How to remove tweet photos from twitter widget? - image

to display and style my tweets on my website I use somethiong like this code:
data-widget-id="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <!--you will haveyour own number>
data-chrome="noheader nofooter noborders noscrollbar transparent" <!--tweak these for the looks-->
lang="EN" data-theme="light" <!--light or dark-->
Tweets by #YourName
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+"://";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script>
I'm looking for a way to remove images in case they are twitted.
Looking for a solution I've found this:
They suggest to add a line
to my code.
This solution, sadly, doesn't seem to work for me.
If any of you have solved this problem, a hint would be much appreciated!

The following answer is no longer relevant due to recent changes by twitter!
In the configuration options when creating the widget there is a checkbox labeled 'auto expand photos'. Uncheck this, but be aware it takes


Custom sections Umbraco

Not even sure I labeled this correctly, I am in the process of converting a site to Umbraco, and there are sections of the site that needs to be edited using the CMS tools in the back end, basically it is a grid with pictures and description text
Here is a sample of the HTML
<div class="hi-icon-effect-1 hi-icon-effect-1a">
<a class="hi-icon">
<img class="img-responsive " id="ImgSales" src="../../Images/sales_icon_circle_grey.png" alt="">
<p style="padding-left:5px;" id="lblSales" class="">Sales</p>
What I would like to be able to do is go to the content section of the admin and edit the list of items and configure the image and text for each item.
If you view the above link and scroll down there will be a grid of items (services) and it is this list that I want to be able to generate.
I am comfortable with all the technologies used in Umbraco, I just do not know the system well enough to do these kinds of modifications, can someone please assist or point me to the resources that will help me build this.
You should take a look at the Archetype package:
As far as I understand your question you are looking for a way to add X amount of similar items to the contents of a page - for this, Archetype is probably perfect :-)
Once you have your list of items added inside Umbraco, look here:
Use case #1 in this example will allow you to iterate through items and output it with whatever "template" you want (aka the HTML sample you provided).

How to define a link in part of an i18n Thymeleaf / Spring message?

Using Spring / Thymeleaf i18n, I'd like to create a HTML paragraph message like "Click here", in which there is a link only for the word "here". What is the best way to do this?
The way I tried doesn't look nice and also results in a like break:
In file:
And in the HTML file:
<p th:text="#{}"></p><p><a th:text="#{}" th:href="#{/contact}"></a></p>
Your way seems okay to me. If you just want to fix the newline issue go ahead with the following one:
<span th:text="#{}"></span>
<a th:text="#{}" th:href="#{/contact}"></a>
The span will make "Click" stay on the same line as "here". However i'd just go for a link that say "Click here" instead of just "here".
For example in german you could say "Hier klicken". "Hier" would mean "here" and "klicken" would mean "click". The Problem is that the meaning for the words changed but the position didn't. You would end up with a link saying "klicken" instead of "Hier".
Not recommented
There is another approach, but it has some drawbacks. You could use:
<p th:utext="#{error.generic}"></p>
with the following
error.generic=Click here
The drawback on this one is that you can't use th:href anymore. I would not recomment this way. However this can be helpfull when using no th:* and just plain html tags. So i wanted to mention it.

EmberJs model output into an img tag in a handlebar template

I am trying to learn EmberJs, in conjuction with Laravel 4, to create a blog. Things have been going great, stuff hasn't been too difficult yet. But I got into a snag when trying to have a <img/> tag in one of my handlebar templates.
From my understanding to use info from a model in a template you use {{attribute_name}} and like magic, it's there! And so for my tag I was trying something like:
<img src="{{URL::asset('images/posts/')}}#{{id}}.#{{image_extension}}" }}" alt=""/>
Adding the url to images with Laravel and Blade, then on the template, just adding in those last little pieces to make the it all work. But I get this instead:
<img src="http://localhost/blog/images/posts<script id='metamorph-11-start' type='text/x-placeholder'></script>26<script id='metamorph-11-end' type='text/x-placeholder'></script>.<script id='metamorph-12-start' type='text/x-placeholder'></script>jpg<script id='metamorph-12-end' type='text/x-placeholder'></script>" alt="">
Obviously theres script tags in my src tag and this is causing some issues.
Now then, upon much research I discovered {{unbound attribute_name}} and came up with:
<img src="{{URL::asset('images/posts')}}/#{{unbound id}}.#{{unbound image_extension}}" alt=""/>
and while this works on the first blog post I click, it doesn't switch images when I switch posts. So is there a way to make this guy work? I'm running out of ideas! Any information you could shed on this would be great! I really like ember so far and want to get even better! IF there's any more info you need, let em know and I will edit this question! Thanks so much!
Based on the advise from #buruzaemon, I tried
<img src="{{URL::asset('images/posts')}}/#{{bind-attr src=id}}.#{{bind-attr src=image_extension}}" alt="Post image"/>
and it feels like it's on the right path, but not quite there. Any more advice?
Perhaps you should have a look at bind_attr in Ember.js. It will allow you to set the src attribute properly with value that can be set in your controller.

Floating images in Github Readme

How would I go about doing this? Putting the following code into the
Markdown generator
gives me the desired output
<div style="float: left"><img src=""/>
I'm trying not to, kid. Don't act so surprised, Your Highness. You weren't
on any mercy mission this time. Several transmissions were beamed to this
ship by Rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent
you. Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other.
I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen anything to make me
believe there's one all-powerful Force controlling everything.
However, adding this code to my file makes it an inline image instead
of floating.
How could I work around this? Is it a Github bug?
I know this thread's old, but for anyone interested, you can use <img align="left" src="img.jpg"> and <img align="right" src="img.jpg"> to float images on GitHub.
I believe it is a security issue with GitHub. My understanding is they strip all HTML attributes such as style with the execption of perhaps href.

Make Share icons from Add This align horizontally instead of vertically on self hosted WordPress

I have a problem that has taken me days to figure out.
The social follow icons I get from AddThis website appear vertically instead of horizontally. I want to make it appear horizontally but I have found that it is impossible to do so.
Below is the code I got from
<!-- AddThis Follow BEGIN -->
<p>Follow Us</p>
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_follow" addthis:userid="TheMostafaAbedi"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_twitter_follow" addthis:userid="theMostafaAbedi"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_google_follow" addthis:userid="106914586115617584077"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- AddThis Follow END -->
The specific page that the problem occurs is under Mostafa Abedi description.
You've got line breaks between lines of code, which makes the icons go one below the other. You're most likely using the WordPress editor to insert the code, which alters the formatting.
If you're using Visual editor, switch to HTML editor and give it a try.
If you're using HTML editor, at the very least remove all the spacing between items, making them placed in one line, which would prohibit WordPress from entering new lines, i.e.:
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_follow" addthis:userid="TheMostafaAbedi"></a><a class="addthis_button_twitter_follow" addthis:userid="theMostafaAbedi"></a><a class="addthis_button_google_follow" addthis:userid="106914586115617584077"></a>
From my experience, about 90% of all formatting issues are fixed by good code and as a rule I follow W3C. I suggest you validate against that because at the moment it fails (both the HTML and CSS fails)
