I need some kernel module files:
They are supposed to exist in linux/drivers/video
but they are not present. Instead I found these files with the same name but with a .c suffix and a makefile. However, when I usemake or make modules, it says that there's no rule for this. How can I use this makefile?
(I use raspian wheezy)
To build video driver alone.
cd linux
make drivers/video/
I have a Makefile with only project-level definitions: which source files to use, what binary or library to make, etc..
It includes ../../Make.Arch for architecture-specific definitions (such as compiler command).
In turn, Make.Arch is meant to include ../etc/Makefile.Standard for all the boilerplate of actually allowing the make system to work .
But include requires a path relative to where the makefile is actually being run (or maybe where the first Makefile is), not relative to the second... What to do?
Make interprets relative paths from the working directory, the directory in which Make is being run. You haven't specified how you're running Make, so I'll assume your running it in the directory with Makefile.
If you are allowed to modify the makefiles, you can change the paths.
You could change Make.Arch from this:
include ../etc/Makefile.Standard
to this:
include ../../../etc/Makefile.Standard
but that would require that any makefile that uses Make.Arch be two directories down from it. That's clearly not a good idea. But we can use a variable:
include $(ARCH_DIR)/../etc/Makefile.Standard
which is provided by Makefile (or any other makefile that uses Make.Arch):
ARCH_DIR := ../..
include $(ARCH_DIR)/Make.Arch
If you are not allowed to modify the makefiles, then you must cheat. One way is to create a symbolic link to Makefile.Standard.
mkdir ../etc
ln -s ../../../etc/Makefile.Standard ../etc
Now Makefile will work. (It ought to be possible to make a link to etc/, but for some reason I can't get that to work right now.)
KBUILD_DEFCONFIG_KMACHINE ?= defconfig_file does not work as I expected.
First lesson I learned: defconfig != .config
Bare-Kernel-Build (without yocto): A new defconfig file below arch/arm/config/xy_defconfig created by make savedefconfig is not equal to the .config file. I assume the linux kernel expand some symbols and create the final .config.
Yocto-Build: Here comes the issue: Yocto can not correctly handle the defconfig file below arch/arm/config/xy_defconfig. When building the linux-kernel with yocto.. the kernel is half size and not bootable. This results, because yocto does not expand the missing symbols in .config, which a make defconfig would do.
How do you handle the issue?
Figured out an additional make xy_defconfig do the trick and creates the correct .config file. It is a ugly hack, any better ideas are very welcome.
Added this to my custom linux-xy.bb file.
KBUILD_DEFCONFIG ?= xy_defconfig
do_makedefconfig() {
addtask do_makedefconfig after do_configme before do_compile
First copy your defconfig to sources/meta-mylayer/recipes-kernel/linux
and write a .bbappend file for linux recipe
SRC_URI += "file://your-defconfig"
2. open sources/meta-mylayer/conf/machine/your-machine.conf add below line,
search the macro if already present or nor using grep -inr "INTREE_DEFCONFIG"
INTREE_DEFCONFIG_pn-linux-ti = "am335x_phytec_defconfig"
if the macro already present in the same file replace defconfig name.
kernel-yocto approach
The KBUILD_DEFCONFIG variable is handled by kernel-yocto class, so you need to inherit it. It is usually done indirectly through include file linux-yocto.inc, so you should have this line you linux recipe:
require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto.inc
Please note that KBUILD_DEFCONFIG_KMACHINE consists of two parts. The first one is variable name (KBUILD_DEFCONFIG) and the second one is kernel machine override (KMACHINE). So you need to change the override to fit your machine. That's why the KMACHINE part is written in italics in the documentation [1]. There is an example for RPi from the documentation:
KBUILD_DEFCONFIG_raspberrypi2 = "bcm2709_defconfig"
The KMACHINE is set in linux-yocto.inc to the MACHINE variable by default.
handle in-tree defconfig by hand
We are using in-tree defconfig without the kernel-yocto class. linux.inc from meta-oe layer is used. I don't know if this is a best practice. Here is our linux recipe (it is reduced to a bare minimum):
require recipes-kernel/linux/linux.inc
PV = "your_version"
SRC_URI = "your_sources"
do_configure_prepend() {
bbnote "Copying defconfig"
cp ${S}/arch/${ARCH}/configs/YOUR_defconfig ${WORKDIR}/defconfig
[1] https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/2.4/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#var-KBUILD_DEFCONFIG
In my program, I have a somewhat complicated build process. Currently, in one directory I use include in Makefile.am with a file, that does not exist but has to be build on its own. The reason is that this include file is quite long. Further in the real program it is not just only one file but several and the generation process for this file can change from time to time.
The Makefile.am looks something like this
noinst_LIBRARIES = libtest.a
nodist_libtest_a_SOURCES = file.c
CLEANFILES = file.c Make_file.mk
$(builddir)/Make_test.mk: $(srcdir)/Perl/generate_mk_files.pl
perl $(srcdir)/Perl/generate_mk_files.pl file
include $(builddir)/Make_file.mk
After creation of Make_file.mk it looks something like
$(builddir)/file.c: $(srcdir)/file.template $(srcdir)/Perl/generate_c.pl
perl $(srcdir)/Perl/generate_c.pl $(srcdir)/file.template
Automake works and the final build process as well. The output to make is something like (I have shorted it somewhat):
Makefile:721: Make_file.mk: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden (file not found)
perl ../../../../src/components/test/Perl/generate_mk_files.pl test
perl ../../../../src/components/test/Perl/generate_c.pl ../../../../src/components/test/file.template
Therefore, make first complains that the include file is not found, then creates it and then also follows the rules of the included file.
Although I am happy that it works I wonder why. First, I thought that make loads the Makefile. During this step, Make_file.mk does not exists. Therefore it seems the Makefile is loaded more than once.
Further, the manual of Automake for include states:
Note that these fragments are read and interpreted by automake, not by
Which is not what I see, since the included fragment does not exist during the execution of Automake.
My questions basically are:
Why does it work?
Is this the correct way to do this or should I use another approach, e.g. starting new instances of make within Makefile.
I don't really know Automake, but, from the GNU make manual :
If an included makefile cannot be found in any of these directories {standard includes directories} , a
warning message is generated, but it is not an immediately fatal
error; processing of the makefile containing the include continues.
Once it has finished reading makefiles, make will try to remake any
that are out of date or don’t exist. See How Makefiles Are Remade.
Only after it has tried to find a way to remake a makefile and failed,
will make diagnose the missing makefile as a fatal error.
If you want make to simply ignore a makefile which does not exist or
cannot be remade, with no error message, use the -include directive
instead of include, like this:
-include filenames…
This acts like include in every way except that there is no error (not even a warning) if any of the filenames (or any
prerequisites of any of the filenames) do not exist or cannot be
So basically, make cannot execute the recipe for remaking the include file before he has finished to parse the main Makefile. So it raises a warning, continue to read the Makefile, find the rule for remaking the included file, remake it, and then restart itself (that is explained in details in the How Makefiles Are Remade section).
Going back to the manual, it states there's two forms for automakes include mechanism:
include $(srcdir)/file
include $(top_srcdir)/file
neither of which match your include. So I'd imagine the include is actually run by the underlying make whatever that might be (e.g. GNU Make, though of course other make programs have this functionality as well).
Now for the questions:
Why does it work?
As explained in another answer, GNU Make will attempt to make a missing included makefile, before failing.
Is this the correct way to do this or should I use another approach, e.g. starting new instances of make within Makefile
Generating makefiles is one of the tasks autotools do, either through autoconf or automake. Going through multiple stages of "making makefiles" seems prone to error (and hard to maintain). Recursive make has similar problems.
The reason is that this include file is quite long.
automake include statements will happily paste together a large makefile out of smaller components.
Further in the real program it is not just only one file but several and the generation process for this file can change from time to time.
It's hard to recommend what to suggest to do in autotools based on how the "changes" are determined. Since it seems you're also using libtool adding/removing sources to libs (or entire libs) there can be effected by conditionals, variables, etc.
Although both names will do the job, what is the correct name for makefiles?
GNU `make' homepage uses Makefile, and I guess it is the good way to name it. Any reasons for typing the front M in upper case ?
What Name to Give Your Makefile chapter of GNU Make manual clarifies it:
By default, when make looks for the makefile, it tries the following names, in order: GNUmakefile, makefile and Makefile. Normally you should call your makefile either makefile or Makefile. (We recommend Makefile because it appears prominently near the beginning of a directory listing, right near other important files such as README.) The first name checked, GNUmakefile, is not recommended for most makefiles. You should use this name if you have a makefile that is specific to GNU make, and will not be understood by other versions of make. Other make programs look for makefile and Makefile, but not GNUmakefile.
I think that Makefile is displayed at the almost top of the list rather than makefile when using the ls command.
it is not only the reason that it appears prominently near the beginning of a directory listing, but also that it would cause a compile error when you using “makefile” to replace “Makefile”。 you could try to test in the helloworld case of Linux device driver..
I am wondering if this is possible at all. Here is the situation:
My project uses automake to build its targets. The top-directory contains the usual configure.ac and Makefile.am. Amongst others, the Makefile.am contains a SUBDIRS variable listing the subdirectories, important for my question is the doc and include directory. The include directory's makefile looks like:
nobase_include_HEADERS = <lot-of-headers>
so it basically installs the headers. The makefile in doc is supposed to generate html documentation out of those files:
doxygen-stamp: Doxyfile
echo "timestamp for Doxyfile" > $#
all-local: doxygen-stamp
Everything works fine so far, but if I change any of the headers in include the documentation is still up-to-date - because I did not list them as dependencies. What I would like to have is to have a doxygen-stamp-target that is rebuilt once the headers change without again listing all headers as dependencies. Is that possible and if it is, how?
In this case, using a single Makefile would be hinted at — though you can split it up by using the automake include instruction (also see section 7.3 "An alternative approach to subdirectories" of the am manual). Therefore:
#can't use nobase_
include_HEADERS = include/foo.h include/bar.h
doc/doxygen-stamp: ${include_HEADERS}
I think if you make doxygen-stamp also depend on '$(top_srcdir)/include/*.h' (or .hpp or whatever) it will rebuild when doxygen-stamp is out of date relative to any .h file in the include directory.
doxygen-stamp: Doxyfile $(top_srcdir)/include/*.h