`itemLimit` count is off after deleting images with scaled versions - fine-uploader

I am using the following and having an issue you delete an image that was uploaded.
The itemLimit is set to 6 since there are "3" image per uploaded item.
hideScaled: true
so it is only showing the one thumbnail with a single delete button.
How can I get the system to delete the three images form the internal object.
This happens if up upload images and delete a couple of times.
session: {
endpoint: 'imageStatus.cfm',
params : {transaction_id : 11205}
debug: true,
request: {
endpoint: 'upload.cfm',
params : {details : "2_250/786_05072014|4483|786|11205|2"}
validation: {
itemLimit: 6,
allowedExtensions: ["jpeg", "jpg", "gif" , "png"],
sizeLimit: 8000000 // 8 MiB
messages : {
tooManyItemsError : "Sorry but you are only able to upload 2 images"
deleteFile: {
enabled: true, // defaults to false
endpoint: 'upload_delete.cfm',
method: 'post',
params : {wallid : "786"}
retry: {
enableAuto: false
scaling: {
sendOriginal: true,
hideScaled: true,
sizes: [
{name: "THUMB_XX", maxSize: 113},
{name: "FULLIMAGE", maxSize: 450}

You can use the onDelete callback to manually delete the scaled images. When you hide the scaled images, the Id of the original image will be the highest id. So for instance, if you upload a single file, the original file will have an id=2, and the scaled images will have an id=1 and id=0. If you upload a 2nd image, the original id would be 5, and the scaled images would be 3 and 4.
You just need to detect which id is being delete, and then use the callback to also delete the previous 2 id's.
The following example should do the trick:
validation: {
allowedExtensions: ["gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png", "bmp"],
acceptFiles: "image/gif, image/jpeg, image/png, image/bmp",
sizeLimit: 5000000,
itemLimit: 6
deleteFile: {
enabled: true,
endpoint: "/MyEndPoint/DeleteImage",
method: 'POST',
scaling: {
sendOriginal: true,
hideScaled: true,
sizes: [
{ name: "small", maxSize: 350 },
{ name: "large", maxSize: 800 },
callbacks: {
onDelete: function (id) {
if (id == 2)
$("#fine-uploader").fineUploader("deleteFile", 0);
$("#fine-uploader").fineUploader("deleteFile", 1);
else if (id = 5)
$("#fine-uploader").fineUploader("deleteFile", 3);
$("#fine-uploader").fineUploader("deleteFile", 4);

The documentation is serious when it says that the hideScaled option literally only hides the scaled file items in the UI. If you elect to hide these items AND you are using a strict itemLimit, you'll need to listen for delete status changes for the original files and trigger code that deletes the scaled items as well through the API.


Highstock dataGrouping not working with live data

I am currently working on a project for my company, where I need to plot highstock charts, which show energy-data of our main buildings.
Since it is live data, new datapoints come per Websocket every few-or-so seconds. However, the graph should only show one datapoint every hour. I wanted to clear this with the highstock dataGrouping, but it does not really work. It groups the points yes, but it still shows the „transmission“, the graph-line, between them. Thus making the whole graph completely irreadable.
In an other Version of the project, the graph only shows the latest datapoint of each group (as specified in the „approximate“ object in the chart options), but also does not start a new group after the chosen Interval runs through.
I've been sitting on this problem for about 3 days now and have not found any proper completely working solution yet.
Unfortunately, due company policy and due to hooks and components necessary, which are only used here in the company, I'm not able to give you a jsfilddle or similar, even though I'd really love to. What I can do is give you the config, mabye you find something wrong there?
const options = {
plotOptions: {
series: {
dataGrouping: {
anchor: 'end',
approximation: function (groupData: unknown[]) {
return groupData[groupData.length - 1];
enabled: true,
forced: true,
units: [['second', [15]]],
marker: {
enabled: false,
radius: 2.5,
pointInterval: minutesToMilliseconds(30),
pointStart: currentWeekTraversed?.[0]?.[0],
This would be the plotOptions.
If you need any more information, let me know. I'll see then, what and how I can send it to you.
Thank you for helping. ^^
This is example how dataGrouping works with live data,
try to recreate your case in addition or use another demo from official Highcharts React wrapper page.
rangeSelector: {
allButtonsEnabled: true,
buttons: [{
type: 'minute',
count: 15,
text: '15S',
preserveDataGrouping: true,
dataGrouping: {
forced: true,
units: [
['second', [15]]
}, {
type: 'hour',
count: 1,
text: '1M',
preserveDataGrouping: true,
dataGrouping: {
forced: true,
units: [
['minute', [1]]
Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/sr3oLkvu/

KendoGrid - Filtering on a property of object

here is my KendoGrid :
$scope.gridEltCompoOptions = {
dataSource: {
transport: {
schema: {
model: {
id: 'IdElement',
fields: {
GroupeActes: { defaultValue: { IdGroupeActes: null, Libelle: ' ' } }
sortable: true,
resizable: true,
filterable: {
mode: 'row'
columns: [{
field: 'GroupeActes',
title: "Groupe d'actes",
template: function (dataItem) {
return kendo.toString(dataItem.GroupeActes.Libelle);
}, ]
I want to filter my field 'GroupeActes' on the property Libelle (GroupeActes is an object), but actually the filter take the entire object.
When i try to filter, i have a Js Error
Uncaught TypeError: (d.GroupeActes || "").toLowerCase is not a function
The problem is clear, the filter is taking the entiere object, not the property Libelle.
i passed the last 4 hours to try all the solutions i found on google but nothing is working
my object GroupeActes is like this :
var GroupeActes = {
GroupeActes : {
Libelle : ""
there is two groupeActes level
I saw a post in 2015 of an Admin, saying this kind of filter isn't possible,
but i saw also this kind of solution :
(if(e.field == "Category" && e.filter !== null){) in the example
i tried to do something like : if field == "groupeActes" => so i want to filter on Libelle properties,
but i didn't success
Can someone help me please ?
thank you so much
Have you looked at this article: https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/knowledge-base/enable-operations-for-object-column
I believe you can accomplish what you want by setting the column field to "GroupeActes.Libelle" instead of using a column template:
columns: [
field: 'GroupeActes.Libelle',
title: "Groupe d'actes",
See this DEMO:

jqgrid reading form element value and dynamically changing select option

I like to change the Type field drop down option depending on the inputs of Year and Level fields.
I am able to trigger an event when Level is change.
But how do I get the value of the Year field?
Portion of the code are as follows
{name:'Year',index:'Year', width:70,sortable:false,editable:true,align:'center',editoptions:{size:15, maxlength:4}, formoptions:{ rowpos:1, label: "Year (*)"},editrules:{required:true}},
{name:'Level',index:'Level', width:70,sortable:false,editable:true,align:'center',edittype: "select", editoptions: { value: '1:1;2:2;3:3;4:4;5:5;6:6', defaultValue:'1', dataEvents : [
'type' : 'change',
'fn' : function ( el ) {
// get the newly selected value from the user
var levelz = $(el.target).val(), yearz ;
var row = $(el.target).closest('tr.jqgrow');
var rowid = row.attr('id');
//yearz = ??
if (parseInt(levelz)==5 || parseInt(levelz)==6)
if (parseInt(yearz)>2017)
$("#gridmain").jqGrid('setColProp','Term', {editoptions: { value: '1:Sem 1;4:Sem 2;6:EY;9:OVR', defaultValue:'Sem 1'}} );
$("#gridmain").jqGrid('setColProp','Term', {editoptions: { value: '', defaultValue:''}} );
$("#gridmain").jqGrid('setColProp','Term', {editoptions: { value: '1:TA1/CT1;2:TA2-before 2013;3:MY/TA2/CT2;4:TA3/CT3;5:TA4-before 2013;6:EY/TA4/CT4;9:OVR;D:CW1;E:CW2;F:CW3;G:CW4', defaultValue:'TA1'}} );
}]}, formoptions:{ rowpos:2, label: "Level (*)"},editrules:{required:true}},
{name:'Term',index:'Term', width:70, sortable:false,editable: true,align:'center',edittype: "select", editoptions: { value: '1:TA1/CT1;2:TA2-before 2013;3:MY/TA2/CT2;4:TA3/CT3;5:TA4-before 2013;6:EY/TA4/CT4;9:OVR;D:CW1;E:CW2;F:CW3;G:CW4', defaultValue:'TA1'}, editrules: { required: true }, formoptions:{ rowpos:3, label: "Type"}},
The codes are from piecing together what I read from google search...
I face 2 issues:
1) I don't know how to get the Year value
2) The drop down option list doesn't seems to change. - hmm it seems that if I close the edit form and open again, the Type field drop down option changes. What I need is to change the option on the fly - wonder how this can be done...
After much googling, managed to get the ans from Oleg's post as shown here
Also from his example, I derive the year value:
var yearz = $("#Year.FormElement", form[0]).val();

Kendo-Grid column field validation

I am working on populating kendo--grid with APIs data but on adding validation on one field is automatically working for every other fields too.
Here is schema inside kendo-dataSource :
schema: {
model: {
id : "id",
fields: {
id: { editable: false, type: 'number'},
name: { editable: true, type : "string" },
unique_url: { editable: true , type: 'string'},
image_url : { editable: true, type : "string" },
title: {type : "string", validation: {
required: true,
validateTitle: function (input) {
console.log("I am inside validation",input.val());
if (input.val().length > 5) {
input.attr("data-validateTitle-msg", "Max length exceeded 5 characters only");
return false;
return true;
body: { editable: true, type : "string",validation: { max: 90, required: true, message : "Maximum characters should be 90"} },
adaccount_id: { editable: false, type: 'number'}
Here I have added validation for title field but its getting called for others fields too.
I am adding one snapshot of validation---
Please help me to find errors in it.
There isn't really any error in your code, but more like an error in Kendo Grid's validation design. Even though you specify the validation function only in the title field, it will run the validation globally for any input field that you edit.
In validateTitle you need to filter which input you want the validating function to run on. Something like this:
if (input.is("[name='title']") && input.val().length > 5) {
input.attr("data-validateTitle-msg", "Max length exceeded 5 characters only");
return false;
If you need a live working demo, you can always refer to Telerik's online demos that are editable, very handy for playing around with things. Here's the demo for custom validation where they similarly have to filter the input for the field name.
you want simply required field validation means just add your view model property attributes
[Required(ErrorMessage ="CountryCode is Mandatory")]
public virtual string CountryCode
We can easily set the maximum length using this code,It will not allow user to enter more characters than the specified one
model: {
id: "CLASSID",
fields: {
CLASSID: { type: "number" },
CLSNAME: { type: "string" },
type: "string", validation: {
required: true,maxlength:"3"
CLSSTATUS: { type: "boolean" }

KendoUI - Chart data labels

Is is possible to for the KendoUI Chart (Area) to have multiple data labels or even a concatenation of two? I need to display both a value and a percentage for each data point. Is this something that would need to be handled on the data source side or is it on the view?
Thanks for any help.
You can use templates to format both labels and tooltips; see labels.template and tooltip.template.
The key is to reference the Property you want using dataItem ex:
template: "${ category } - #= kendo.format('{0:C}', dataItem.TotalDollars)#"
The answer above wont really help unless you have a strong understanding of the Kendo UI framework. I was having a similar issue and before I found my answer I found this question. I circled back because the answer is simple and some simple example code is really simple. Lets save everyone some clicks.
DATA RESPONSE FROM REMOTE DATA (copy and past for local binding):
"ProgramName":"Amarr Garage Doors",
"ProgramName":"Monarch Egress Thermal Hinge C",
"ProgramName":"Monarch Egress Window Wells",
"ProgramName":"Monarch Premier V Egress Windo",
"ProgramName":"Organized Living Shelftech Ven",
**Chart Generation Code: **
function createChart() {
title: {
text: "Breakdown by Program"
legend: {
position: "right"
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
url: "GetFooData",
dataType: "json",
data: {
Year : 2014,
Quarter : 1,
series: [{
type: "pie",
field: "PercentageShare",
categoryField: "ProgramName"
tooltip: {
visible: true,
template: "${ category } - #= kendo.format('{0:C}', dataItem.TotalDollars)#"
