WebCenter Installation - installation

Typically, how long should it take to install the Oracle WebCenter Suit?
We have a team of 3 developers trying to install WCS, however, it seems to be taking a little too long.

It really hard to say without any environment info like db version, cluster, network, load balancing etc...
Normally, for a local development installation, with correct database and os version, and a little bit luck, bringing up a standalone webcenter stack should be around 1-3 days.
If your developers are really stuck with the installation. I would suggest to get a Oracle pre-built VM for a good start without holding the enviroment
Oracle WebCenter Portal VM

It really depends, but assuming a local, non clustered content install, you should be able to knock it out in a few hours.
Some factors that can extend the process:
web tier installation
slow x11 over VPN
networking issues
not doing a proper pre-install checklist (e.g., not having credentials ready)
I've seen it take as long as a week for a non-expert to install.
Update if you have any specific questions.


Is there an editor out there that allows me to test PL/SQL scripts without a connection?

I work at a facility that does not allow me access to a Oracle Database offsite. So I can't connect to the server through a Oracle client connection right now, because of COVID I'm forced to work from home.
I'm required right now to write a PL/SQL script that will update records across the entire database, however I don't know anything about setting up a test environment on my home computer so that I can run the script in a controlled environment to test it before I bring it back on site.
At one of my previous jobs, they had a PROD, PREPROD, and so forth copies of Oracle databases that one could run the script on before I sent it up the chain to production. The setup we're using doesn't have that, just the production database and thus we have the problem with our workflow that we have one shot to get it right.
So my question is, is there an editor out there for Oracle that will allow me to create a test database, so that I can run the script on that, see the results, edit it to make it work right, before I bring it back to work and run it on our production server? I'm opposed to installing a full Oracle database implementation on my own computer for licensing reasons and/or honestly I don't know what I'm doing setting up an Oracle server on my own (Tried it, couldn't even find documentation on it).
Oracle Express Edition (XE) is free so - no licensing reasons here.
If you want, you can download pre-configured Virtual Box machine which has the database already installed, along with SQL Developer GUI tool to access it so you're up and running in a matter of minutes.
Alternatively, create an account on https://apex.oracle.com/en/; it is also free, gives you certain quota (was 25MB, don't know how much is it now, possibly somewhat more than that) which is enough to try your queries.
Or, use https://dbfiddle.uk/
As you can see, there are various options; pick the one that suits you best.

Installing Oracle Database (Real Application Cluster) on Windows 10. Confused about Oracle Grid Infrastructure and X Windows requirements

I'm learning Oracle & SQL and I'm doing a project. I'd like it if someone could check the conclusion I've come to as a result of my research and tell me if I'm doing this right.
TL;DR question: i'm using Windows 10 and i want to build a (small) database on someone else's computer that I can access remotely. Do i need to install Linux in order to do this?
My goal: to set up a database on a computer that multiple people (like 3 max including me) can access. I would access it from a different computer that it's installed on.
My reading of the Oracle documentation has lead me to think that I need to do the following steps:
DL Oracle using the Real Application Cluster installation rather than the single instance installation. This is because I want to be able to access the database remotely and possibly use it while another user is using it.
To click that setting, I need to install the Oracle Grid Infrastructure. In order to do that I need to configure the user's environment (source: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18248_01/doc/install.112/e16763/pre_install.htm#BABIBGFA) and in order to do that i need X Windows. To use X Windows on my Windows 10 system i need to install X Server.
Am i understanding this right? Why can't Oracle run on Windows?
Uh, I'm certainly not a DBA (perhaps you'd rather ask this question on SE for DBA), but - I think you overcomplicated it.
In my opinion, you don't need anything of what you mentioned. Not a single thing. No RAC / Grid Infrastructure / Linux / X Server. That's just a HUGE overkill.
Any Oracle database would do, even Express Edition (XE) which has the smallest footprint and would serve your needs. Documentation describes how to share your database with other people on the network, but - this short walkthrough will give you idea of what you should be paying attention to.

Is it possible to install CDH on a RHEL7 server where Hadoop and few other components are installed seperatly

I have an RHEL7 server in which i am trying to create a common datalake platform for POC and learning purpose. I have setup Hadoop,Hive,Zookeeper,Kafka,Spark,Sqoop separately.
Installing these components separately turns out to be a tricky affair and is taking lot of effort even though this is for an internal purpose and not production specific.
I am now trying to install CDH package in this Server now.
Is it possible to do so? Will it overlap with the current installations?
How can this be achieved.
Note: Reason why we went with separate installation is due to unavailability of internet in the server at that point of time.
Reason why going for CDH now is due to availability of internet for few days after some approvals plus CDH saves lot of time and effort and includes the
components required to setup a datalake.
Can someone please help me out here.
Yes it is feasible to setup CDH without disturbing existing configs with docker. Checkout the below link for setup guide. I have tested this and it works fine even if I have individual tools setup.

Issue with slony-I replication on postgres master and slave database

I have two system with OS windows 8 and windows XP. I installed the postgres plus advance server for database replication on both system. I followed this link for whole process.
But there is one issue with me to run the script written in .sk file extension. I have searched on google and stackoverflow but I didnot get any proper solution.
Can any one help me out to resolve this issue. If there is any query, frankly ask.
note:- this question may be duplicate on stackoverflow or any other.
Both are using on LAN and XP has domain admin account and windows 8 has local system admin account.
Typically the .sk files are scripts which are run through slonik. So something like
slonik myscript.sk
This being said, Slony-I is a very complex replication system and you are usually better off to look at streaming replication if your environment allows.

WAMP vs individually installing PHP, Apache, and MySQL

I am totally new to programming and to some new technologies. Right now I am using WAMP on my Windows Vista. For me, using WAMP is very convenient because I am gonna install once and no need for complicated configuration.
I was OK with it until someone told me that it's not good to use WAMP, EasyPHP, XAMPP, and MAMP because if one of the components such as MySQL crashes it won't work anymore. He said that it's best to install them separately and do a pain in the ass configure later.
Please advice.
For development and small low volume sites WAMP is just fine!.
If you are not reasonably experienced with installing configuring Apache, php and whatever SQL you are using then a WAMP package is still the better option as a suboptimal configuration is better than a broken one.
Once you are deploying to production and need to deal with larger transaction volumes and security issues then you should really install the components separately and custom configure for your particular needs.
However realistically if you get as far as a small/medium volume production application it will probably be deployed on a rented application infrastructure where all this will be done for you.
So yes stick with WAMP. Time is better spent getting your App right than learning the esoteric settings in the various config files.
WAMP has a clear goal: to provide a usable PHP environment directly out of the box. 0 configuration needed. 0 knowledge needed. You click and it works. If you are a newcomer, this is an obvious choice.
Configuring complex software like Apache and PHP is really difficult for a newcomer. If you're not actually going to use WAMP in a production environment, there is no reason you would have to touch the default configuration.
Making a separate installation for each of those components just doesn't make sense if you're discovering programming. When you're more experienced, you'll certainly enjoy editing obscure configuration files on a distant machine.
My advice is to go for WAMP on your development PC.
I don't think that the 'crash argument' is valid. It makes no difference if you install a bundle or single component - the problem is find the cause and to fix it. The bundles are designed for an easy start, the price to pay is that the configuration isn't meant for production use. I would prefer to learn using a local bundle and apply my knowledge/skills when I configure a production server (without any pain, because then I can).
WAMP--Windows Apache MySQL PHP
XAMPP--X(Multi OS) Apache MySQL PHP Perl
Wamp is better for newbies, To install, customize easily and learn the basic things in user friendly. Mainly on enabling the dll's in wamp is more easy than Xampp. But it will create many problems as kind of, when we restart the server it may not restarted properly and you need to do additional thing as restart your system or need to re-install wamp. The main drawback is, it support Windows Alone. Normally nowadays everyone prefer to go with Linux server as it have more security purpose. Hence if u develop using wamp, its useless for Linux Production Environment.
So i would suggest Xampp and its also a developer's choice.
It have more features than Wamp,
they are:
Supports Multi-OS
Filezilla FTP
It is better to restart the server separately for MySQL, Apache, Mercury, FTP.
For enabling the dll's in Xampp is not a hard task for developer and its a stable server.
