Ruby: Difference between passing `&proc` and `proc` to a method - ruby

I have a bit of code modified slightly from a question on codeacademy. The code is :
def print_list(array, first = 1)
counter = first
array.each do |array|
puts "#{yield counter} #{array}"
counter =
proc = do |n|
print_list ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"], 5, &proc
If I remove the & from the last line Ruby throws me an argument error. What is the purpose of the & here?

If you remove the &, then print_list treats proc as a third argument to itself, instead of a block. The & symbol transforms the Proc object into a block, which is called inside print_list by the yield keyword.
More succinctly,
proc is just an argument, &proc is a reference to the block passed to the method.
You might find this article useful to understand the differences between proc and blocks

The & indicates that the proc should be passed as a block.
Without it, the "proc" will just be another (third) parameter so you'll get the argument error (3 for 2)
It's possible to pass it without the & and use it in your print_list method directly as a proc... but first can't be optional then. You'll need to pass first or at the very least nil.
def print_list(array, first, proc)
counter = first || 1
array.each do |array|
puts "#{ counter} #{array}"
counter =


How to use reduce/inject in Ruby without getting Undefined variable

When using an accumulator, does the accumulator exist only within the reduce block or does it exist within the function?
I have a method that looks like:
def my_useless_function(str)
crazy_letters = ['a','s','d','f','g','h']
str.split.reduce([]) do |new_array, letter|
for a in 0..crazy_letters.length-1
if letter == crazy_letters[a]
new_array << letter
return true if (new_array == new_array.sort)
When I execute this code I get the error
"undefined variable new_array in line 11 (the return statement)"
I also tried assigning the new_array value to another variable as an else statement inside my reduce block but that gave me the same results.
Can someone explain to me why this is happening?
The problem is that new_array is created during the call to reduce, and then the reference is lost afterwards. Local variables in Ruby are scoped to the block they are in. The array can be returned from reduce in your case, so you could use it there. However, you need to fix a couple things:
str.split does not break a string into characters in Ruby 2+. You should use str.chars, or str.split('').
The object retained for each new iteration of reduce must be retained by returning it from the block each time. The simplest way to do this is to put new_array as the last expression in your block.
def my_useless_function(str)
crazy_letters = ['a','s','d','f','g','h']
crazy_only = str.split('').reduce([]) do |new_array, letter|
for a in 0..crazy_letters.length-1
if letter == crazy_letters[a]
new_array << letter
return true if (crazy_only == crazy_only.sort)
Note that your function is not very efficient, and not very idiomatic. Here's a shorter version of the function that is more idiomatic, but not much more efficient:
def my_useless_function(str)
crazy_letters = %w[a s d f g h]
crazy_only ={ |c| crazy_letters.include?(c) }
crazy_only == crazy_only.sort # evaluates to true or false
And here's a version that's more efficient:
def efficient_useless(str)
crazy_only = str.scan(/[asdfgh]/) # use regex to search for the letters you want
crazy_only == crazy_only.sort
Block local variables
new_array doesn't exist outside the block of your reduce call. It's a "block local variable".
reduce does return an object, though, and you should use it inside your method.
sum = [1, 2, 3].reduce(0){ |acc, elem| acc + elem }
puts sum
# 6
puts acc
# undefined local variable or method `acc' for main:Object (NameError)
Your code
Here's the least amount of change for your method :
def my_useless_function(str)
crazy_letters = ['a','s','d','f','g','h']
new_array = str.split(//).reduce([]) do |new_array, letter|
for a in 0..crazy_letters.length-1
if letter == crazy_letters[a]
new_array << letter
return true if (new_array == new_array.sort)
return isn't needed at the end.
true if ... isn't needed either
for loop should never be used in Ruby
reduce returns the result of the last expression inside the block. It was for in your code.
If you always need to return the same object in reduce, it might be a sign you could use each_with_object.
"test".split is just ["test"]
String and Enumerable have methods that could help you. Using them, you could write a much cleaner and more efficient method, as in #Phrogz answer.

Using yield within a select statement

If I wanted to prune an array by a given set of parameters I would write something like this:
array = [4,5,6,7,8]
a ={|i| i>=5}
puts a.inspect
which would return [5,6,7,8].
I want to write a function "filter" which accomplishes the same thing. In this case my first thought is to write something like:
array = [4,5,6,7,8]
a = filter(array) {|i| i >= 5}
puts a.inspect
What I can't figure out is how to properly call yield within the method to invoke the code block during the select statement:
a ={yield}
Doesn't seem to work since it attempts to call the code block on nil, not the array within the function. What's the proper way of doing this?
Don't know if it makes sense for you, but try:
def filter(array) { |i| yield(i) }
array = [4,5,6,7,8]
p filter(array) {|i| i >= 5}
When you write code within braces {...} to be passed to a method, this code is called a block. It is normally passed implicitly to a method (i.e. it is not a named argument). To invoke this implicit block, you call yield.
In your case, you don't want to invoke the block yourself; you want your filter method to pass the block along to select, where the actual filtering takes place.
To "pass along a block", you can make the method's block argument explicit by using the & prefix. Note that the name block in this example is just convention; there is no special block keyword. The important part is the & character:
def filter(array, &block)
array = [4,5,6,7,8]
filter(array) { |i| i >= 5 } # => [5,6,7,8]

Ruby block's result as an argument

There are many examples how to pass Ruby block as an argument, but these solutions pass the block itself.
I need a solution that takes some variable, executes an inline code block passing this variable as a parameter for the block, and the return value as an argument to the calling method. Something like:
a = 555
b = a.some_method { |value|
#Do some stuff with value
return result
a = 555
b = some_method(a) { |value|
#Do some stuff with value
return result
I could imagine a custom function:
class Object
def some_method(&block)
def some_method(arg, &block)
but are there standard means present?
I think, you are looking for instance_eval.
Evaluates a string containing Ruby source code, or the given block, within the context of the receiver (obj). In order to set the context, the variable self is set to obj while the code is executing, giving the code access to obj’s instance variables. In the version of instance_eval that takes a String, the optional second and third parameters supply a filename and starting line number that are used when reporting compilation errors.
a = 55
a.instance_eval do |obj|
# some operation on the object and stored it to the
# variable and then returned it back
result = obj / 5 # last stament, and value of this expression will be
# returned which is 11
end # => 11
This is exactly how #Arup Rakshit commented. Use tap
def compute(x)
x + 1
compute(3).tap do |val|
end # => 4

What do c == self and yield do?

Can you help me understand what this class does and how we can make use of it?
class Integer
def myt
until c == self
Thank you.
x =
I tried to test it but it doesn't work. Error is: "no block given (yield)"
Also, in my book it says to test like this:
5.myt (|| puts "I'm on iteration #{i}! "} but it also gives an error - not sure why or what this line of code means.
allonhadaya and PNY did a good job explaining the purpose (enumeration) of the myt method.
Regarding your two questions mentioned in the title:
1.) What does 'c == self' do?
The '==' operator checks whether the integer c and Integer object you instantiate, are equal in value. If they are, the expression evaluates to true.
2.) What does 'yield' do?
The 'yield' statement passes control from the current method to a block which has been provided to the method. Blocks are ruby's implementation of a closure which, simple put, means that a method can be "extended" by calling the method with a block of additional code as long as the method supports a block (ie. incorporates yield statements)
The method seems to be a times implementation.
Basically 5.times { |i| puts i } and 5.myt { |i| puts i } will do exactly the same thing.
First, it sets a counter to 0, c = 0. Then you have a conditional where it checks if c is equal with self which will always be the integer attached to the method myt. It, then yields the counter and return self when is done.
Looks like it enumerates the values between zero inclusively and self exclusively.
allon#ahadaya:~$ irb
irb(main):001:0> class Integer
irb(main):002:1> def myt
irb(main):003:2> c=0
irb(main):004:2> until c == self
irb(main):005:3> yield(c)
irb(main):006:3> c+=1
irb(main):007:3> end
irb(main):008:2> self
irb(main):009:2> end
irb(main):010:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):011:0> 5.myt { |i| puts i }
=> 5
Using the example your book gave --
5.myt {|i| puts "I'm on iteration #{i}! "}
#You were missing an object in the pipes and a curly bracket before the pipes (not parentheses)
Allows you to see the internal workings of your myt method. Initializing variable c with a value of 0 the method executes an until look until the condition "c == self" is satisfied. Self references the object, here 5, which the method is acting on.
Therefore ...
def myt
until c == 5 #Until this is true
yield(c) #Do this .. here yield will do whatever the block specified
c+=1 #Increment on each iteration the value of variable c by 1
end #closing the until loop
self #return self
The yield within the method passes control from your method to the parameter, a block, back to the method.
Yield therefore allows you to build methods which can have similar patterns but with block you customize it to do your particular need.
If instead of putting each number maybe all you want to do is put the odd integers between 0 and the integer you call the method on --
5.myt {|i| puts i if i.odd?} # returns I am odd: 1 and I am odd: 3
I would suggest that you write your own blocks here to see how yield works and how you can keep the same method but pass in different blocks and create different method outputs!

In ruby, what does "&block" do? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What’s this &block in Ruby? And how does it get passes in a method here?
I dont Understand the &block part, what does it do?
here is an example:
def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block)
#messages << method_name
#object.send method_name, *args, &block
Blocks give you an opportunity to state a callback to pass on to a method.
The & is key here - like #pst mentioned, it "promotes" the block to a Proc and binds the Proc to the variable with the given name.
With &
def time(&block)
puts block
# => nil
time { foo }
# => #<Proc:0x00029bbc>
Without &
def time(block)
puts block
time { foo }
# => ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
# Because & isn't included, the method instead expected an arguement,
# but as a block isn't a arguement an error is returned.
Answering "And how would I pass it to another method?" comment by Brian:
Like this:
def compose init_value, n=2, &b
if n==0 then init_value else compose init_value, n - 1, &b )
compose 2 do |n| n * n end
#=> 16
compose 2, 4 do |n| n * n end
#=> 65536
compose 2, 4 do |n| n * 0.5 end
#=> 0.125
This is a recursive method that recursively applies the same block to a number several times. Here, the block packaged into b argument gets called, but at the same time it is passed on recursively to compose method, while n argument is decremented by 1. In the same way, b could be passed to any method, like map, reduce, anything.
Whereas, should you not need to pass the block to another method, you could simply use yield:
def apply_block_to_1_2_3
return yield( 1 ), yield( 2 ), yield( 3 )
apply_block_to_1_2_3 { |n| n * n }
#=> [1, 4, 9]
May the force be with you.
It converts the block to a proc object that can be passed on to another method.
when you call a method with a block, there are 2 ways to use that block:
call yield inside method
convert it into a Proc object by prepending & to it
with second way you can pass it to another method.
so in your case it transforms the given block into a Proc and calling method_name with it.
think of it as you can pass a block just like any argument.
