Script not logging to log file. Why? - bash

I have an expect/Tcl script as part of my bash script that logs into a remote router. Now, for testing purposes I am trying to handle the issue of time-out's. My problem is that the expect/Tcl script is not logging to my log file, and when it does it is logging everything the SSH connection is printing to my prompt which is not what I want.
Here's my expect script:
set timeout 5
set send_human {.1 .3 1 .05 2}
set myStamp [exec date +\[%d\/%m\/%Y\ \%T\]]
set log_file ~/mylogfile.log
spawn ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" "me\#$1"
expect {
"password: " { send -h "mypassword\r" }
"No route to host" { exit 1 }
timeout { send_log "\$myStamp Timed out to $1\n"]; exit 1 }
send -h "reboot in 1\r"
sleep 1
send -h "exit\r"
expect eof
Please bear in mind that this is part of a function within my bash script that is passed the router name, hence the argument $1.
Any ideas?

You want to use the log_file command, not set a log_file variable
log_file ~/mylogfile.log
Other notes:
Tcl has a very nice builtin command to handle time, don't need to call out to date:
set myStamp [clock format [clock seconds] -format {[%d/%m/%Y %T]}]
the # character is not special in Tcl/expect and does not need to be escaped:
spawn ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" "me#$1"
As noted, log_file logs a transcript of the session. Just to log specific messages, you can use plain Tcl:
/usr/bin/expect <<EOF
proc log_msg {msg {to_stdout no}} {
set log_line "[timestamp -format {[%Y-%m-%d %T]}] \$msg"
set fh [open ~/mylogfile.log a]
puts \$fh \$log_line
close \$fh
if {\$to_stdout} {puts \$log_line}
# ...
expect {
"No route to host" {
log_msg "No route to host" yes
exit 1
timeout { log_msg "Timed out to $1"]; exit 1 }
# ...
This opens and closes the log for each message, which adds a bit of overhead. If milliseconds are important, open the log in the global scope, and use the global variable holding the file hendle in the log_msg proc.


how to make command "ps" don't show password in expect script?

I have make an example as below. The password(mingps)is the shell variable. When execute the shell script, in the mean while, execute command "ps -ef", I found the result of "ps" showed the password(mingps). For security reason, I don't want to show the password when execute command "ps -ef". So how to hide it? Thanks in advance.
/usr/bin/expect <<EOF
set timeout 10
log_user 0
spawn /usr/bin/ssh $MalbanIP -l $MalbanLogin
expect {
-nocase "continue connecting (yes/no)?" {
send "yes\r"
expect "password:" {
send "$MalbanPwd\r"; set firstTime "false"; exp_continue
"password" {
if {$firstTime == "true"} {
send "$MalbanPwd\r"; set firstTime "false"
} else {
log_user 1; puts stdout "password is wrong"; log_user 0;
exit 1
expect "0-0-3"
log_user 1
send "$MalbanCmd \r"
set results \$expect_out(buffer)
expect "0-0-3" { send "exit\r" }
expect eof
exit 0
Option 1
The best way is to switch to using RSA keys to log in, as this will enable you to significantly strengthen your overall system security substantially. With that, you can probably avoid using Expect entirely.
Option 2
However, if you can't do that, the key to fixing things is to not pass it as either an argument or an environment variable (since ps can see both with the right options). Instead, you pass the password by writing it into a file and giving the name of that file to the Expect script. The file needs to be in a directory that only the current user can read; chmod go-rx will help there.
# Put this just before the spawn
set f [open $MalbanPwdFile]
set MalbanPwd [gets $f]
close $f
You might also need to put a backslash in front of the use of $MalbanPwd so that it doesn't get substituted by the shell script part too early.
Option 3
Or you could stop using that shell wrapper and do everything directly in Tcl/Expect.
set MalbanIP "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
set MalbanLogin "ming"
set MalbanPwd "mingps"
set MalbanCmd "netstat"
set firstTime true
set timeout 10
log_user 0
spawn /usr/bin/ssh $MalbanIP -l $MalbanLogin
expect {
-nocase "continue connecting (yes/no)?" {
send "yes\r"
expect "password:" {
send "$MalbanPwd\r"
set firstTime false
"password" {
if {$firstTime} {
send "$MalbanPwd\r"
set firstTime false
} else {
log_user 1
puts stdout "password is wrong"
log_user 0
exit 1
expect "0-0-3"
log_user 1
send "$MalbanCmd \r"
set results \$expect_out(buffer)
expect "0-0-3" { send "exit\r" }
expect eof
I suspect that this last option will work best for you in the longer term. It's definitely the simplest one (other than switching to RSA keys, which is what I've got deployed on my own infrastructure) and I think it is going to avoid some subtle bugs that you've got in your current code (due to substitution of variables at the wrong time).

How to pass a bash array into expect

I have a shell script that passes a array variable to expect. But, in the expect part, it only takes the first argument and says "couldn't read file --server: no such file or directory"
below is the example program:-
Here i want the complete value of ${CMPREQUEST_ARGS[#]} which is
cmpclient --ir --server --port 4040
echo "TEST:${CMPREQUEST[#]}:TEST" //echo prints the value of ${CMPREQUEST[#]} correctly.
expect -c "
log_file -noappend -a \"/srv/Log/log/cmpclient-$app_id.log\"
log_user 1
set RET_VAL 1
set timeout 86400
spawn \${CMPREQUEST[#]}
expect {
-re \"SUCCESS\:\ write\ X509\" {
set RET_VAL 0
timeout { set RET_VAL 1 }
exit \$RET_VAL
exit $?
I am getting this error in spawn
couldn't read file --server: no such file or directory
Please guide..Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
This boils down to quoting hell. Use a shell here-doc to hold the expect code, then you don't need to escape all the "interior" quotes. Your main issue is the spawn command, where you are preventing the shell from expanding the array.
Try this:
expect <<END_EXPECT
log_file -noappend -a /srv/Log/log/cmpclient-$app_id.log
log_user 1
set RET_VAL 1
set timeout 86400
spawn ${CMPREQUEST[#]}
expect {
-re {SUCCESS: write X509} {
set RET_VAL 0
timeout { set RET_VAL 1 }
exit \$RET_VAL
Only the expect variable RET_VAL needs to be protected from the shell.

Expect script return value

I'm including simple Expect commands within a Bash script (I know I could be just writing a pure Expect script, but I would like to get it to work from within Bash).
The script is below:
OUTPUT=$(expect -c '
spawn ssh
expect "password:"
send "dog\r"
Upon ssh'ing to the above address, it will return something of the form mihail911's password: on the prompt, so I think my expect line is valid.
When I run this my script does not print anything. It does not even show the password: prompt. In general, even if I manually provide an incorrect password, I will receive a Incorrect password-type response prompt. Why is nothing printing and how can I get my script to execute properly?
I have tried debugging by using the -d flag and it seems to show that at least the first expect prompt is being matched properly.
In addition, what values should I expect in the OUTPUT variable? When I echo this variable, it simply prints the first the first command of the expect portion of the script and then mihail911's password:. Is this what it's supposed to be printing?
OUTPUT=$(expect -c '
# To suppress any other form of output generated by spawned process
log_user 0
spawn ssh
# To match some common prompts. Update it as per your needs.
# To match literal dollar, it is escaped with backslash
set prompt "#|>|\\$"
expect {
eof {puts "Connection rejected by the host"; exit 0}
timeout {puts "Unable to access the host"; exit 0;}
send "root\r"
expect {
timeout {puts "Unable to access the host"; exit 0;}
-re $prompt
send "date\r"
# Matching only the date cmd output alone
expect {
timeout { puts "Unable to access the host";exit 0}
-re "\n(\[^\r]*)\r"
send_user "$expect_out(1,string)\n"
exit 1
echo "Expect's return value: $?"; # Printing value returned from 'Expect'
echo "Expect Output: $OUTPUT"
dinesh#MyPC:~/stackoverflow$ ./Meric
Expect's return value: 1
Expect Output: Wed Sep 2 09:35:14 IST 2015

Is it possible to access an expect-spawned process from other expect scripts, called in bash

I have an expect script that opens a telnet session and performs the authorization. After the authorization has been performed, I want to be able to call from bash other expect scripts, that perform various actions in the same session.
Is it possible?
Not exactly getting what you want because if you provide some code or script then batter but anyway i just having bash script which only open telnet session which is first part what you want now let me know what next part while gone through script so i can modify my script as you want.
set timeout 200
spawn telnet $1
expect "login:"
send "testuser\r"
expect "Password"
send "12345678\r"
;;;;;;;;;;;;;#rest of expect which you want
It is possible see below example:
set user "user"
set host "host"
set pass "password"
spawn telnet $host
set timeout 10
expect {
timeout {
puts "Unable to connect to $host"
exit 1
"login: " {
send -- "$user\r"
"assword: " {
send -- "$pass\r"
#Call the other expect script on host
send -- "./test.exp $user\r"
expect {
"($user)" {
puts "OK got it!"
And then the test.exp script which should be in users home directory on host
set name [lindex $argv 0]
puts "Welcome ($name)"

Run cat on remote computer and send output a variable using expect

I have a bash+expect script which has to connect via ssh to the remote comp (and i can't use ssh keys, need password identification in here), read the file there, find specific line with the "hostname" (like "hostname aaaa1111") and store this hostname into the variable to be used after while. How can i get the value of the "hostname" parameter? I thought that line content will be in $expect_out(buffer) variable (so i can scan it and analyze), but it's not. My script is:
----bash part----
/usr/bin/expect << ENDOFEXPECT
spawn bash -c "ssh root#$IP"
expect "password:"
send "xxxx\r"
expect ":~#"
send "cat /etc/rc.d/rc.local |grep hostname \r"
expect ":~#"
set line $expect_out(buffer)
puts "line = $line, expect_out(buffer) = $expect_out(buffer)"
...more script...
When i try to see line variable, i see only this: line = , expect_out(buffer) = (buffer) What is the right way to get the line from the file into the variable?
Or is it possible to open the file on the remote computer with expect, scan the file and get what i need to the variable?
Here there is an example:
# Send the prebuilt command, and then wait for another shell prompt.
send "$my_command\r"
expect "%"
# Capture the results of the command into a variable. This can be displayed,
set results $expect_out(buffer)
seems that it doesn't work in this case?
You might just want to try and do it all from expect, as expect can control bash.
The following should do what you've described. Not sure if this is exactly what you are trying to do.
# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec expect "$0" "$#"
spawn bash
send "ssh root#$IP\r"
expect "password:"
send "xxxx\r"
expect ":~#"
send "cat /etc/rc.d/rc.local |grep hostname \n"
expect ":~#"
set extractedOutput $expect_out(buffer)
set list [split $extractedOutput "\n"]
foreach line $list {
set re {(?x)
regexp $re $line total extractedValue
if {[info exists extractedValue] && [string length $extractedValue] > 1} {
set exportValue $extractedValue
break # We've got a match!
send "exit\r" # disconnect from the ssh session
if {[info exists exportValue] && [string length $exportValue] > 1}{
send "export VARIABLE $exportValue\r"
} else {
send_user "No exportValue was found - exiting\n"
send "exit\r"
exit 1
# now you can do more things in bash if you like
