std_logic_signed is used but not declared - vhdl

I am new to VHDL. I am trying to use a std_logic_signed signal but I keep getting the error "std_logic_signed is used but not declared". As far as I can tell I have used the right libraries but googeling the error resulted in a lot of conflicting answers.
Here is my sample program:
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
entity bird is
end entity bird;
architecture arch of bird is
--Declare signals
signal speed : std_logic_signed (7 downto 0);
end architecture arch;
What is causing the error and how do I fix it?

Because the type name is SIGNED:
grep -i signed std_logic_arith.vhdl
std_logic_arith.vhdl: type SIGNED is array (NATURAL range <>) of STD_LOGIC;
There isn't a type declared named std_logic_signed.
Instead of declaring speed with a type mark of std_logic_signed use signed:
--Declare signals
signal speed : signed (7 downto 0);


Instantiate VHDL entity with 2D array from SystemVerilog

There seems to be very little documentation on how to pass 2D arrays between VHDL and SystemVerilog. I have a port of the following type in VHDL:
package my_package is
type my_array_t is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
end my_package
entity my_entity is
my_input : in my_array_t(M-1 downto 0);
my_output : out my_array_t(M-1 downto 0);
end entity;
And the following SystemVerilog signal:
wire [N-1:0] my_input_s[M-1:0];
wire [N-1:0] my_output_s[M-1:0];
I believe these two types are completely equivalent. However, I can't go between each other without getting errors. Instantiating the VHDL module from SystemVerilog:
my_entity my_entity_inst(
The error I get is "formal port 'my_input' of type 'my_array_t' does not match with actual type 'logic'", similarly for the output signal. I tried different combination of array types in SystemVerilog (fully packed, fully unpacked) but none works. Note that in my case, I don't have the freedom of changing the VHDL declaration, I must find a way to make it work solely from SystemVerilog. Thus, this question can't help me.
How do I instantiate my VHDL module from SystemVerilog in the most straightforward way?
To be successful in instantiating VHDL in Verilog or SV stick to the basic types (types built into the original VHDL, not custom packages) in VHDL such as std_logic and std_logic vector.
For this case where you can't modify the VHDL file with custom port types, I recommend writing a VHDL wrapper (mydesign_wrapper.vhd) that instantiates the entity which uses the custom types and converts the ports to std_logic and std_logic_vector types for use at the top/entity of the wrapper design. Instantiate the new wrapper file in the Verilog or SystemVerilog file. An array of std_logic_vector would be represented as several std_logic_vector ports using the wrapper.
There is no standard for VHDL inside Verilog/SV, therefore support is limited and varies between tools, vendors, and versions.

:[SYNTH 8-944] 0 definitions of operator sll and srr

library IEEE;
--use IEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; --tried with this package aslo
architecture Behavioral of my_code is
signal DATA: signed(31 downto 0);
signal DATA_OUT signed(31 downto 0);
signal f: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
DATA_OUT<=DATA srl (( f-1) sll '1');
end behavioral;
This is a small part of my code. I am using vivado 2018.2 .for the above line I am getting [synth 8-944] 0 definition of all operators.
I know Verilog but I am new to VHDL. should I use any other packages for that?
Please help me by providing a solution or "equivalent function" for that.
Your problem is because there are no sll and srl operators defined for the combination of types you are using. There are operators with signatures:
[unsigned, integer, return unsigned]
[signed, integer, return signed]
unsigned and signed are types in the numeric_std package. Neither of these operators is defined for a std_logic_vector in any standard package. (STD_LOGIC_ARITH and STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED are non-standard. Don't use them.)
So, you have two choices:
i) (not recommended) convert all of your types so they fit either of the above signatures or
ii) (recommended) don't use the sll or srl operators. They are badly defined and can lead to more logic being synthesised than you need. Instead, use other VHDL operators (eg slicing/concatenation or mathematical). You're trying to do maths here, so I would perhaps use mathematical operators. You'll still need to use the numeric_std package, because you are doing maths. You can't do maths on std_logic_vector unless you use a non-standard package.

VHDL unconstrained records in system verilog testbenches

The design to be tested is written in VHDL and uses unconstrained records like this for its ports:
type forward_stream is record
data : std_ulogic_vector;
-- further members
end record;
These ports should now be driven from a systemverilog testbench. Is there any way to use the vhdl record type for the testbench signals? If so how do I constrain the record in systemverilog?
Or do I have to create a VHDL package that constrains the record and provides it as a type to be used in the testbench?
As HDL support varies largely between tools, I am asking about questasim (modelsim's big brother, same vendor so supposedly somewhat downward compatible) in particular.
I gathered the following from the Questa SIM user manual for 10.4:
A record is mapped to a struct/packed struct (Table 9-5)
Subtypes are not mentioned in Table 9-5
I tried:
using a subtype in system verilog to connect to a port of the unconstrained type
using a subtype in system verilog to connect to a port of the unconstrained type with constraints
using a subtype in system verilog to connect to a port of the subtype
using the unconstrained type (without constraints) in system verilog to connect to a port of the unconstrained type with constraints.
Sample code:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
package module_crosslanguage_pkg is
type t is record
s : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
c : std_logic_vector;
end record;
subtype t_s is t(c(1 downto 0));
end package;
use work.module_crosslanguage_pkg.all;
entity dummy_test is
port(a : in t); -- 1.
port(a : in t(c(1 downto 0))); -- 2.
port(a : in t_s); -- 3.
port(a : in t(c(1 downto 0))); -- 4.
end entity;
architecture a of dummy_test is
System Verilog
module modulebay_testbench();
import module_crosslanguage_pkg::*;
t_s testsignal;
t testsignal2;
dummy_test u(.a(testsignal)); -- 1., 2., 3.
dummy_test u(.a(testsignal2)); -- 4.
The error is always Fatal: (vsim-3362) The type of VHDL port 'a' is invalid for Verilog connection (1st connection).
Yes, see Sharing User-Defined Types in the Questa User Manual. It shows how to import packages defined in one language and use/import them in the other.

VHDL assigning decimal values to std_logic_vector

I'm trying to add a decimal value to a 10 bit std_logic_vector without having to describe every bit. Though it might not be worth the trouble in this particular scenario, i believe it will be very good to know in the future.
So far i have:
signal h_cnt : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
... --code
h_cnt <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(9, 10));
I get an error message saying:
*Error (10482): VHDL error at vhdl_vga.vhd(70): object "to_unsigned" is used but not declared
could anyone help me with this one?
Thanks in advance
I had to replace the libraries i was using.
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
is what i needed.

VHDL syntax for arrays of clocks (accepted by synthesis but not Active-HDL simulator)

I've a problem with some VHDL syntax in some old code that I want to reuse. It is accepted by the synthesis tool (Synplify) but the simulator (Aldec Active-HDL 8.3) gives the following error. (Note: This construction was accepted by a previous version of this simulator).
#Error: COMP96_0228: buffered_data.vhdl : (19, 28): The actual must be denoted by a static signal name, if the actual is associated with a signal parameter of any mode.
I get that the error doesn't like the (i) in the signal clk(i) but I don't want to unroll the loop to (0),(1),etc because it's used in several different configurations for different port sizes and I'm sure there must be a way to describe this.
My solution so far is to encapsulate one instance in it's own entity/arch hierarchy and use a "generate" to instantiate once for each port but I don't like it. Any better ideas?
Very simplified example showing exactly my issue. (The intent is to ensure that data is first clocked into the FPGA using its own associated clock before anything else)
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity input_buffer is
clk : in std_logic_vector;
data_in : in std_logic_vector;
data_out : out std_logic_vector
end input_buffer;
architecture rtl of input_buffer is
constant c_NumOfPorts : integer := 3;
p_process: process(clk)
for i in 0 to c_NumOfPorts-1 loop
if rising_edge(clk(i)) then -- error here
data_out(i) <= data_in(i);
end if;
end loop;
end process;
end rtl;
If you change the loop inside the process into a generate statement outside the process, it works fine in ModelSim (I don't have Aldec available), and IMHO seems cleaner than a single process with a bunch of clocks. I would also typically use a generic to define the port widths, rather than pulling them in as a constant inside the architecture, but I figure you've got some reason for doing it that way:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity input_buffer is
clk : in std_logic_vector;
data_in : in std_logic_vector;
data_out : out std_logic_vector
end input_buffer;
architecture rtl of input_buffer is
constant c_NumOfPorts : integer := 3;
gen : for i in 0 to c_NumOfPorts-1 generate
p_process: process(clk(i))
if rising_edge(clk(i)) then -- error here
data_out(i) <= data_in(i);
end if;
end process;
end generate;
end rtl;
FWIW, I get the same with Modelsim:
Model Technology ModelSim PE vcom 10.0a Compiler 2011.02 Feb 20 2011
-- Loading package STANDARD
-- Loading package TEXTIO
-- Loading package std_logic_1164
-- Compiling entity input_buffer
-- Compiling architecture rtl of input_buffer
** Error: clk.vhd(19): (vcom-1450) Actual (indexed name) for formal "s" is not a static signal name.
** Error: clk.vhd(25): VHDL Compiler exiting
As an aside - is there a reason for your use of the constant and not just doing this?
for i in clk'range loop
But no actual answer has occurred to me yet, sorry!
