Jenkins package project out of his workspace - maven

I tried to build maven war projects with Jenkins.
Jenkins pulls the code and builds the project. However, the build is not in the workspace, but rather in a folder with the project source. I think Jenkins takes the target folder from maven pom file and builds it.
How can I tune Jenkins to make a build and deploy pipeline?
In the deploy phase Jenkins cannot find war file.
OS is windows, IDE - eclipse.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<directory>${basedir}\target</directory> <!-- tried with this line and without -->

The way I coped with a problem:
In pom.xml:
In Jenkins run build maven build with properties


Having trouble exporting maven javafx probject

I recently made my own version of the 2048 game in javafx. I used maven and eclipse to build the project and whenever I run the project in eclipse it works perfectly fine. However, when I exported the project into a runnable jar, the jar wouldn't run. I tried running it from the command terminal to see what was wrong. I got the error "JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application." The thing is when I created the maven project on eclipse I made sure to add the javafxml achetype to my maven project. I thought this would ensure that javafx would work with my project. This is my first time working with maven, so any advice would be appreciated.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Default configuration for running -->
<!-- Usage: mvn clean javafx:run -->

How to deploy a war in an specific path jboss as 7.4 using jenkins and jboss-as?

im trying to deploy a war file to jboss-AS 7.4, but when i run the deploy, the plugin deploy the war file genetated by the plugin,what i need is that the plugin deploys a war file in a specific directory of my system, this is my pom.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>uses the pom to deploy to Jboss AS 7 with jenkins</description>
assuming that the war file is in the same directory as the pom, how can i make this work?
Thanks for your answers.
Reading the plugin documentation, it looks like you have to set the targetDir to the target directory where you want your application to be deployed link
Default: ${}/
hope it helps
Well i found a solution and apparently the problem be really small, the problem was that i was using a different property inside the configuration tags, this is the pom that worked for me:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>uses the pom to deploy to Jboss AS 7 with jenkins</description>
the change made is that I delete the tags fileNames and fileName and add the property filename, here you can specify the path to the war file to be deployed in the server ignoring the generated war in the target directory.
Thanks to all.

About pom.xml run and outputs

I am new to pom and i run the below pom.xml it executed successfully but there is no results found in under target folder.
please tell me how to execute my pom and where i found my results (Like : Outputs)
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
the pom is valid, try:
mvn package
if everything goes well, maven will package your project into a jar file at target/yy_artifactid-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
you can use Exec Maven Plugin to run java programs
add the the plugin to your pom.xml:
remember to change the org.example.Main to the main class of your program which should contains a static entry method: ** public static void main (String[] args)**
and then run: mvn compile exec:exec
to execute the unit tests of your application, put test cases under src/test/java fold, and run mvn test

mvn sonar:sonar do not use <libraries> in pom.xml

i've got a problem with an sonar analysis trought maven.
in my pom.xml i define a tag under
my pom.xml file:
<project xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation="" >
<modelVersion 4.0.0</modelVersion>
<name>android project</name>
I run maven in hudson with sonar plugin, the build is succesfull but i have some warning in the output log of hudson:
[INFO] Findbugs output report: C:\hudson\jobs\test_sonar_pdf\workspace\target\sonar\findbugs-result.xml
The following classes needed for analysis were missing:
But i'm sure that the android.jar is under libs folder.
Perhaps there is a syntax problem?
thanks for your help.
The tag is only used for the Ant task or the Simple Java Runner.
With Maven, you have to define your dependencies using the standard Maven section of the POM (see
thanks to you Fabrice, ly pom.xml file. I hope could help someone else
<project xmlns=""
<name>android project</name>
<!-- Dans hudson, dans action a la suite du build, dans la partie sonar, dans propriete additionelles, ajouter

maven-surefire-report-plugin not generating surefire-report.html

I'm unable to get the maven-surefire-report-plugin to generate the surefire-report.html when I run:
mvn clean deploy site
mvn clean site
mvn site
mvn clean install site
The only time I've been able to get the report generated is when I run:
mvn surefire-report:report
Here is a look at my pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Custom local repository dependencies -->
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true</argLine>
There are 2 tests in my project and TEST-*.xml files are generated in surefire-reports
Also, the site folder is generated with a css and images folder and contents, but no report.
There is a similar issues reported in JIRA, the solution is to use later version of maven-site-plugin 3.0-x in your pom.xml:
After testcases running finished, you can CMD mvn surefire-report:report-only to generate test report
