Capitalize bash variable - bash

I have the following line in bash:
echo "Manufacturer: $(echo ${family:-$name}|cut -d' ' -f1)"
I would like to capitalize the echoed string using the ${var^} syntax but not sure how to add this to the current line. Can someone please suggest how to do this?

two one liners
$ echo "watever" | awk '{print toupper($0)}'
$ echo "watever" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'

Just store above command's output in a variable using command substitution:
s=$(echo "Manufacturer: $(echo ${family:-$name}|cut -d' ' -f1)")
and then use:
echo "${s^^}"
to capitalize the string.

sed is handy here:
echo "Manufacturer: $(sed 's/[^[:blank:]]\+/\U&/' <<< "${family:-$name}")"
Manufacturer: SMITH
If you only want to "title-case" it ("Manufacturer: Smith"), use \u instead of \U


How to remove special characters from strings but keep underscores in shell script

I have a string that is something like "info_A!__B????????C_*". I wan to remove the special characters from it but keep underscores and letters. I tried with [:word:] (ASCII letters and _) character set, but it says "invalid character set". any idea how to handle this ? Thanks.
if [ -z `echo $text | tr -dc "[:word:]"` ]
Using bash parameter expansion:
$ var='info_A!__B????????C_*'
$ echo "${var//[^[:alnum:]_]/}"
A sed one-liner would be
sed 's/[^[:alnum:]_]//g' <<< 'info_!????????*'
gives you
An awk one-liner would be
awk '{gsub(/[^[:alnum:]_]/,"",$0)} 1' <<< 'info_!??A_??????*pi9ngo^%$_mingo745'
gives you
If you don't wish to have numbers in the output then change :alnum: to :alpha:.
My tr doesn't understand [:word:]. I had to do like this:
$ x=$(echo 'info_A!__B????????C_*' | tr -cd '[:alnum:]_')
$ echo $x
Not sure if its robust way but it worked for your sample text.
sed one-liner:
echo "SamPlE_#tExT%, really ?" | sed -e 's/[^a-z^A-Z|^_]//g'

how to split string by tab in bash

test1="one two three four five"
echo $test1 | cut -d $'\t' -f2
I have a string which separated by TAB, and I want to get the second word by cut command.
I've found the question How to split a string in bash delimited by tab. But the solution is not used with cut.
This is happening because you need to quote $test1 when you echo:
echo "$test1" | cut -d$'\t' -f2
Otherwise, the format is gone and the tabs converted into spaces:
$ s="hello bye ciao"
$ echo "$s" <--- quoting
hello bye ciao
$ echo $s <--- without quotes
hello bye ciao
You don't need cut and can save yourself a fork:
$ test1=$(printf "one\ttwo\three\tfour\tfive")
$ read _ two _ <<< "${test1}"
$ echo "${two}"
Try to use cut without any -d option:
echo "$test1" | cut -f2
Below is expert from cut man page:
-d, --delimiter=DELIM
use DELIM instead of TAB for field delimiter
I run this:
echo $test1 | cut -d \; -f2
and get:
and your example:
test1="one two three four five"
echo $test1 | cut -d \t -f2
and get:
Hope that helpful.
It's the problem of \t I think.

Split String in Unix Shell Script

I have a String like this
and want to get last part of
Let's say you have
If you know the position, i.e. in this case the 9th, you can go with
echo "$text" | cut -d'/' -f9
However, if this is dynamic and your want to split at "/", it's safer to go with:
echo "${text##*/}"
This removes everything from the beginning to the last occurrence of "/" and should be the shortest form to do it.
For more information on this see: Bash Reference manual
For more information on cut see: cut man page
The tool basename does exactly that:
$ basename //ABC/REC/TLC/SC-prod/1f9/20/00000000957481f9-08d035805a5c94bf
I would use bash string function:
$ string="//ABC/REC/TLC/SC-prod/1f9/20/00000000957481f9-08d035805a5c94bf"
$ echo "${string##*/}"
But following are some other options:
$ awk -F'/' '$0=$NF' <<< "$string"
$ sed 's#.*/##g' <<< "$string"
Note: <<< is herestring notation. They do not create a subshell, however, they are NOT portable to POSIX sh (as implemented by shells such as ash or dash).
In case you want more than just the last part of the path,
you could do something like this:
echo $PWD | rev | cut -d'/' -f1-2 | rev
You can use this BASH regex:
[[ "$s" =~ [^/]+$ ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[0]}"
This can be done easily in awk:
echo "${string}" | awk -v FS="/" '{ print $NF }'
Use "/" as field separator and print the last field.
You can try this...
echo //ABC/REC/TLC/SC-prod/1f9/20/00000000957481f9-08d035805a5c94bf |awk -F "/" '{print $NF}'

get a part of string just like accessing an array?

In shell,
s="abc\tdef\tghi" # 3 words separated by \t
What if I want to get the second word which is def?
I know cut can do the job, but any way else just like variable substitution?
How about cut ?
[cnicutar#ariel ~]$ echo -e $s | cut -f2
Or maybe awk:
echo -e $s | awk '{print $2}'
Maybe you're looking for this.
echo $s

Remove blank spaces with comma in a string in bash shell

I would like to replace blank spaces/white spaces in a string with commas.
STR1=This is a string
Without using external tools:
echo ${STR1// /,}
$ STR1="This is a string"
$ echo ${STR1// /,}
See bash: Manipulating strings.
Just use sed:
echo $STR1 | sed 's/ /,/g'
or pure BASH way::
echo ${STR1// /,}
kent$ echo "STR1=This is a string"|awk -v OFS="," '$1=$1'
if there are continued blanks, they would be replaced with a single comma. as example above shows.
This might work for you:
echo 'STR1=This is a string' | sed 'y/ /,/'
echo 'STR1=This is a string' | tr ' ' ','
How about
STR1="This is a string"
StrFix="$( echo "$STR1" | sed 's/[[:space:]]/,/g')"
echo "$StrFix"
If you have multiple adjacent spaces in your string and what to reduce them to just 1 comma, then change the sed to
STR1="This is a string"
StrFix="$( echo "$STR1" | sed 's/[[:space:]][[:space:]]*/,/g')"
echo "$StrFix"
I'm using a non-standard sed, and so have used ``[[:space:]][[:space:]]*to indicate one or more "white-space" characters (including tabs, VT, maybe a few others). In a modern sed, I would expect[[:space:]]+` to work as well.
STR1=`echo $STR1 | sed 's/ /,/g'`
