rational functions, linear recurrences) finding an optimal algorithm will be easy as long as you understand what you're doing. Examples:
polynomial - Lagrange interpolation
rational function - Pade approximation
boolean formula - Karnaugh map
approximate solution - regression, linear case: linear regression
general packing of data - data compression; some techniques, like run-length encoding, are lossless, some not.
In case of polynomial sequences, it often helps to consider the sequence bn=an+1-an; this reduces quadratic relation to linear one, and a linear one to a constant sequence etc. But there's no silver bullet. You might build some heuristics (e.g. Mathematica has FindSequenceFunction - check that page to get an impression of how complex this can get) using genetic algorithms, random guesses, checking many built-in sequences and their compositions and so on. No matter what, any such program - in theory - is infinitely distant from perfection due to undecidability of Kolmogorov complexity. In practice, you might get satisfactory results, but this requires a lot of man-years.
See also another SO question. You might also implement some wrapper to OEIS in your application.
Mostly, the limits of what can be done are described in
complexity theory - describing what problems can be solved "fast", like finding shortest path in graph, and what cannot, like playing generalized version of checkers (they're EXPTIME-complete).
information theory - describing how much "information" is carried by a random variable. For example, take coin tossing. Normally, it takes 1 bit to encode the result, and n bits to encode n results (using a long 0-1 sequence). Suppose now that you have a biased coin that gives tails 90% of time. Then, it is possible to find another way of describing n results that on average gives much shorter sequence. The number of bits per tossing needed for optimal coding (less than 1 in that case!) is called entropy; the plot in that article shows how much information is carried (1 bit for 1/2-1/2, less than 1 for biased coin, 0 bits if the coin lands always on the same side).
algorithmic information theory - that attempts to join complexity theory and information theory. Kolmogorov complexity belongs here. You may consider a string "random" if it has large Kolmogorov complexity: aaaaaaaaaaaa is not a random string, f8a34olx probably is. So, a random string is incompressible (Volchan's What is a random sequence is a very readable introduction.). Chaitin's algorithmic information theory book is available for download. Quote: "[...] we construct an equation involving only whole numbers and addition, multiplication and exponentiation, with the property that if one varies a parameter and asks whether the number of solutions is finite or infinite, the answer to this question is indistinguishable from the result of independent tosses of a fair coin." (in other words no algorithm can guess that result with probability > 1/2). I haven't read that book however, so can't rate it.
Strongly related to information theory is coding theory, that describes error-correcting codes. Example result: it is possible to encode 4 bits to 7 bits such that it will be possible to detect and correct any single error, or detect two errors (Hamming(7,4)).
The "positive" side are:
symbolic algorithms for Lagrange interpolation and Pade approximation are a part of computer algebra/symbolic computation; von zur Gathen, Gerhard "Modern Computer Algebra" is a good reference.
data compresssion - here you'd better ask someone else for references :)
Ok, I don't understand your question, but I'm going to give it a shot.
If you only have 2 sets of numbers and you want to find f where y = f(x), then you can try curve-fitting to give you an approximate "map".
In this case, it's linear so curve-fitting would work. You could try different models to see which works best and choose based on minimizing an error metric.
Is this what you had in mind?
Here's another link to curve-fitting and an image from that article:
It seems to me that you want a hashtable. These are based in hash functions and there are known hash functions that work better than others depending on the expected input and desired output.
If what you want a algorithmic way of mapping arbitrary input to arbitrary output, this is not feasible in the general case, as it totally depends on the input and output set.
For example, in the trivial sample you have there, the function is immediately obvious, f(x): x+1. In others it may be very hard or even impossible to generate an exact function describing the mapping, you would have to approximate or just use directly a map.
In some cases (such as your example), linear regression or similar statistical models could find the relation between your input and output sets.
Doing this in the general case is arbitrarially difficult. For example, consider a block cipher used in ECB mode: It maps an input integer to an output integer, but - by design - deriving any general mapping from specific examples is infeasible. In fact, for a good cipher, even with the complete set of mappings between input and output blocks, you still couldn't determine how to calculate that mapping on a general basis.
Obviously, a cipher is an extreme example, but it serves to illustrate that there's no (known) general procedure for doing what you ask.
Discerning an underlying map from input and output data is exactly what Neural Nets are about! You have unknowingly stumbled across a great branch of research in computer science.

Algorithm to optimize parameters based on imprecise fitness function

I am looking for a general algorithm to help in situations with similar constraints as this example :
I am thinking of a system where images are constructed based on a set of operations. Each operation has a set of parameters. The total "gene" of the image is then the sequential application of the operations with the corresponding parameters. The finished image is then given a vote by one or more real humans according to how "beautiful" it is.
The question is what kind of algorithm would be able to do better than simply random search if you want to find the most beautiful image? (and hopefully improve the confidence over time as votes tick in and improve the fitness function)
Given that the operations will probably be correlated, it should be possible to do better than random search. So for example operation A with parameters a1 and a2 followed by B with parameters b1 could generally be vastly superior to B followed by A. The order of operations will matter.
I have tried googling for research papers on random walk and markov chains as that is my best guesses about where to look, but so far have found no scenarios similar enough. I would really appreciate even just a hint of where to look for such an algorithm.
I think what you are looking for fall in a broad research area called metaheuristics (which include many non-linear optimization algorithms such as genetic algorithms, simulated annealing or tabu search).
Then if your raw fitness function is just giving a statistical value somehow approximating a real (but unknown) fitness function, you can probably still use most metaheuristics by (somehow) smoothing your fitness function (averaging results would do that).
Do you mean the Metropolis algorithm?
This approach uses a random walk, weighted by the fitness function. It is useful for locating local extrema in complicated fitness landscapes, but is generally slower than deterministic approaches where those will work.
You're pretty much describing a genetic algorithm in which the sequence of operations represents the "gene" ("chromosome" would be a better term for this, where the parameter[s] passed to each operation represents a single "gene", and multiple genes make up a chromosome), the image produced represents the phenotypic expression of the gene, and the votes from the real humans represent the fitness function.
If I understand your question, you're looking for an alternative algorithm of some sort that will evaluate the operations and produce a "beauty" score similar to what the real humans produce. Good luck with that - I don't think there really is any such thing, and I'm not surprised that you didn't find anything. Human brains, and correspondingly human evaluations of aesthetics, are much too staggeringly complex to be reducible to a simplistic algorithm.
Interestingly, your question seems to encapsulate the bias against using real human responses as the fitness function in genetic-algorithm-based software. This is a subject of relevance to me, since my namesake software is specifically designed to use human responses (or "votes") to evaluate music produced via a genetic process.
Simple Markov Chain
Markov chains, which you mention, aren't a bad way to go. A Markov chain is just a state machine, represented as a graph with edge weights which are transition probabilities. In your case, each of your operations is a node in the graph, and the edges between the nodes represent allowable sequences of operations. Since order matters, your edges are directed. You then need three components:
A generator function to construct the graph of allowed transitions (which operations are allowed to follow one another). If any operation is allowed to follow any other, then this is easy to write: all nodes are connected, and your graph is said to be complete. You can initially set all the edge weights to 1.
A function to traverse the graph, crossing N nodes, where N is your 'gene-length'. At each node, your choice is made randomly, but proportionally weighted by the values of the edges (so better edges have a higher chance of being selected).
A weighting update function which can be used to adjust the weightings of the edges when you get feedback about an image. For example, a simple update function might be to give each edge involved in a 'pleasing' image a positive vote each time that image is nominated by a human. The weighting of each edge is then normalised, with the currently highest voted edge set to 1, and all the others correspondingly reduced.
This graph is then a simple learning network which will be refined by subsequent voting. Over time as votes accumulate, successive traversals will tend to favour the more highly rated sequences of operations, but will still occasionally explore other possibilities.
The main advantage of this approach is that it's easy to understand and code, and makes very few assumptions about the problem space. This is good news if you don't know much about the search space (e.g. which sequences of operations are likely to be favourable).
It's also easy to analyse and debug - you can inspect the weightings at any time and very easily calculate things like the top 10 best sequences known so far, etc. This is a big advantage - other approaches are typically much harder to investigate ("why did it do that?") because of their increased abstraction. Although very efficient, you can easily melt your brain trying to follow and debug the convergence steps of a simplex crawler!
Even if you implement a more sophisticated production algorithm, having a simple baseline algorithm is crucial for sanity checking and efficiency comparisons. It's also easy to tinker with, by messing with the update function. For example, an even more baseline approach is pure random walk, which is just a null weighting function (no weighting updates) - whatever algorithm you produce should perform significantly better than this if its existence is to be justified.
This idea of baselining is very important if you want to evaluate the quality of your algorithm's output empirically. In climate modelling, for example, a simple test is "does my fancy simulation do any better at predicting the weather than one where I simply predict today's weather will be the same as yesterday's?" Since weather is often correlated on a timescale of several days, this baseline can give surprisingly good predictions!
One disadvantage of the approach is that it is slow to converge. A more agressive choice of update function will push promising results faster (for example, weighting new results according to a power law, rather than the simple linear normalisation), at the cost of giving alternatives less credence.
This is equivalent to fiddling with the mutation rate and gene pool size in a genetic algorithm, or the cooling rate of a simulated annealing approach. The tradeoff between 'climbing hills or exploring the landscape' is an inescapable "twiddly knob" (free parameter) which all search algorithms must deal with, either directly or indirectly. You are trying to find the highest point in some fitness search space. Your algorithm is trying to do that in less tries than random inspection, by looking at the shape of the space and trying to infer something about it. If you think you're going up a hill, you can take a guess and jump further. But if it turns out to be a small hill in a bumpy landscape, then you've just missed the peak entirely.
Also note that since your fitness function is based on human responses, you are limited to a relatively small number of iterations regardless of your choice of algorithmic approach. For example, you would see the same issue with a genetic algorithm approach (fitness function limits the number of individuals and generations) or a neural network (limited training set).
A final potential limitation is that if your "gene-lengths" are long, there are many nodes, and many transitions are allowed, then the size of the graph will become prohibitive, and the algorithm impractical.
