Restrictions on Twilio trial account for receiving SMS? - sms

I have a Twilio trial account, and I've been testing a web app for receiving SMS. I've assigned a URL for the inbound SMS messages, and that's been working fine. So far I haven't encountered any limitations on how many SMS messages I can receive, how fast, or anything like that. I didn't find anything on the Twilio website about this, either.
What is the limit, if anything, that my trial account has on receiving SMS messages? I don't need to send a response to the SMS sender, so I'm not worried about the cost to send SMS, or the "Sent by Twilio" that gets appended to a sent SMS.

Here's some information from Twilio's Twitter (dates back to March 27, 2014):
"There is no time limit, you can go at your own pace (unless you outpace $30) . More free trial info:"
You can check your current balance here:


Twilio SMS delivery to DND number

I am sending SMS using Twilio API. During testing i found that it sometimes delivered message to the phone number but does not sends all the time. This is the case of DND activated numbers(Do Not Call List).
I knew this is because of Sender routing done by Twilio. When Twilio sends SMS using a number(only numeric sender-FROM), i received the message, but when it sends message using some alphanumeric sender(like DM-044138), it does not delivers the message.
Now my question is do we have any access to change this ? Can we set something that could guarantee the delivery even for the DND numbers ?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Your problem is you are sending it to India.
Please review the following.
This feature is only available when sending messages to supported countries
As you can see from the list below India is not a supported country.

SMS sent to Twilio aren't received according to logs

I'm currently working as a programmer analyst in a company and we built an app that send invites to an event by SMS with the help of the Twilio API.
Here's how it works:
When a new event is created, a phone number is reserved on Twilio through the API. Then, when people are invited in the app, a SMS is sent from the reserved phone number, here again through the API. People who get the SMS can answer to the SMS by “Yes” or “No”. Our app handles the answer of the person to see if he/she will be present or not at the event.
Most of the time, everything works. The phone number is reserved properly, the invites are sent to people, and answers are handled as expected.
But since few days, we're having some issues where answers to invites aren’t received in the app.
Here’s our investigation for now:
An event is successfully created in our app and phone number is reserved properly in Twilio.
Invites are sent properly to people by SMS.
Twilio logs are showing outbound SMS.
Invites are properly received by people.
When they answer to the invite, nothing occurs. Nothing is available in Twilio logs.
If I try to text an existing phone number of an event that is working, I can see the SMS in Twilio logs.
We checked, the problem is present with different carriers.
In summary, some of the phone numbers used aren’t receiving answers by SMS, while there isn't any problem with others.
We opened a ticket with the Twilio support and are currently investigating with them and I contacted the carrier of the cellphones used for testing, but I still want to ask you guys, in case anyone had a similar issue and could help.
I also have the same problem.
Use Case: Xfinity is setup for two-factor. Would like for 2-factor authentication to go to a Twilio number which will forward to myself and wife. When Xfinity sends the validation sms message it does not show up in the log or to the forwarded number. Sending messages from another mobile device works fine.
I use TwiML Bin for this. Here is the code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Message to="+1xxxxxxxxxx">{{From}}: {{Body}}</Message>

SMS containing links not delivered by some carriers

My web app sends an SMS text message to users in the US when they enter their phone number, using the Nexmo API. When the SMS contains a link, it does not get delivered to users if their carrier is Verizon or T-Mobile. For other carriers, such as Sprint and AT&T, it does get delivered. It does not generate error messages in any case with Nexmo and I still get charged for the text even if it gets blocked by the carrier.
I contacted Nexmo and they replied:
I would say it is very likely that the link in this sms caused a spam
filter to block this message, especially if other plain content
messages have been delivered to this number successfully. So the issue
with US LVNs is that they are intended for pure P2P traffic and this
is why sending a link might be suspicious and seen as a message
originated from an application. Unfortunately there is nothing we can
do about this as it is set by the US carriers.
These are not definitely not spam or marketing messages. How can I send a link in an SMS message and not get blocked?
I had the same issue recently. All major carriers have some basic checks in place which blocks the SMS from getting delivered if you use short links (e.g. The SMS will get delivered as long as you have a .com in the URL (e.g.
Well, I observed that some carriers mark it as spam if have "Some Message. Click Here http://example/somelink" format.
Removing "Click here" part worked for me.
i.e. "Some Message. http://example/somelink"
Got the same issue. I have been using twilio to a t-mobile phone in the US.
SMS Hello Alan, your code is: 146945 for is not working but
SMS Hello Alan, your code is: 146945 is working fine.

SMS receiving confirmation

I am trying out different things with Twilio, but open for other solutions with Nexmo, Tropo or Plivo.
Here's a situation, I am sending an SMS texts from a server to bunch of clients. I can get a status back: like queued, sending, sent, or failed. Here's what Twilio says about SMS sent status:
"Sent" indicates that your message was successfully sent into the SMS
network for delivery. However Twilio does not receive confirmation from
the destination carrier that the message was received, and this is not
a guarantee that the message has reached the intended device.
So, my question is: does Plivo, Tropo or Nexmo (or any other service that I missed) do anything like that? I mean, knowing that an SMS was received either by client directly, or client's carrier would be really important.
PS. I'm not even sure if it is possible
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
It's certainly possible with Nexmo - as the other answer and comment state, it's not possible with Twilio & Tropo. Plivo's docs look like their delivery receipts are similar to Nexmo's.
Nexmo sends a delivery receipt if it's supported by the carrier. In the US it's not, but internationally it is supported often. In those cases Nexmo will give your app a callback with a delivery receipt. You can also use the message ID to query for the message status.
This screencast shows checking the DLR from the dashboard, which is really just a UI on top of the API.
Kevin makes the point that this could be difficult if the message is bounced through multiple providers - one of Nexmo's focuses is getting as direct a connection as possible.
[Disclaimer: I do occasional developer evangelism for Nexmo.]
I'm a Tropo customer, and I've asked the same question, and so far, the answer's similar to what Kevin Burke gave for Twilio. It's hard to do, so there's no confirmation at this time. They do give some debugging information in the logs which is helpful with that first-hop negotiation, at least, even if it's hard to retrieve/parse easily. They are working on it, and have been very active adding new features.

Twilio SMS verify destination phone numbers and verification ID

I have two questions.
I am creating a website for a client I am trying to code in Twilio SMS tools for end users and for management. I have the request and response tools built so I am all set functionally. So the questions are:
A. Can I send SMS message to any phone number OR does every number I send an SMS have to be added to twilio and verified before I can freely send SMS? It would be nice if I could just collect my phone numbers from the end users and free them from the pain of the verification process.
B. If I must verify end users then can I send SMS messages to them with their verification code? Right now an automated message call is sent to the phone number that wants SMS updates and you have to key in a six digit verification code....AND then you can send that person SMS messages. The phone call is kind of awkward.
A. Once you have a regular Twilio account, you can send an SMS to any phone number. However, some phone numbers (e.g., most landlines) cannot accept an SMS. If you try to send an SMS to those numbers with your cellphone, you will probably get a message back from the carrier that the number cannot accept SMS. However, Twilio will report success in sending the message, even though the message obviously cannot be sent to that number, and you will get no indication that the message did not go through.
But, no, there is no need to specifically add the numbers as verified for them to work with Twilio.
You can use a service like (which Twilio told me about) to check if a phone number can receive SMS messages.
B. -- you do not need to verify end users through Twilio, although I do think there are restrictions on a Twilio trial account that will be removed once you have a paid Twilio account.
Twilio evangelist here
Once you upgrade, you can send a message to any phone number. While you are using a trial account, you have to verify a number in order to send a message to it. More info about how a trial account works is here:
Hope that helps.
Regarding verification: Twilio has a service that allows verifying phone numbers, including format, carrier, if it's mobile or landline, etc:
API Docs:
