How to get the IPreviewHandler for a file extension? - windows

How do i get the shell IPreviewHandler for a particular file extension?
Windows allows developers to create a preview handler for their custom file types:
Preview handlers are called when an item is selected to show a lightweight, rich, read-only preview of the file's contents in the view's reading pane. This is done without launching the file's associated application.
A preview handler is a hosted application. Hosts include the Windows Explorer in Windows Vista or Microsoft Outlook 2007.
I want to leverage the existing IPreviewHandler infrasturcture to get a thumbnail for a file.
In A Stream
The problem is that my files are not housed in the shell namespace (i.e. they are not sitting on the hard drive). They are sitting in memory, accessable through an IStream. This means i cannot use the legacy IExtractImage interface; as it does not support loading a file from a Stream.
Fortunately, this is why the modern IPreviewHandler supports (recommends, and prefers) loading data from a Stream, and recommends against loading previews from a file:
This method is preferred to Initialize due to its ability to use streams that are not accessible through a Win32 path, such as the contents of a compressed file with a .zip file name extension.
So how do i get it?
There is no documentation on the correct way to get ahold of the IPreviewHandler associated with a particular extension. But if i take the directions of how to register an IPreviewHandler, and read the contract from the other side:
(Default) = xyzfile
{8895b1c6-b41f-4c1c-a562-0d564250836f} //IPreviewHandler subkey
(Default) = [clsid of the IPreviewHandler]
I should be able to follow the same route, given that i know the extension. Lets follow that with a real world example, a .jpg file:
Notice that the file has a preview. Notice i included the second screenshot only to reinforce the idea that the preview doesn't come from a file sitting on the hard drive.
Lets get spellunking!
First is the fact that it's a .jpg file:
(Default) = ACDC_JPG
Wait, there is no {8895b1c6-b41f-4c1c-a562-0d564250836f} subkey for a previewhandler. That must mean that we cannot get a thumbnail for .jpg files.
reducto an absurdum
The Real Question
The careful reader will realize that the actual question i'm asking is:
How do i get the preview of an image contained only in a stream?
And while that is a useful question, and the real issue i'm having, having an answer on how to use IPreviewHandler is also a useful question.
So feel free to answer either; or both!
Bonus Reading
MSDN: Preview Handlers and Shell Preview Host
MSDN: How to Register a Preview Handler
MSDN: IInitializeWithStream::Initialize method
IPreviewHandler throws uncatchable exception
Outlook IPreviewHandler for Delphi

#hvd had the right answer.
File types have a ShellEx key, with {guid} subkeys. Each {guid} key represents a particular InterfaceID.
There are a number of standard shell interfaces that can be associated with a file type:
{BB2E617C-0920-11d1-9A0B-00C04FC2D6C1} IExtractImage
{953BB1EE-93B4-11d1-98A3-00C04FB687DA} IExtractImage2
{e357fccd-a995-4576-b01f-234630154e96} IThumbnailProvider
{8895b1c6-b41f-4c1c-a562-0d564250836f} IPreviewHandler
Unsupported spelunking of undocumented registry keys
If i want to find, for example, the clsid of the IPreviewHandler associated with a .jpg file, i would look in:
(default) = [clsid]
But that's not the only place i could look. I can also look in:
(default) = jpgfile
(default) = [clsid]
But that's not the only place i could look. I can also look in:
(default) = [clsid]
But that's not the only place i could look. I can also look in:
(default) = [clsid]
But that's not the only place i could look. If i think the file is an image, i can also look in:
(default) = [clsid]
How did i find these locations? Did i only follow documented and supported locations? No, i spied on Explorer using Process Monitor as it went hunting for an IThumbnailProvider.
Don't use undocumented spellunking
So now i want to use a standard shell interface for a file-type myself. This means that i have to crawl the locations. But why crawl these locations in an undocumented, unsupported way. Why incur the wrath from the guy from high atop the thing? Use AssocQueryString:
Guid GetShellClsidForFileType(String fileExtension, Guid interfaceID)
// String fileExtension = ".jpg"
// Guid interfaceID = "{8895b1c6-b41f-4c1c-a562-0d564250836f}"; //IExtractImage
//The interface we're after - in string form
String szInterfaceID := GuidToString(interfaceID);
//Buffer to receive the clsid string
DWORD bufferSize := 1024; //more than enough to hold a 38-character clsid
String buffer;
SetLength(buffer, bufferSize);
HRESULT hr := AssocQueryString(
ASSOCSTR_SHELLEXTENSION, //for finding shell extensions
fileExtension, //e.g. ".txt"
szInterfaceID, //e.g. "{8895b1c6-b41f-4c1c-a562-0d564250836f}"
buffer, //will receive the clsid string
if (hr <> S_OK)
return Guid.Empty;
Guid clsid;
HRESULT hr = CLSIDFromString(buffer, out clsid);
if (hr <> NOERROR)
return Guid.Empty;
return clsid;
And so to get the clsid of IPreviewHandler for .xps files:
Guid clsid = GetShellClsidForFileType(".xps", IPreviewHandler);
How to get IPreviewHandler for a file extension?
With all the above, we can now answer the question:
IPreviewHandler GetPreviewHandlerForFileType(String extension)
//Extension: the file type to return IPreviewHandler for (e.g. ".xps")
Guid previewHandlerClassID = GetShellClsidForFileType(extension, IPreviewHandler);
//Create the COM object
IUnknown unk = CreateComObject(previewHandlerClassID);
//Return the actual IPreviewHanler interface (not IUnknown)
return (IPreviewhandler)unk;


How to force Explorer use modern file operation dialog with Shell Namespace Extension

In my understanding currently there are two ways to copy virtual files from a Shell Namespace Extension with the Explorer so that Copy GUI will be shown to the user:
Via IDataObject interface:
Reading a file is done via IDataObject::GetData that should support CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTORW, CFSTR_FILECONTENTS and CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST clipboard formats at very minimum. Requesting CFSTR_FILECONTENTS from IDataObject::GetData should create an IStream that is used to access the data. UI is enabled via setting FD_PROGRESSUI flag when CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTORW is requested.
Via ITransferSource interface:
Reading a file is done via ITransferSource::OpenItem requesting for IShellItemResources. Then IShellItemResources should report {4F74D1CF-680C-4EA3-8020-4BDA6792DA3C} resource as supported (GUID indicating that there is an IStream for the item). Finally an IStream is requested via parent ShellFolder::BindToObject for accessing the data. UI is handled by the Explorer itself, it is always shown.
My problem is: these two mechanisms are working just fine separately (as you can see from the screenshots). But once I enable both IDataObject from IShellFolder::GetUIObjectOf and ITransferSource from IShellFolder::CreateViewObject - the approach via IDataObject is always used leading to the old copy GUI (as on the first screenshot). I see from the trace logs that ITransferSource is requested several times, but no actions are performed, it just gets Released and destroyed right away.
So how may I force Explorer to show fancy copy GUI when copying from my Shell Namespace Extension?
A minimal reproducible example may be found here:
While working on Minimal Reproducible example I somehow managed to make it work as expected with both IDataObject and ITranfserSource interfaces enabled. It happened after:
unregistred x64 build SNE example (regsvr32 /u)
registred x32 build SNE example (it was not working in x64 explorer, root was not opening)
unregistred x32
registred x64 again.
Somehow new copy UI was shown to me when copying the files.
But I was not able to reproduce this result constantly after I have unregistred x64 SNE, restarted explorer and registered SNE x64 again.
What I have tried:
Registred both x32 and x64 SNE - still old GUI
Removed Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Cached value with my NSE GUID and restarted Explorer afterwards. Still old GUI.
I suspect there is some kind of cache (other than Registry) that keeps track if NSE supports ITransferSource. And since I have developed and tested without ITransferSource at the beginning - it is cached that my NSE does not support it even that I have added it later. And somehow registering 32bit reset that cache value.
The current code is doing something like this when asked for an IDataObject:
HRESULT CFolderViewImplFolder::GetUIObjectOf(HWND hwnd, UINT cidl, PCUITEMID_CHILD_ARRAY apidl, REFIID riid, UINT rgfReserved, void **ppv)
if (riid == IID_IDataObject)
CDataObject* dataObject = new (std::nothrow) CDataObject(this, cidl, apidl);
return ::SHCreateDataObject(m_pidl, cidl, apidl, dataObject, riid, ppv);
SHCreateDataObject already creates already a full-blown IDataObject with everything needed from the (optional) input PIDL(s), including all Shell formats for items in the Shell namespace (CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST, etc.).
Passing an inner object 1) will probably conflict with what the Shell does and 2) requires a good implementation (I've not checked it).
So you can just replace it like this:
HRESULT CFolderViewImplFolder::GetUIObjectOf(HWND hwnd, UINT cidl, PCUITEMID_CHILD_ARRAY apidl, REFIID riid, UINT rgfReserved, void **ppv)
if (riid == IID_IDataObject)
return ::SHCreateDataObject(m_pidl, cidl, apidl, NULL, riid, ppv);
In fact, the IDataObject provided by the Shell is complete (supports SetData method, etc.) so you should never need to implement it yourself, it's more complex than it seems. You can reuse it as a general purpose IDataObject (you can pass nulls and 0 for the 4 first arguments).
PS: the Shell also provides the "reverse" method: SHCreateShellItemArrayFromDataObject that gets a list of Shell items from an IDataObject (if the data object contains the expected clipboard formats).
For those who need to use inner IDataObject within SHCreateDataObject for additional format:
Inner IDataObject should support CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST clipboard format in GetData() as well as report this format in EnumFormatEtc(). Supporting SetData() with CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST format is really useful here since DefDataObject sets inner data object with already fully constructed CIDA and you may just store a copy of it.
Once inner data object will report CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST in EnumFormatEtc() and return valid CIDA in GetData() - modern Copy UI will be used since it relies only on PIDL of the items.

Replacing ".jpg" thumbnail handler

I wrote a new thumbnail handler for windows 10. When I apply it on my custom ".mic" files (which are renamed ".jpg" files) the handler works well. However, for some reason the handler is not being called at all for ".jpg" files.
These are the entries I add to the registry during "DllRegisterServer":
// List of registry entries we want to create
const REGISTRY_ENTRY rgRegistryEntries[] =
{ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\Classes\\CLSID\\" SZ_CLSID_MYTHUMBHANDLER L"\\InProcServer32", REG_SZ, NULL, szModuleName },
{ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\Classes\\CLSID\\" SZ_CLSID_MYTHUMBHANDLER L"\\InProcServer32", REG_SZ, L"ThreadingModel", L"Apartment" },
{ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\Classes\\.mic\\ShellEx\\{e357fccd-a995-4576-b01f-234630154e96}" , REG_SZ, NULL, SZ_CLSID_MYTHUMBHANDLER },
{ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\Classes\\.jpg\\ShellEx\\{e357fccd-a995-4576-b01f-234630154e96}" , REG_SZ, NULL, SZ_CLSID_MYTHUMBHANDLER },
hr = S_OK;
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(rgRegistryEntries) && SUCCEEDED(hr); i++)
hr = CreateRegKeyAndSetValue(&rgRegistryEntries[i]);
When I tried testing my handler with the "ThumbnailProvider.exe" utility (provided with windows SDK), it works well. I ran the utility with a ".jpg" file, and my handler was successfully called.
Why is my handler not being called by explorer?
On some other PC, it seems to work perfectly. My original registration code works well and my handler is being called for "jpg" files. Both PCs have windows 10, and in fact they are VMs using the same base image.
I noticed that my handler is being called for some ".jpg" files, on others it doesn't. I may be wrong here, but the major difference that I have noticed between the files is the "Resolution Unit" property. For the working files there was no value for this property, for the non-working files, the value for this property is "2". I get the same behavior on all my PCs.
Any idea how this property affects the thumbnail handler being called? If it is not the "Resolution Unit" property, what can be the difference which causes it?
MSDN says that you need to call SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, 0, 0) when you register a new extension handler object.
If you do not call SHChangeNotify, the change might not be recognized
until the system is rebooted.
On my machine the Microsoft handler is registered as a generic handler under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\SystemFileAssociations\image and I believe that key is supposed to have a lower priority but it might be worth investigating. As noted in the comments by Simon, the shell reads from HKCR and that is a combined view where HKEY_CURRENT_USER can override HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE so you should also make sure nothing is set for your specific user.
Going into semi-documented territory we see that Explorer may cache some CLSID information under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Cached and HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Cached so if all else fails you could try to delete these keys (at least the one under HKCU should be safe to delete).
I think I found the reason why my thumbnail handler is not being called on some of the ".jpg" files. It seems that some jpg images have an embedded thumbnail inside them. So for these files no thumbnail handler is being called at all.
I used exiftool utility to read the image properties, in the output I see the following lines:
Photoshop Thumbnail : (Binary data 8015 bytes, use -b option to extract)
Thumbnail Image : (Binary data 8015 bytes, use -b option to extract)
I used exiftool to remove the thumbnails from the file. Once I did that, my handler was successfully called for this image.

how to find out the FileType of an audio-file?

i'm using Core-Audio/AudioToolbox (Extended Audio File services) to read audio files on OSX.
for my specific application, i need to find out, whether the file i opened successfully using ExtAudioFileOpenURL() is a CAF-file.
unfortunately i seem to miss how to do this properly, as i cannot retrieve the AudioFileTypeID from an ExtAudioFileRef.
(when writing such a file, i can define the type by passing the AudioFileTypeID to ExtAudioFileCreateWithURL; what about the reverse?
like with my other question, it turned out that i have to use the normal AudioAPI (rather than ExtAudio API)
static bool isCAF(const AudioFileID*file) {
/* trying to read format (is it caf?) */
UInt32 format=0;
UInt32 formatSize=sizeof(format);
AudioFileGetProperty (*file, kAudioFilePropertyFileFormat, &formatSize, &format);
return (kAudioFileCAFType==format);

Burning CD/DVD using IMAPI2.dll

I am trying to add the facility to burn CD/DVD into my app by using IMAPI2.dll. I am using Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 SP 2 to devolopment. When I invork the method Write() which is a member of the IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data class (Last line of the sample code) Visual FoxPro gives the following error message. Error Msg : "OLE error code 0x80004002: No such interface supported."
OS : Windows 7
Please Help.
**--Creating MsftDiscMaster2 object to connect to optical drives.
loDiscMaster = CREATEOBJECT("IMAPI2.MsftDiscMaster2")
**--Creating MsftDiscRecorder2 object for the specified burning device.
loRecorder = CREATEOBJECT("IMAPI2.MsftDiscRecorder2")
lcUniqueId = loDiscMaster.ITEM(0)
**--Create an image stream for the specified directory.
loFileSystem = CREATEOBJECT("IMAPI2FS.MsftFileSystemImage")
loRootDir = loFileSystem.Root
**--Create the new disc format and set the recorder.
loDataWriter = CREATEOBJECT("IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data")
loDataWriter.Recorder = loRecorder
loDataWriter.ClientName = "IMAPIv2 TEST"
**--Add the directory and its contents to the file system.
**--Create an image from the file system
loResultImage = loFileSystem.CreateResultImage()
loStream = loResultImage.ImageStream
**--Write stream to disc using the specified recorder.
I'm afraid you are out of luck there. FoxPro interacts with COM objects at a fairly high level. In fact, it works in much the same way that VBScript interacts with COM. Normally, if your code works in VBScript, it will also work in FoxPro.
This is actually a common problem with some ActiveX/COM libraries. While the objects implemented in imapi2.dll and imapi2fs.dll all use IDispatch - the highest level and most interoperable form of COM interface - some of the method parameters, method returns, and properties of those objects are not IDispatch.
Specifically, the ImageStream property returns something called an IStream which inherits from IUnknown instead of IDispatch. Because of this, the ImageStream property returns something that FoxPro doesn't know how to deal with. FoxPro knows that it is a COM interface, but it doesn't know how to find or call the methods on that object.

DSOFramer closing Excel doc in another window. If unsaved data in file, dsoframer fails to open with "Attempt to access invalid address"

I'm using Microsoft's DSOFramer control to allow me to embed an Excel file in my dialog so the user can choose his sheet, then select his range of cells; it's used with an import button on my dialog.
The problem is that when I call the DSOFramer's OPEN function, if I have Excel open in another window, it closes the Excel document (but leaves Excel running). If the document it tries to close has unsaved data, I get a dialog boxclosing Excel doc in another window. If unsaved data in file, dsoframer fails to open with a messagebox: Attempt to access invalid address.
I built the source, and stepped through, and its making a call in its CDsoDocObject::CreateFromFile function, calling BindToObject on an object of class IMoniker. The HR is 0x8001010a The message filter indicated that the application is busy. On that failure, it tries to InstantiateDocObjectServer by classid of CLSID Microsoft Excel Worksheet... this fails with an HRESULT of 0x80040154 Class not registered. The InstantiateDocObjectServer just calls CoCreateInstance on the classid, first with CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, then (if that fails) with CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER.
I know DSOFramer is a popular sample project for embedding Office apps in various dialog and forms. I'm hoping someone else has had this problem and might have some insight on how I can solve this. I really don't want it to close any other open Excel documents, and I really don't want it to error-out if it can't close the document due to unsaved data.
Update 1: I've tried changing the classid that's passed in to Excel.Application (I know that class will resolve), but that didn't work. In CDsoDocObject, it tries to open key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\DocObject, but fails. I've visually confirmed that the key is not present in my registry; The key is present for the guide, but there's no DocObject subkey. It then produces an error message box: The associated COM server does not support ActiveX document embedding. I get similar (different key, of course) results when I try to use the Excel.Workbook programid.
Update 2: I tried starting a 2nd instance of Excel, hoping that my automation would bind to it (being the most recently invoked) instead of the problem Excel instance, but it didn't seem to do that. Results were the same. My problem seems to have boiled down to this: I'm calling the BindToObject on an object of class IMoniker, and receiving 0x8001010A (RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER) The message filter indicated that the application is busy. I've tried playing with the flags passed to the BindToObject (via the SetBindOptions), but nothing seems to make any difference.
Update 3: It first tries to bind using an IMoniker class. If that fails, it calls CoCreateInstance for the clsid as a fallback method. This may work for other MS Office objects, but when it's Excel, the class is for the Worksheet. I modified the sample to CoCreateInstance _Application, then got the workbooks, then called the Workbooks::Open for the target file, which returns a Worksheet object. I then returned that pointer and merged back with the original sample code path. All working now.
You can use the #import directive to import your Excel's OLB file. this should generate (and automatically include an Excel .tlh file which contains the structures for _Application (and the rest you need)). Ideally, you should find an OLB file that matches the earliest Excel version that you wish to support. The one on your local system is probably in c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12 (presuming you have Office 2007 installed). It may be named Excel.olb, or XL5EN32.OLB (different, obviously if you haven't installed the US English verion of Excel.
So, copy the .olb file to your project source directory, then at the top of the source file, add a line for #import "XL5EN32.olb".
Yes, opens older versions. Best way to guarantee that this will be the case is to find an OLB file (mentioned in item 1 above) that is from an installation of Excel that is the earliest version you wish to support. I use an Excel9.olb from Office 2000. Works fine with my testing of Excel versions all the way to the latest from Office 2007.
Yes, you should use dsoframer normally after making these changes.
I'm afraid I probably can't do that due to restrictions of my employer. However, if you take the "stock" dsoframer project, make the changes described in part 1 of this post, and the changes I described in my earlier post, you have pretty much recreated exactly what I have.
#Jinjin: did you put the import statement (#import "XL5EN32.olb") in the cpp file where you are using the Excel::_Application? If not, do that... can't just add it to the project. If you have already done that, try also adding this statement to the cpp file where you are using those mappings #import "Debug\XL5EN32.tlh". The tlh file is a header that is generated by running the #import; you should find it in your Debug directory (presuming you're performing a Debug build).
Renaming _Application to Application (and the others) is not the right way to go. The _Application structure is the one that has the mappings. That is why you are not finding the app->get_Workbooks.
What file are you looking in that you are finding Application but not _Application?
Assuming you are using the DSOFRAMER project, you need to add this code to dsofdocobj.cpp in the CreateFromFile function, at around line 348:
CLSID clsidExcelWS;
hr = CLSIDFromProgID(OLESTR("Excel.Sheet"),clsidExcelWS);
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (clsid == clsidExcelWS)
hr = InstantiateAndLoadExcel(pwszFile, &pole);
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
<the IMoniker::BindToObject call and it's failure handling from the "stock" sample goes here>
Then, define the following new member function in CDsoDocObject:
// CDsoDocObject::InstantiateAndLoadExcel (protected)
// Create an instance of Excel and load the target file into its worksheet
STDMETHODIMP CDsoDocObject::InstantiateAndLoadExcel(LPWSTR pwszFile, IOleObject **ppole)
IUnknown *punkApp=NULL;
Excel::_Application *app=NULL;
Excel::Workbooks *wbList=NULL;
Excel::_Workbook *wb;
CLSID clsidExcel;
HRESULT hr = CLSIDFromProgID(OLESTR("Excel.Application"), &clsidExcel);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
hr = CoCreateInstance(clsidExcel, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IUnknown, (void**)&punkApp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = punkApp->QueryInterface(__uuidof(Excel::_Application),(LPVOID *)&app);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = app->get_Workbooks(&wbList);
V_VT(&vNoParam) = VT_ERROR;
VARIANT vReadOnly;
V_VT(&vReadOnly) = VT_BOOL;
BSTR bstrFilename = SysAllocString(pwszFile);
hr = wbList->Open(bstrFilename, vNoParam,vNoParam,vNoParam,vNoParam,vReadOnly,vNoParam,vNoParam,vNoParam,vNoParam,vNoParam,vNoParam,vNoParam,0,&wb);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = wb->QueryInterface(IID_IOleObject, (void**)ppole);
if (wb != NULL) wb->Release();
if (wbList != NULL) wbList->Release();
if (app != NULL) app->Release();
if (punkApp != NULL) punkApp->Release();
return hr;
