Setting variables in defer on recovery - go

Per examples (e.g. getting panic() argument in defer function in GO lang) I've seen, I'm expecting this to work, but it isn't. When forcing an error, the err return string remains blank, although printing the err string shows the expected error.
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but can't find it. A little help?
// expected error example:
// chk, err := equal("a", map[string]string{"a"})
func Equal(a interface{}, b interface{}) (check bool, err string) {
defer func() {
if catch := recover(); catch != nil {
check = false
// this prints
fmt.Printf("%v\n", catch)
err = fmt.Sprint(catch)
return a == b, ""
go version go1.2.1 linux/amd64

As #nos pointed out, there's no panic, here.
This example works as expected:
package main
import "fmt"
func equal(a interface{}, b interface{}) (check bool, err string) {
defer func() {
if catch := recover(); catch != nil {
check = false
fmt.Printf("recover: %v\n", catch)
err = fmt.Sprint(catch)
} else {
fmt.Printf("recover: none\n")
return a == b, ""
func main() {
chk, err := equal("a", "a")
fmt.Printf("a == a\n")
fmt.Printf("chk: %v\n", chk)
fmt.Printf("err: %v\n", err)
chk, err = equal("a", 1)
fmt.Printf("a == 1\n")
fmt.Printf("chk: %v\n", chk)
fmt.Printf("err: %v\n", err)
chk, err = equal([]int{1}, []int{1})
fmt.Printf("[]int{1}, []int{1}\n")
fmt.Printf("chk: %v\n", chk)
fmt.Printf("err: %v\n", err)
// Output:
// recover: none
// a == a
// chk: true
// err:
// recover: none
// a == 1
// chk: false
// err:
// recover: runtime error: comparing uncomparable type []int
// []int{1}, []int{1}
// chk: false
// err: runtime error: comparing uncomparable type []int


Best approach to getting results out of goroutines

I have two functions that I cannot change (see first() and second() below). They are returning some data and errors (the output data is different, but in the examples below I use (string, error) for simplicity)
I would like to run them in separate goroutines - my approach:
package main
import (
func first(name string) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("empty name is not allowed")
fmt.Println("processing first")
return fmt.Sprintf("First hello %s", name), nil
func second(name string) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("empty name is not allowed")
fmt.Println("processing second")
return fmt.Sprintf("Second hello %s", name), nil
func main() {
firstCh := make(chan string)
secondCh := make(chan string)
go func() {
defer close(firstCh)
res, err := first("one")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to run first: %v\n", err)
firstCh <- res
go func() {
defer close(secondCh)
res, err := second("two")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to run second: %v\n", err)
secondCh <- res
resultsOne := <-firstCh
resultsTwo := <-secondCh
// It's important for my app to do error checking and stop if errors exist.
if resultsOne == "" || resultsTwo == "" {
fmt.Println("There was an ERROR")
fmt.Println("ONE:", resultsOne)
fmt.Println("TWO:", resultsTwo)
I believe one caveat is that resultsOne := <- firstCh blocks until first goroutine finishes, but I don't care too much about this.
Can you please confirm that my approach is good? What other approaches would be better in my situation?
The example looks mostly good. A couple improvements are:
declaring your channels as buffered
firstCh := make(chan string, 1)
secondCh := make(chan string, 1)
With unbuffered channels, send operations block (until someone receives). If your goroutine #2 is much faster than the first, it will have to wait until the first finishes as well, since you receive in sequence:
resultsOne := <-firstCh // waiting on this one first
resultsTwo := <-secondCh // sender blocked because the main thread hasn't reached this point
use "".Group. The program will feel "less native" but it dispenses you from managing channels by hand — which trades, in a non-contrived setting, for sync'ing writes on the results:
func main() {
var (
resultsOne string
resultsTwo string
g := errgroup.Group{}
g.Go(func() error {
res, err := first("one")
if err != nil {
return err
resultsOne = res
return nil
g.Go(func() error {
res, err := second("two")
if err != nil {
return err
resultsTwo = res
return nil
err := g.Wait()
// ... handle err

Simulate an HTTP request with success or failure using retry logic

I want to simulate a re-try option with http like:
first two http attempts with error (using some faulty urls)
the third with success (with valid url)
This is a bit tricky any idea how to do it? I try with loop on the doSomething method with different url but it doesn't make the point,
which is for example, retry at least 3 times until you get http 200, (success) any idea how could I simulate it?
maybe run in loop on following...
package main
import (
func main() {
b := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
b.MaxElapsedTime = 3 * time.Second
retryable := func() error {
val, err := doSomething("")
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
notify := func(err error, t time.Duration) {
log.Printf("error: %v happened at time: %v", err, t)
err := backoff.RetryNotify(retryable, b, notify)
if err != nil {
fmt.Errorf("error after retrying: %v", err)
func doSomething(url string) (int, error) {
res, e := http.Get(url)
if e != nil {
fmt.Println("error occurred: ", e)
return 500, e
return res.StatusCode, nil
The idea on the comment below is part of the problem, I need to use the http calls
package main
import (
func main() {
b := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
b.MaxElapsedTime = 3 * time.Second
retrybuilder := func (count int) func() error {
return func() error {
var succeed bool
count -= 1
if count == 0 {
succeed = true
val, err := doSomething(succeed)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("response: ", val)
return err
notify := func(err error, t time.Duration) {
log.Printf("error: %v happened at time: %v", err, t)
err := backoff.RetryNotify(retrybuilder(3), b, notify)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error after retrying: %v", err)
func doSomething(succeed bool) (int, error) {
if !succeed {
return 500, fmt.Errorf("E_SIMULATED: sim error")
return 200, nil

Go goroutines not beeing executed

I am trying to achieve some sort of multi-thread processing over here.
func (m *Map) Parse(mapData Node) error {
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for _, node := range mapData.child {
go parseChild(node, m, wg)
return nil
func parseChild(node Node, m *Map, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
var nodeType uint8
if err := binary.Read(, binary.LittleEndian, &nodeType); err != nil {
errors <- err
if nodeType == OTBMNodeTowns {
for _, town := range node.child {
var nodeType uint8
if err := binary.Read(, binary.LittleEndian, &nodeType); err != nil {
errors <- err
if nodeType != OTBMNodeTown {
errors <- fmt.Errorf("Parsing map towns: expected %v got %v", OTBMNodeTown, nodeType)
currentTown := Town{}
if err := binary.Read(, binary.LittleEndian, &currentTown.ID); err != nil {
errors <- err
} else if currentTown.Name, err = town.ReadString(); err != nil {
errors <- err
} else if currentTown.TemplePosition, err = town.ReadPosition(); err != nil {
errors <- err
m.Towns = append(m.Towns, currentTown)
errors <- fmt.Errorf("This should be called: %v, nodeType)
But my goroutine never sends anything to the errors channel. Seems to be that the main thread is not waiting for the goroutines to even finish
I have no idea what I am missing here. Im waiting for all routines to finish using wg.Wait but doesnt seem to be working as I think it should
And yes. the slice is populated with atleast 3 results. This is the errrors channel
var (
errors = make(chan error, 0)
func init() {
go errChannel()
func errChannel() {
for {
select {
case err := <-errors:

Go: returning from defer

I want to return an error from a function if it panics (in Go):
func getReport(filename string) (rep report, err error) { = make(map[string]float64)
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
fmt.Println("Recovered in f", r)
err, _ = r.(error)
return nil, err
panic("Report format not recognized.")
// rest of the getReport function, which can try to out-of-bound-access a slice
I appear to have misunderstood the very concept of panic and defer. Can anybody enlighten me?
In a deferred function you can alter the returned parameters, but you can't return a new set. So a simple change to what you have will make it work.
There is another problem with what you wrote, namely that the you've paniced with a string but are expecting an error in your type assertion.
Here is a fix for both of those (Play)
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
fmt.Println("Recovered in f", r)
// find out exactly what the error was and set err
switch x := r.(type) {
case string:
err = errors.New(x)
case error:
err = x
err = errors.New("Unknown panic")
// invalidate rep
rep = nil
// return the modified err and rep
have a look at this
package main
import "fmt"
func iWillPanic() {
panic("ops, panic")
func runner() (rtnValue string) {
rtnValue := ""
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
// and your logs or something here, log nothing with panic is not a good idea
rtnValue = "don't panic" // modify the return value, and it will return
return rtnValue
func main() {
fmt.Println("Return Value:", runner())
func TestReturnFromPanic(t *testing.T) {
fn := func(filename string) (rep string, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("panic in getReport %s", r)
return filename[100:], nil
The named return parameter err is the trick.

getting panic() argument in defer function in GO lang

I have a function A calling function B which would sometime call panic based on invalid data.
In function A defer function, I would like to know the message function B passed to the panic() so that I can report the error in json over the network back to the client.
func A( abc data) result string{
defer func(){
// get panic args and return result.
xx = B( abc[0] );
yy = B( abc[1] );
The reason function B use panic is to avoid a very large amount of
err := B(abc)
if err != nil {
in function A and make the code easier to read and maintain.
For example:
package main
import (
func A(s string) (result string, err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
switch x := e.(type) {
case error:
err = x
err = fmt.Errorf("%v", x)
return "returned", nil
func B(s string) {
switch s {
case "ok":
case "fail":
case "fail miserably":
a, b := 1, 0
if a/b != 0 {
func main() {
s, err := A("ok")
fmt.Printf("%q, %T(%#v)\n", s, err, err)
s, err = A("fail")
fmt.Printf("%q, %T(%#v)\n", s, err, err)
s, err = A("fail miserably")
fmt.Printf("%q, %T(%#v)\n", s, err, err)
s, err = A("")
fmt.Printf("%q, %T(%#v)\n", s, err, err)
"returned", <nil>(<nil>)
"", *errors.errorString(&errors.errorString{s:"failed"})
"", *errors.errorString(&errors.errorString{s:"42"})
"", runtime.errorString("integer divide by zero")
What you want is the recover function. You're right to want to defer it - recover only works properly in a deferred function (if you call it in the body, it will either return nil if there was no panic, or get skipped over when a panic does happen). Recover returns the value that was panicked in an empty interface:
func A(abc data) result string {
defer func() {
p := recover() // p is an interface{} value, and will be nil if there was no panic
}() // You have to call the function
