Where are inetpub folder and IIS? - visual-studio-2010

I have Visual Studio 2010 installed in my machine. But, there is no inetpub folder created. I was not able to find the IIS when I typed out inetmgr in the Run command. Where is the IIS? And why was the inetpub folder not created?

"By default, Visual Studio 2010 SP1 uses the Visual Studio Development Server for Web site projects and Web application projects."
You would need to install IIS to use the traditional IIS with inetmgr.

As already noted in the other answer, Visual Studio 2010 uses its own Development Server and not the IIS for your web application projects.
You'll need to set up IIS on your system as per instructions detailed here.
Once that's done, verify the installation by pointing your browser to http://localhost


Visual Studio and IIS manager

forgive my dumb question, but I have a new project solution in my Visual Studio 2017. Is there anything I need to do on my local IIS Manager as far as Default Websites, in order to run that solution in VS locally?
Visual Studio 2013, 2015 and 2017 use IIS Express by default, which runs with its own separate applicationHost.config file and shares no configuration with the "real" IIS, this also means that you cannot use IIS Manager to configure IIS Express.
If you do configure IIS to use your "Local IIS Web Server" instead of IIS Express then you will need to run Visual Studio elevated ("As Administrator") to give it permission to reconfigure your local IIS. I do not know how Visual Studio decides which IIS Website to add your application-binding to - I cannot find any information about this. I guess you'll have to experiment.
Note that using Local IIS means that the project may not be portable to other machines - so if you're working on a team and your coworkers have different IIS configurations then you'll be in a mess. You should always prefer IIS Express where possible.

Visual Studio & SharePoint distant Server

I have VisualStudio 2015 on my computer and i would like to connect it in SharePoint Server which is put on another computer (Using VM)
I know that, VS works only with SP in local.
Is it possible?
Thanks :)
One option is to publish the solution locally. For a farm solution, publishing from Visual Studio will produce a .wsp file.
You can then copy that file to the computer with SharePoint installed on it, and use Powershell (running on the remote computer) to deploy it in to SharePoint via the add-spsolution and install-spsolution cmdlets.
For more detailed information and instructions, you can refer to Microsoft's documentation here: Install and manage solutions for SharePoint 2013.

Visual Studio 2013 always opens a website in IIS Express

I am having a website in ASP.Net 4.0 in VS2010 that works of IIS localhost and not IIS Express or VS local dev server. When I open this same website in VS 2013 ( File > Open Web Site...), it always uses IIS Express ( and not IIS) as in screen shot below.
Is there any way I could use the regular IIS ( not the express version) and also, can I change VS 2013 to show IIS websites and not IIS Express sites i.e. make VS 2013 use regular IIS?
If you run Visual Studio as an Administrator, it should let you access and open IIS Sites OR IIS Express Sites.
IIS Express is pretty much the same thing as IIS. The only major difference is that IIS Express does not have a configuration UI. You have to handle everything through the command line.

Could not set Use Local IIS URL Web Server for SharePoint Web Server project in Visual Studio 2010

I have a custom SharePoint ASP.NET Web Service project.
I've setup it to debug as described in http://www.sharepoint-tips.com/2007/08/web-services-on-sharepoint-making-f5.html
it used to work as long as I was working with Visual Studio 2005.
but now I want to setup Visual Studio 2010 environment,
and I'm stuck trying to set 'Use Local IIS Web server' setting in VS, the error says: "The local IIS URL ... specified for web project ... has not been configured."
Tried in both: Windows2003 with MOSS 2007 and Windows 2008 with SharePoint server 2010. All the same.
What I'm missing? thanks in advance.
For Visual Studio 2010 and SharePoint 2010, F5 should work right out of the box. There's no need for any special tricks. Have a try without that outdated blog posting.

Pubilsh my wbsite

I have created a website using visual studio 2008. Now i want to run this website in my friend PC. His PC does not has Visual studio installed. How can i run that web site in his PC.
I have given my website folder him in PenDrive.
You need to install IIS and ASP.NET on your friend's machine.
You can do this using the Web Platform Installer, a free (and awesome) Microsoft tool that should give you everything you need including IIS, ASP.NET, .NET Framework and anything else you may require.
This is very easy.
you should install IIS in your system. and make a virtual directory.
store your application intpub/www.
