PST PidLidAttendeeCriticalChange property - outlook

Have come across a scenario where using Outlook Spy I can see that my msg has the above said property. But once i export the pst and try to extract this message, this property does not exist in the expecte location i.e. 0x0001 index and offset 0x0040.
However in outlook spy i see a tag num of 0x80B00040 and sure enough when I look at the property mappings i see in tag 0x80B0 i.e. this value.
My question is that where does this tag value come from ? I do not find any references to it here ?
Can someone also explain the relation between named property and tags ?

What do you mean by "this property does not exist in the expecte location i.e. 0x0001 index and offset 0x0040."?
Do you mean the property tag changes? This is to be expected - the mappings between GUID//id and the prop tag are store specific. You should always call IMAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames on an object from the desired store to figure out the property tag.


How to get PidTag properties from Exchange via Graph API

I want to read PidTag properties from a specific e-mail message via Graph API REST call.
For singleValueExtendedProperties that is no problem as each of them has a specific GUID and in the filter query parameter can easily search for id with the corresponding property.
However I can't do the same with PidTags (i.e. the PidTag PidTagAccess or as OutlookSpy would show it: PR_ACCESS) because all of those PidTags have only the following attributes:
Tag num: HEX
Tag sym: String
Type: PropertyType
Value: Int
Does anyone have an idea how I could get those PidTags from an Outlook message?
I tried to put different types of attributenames into the filter query that weren't listed in the api and didn't really expect it to work. But it's better to try something out rather than to assume it won't work.
Use the proptag format to access properties predefined by MAPI, or by a client or server, and that have not already been exposed in Microsoft Graph. These properties have property identifiers in the 0x0001-0x7fff range. You can find more information about that in the Outlook extended properties overview.
Each predefined property in MAPI has well-defined description in MSDN with a property type, description and its identifier. For example, take a look at the PidTagAccess property description where you can get the required information. In OutlookSpy you may find the same information I believe.
Identifier for PidTagAccess is 0x0FF4 and type is integer, so valid id format for singleValueExtendedProperties is '{type} {proptag}'
Query to read the property:{message_id}?$expand=singleValueExtendedProperties($filter=id eq 'Integer 0x0FF4')
Since you are already using OutlookSpy (I am its author), you can build your Graph queries with any MAPI properties in OutlookSpy: click Message button in the Graph group on the OutlookSpy ribbon, click "Query Parameters", check "$expand" checkbox and click the button to the right of the edit box.
In your particular case (PR_ACCESS MAPI property), the query will be singleValueExtendedProperties($filter=id eq 'Integer 0x0FF4')

Invalid Named Property

We call the microsoft exchange to set the extended property which in our case is an unique guid An internal server error occurred. The operation failed., Invalid named property
Its been working great until now when some of our users are facing the above issue ....
val uId = getUniqueId();
val emailExtendedPropDef = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(uId,"uniqueId", MapiPropertyType.String)
try {
email.setExtendedProperty(emailExtendedPropDef, uId.toString)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
error(s"Exception in setting extended property for user $from", e)
throw e
trying to find the root cause of the issue, we are also thinking it might be related to throttling on Microsoft exchange for extended properties (Not sure how to prove if it's indeed throttling) any help to point us in the right direction will be of great help
Our use case is to able to retrieve the email when customer want's to reply back we want to retrieve that particular email to be included in users reply....currently we are using the uid to achieve that ....
we have been using the code as per the documentation here
and also the documentation here
Update : As per the comments we do understand that we have to treat extendedProperty as a column definition and update the same column ...but we couldn't figure out how to achieve this as...Any code samples to point us in the right direction will be of great help
Latest Update : We have deleted some of the extendedPropertyDefinition's but still facing the same invalid property could some one please point us in the right direction
Is it safe to say that getUniqueId returns a different guid on each call? If so, then that is the problem. Think of the Guid for an extended prop as a namespace. The exchange store limits the number of custom extended props to something like 32k per mailbox. So you are likely hitting that limit. But aside from that, the main reason for creating an extended property is so that you can refer to it later. But if you are basically discarding the namespace each time, you are leaving orphaned props on items. Without understanding your particular scenario, I can only say that the Guid should be thought of truly as a namespace. Choose one for your app/company/scenario and hard code it. They create all the named props you want within that namespace. For instance, "MyProp/String" in Guid namespace 1 is a different property than "MyProp/String" in Guid namespace 2.

CoreAudio: What is "AudioBox" as contrasted to "AudioDevice"

The header file CoreAudio/AudioHardware.h refers to a class "AudioBox" and indicates that it is distinct from but related to the class "AudioDevice". Searching yields no hits for AudioBox. There is, unfortunately, a commercial product called AudioBox™, which makes googling for the term painfully low-yield.
Here are the comments containing the references:
An array of AudioObjectIDs that represent all the AudioBox
objects currently provided by the system.
This property fetches the AudioObjectID that corresponds to the
AudioBox that has the given UID. The UID is passed in via the qualifier as a CFString while the AudioObjectID for the AudioBox is
returned to the caller as the property's data. Note that an error
is not returned if the UID doesn't refer to any AudioBoxes.
Rather, this property will return kAudioObjectUnknown as the value of the property.
The header file: AudioHardwareBase.h contains numerous references to AudioBox, but does not define or explain it, although it associates it with AudioDevice.
Searching the docs via XCode just takes me back to AudioHardwareBase.h.
I can infer that perhaps an "AudioBox" is an audio device that is accessed via a plugin. But this does not appear to be stated anywhere.
So What Is An AudioBox?
An AudioBox is a container of (usually) AudioDevices

Field returns empty string

I create a new profile document with the following code:
Set doc = db.Createdocument()
doc.Form = "SMBPrivateProfile"
Call doc.Computewithform(True,True)
Call doc.Save(True, False)
But whenever I want to read a field by #GetProfileField i get an empty string, even if the field I want to read has a default value.
After opening & saving the document manually everything works.
Further details:
I improved an application and hit Application --> Replace Design.... The new version includes a new field within the profile document. When reading one of these new fields, the result is an empty string. When reading an 'old' field within the same document the result is the expected string.
MessageBox([OK];"Title"; #GetProfileField("SMBPrivateProfile"; "OLD_FIELD"; #ThisName))
--> Will result in: "This is a fancy old default value"
MessageBox([OK];"Title"; #GetProfileField("SMBPrivateProfile"; "NEW_FIELD"; #ThisName))
--> Will result in: "" (instead of "This is a fancy new default value")
That's not a profile document. To create profile document use:
You can also add a second parameter for a unique key in addition to profile name.
Also consider if you really want to use profile documents. They are heavily cached and not visible in any views.
If I'm reading you right, it appears that you have updated a form and added a new field with a default value formula. You are then reading an existing document. When you do this, the new field that you added to the form does not yet exist. New fields and formulas aren't applied to existing documents until you do something to force them to be applied.
If it's a regular document (as your original code indicated), you can just open the document in the Notes client, edit, and re-save it. That will create the NEW_FIELD and give it its value. If there are lots of these documents, you could write a simple formula agent to do this via #Command([ToolsRefreshAllDocs]) or #Command( [ToolsRefreshSelectedDocs]).
If it is a profile document (as per the responce chain to #Panu's anser), then after you do the replace design you will have to write an agent to open the existing profile document using db.getProfileDocument use doc.ReplaceItemValue("NEW_FIELD";"new value").

How to internationalize a collection's conversion error message in Struts2?

A related problem that is specific to single field has been solved here. But how to customize a collection field's conversion error message?
Here is an example:
On a jsp page, I have a field in Collection type:
<s:iterator value="items" status="m">
<s:hidden name="selitmems[%{#m.index}].id" value="%{id}"/>
<s:textfield name="selitmems[%{#m.index}].quant" size="10"/>
The items' type is: List<Item>; the selitems' type is List<SelItem>.
I want selitmems[].quant property to be an integer type. If a string like "abc" is filled in for the first item by an end user, the default error message is:
Invalid field value for field "selitmems[0].quant".
The above message is not what i want. In my case, I would prefer to generalize the error message as follows regardless of the specific selected item:
Please input integers for the items.
Of course it would be great if the error message can vary according to the specific item:
Please input an integer for the first item.
I have tried to add some keys like "selitmems[0].quant" or "selitmems" in the properties file, but can't get the result. Is there way to customize the error message for a collection field in struts2 when I can still reuse the built-in type conversion functions?
Try using the "label" attribute. You can play some... interesting games with this, such as (untested, but close):
label="%{getText('selitem.quantity', { #m.index })}"
The property file would contain:
selitem.quantity=Item #{0}
You can change the conversion error message as described here, although this may not be precisely what you want to do.
(I've been known to remove the conversion interceptor altogether and let either the default converters or custom converters handle conversion errors when a bad conversion also fails the field's "real" validation.)
Mm hmm... you can play some crazy games with OGNL and substituion.
Put something like this in your properties file.
invalid.fieldvalue.selitmems.quant = Please input integers for the items.
Then selitmems[0].quant, selitmems[1].quant, selitmems[2].quant conversion errors all return the same message.
