Vimeo embedded video cannot be played in Firefox - firefox

Here is my config:
- Mac 10.9
- Firefox 28-29
My iframe containing the Vimeo video stays black and displays this error message:
< This video can't be played with your current setup. >
It works fine in all the other browsers.
Markup iframe:
<iframe src="//" width="960" height="540" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="0" kwframeid="1"></iframe>
Link to page:
PS : A friend told me it works fine for Firefox 29, Mac OS X 10.6.
So it looks like it is an OSX problem.

VIMEO support answered :
You need to have flash installed to watch Vimeo videos in Firefox on
OS X because they don't support h.264 playback.
Ah hum yes ok I just reinstalled my Mac a few days ago thats why...
But could they make their message more precise no?
Instead of a silly joke and
This video cannot be played with the current setup
I would have prefer
This video needs flash player installed to be played
Agree VIMEO team?

Can't comment yet because of lack of reputation, but there's something I think is worth sharing.
Chrome and Firefox have disabled Flash across the board. Users would have to update or reinstall Flash. This makes it worse for the situation mentioned in this post. Not so much for Chrome since it plays without using Flash, but definitely a problem for Firefox on Mac, which users may not know an update is necessary to view the Vimeo video.
Google and Mozilla pull the plug on Adobe Flash: Tech giants disable the program on browsers following 'critical' security flaw

I have Ubuntu 14 and the solution that worked for me was to install Adobe Flash!


Mac OS external monitor cannot play streaming video in Safari

I have a brand new MBP, I have tried everything that I can think of and googling and apple support is no help.
In safari 15.1 , a clean install of it, I cannot play streaming video on external monitor through thunderbolt.
If I have the MBP unplugged, it plays the video in safari no problem. However the moment that I hook up an external display, the video play back in safari does not work.
Edge, Chrome, Firefox, DuckDuck Go, and Opera all work fine. this is 100% a browser issue with Safari and Only while hooked up to an external monitor.
Any idea?

Video on Firefox Mac extremely sluggish

Even within the simplest html file, a video file is played extremely sluggished (about 8fps) in Firefox Mac. Other browsers/OS work fine. When i use the url of the video directly in the browser, no problem. I happens only when inserted into a html, using a standard html5-video.
Example of video url :
Using latest versions of MacOS High Sierra (Version 10.13.6) — Firefox Quantum 61.0.2 (64-bit)
Any idea ?
Thank you!
Ok i got it :
I had two attributes that were slowing it down drastically:
style="filter:brightness(108%);" (used to correct some rgb range interpretation) and... muted !
Beware that removing the muted blocks the video on Chrome. So i ended up building an exception on Firefox to remove the attribute muted.

Calling getUserMedia on Safari causes sound on mac os x to be silent for a second

As of Safari 11, they have started supporting WebRTC apis natively.
In my web application I am using navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia to get control of the microphone.
I noticed that, only in Safari, when my code calls getUserMedia, the sound on my computer gets low then comes back up to normal volume after a second.
I have tested this on another website:
When I loaded the website, I did not see the issue..
The site above only requests for video, but the code is very simple and not minified. I put a breakpoint right where it calls getUserMedia and added the constraint for audio and I was able to reproduce the issue.
Has anyone else had this problem? I am unable to find anything online describing this issue.
I am running Mac OSx El Capitan. I know I am out of date but people have told me that this happens on Sierra as well.
The same on High Sierra.
My guess is they try to avoid audio spikes or to go easy on the echo canceler.

HTML5 .mov video not working on *some* Safari + Mac

I have embedded HTML5 video(s) in a site - - where they work in Firefox, Chrome, IE9 (ahem, ahem) and Opera but not in Safari on some Macs. They even work in iPhone and Android.
On my iMac, it works fine. The .mov file even works on Windows + Safari combination, since we know we have to install Quicktime for that.
Worst part is, the video works in Safari browser directly - - but not on the page where it has been embedded.
I have tried every possible thing with web.config and IIS to add the MIME types as well.
Hope someone has some insight, because this is the only things remaining in completing off the project.
On Windows, <video> only works in Safari if QuickTime is installed. I don't know if this affects Macs also, but it could be the cause.

safari mac wont stream HTML5 video

I am having a very frustrating issue with HTMl5 video and safari/mac.
I am using html5 video throughout the site where needed and it works/plays on every browsers bar safari on a mac (its fine on safari windows and chrome mac for example)
The videos dont stream and only play once the entire file is downloaded. At first I thought it may be to do with the index of the file being at the end and not the beginning (link html5 video = safari wants to download it all) so i tried qtindexswapper but when loading the MP4 into the program it said the MOOV/Index was in the correct position.
Anyone have any idea why safari mac has this issue?
I've seen HTML5 be very picky with videos. They may play fine in a player, but not play or maybe play with no audio once embedded. This is usually due to a video not properly created/formatted. In most cases, re-creating the file in a professional level program alleviates the issue.
