Magento Shipping method and discount Label are blank in invoice - magento

I found a very strange thing in Magento 1.8. If the shipping address is the same as the billing address, shipping method and discount label show correctly in invoice and new order email. But if the shipping address is different from the billing address, shipping method and discount label show blank in invoice and new order email.
See examples here: and

It is looking like during the order creation some of your code does not allow you to save the data in the discount and shipping metods table respect to order.
Or I would suggest you to see the code for the email teplate inside the locale.


Volusion Soft Add To Cart - Show cart Total instead of Subtotal

In the Volusion shopping carts "soft add to cart" feature, which is turned on in product options with "Enable Add To Cart Popup", the popup shows the "Subtotal" of products currently in the cart.
The issue is this Subtotal does not include quantity discounts and therefore shows customers a higher price than the actual Subtotal after discounts are applied.
For that reason, we would like to display the cart Total, which includes any quantity discounts applied.
The problem is, I cannot find a place where this can be done in the HTML we have access to and if I were to find it, I'm not sure of the proper Volusion syntax to use to call up the Total instead of the Subtotal.
I had a different issue, but the same problem (soft add to cart did not display the proper info).
In my case, we allow engraving on our products, for an additional charge, and when selected this option was not displayed in the popup cart. As a result, customers were not sure if they chose it or not.
My solution was to add a Shopping Cart block to the page, as part of the template, using jQuery.
If you call http://yourUrl/AjaxCart.asp you'll see the discount info you need in the JSON data, as well as the line items in the order.

identify cash on delivery is availble or not using zip/postal code check on product view page in magento

I want to add a textfield on "Product- view - page"
so that by entering zip/postal code, customer can check whether "cash on delivery " option is available in their address or not.
I have some 500 zip/pin codes that support cash on delivery.
I think you requirement is fulfilled using the get a quote block in your product-detail page.
Here is what you need to do:
Create a tablerate shipping method named Cash On Delivery and upload your csv with price.
Use the Get a Quote block that is in cart page in default, and place it in product detail page. This can be done from layout i guess.
Now after you get the Get a Quote in your product detail page.Show only zip code field and hide other field.
This could solve your problem,if i got it right.
Hope this will help.

How to Pass Order Details to the paypal-express-checkout in magento?

I am new to magento. I wanted order details to be shown on the paypal express checkout page on the left hand side of the order summary.currently only product name is saving.
How can I get products other details like price or total in magento?
Read the Express Checkout Integration Documentation.
To display the product information, you would need to specify the Payment Details Item Type Fields e.g.

Magento - Notification of refund order

In magento, how do we send the client a notification from the website that an order has been refunded? and can we update the status to show that it was refunded?
Magento version :
From the Magento User Guide. See Step 6 below for e-mail notification.
You can create a record of a product refund from an existing order by generating a
credit memo.
To view the list of refunds made in your web store:
From the Sales menu, select the Credit Memos option to display the Credit Memos page.
To refund a product from an existing order:
Note: You can create credit memos only for orders for which invoices were created. Without an invoice, an order is assumed not to be paid so that there is nothing to refund.
In the Admin Panel, select Sales > Orders to display a list of the existing orders.
Click the View link on the right side of the row of the desired order to display the
order view page.
Click the Credit Memo button to generate a credit memo.
Scroll down to the Items to Refund area, and in the Qty to Refund field of each
relevant product, specify the quantity of products to refund.
To specify that this product was actually returned to the web store, select the Return
to Stock check box.
6. (Optional) Select the Email Copy of Credit Memo check box to automatically send an email to the customer that the order has been refunded. You can also adjust the refund totals to match your business rules.
Managing Orders and Customers
Click the Refund button at the bottom of the page. The total of the order from which
this product was refunded is updated automatically.
Click the Back button to return to the orders page where you can create additional
orders, if required.
Note: Refunding an order in Magento CE does not cause an actual payment refund. You must refund the payment on your own. The credit memo is only a record used to track the refunds and to provide proper values in the reports.

Magento: Can't invoice, ship or complete zero dollar total orders

Our Magento store (1.7) has some promo codes that allow free orders to select individuals. The promo code works fine. The problem is that when the order comes in the backend we can't invoice or ship the orders with zero balance due. We used the "Free Shipping" payment method to complete the transaction.
The invoice and cancel buttons are missing from the order view page. The ship button is there but when I go to the shipping screen there is no submit shipment button.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem for orders with $0 total due?
