How to pass a variable with whitespace to env interpreter - bash

I have this interpreter, which prints the ARGS variable:
echo "[$ARGS]"
I use this interpreter in another script:
#!/usr/bin/env ARGS=first interpreter
Calling the second script, I get
How do I get
[first second]

The short of it: don't rely on being able to pass multiple arguments as part of a shebang line, and the one argument you can use must be an unquoted, single word.
For more background information, see the question #tholu has already linked to in a comment (
Thus, I suggest you rewrite your other script to use bash as well:
ARGS='first second' /usr/bin/env interpreter "$#"
This allows you to use bash's own mechanism for defining environment variables ad-hoc (for the command invoked and its children) by prefixing commands with variable assignments, allowing you to use quoting and even define multiple variables.
Whatever command-line arguments were passed in are passed through to interpreter via "$#".


Where is "key=value bash-script" usage documented?

I often see key=value bash-script to pass variables to a bash script. Here is an example:
$ echo $0
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "key1: $key1"
$ key1=value1 ./
key1: value1
I have checked Bash Reference Manual. But I can't a description related to this usage.
Section 3.7.4 "Environment"
The environment for any simple command or function may be augmented temporarily by prefixing it with parameter assignments, as described in Shell Parameters. These assignment statements affect only the environment seen by that command.
Apparently the online version of the documentation fails to describe the syntax of a simple command completely. It reads:
3.2.1 Simple Commands
A simple command is the kind of command encountered most often. It’s just a sequence of words separated by blanks, terminated by one of the shell’s control operators (see Definitions). The first word generally specifies a command to be executed, with the rest of the words being that command’s arguments.
There is some information about the variable assignments that may precede a simple command on the section Simple Commands Expansion:
3.7.1 Simple Command Expansion
When a simple command is executed, the shell performs the following expansions, assignments, and redirections, from left to right.
The words that the parser has marked as variable assignments (those preceding the command name) and redirections are saved for later processing.
The text after the = in each variable assignment undergoes tilde expansion, parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, and quote removal before being assigned to the variable.
The manual page bundled with the shell seems to be better at this. It says (the emphasis is mine):
Simple Commands
A simple command is a sequence of optional variable assignments followed by blank-separated words and redirections, and terminated by a control operator.
You can always read the documentation of bash (and of any other CLI program installed on your computer) using man.
Type man bash on your terminal and use the usual keys (<spacebar>, b, /, q etc.) to navigate in the document. Behind the scenes, man uses your default pager program (which is, most probably, less) to put the information on screen.

Bash what bash alias actually is? [duplicate]

I'm surprised hasn't been asked before, but…
What is the difference between
alias ⇢ alias EXPORT='alias'
function ⇢ function exporter() { echo $EXPORT }
export ⇢ export ALIAS='export'
and for that matter...
alias export=$(function) (j/k)
in bash (zsh, et al.)
Specifically, I'd be most interested in knowing the lexical/practical difference between
alias this=that
export that=this
I have both forms... all over the place - and would prefer to stop arbitrarily choosing one, over the other. 😂
I'm sure there is a great reference to a "scopes and use-cases for unix shells", somewhere... but thought I'd post the question here, in the name of righteous-canonicalicism.
You're asking about two very different categories of things: aliases and functions define things that act like commands; export marks a variable to be exported to child processes. Let me go through the command-like things first:
An alias (alias ll='ls -l') defines a shorthand for a command. They're intended for interactive use (they're actually disabled by default in shell scripts), and are simple but inflexible. For example, any arguments you specify after the alias simply get tacked onto the end of the command; if you wanted something like alias findservice='grep "$1" /etc/services', you can't do it, because $1 doesn't do anything useful here.
A function is like a more flexible, more powerful version of an alias. Functions can take & process arguments, contain loops, conditionals, here-documents, etc... Basically, anything you could do with a shell script can be done in a function. Note that the standard way to define a function doesn't actually use the keyword function, just parentheses after the name. For example: findservice() { grep "$1" /etc/services; }
Ok, now on to shell variables. Before I get to export, I need to talk about unexported variables. Basically, you can define a variable to have some (text) value, and then if you refer to the variable by $variablename it'll be substituted into the command. This differs from an alias or function in two ways: an alias or function can only occur as the first word in the command (e.g. ll filename will use the alias ll, but echo ll will not), and variables must be explicitly invoked with $ (echo $foo will use the variable foo, but echo foo will not). More fundamentally, aliases and functions are intended to contain executable code (commands, shell syntax, etc), while variables are intended to store non-executable data.
(BTW, you should almost always put variable references inside double-quotes -- that is, use echo "$foo" instead of just echo $foo. Without double-quotes the variable's contents get parsed in a somewhat weird way that tends to cause bugs.)
There are also some "special" shell variables, that are automatically set by the shell (e.g. $HOME), or influence how the shell behaves (e.g. $PATH controls where it looks for executable commands), or both.
An exported variable is available both in the current shell, and also passed to any subprocesses (subshells, other commands, whatever). For example, if I do LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8, that tells my current shell use the "en_US.UTF-8" locale settings. On the other hand, if I did export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 that would tell the current shell and all subprocesses and commands it executes to use that locale setting.
Note that a shell variable can be marked as exported separately from defining it, and once exported it stays exported. For example, $PATH is (as far as I know) always exported, so PATH=/foo:/bar has the same effect as export PATH=/foo:/bar (although the latter may be preferred just in case $PATH somehow wasn't already exported).
It's also possible to export a variable to a particular command without defining it in the current shell, by using the assignment as a prefix for the command. For example LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 sort filename will tell the sort command to use the "en_US.UTF-8" locale settings, but not apply that to the current shell (or any other commands).
The shell evaluation order (per POSIX) for the entities in your question is:
aliases --> variables --> command substitutions --> special built-ins --> functions --> regular built-ins
Aliases do not persist across subshells, but variables (and in Bash, functions) can be made to do so with the export command.
Regular built-ins can be overridden by writing functions that have the same name as the regular built-in (since functions expand before regular built-ins). (NOTE: If you're trying to add functionality to the regular built-in, call the built-in with command in your function definition so you don't accidentally create a recursive function.)
Variables can be made readonly with the (special built-in) readonly command, but aliases cannot.
Export a variable if you need to use a variable across subshells.
Make a variable readonly if you don't want it changed for the life of the parent shell (once performed, this cannot be undone with unset; you must restart the parent shell).
If you want to override or add functionality to a regular built-in, use a function.
NOTE: If you want to be sure that you're using a special or regular built-in and not someone else's function, use builtin the_builtin, or if the shell doesn't support the builtin command, use the POSIX comand command -p the_builtin, where the -p switch tells command to use the $PATH that ships with the shell by default (in case the user has overriden path).
NOTE: A variable can be made to act like an alias that also persists across subshells and cannot be changed. For example,
#! /bin/sh
my_cmd='ls -al'
export my_cmd
readonly my_cmd
will act like
#! /bin/sh
alias my_cmd='ls -al'
so long as
my_cmd is used without double-quotes (i.e. ${my_cmd}, NOT "${my_cmd}") so it isn't treated as a single string, and
IFS is the standard space-tab-newline and not switched to something else so that the elements of my_cmd are globbed and each part separated by a space is evaluated as a single token (otherwise it will be evaluated as a single string).
Each shell (e.g. bash, zsh, ksh, yash, etc.) is a bit different, so be sure to review the reference manual for it (they each implement POSIX in a unique way, or sometimes not at all).

Access variable declared inside Makefile command

I'm trying to access a variable declared by previous command (inside a Makefile).
Here's the Makefile:
Here's the script declaring the variable I want to access,
#!/usr/bin/env bash
Here's the script trying to access the variable previously defined,
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo $myVar
Unfortunately when I run make, myVar isn't accessible. Is there an other way around? Thanks.
Make will run each shell command in its own shell. And when the shell exits, its environment is lost.
If you want variables from one script to be available in the next, there are constructs which will do this. For example:
( . ./; ./ )
This causes Make to launch a single shell to handle both scripts.
Note also that you will need to export the variable in order for it to be visible in the second script; unexported variables are available only to the local script, and not to subshells that it launches.
UPDATE (per Kusalananda's comment):
If you want your shell commands to populate MAKE variables instead of merely environment variables, you may have options that depend on the version of Make that you are running. For example, in BSD make and GNU make, you can use "variable assignment modifiers" including (from the BSD make man page):
!= Expand the value and pass it to the shell for execution and
assign the result to the variable. Any newlines in the result
are replaced with spaces.
Thus, with BSD make and GNU make, you could do this:
$ cat Makefile
foo!= . ./; ./
#echo "foo=${foo}"
$ cat
export test=bar
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "$test"
$ make
Note that does not include any shebang because it's being sourced, and is therefore running in the calling shell, whatever that is. That makes the shebang line merely a comment. If you're on a system where the default shell is POSIX but not bash (like Ubuntu, Solaris, FreeBSD, etc), this should still work because POSIX shells should all understand the concept of exporting variables.
The two separate invocations of the scripts create two separate environments. The first script sets a variable in its environment and exits (the environment is lost). The second script does not have that variable in its environment, so it outputs an empty string.
You can not have environment variables pass between environments other than between the environments of a parent shell to its child shell (not the other way around). The variables passed over into the child shell are only those that the parent shell has export-ed. So, if the first script invoked the second script, the value would be outputted (if it was export-ed in the first script).
In a shell, you would source the first file to set the variables therein in the current environment (and then export them!). However, in Makefiles it's a bit trickier since there's no convenient source command.
Instead you may want to read this StackOverflow question.
EDIT in light of #ghoti's answer: #ghoti has a good solution, but I'll leave my answer in here as it explains a bit more verbosely about environment variables and what we can do and not do with them with regards to passing them between environments.

Run a bash including a variable in the "bash" command

I am completely new to "programming" in Linux, and I wonder if it is possible to include the definition of a variable when I run a bash file.
My bash file needs the variable in order to go from one or another path, so I would like to be able to include it when running the script.
Something like this:
So the -VARIABLE would be used in the script.
Thank you!
You can take advantage of shell parameter expansion to smoothly read variables from the environment of the parent process, if it's that what you want to achieve.
Look at the following script named
VARIABLE=${VARIABLE:="default value"}
If you start it with the line
$ ./
it outputs
default value
But if you invoke with the line
$ VARIABLE="custom Value" ./
it outputs
custom value
But make sure that the variable assignment is at the beginning of the line. Otherwise it is passed to as command line argument.
The used form of parameter expansion ${parameter:=word} is described in the bash reference manual as:
If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is assigned to parameter. The value of parameter is then substituted. Positional parameters and special parameters may not be assigned to in this way.

bash shell script conditional assignment

I'm writing a bash shell script. There's a required first argument and I want to have an optional second argument.
If the second argument is omitted I want it to use the value of the first argument.
Currently I have:
How can I use something like basename $1 instead of Untitled?
You can just do something like SOMEVAR=${2:-$(basename "$1")}. You can do any shell or variable in the optional part.
Just use command substitution: $(basename $1), literally instead of Untitled.
However, bash also has the ability to do this without an external process: ${1##*/}
