get rpttextbox value - vb6

I have to generate report using Data report in vb6. I can able to set Data Source from table but the problem is i have a field that the value is decoded or encrypted i want to encode it so the value become readable.
Ill try to get the value of the rpttextbox that connected to my DB and i hide this textbox and i set rptlabel that will be hold the encode value of rpttextbox.
In sort rptlabel = encode(rpttextbox)
this is my code
Sections("Section1").Controls("lblencode").Caption = encode(Sections("Section1").Controls("rpttextbox_st").???)
how do i get the value of the rpttextbox? TY guys.

If you need to do any processing, reformatting, etc. between the data and the DataReport you can write a data source Class or UserControl to be the middleman (DataSourceBehavior property = vbDataSource).
See Creating a Data Source, Creating Data Sources, and related topics in the VB6 documentation.


getDispalyValue('field_name') is not working when in a UI Macro

I have a UI macro that fetches a list of records and displays them into a table above some form fields. I'm not using an embedded list because I want the table to read-only and so far, haven't found a way to make an embedded list read.
In my macro I have :
<g2:evaluate var="jvar_records" object="true" >
var gr = new GlideRecord(Tables.PTC);
<j2:while test="$[]">
<tr class="$[jvar_class]">
The field certifier and trip are Reference fields, that I want to get the dispaly value of. But they keep coming back as empty in the macro. It works in a background-script just fine.
If I just get the value jvar_records.getValue('certifier') it correctly gives me the sys_id.
What am I missing?
Am relatively certain that, outside of the <g2: evaluate> tag, Jelly is constrained to client side API. Client side GlideRecord doesn't have a getDisplayValue function.
What I would do is have your g2:evaluate actually loop through the records and build an array of normal JavaScript objects with just the values you will need, then return that array of objects as opposed to returning the GlideRecord object with query results.

Is there a generic way to access objects in UFT

My task is to check the value of data from the global data sheet within different UIs, each of them having lots of data.
My idea was to do this in a generic way.
I create a array with the objects name, which corresponds with the name of the data sheet column
And then I just compare the content
Browser("").Page("").GENERIC_TYPE(label).GetROProperty("value") = datasheet.GetParameter(label)
Is there such a Generic Type that works for WebEdit and WebList?
You can use WebElement and this is generic as all elements on the page are web elements.
If you are reading the objects from OR, then you might have to update the element type to WebElement and it's tidious (if you are dealing with multiple objects). So the alternative way is using the below approach.
Browser("").Page("").WebElement("xpath:=//*[#common_attribute=" + element_attribute_value + "]").GetROProperty("value") = datasheet.GetParameter(label)

DOORS DXL issue looping through a filtered dataset

I have a script in which I filter the data in a module by a certain attribute value. When I then loop through these objects, for now, I am displaying the absolute number of the objects in an infoBox. However, the script is displaying absolute numbers of objects that are not in the dataset. Upon further investigation, I found that the extra absolute numbers were for each table within the entire module. I can't figure out why the script would include these tables when they are not in the filtered module data. I have even tried manually filtering the module on this attribute value then use the "Tools -> Edit DXL" to loop through the resulting items and it still displays the numbers for the tables that are not included. Why would it do this?
Here's my code:
bm2 = moduleVar
Filter fltr = contains(attribute "RCR_numbers", sRCRNum, false);
filtering on;
set(bm2, fltr);
for oObj in document(bm2) do {
absNum = oObj."Absolute Number";
infoBox("Object #" absNum ".");
I have also tried removing the document cast so it says "for oObj in bm2 do" instead, but this doesn't change the output. Why is the code giving me objects that are not in the filter? Any help would be greatly appreciated since this is a high priority issue for my project and I'm out of ideas myself.
In the DOORS 9.6.1 DXL Reference Manual you can see that:
for object in document
Assigns the variable o to be each successive
object in module. It is equivalent to the for object in module loop,
except that it includes table header objects, but not the row header
objects nor cells.
So, you must either use for object in module or, within your existing loop, test the hidden attribute TableType - this will be set to TableNone for anything that is not part of a table, table headers included.

Storing Excel templates in my Access database

What I want:
I am working with an MS Access database to produce a report for the Ontario Professional Engineering University Accreditation board. The PEO have their templates in MS Excel and I MUST use their exact format.
I want to output the data from the Access DB to the Excel sheet (easy enough), but I want to copy their formatting when producing a new file. (I do NOT want to keep an empty template file and copy it each time).
So essentially I'm looking to somehow store the template in code. (Other suggestions are welcome!)
What I've tried:
Some of you will read this and think i'm an idiot. But what i tried was to get the data from excel on the MS Clipboard through the API Code and store the DataObject as (i was hoping) some sort of string.
But i could not preserve the formatting or cell shading from the original MS Excel template.
Any suggestions?...
You could store the Excel template(s) within the database by creating a table that includes an Attachment field
creating a record and saving the Excel template as an attachment to that record
and then using VBA code like this to save a new copy of the Excel document to disk whenever you need one:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Sub SaveReportTemplateToFile()
Dim cdb As DAO.Database, rowRst As DAO.Recordset, attachRst As DAO.Recordset2, attachField As DAO.Field2
Set cdb = CurrentDb
Set rowRst = cdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT TemplateFile FROM ReportTemplates WHERE ID=1")
Set attachRst = rowRst.Fields("TemplateFile").Value
Set attachField = attachRst.Fields("FileData")
attachField.SaveToFile "C:\Users\Gord\Desktop\" & attachRst.Fields("FileName").Value
Set attachField = Nothing
Set attachRst = Nothing
Set rowRst = Nothing
Set cdb = Nothing
End Sub
What you are going to have to do is first export all the data into a new sheet of an empty template, then link all the data to the correct place on the template and then remove the sheet with all the data, keeping the data on the template.
As far as I know there is no quicker way to do this, but here is an example:
It will be quite a job, but doable, if the template is well setup.

What is the relationship between CGPDFContext and CGPDFDocument?

My understanding of this was that perhaps CGPDFContext is to be used for editing PDF document data and CGPDFDocument is used for storing it, since the documentation doesn't list any ways to alter the content of a CGPDFDocument.
I'm also not quite sure what CGDataConsumer/Provider does. From reading the documentation I got the impression that the consumer/provider abstracts the relationship between the CG object and the CFData it writes to; so I don't have to do that myself. So I figured the following code would create a two page blank PDFdocument:
//Don't know exactly how large a PDF is so I gave it 1 MB for now
self->pdfData = CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 1024);
self->consumerRef = CGDataConsumerCreateWithCFData(self->pdfData);
self.pdfRef = CGPDFContextCreate(self->consumerRef, NULL, NULL);
CGPDFContextBeginPage(self.pdfRef, NULL); //Creates a blank page?
CGPDFContextBeginPage(self.pdfRef, NULL); //Creates a second blank page?
//Copies the data from pdfRef's consumer into docRef's provider?
self.docRef = CGPDFDocumentCreateWithProvider(
CFDataCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, self->pdfData)
It didn't work though, and NSLogging the first two pages of docRef returns NULL. I'm rather new at this, the C-Layer stuff in particular. Can someone explain to me the relationship between CGPDFContext, CGPDFDocument, CGDataConsumer & CGDataProvider and how I'd use them to create a blank PDF?
Your basic understanding is correct as far as I can see:
A CGPDFContext is a drawing context that "translates" everything that is drawn onto it to PDF instructions (typically for storage in a PDF file).
A CGPDFDocument is used to open an existing PDF file and get information from it.
When you want to create your own PDF file, you have two ways to do it as described here:
Use "CGPDFContextCreate" which you pass a data consumer. The data consumer gets the data and can do with it as it pleases (you could create a data consumer that passes the PDF onto the clipboard for example).
Use "CGPDFContextCreateWithURL" which you pass a URL. In that case your data will be written to a PDF file at that URL.
If you want to use these functions, have a look at this page which explains in detail how to create PDF files with a data provider and without (simply to a PDF).
To figure out what is happening I would start by trying to write a simple PDF file to disk before writing one to a data provider and then using that data provider immediately to read it again. Without trying your code however, let me point out that you didn't use "CGPDFContextClose" which is described in the document as closing the PDF document and flushing all information to output. You could actually having a situation where stuff is cached and not written to your data provider yet, simply because you haven't forced that.
