jsPlumb multiple containment are not working together. is this bug? - jsplumb

I have following HTML
<div id="leftpanel">
<div id="top"></div>
<div id="middle"></div>
<div id="bottom"></div>
I am adding draggable through JS dynamically. And using following JS code to make them draggable.
jsPlumb.draggable($("#top .draggable"),{containment:"#top"});
jsPlumb.draggable($("#middle .draggable"),{containment:"#middle"});
jsPlumb.draggable($("#bottom .draggable"),{containment:"#bottom"});
It shows me draggble in right containers. But when I star dragging, it suddenly moves selected draggable into top container. And when I drag it outside of top container it don't let me.
I have tried setting position of draggable to : relative,absolute. But it dint solve the problem .
if I use
it works fine. But connections don't get dragged along with dvs. If I do following
then connections move along with divs but above mentioned problems occurrs ie div automatically moves to top conteiner.

in your jsfiddle you're not using jquery.jsPlumb-xxx-min.js


Angular Google Maps – polyline works on Stackblitz but not locally

I need to wrap a div tag inside of an agm-polyline so it will accommodate both an ngFor and ngIf directive on the same agm-polyline-point tags. Example:
<agm-polyline [strokeColor]="'blue'">
<div *ngFor="let waypoint of waypoints">
<agm-polyline-point *ngIf="boolean" [latitude]="waypoint.lat" [longitude]="waypoint.lng"></agm-polyline-point>
Adding the wrapped div results in the polyline no longer showing up in my browser when accessing on my computer from localhost:4200. However, when I run the code on Stackblitz it works perfectly.
Any ideas why this is happening? I've tried it locally on two versions of #agm/core (1.0.0 and 3.0.0-beta.0) with the same results each time.
Github is here.
Use ng-container instead of div.
When you use div tags, they are inserted into the DOM, which can interfere with the styling and structure of the page.
In contrast, ng-container tags are excluded from the DOM, but can use ngIf and other Angular constructs just as you are now.
<agm-map [latitude]="lat" [longitude]="lng">
<agm-polyline [strokeColor]="'blue'">
<ng-container *ngFor="let waypoint of waypoints">
<agm-polyline-point *ngIf="boolean" [latitude]="waypoint.lat" [longitude]="waypoint.lng"></agm-polyline-point>

What is the DOM structure of tooltips in Joomla 3?

I am using a form in a front-end view of my website. The labels of the input fields show hints/tooltips when hovering over them with the mouse. I would like to style these tooltips with the css of my front-end template. Therefore I need to know the DOM structure of these tooltips.
Somehow, I can not find any documentation about this and using 'Inspect element' in Google Chrome also doesn't help me, because the tooltip is removed as soon as I do not hover the label anymore while trying to inspect them.
Help is very much appreciated!
Default tooltips in joomla back office have this structure, I'm pretty sure that it is the same in front office :
<div class="popover fade right in">
<div class="arrow"></div>
<h3 class="popover-title">[TITLE]</h3>
<div class="popover-content">[TEXT]</div>

Want new divs to push down older divs dynamically

I have 3 divs parallel to each other holding some information. I want three new divs, in the same position as the previous ones (refer image), take the position of the last ones while pushing the same downwards.
I want this action to happen dynamically i.e. when someone enters information on the back-end module, the more recent information takes place of the older one.
I am pretty new to Ajax and jQuery but I am sure this is the way to go. Can someone please direct me to a suitable direction?
Image: http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/4149/us56.jpg
You are right, Ajax and jQuery can be the way to go.
Simplest solution is probably to put the three blocks into one div and call
on it. You can arrange the blocks how you want using CSS
<div id='parent-div'>
<div class="col left">Hello World</div>
<div class="col">Hello World</div>
<div class="col">Hello World</div>
Tried it out on jsFiddle, just have a look.
$('<div>new div</div>').insertBefore('#divName');

Create a horizontal scrolling div without defining a specific width?

Im trying to create a horizontally scrolling gallery but I would like to avoid defining the width on the div. Someone else is touching the html - I want her to be able to drop in as many li as possible without having to touch the css and redefining the width.
The mock site is here: rachelbeen.com/Carmen.
Safari recognizes where the content ends and stops the horizontal scroll - but firefox maintains that extra space as defined by the width:6600px; on the #gallery ul. How do I stop that from happening?
Would like to avoid plugins if possible and use only CSS.
I had the same problem and I tried this:
#full{margin:0 auto; overflow:auto; height:100%; width:1050px;}
// width is just for controlling the viewport.
#holder{float:left; margin-right:-30000px;}
.box{float:left; margin:2px;}
and HTML should be like:
<div id="full">
<div id="holder">
<div id="box1" class="box"></div>
<div id="box2" class="box"></div>
add many DIVs as you want and it'll make more space for you boxes without giving it a specific width. I hope it helps you.

Removing grey box when clicking on buttons or links or anything [duplicate]

With the Windows Phone 7 Browser, when the user clicks a link, it is shaded with a gray rectangle for approximately 0.5 seconds. This is fine in generally, however, if you have dynamic page behaviour, for example, clicking a link updates the DOM so that the link is no longer visible, the opaque gray rectangle lingers on the screen after the link itself has gone.
This looks pretty horrible!
Does anyone know how to disable this effect?
Add a meta tag in you head section in you html file.
<meta name="msapplication-tap-highlight" content="no" />
It should work.
The following solution seems to work (at least on the emulator). The gray shading needs the dimensions of the clicked element. If the element has zero width then there is no shading, while clicking the child elements still fires the element's click handler.
<div id="myLink" style="float:left">
<img src="images/myLinkIcon.png" style="position:absolute" />
<span style="position:absolute;left:50px">Click here</span>
// jQuery
$(function () {
$("#myLink").click(function () {
console.log("clicked on myLink");
The div can either float or be absolutely positioned. The child elements have to be absolutely positioned, otherwise the div acquires a width.
This works try using jquery
//write code that needs to executed in this area
I have used this in my project. It works fine to hide the grey shade, avoid using inline function in html pages ... using jquery this function works only when inner content is assigned to it.. eg
<div id="d1"><div id="d2"></div></div>
you can this for inner div like this
enjoy coding........jquery
The solution is to make 2 DIVs. Main div dont have width/height and this DIV is firing event and DIV inside have got size.
I've made with my friends working example inside phonegap project. Check link: https://github.com/sellupp/cordova-for-windows-phone-7-antidepressant
You are looking for: 1. gray area on tap
We're also handling problem with low responsivenes time. Check it out ;)
