Find all max of elements of an array [duplicate] - ruby

This question already has answers here:
Returning all maximum or minimum values that can be multiple
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Suppose I have a array, namely arr: [1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 8], and I want to find all max elements in this array:
arr.allmax # => [8, 8]
Is there a built-in method combinations to solve this? I don't like to monkey patch as I am doing now:
class Array
def allmax
max = self.max { |e| e == max }
Monkey patch is not a good idea, I could just do: { |e| e == some_array.max }
and it will work as allmax. Thanks for all answers and comments for inspirations.

Here's a fun way to do it.
arr.sort!.slice arr.index(arr[-1]) || 0..-1
Sort the array, then find the leftmost index of the array which matches the rightmost index of the array, and take the subslice that matches that range (or the range 0..-1 if the array is empty).
This one is kind of fun in that it requires no intermediate arrays, though it does mutate the input to achieve the one-liner.

Here is one way :
2.1.0 :006 > arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 8]
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 8]
2.1.0 :007 > arr.group_by { |i| i }.max.last
=> [8, 8]
2.1.0 :008 >
Here is a method :-
def all_max(arr)
return [] if arr.empty?
arr.group_by { |i| i }.max.last

Another way:
def all_max(arr)
return [] if arr.empty?
mx = arr.max
[mx] * arr.count { |e| e == mx }
all_max([1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 8])
#=> [8, 8]
To construct the array in a single pass, you could do this:
arr.each_with_object([]) do |e,a|
if a.empty?
a << e
case e <=> a.first
when 0 then a << e
when 1 then a.replace([e])


How to improve algorithm efficiency for nested loop

Given a list of integers and a single sum value, return the first two values (from the left) that add up to form the sum.
For example, given:
sum_pairs([10, 5, 2, 3, 7, 5], 10)
[5, 5] (at indices [1, 5] of [10, 5, 2, 3, 7, 5]) add up to 10, and [3, 7] (at indices [3, 4]) add up to 10. Among them, the entire pair [3, 7] is earlier, and therefore is the correct answer.
Here is my code:
def sum_pairs(ints, s)
result = []
i = 0
while i < ints.length - 1
j = i+1
while j < ints.length
result << [ints[i],ints[j]] if ints[i] + ints[j] == s
j += 1
i += 1
puts result.to_s
It works, but is too inefficient, taking 12000 ms to run. The nested loop is the problem of inefficiency. How could I improve the algorithm?
Have a Set of numbers you have seen, starting empty
Look at each number in the input list
Calculate which number you would need to add to it to make up the sum
See if that number is in the set
If it is, return it, and the current element
If not, add the current element to the set, and continue the loop
When the loop ends, you are certain there is no such pair; the task does not specify, but returning nil is likely the best option
Should go superfast, as there is only a single loop. It also terminates as soon as it finds the first matching pair, so normally you wouldn't even go through every element before you get your answer.
As a style thing, using while in this way is very unRubyish. In implementing the above, I suggest you use ints.each do |int| ... end rather than while.
EDIT: As Cary Swoveland commented, for a weird reason I thought you needed indices, not the values.
require 'set'
def sum_pairs(arr, target)
s =
arr.each do |v|
return [target-v, v] if s.include?(target-v)
s << v
sum_pairs [10, 5, 2, 3, 7, 5], 10
#=> [3, 7]
sum_pairs [10, 5, 2, 3, 7, 5], 99
#=> nil
I've used Set methods to speed include? lookups (and, less important, to save only unique values).
Try below, as it is much more readable.
def sum_pairs(ints, s) do |ele, i|
if ele < s
rem_arr = ints.from(i + 1)
rem = s - ele
[ele, rem] if rem_arr.include?(rem)
One liner (the fastest?)
ary = [10, 0, 8, 5, 2, 7, 3, 5, 5]
sum = 10
def sum_pairs(ary, sum) { |e, i| [e, i] }.combination(2).to_a.keep_if { |a| a.first.first + a.last.first == sum }.map { |e| [e, e.max { |a, b| a.last <=> b.last }.last] }.min { |a, b| a.last <=> b.last }{ |e| e.first }
Yes, it's not really readable, but if you add methods step by step starting from { |e, i| [e, i] } it's easy to understand how it works.

Ruby Getting a max value out of a newly created array in one function

I want my function to return the longest Array within a nested array (including the array itself) so
nested_ary = [[1,2],[[1,2,[[1,2,3,4,[5],6,7,11]]]],[1,[2]]
=> [1,2,3,4,[5],6,7,11]
simple_ary = [1,2,3,4,5]
=> returns: [1,2,3,4,5]
I created a function to collect all arrays. I have to get the max value in another function.
my code:
def deep_max(ary)
ary.inject([ary]) { |memo, elem|
if elem.is_a?(Array)
end }
This gives me what I want:
deep_max(nested_ary).max_by{ |elem| elem.size }
Is there a way to get this max inside of the function?
def deep_max(arr)
biggest_so_far = arr
arr.each do |e|
if e.is_a?(Array)
candidate = deep_max(e)
biggest_so_far = candidate if candidate.size > biggest_so_far.size
deep_max [[1, 2], [[1, 2, [[1, 2, 3, 4, [5], 6, 7, 11]]]], [1, [2]]]
#=> [1, 2, 3, 4, [5], 6, 7, 11]
You can unroll it:
def deep_max(ary)
arys = []
ary = [ary]
until ary.empty?
elem = ary.pop
if elem.is_a?(Array)
Or you can cheat, by introducing an optional parameter that changes how your recursion works on top level vs how it behaves down the rabbit hole.

How to convert a three-line Ruby method into one

I have a simple method that iterates through an array and returns a duplicate. (Or duplicates)
def find_dup(array)
duplicate = 0
array.each { |element| duplicate = element if array.count(element) > 1}
It works, but I'd like to express this more elegantly.
The reason it is three lines is that the variable "duplicate", which the method must return, is not visible to the method if I introduce it inside the block, i.e,
def find_dup(array)
array.each { |element| duplicate = element if array.count(element) > 1}
I've tried a few ways to define "duplicate" as the result of a block, but to no avail.
Any thoughts?
It's a little too much to do cleanly in a one-liner, but this is a more
efficient solution.
def find_dups(arr)
counts = { |hash,key| hash[key] = 0 }
arr.each_with_object(counts) do |x, memo|
memo[x] += 1 { |key,val| val > 1 }.keys
The call instantiates a hash where the default value is 0.
each_with_object modifies this hash to track the count of each element in arr, then at the
end the filter is used to select only those having a count greater than one.
The benefit of this approach over a solution using Array#includes? or Array#count is that it only scans the array a single time. Thus it is a O(N) time instead of O(N^2).
Your method is only finding the last duplicate in the array. If you want all the duplicates, I would do something like this:
def find_dups(arr)
dups = { |h, k| h[k] = 0 }
arr.each { |el| dups[el] += 1 } { |k, v| v > 1 }.keys
If what you really want is a one-liner that isn't concerned with big-O complexity and only returns the last duplicate in the array, I would do this:
def find_last_dup(arr)
arr.reverse_each { |el| return el if arr.count(el) > 1 }
You can do this as one line and it flows a bit nicer. Though this would find the first instance of a duplicate whereas your code is returning the last instance of a duplicate, not sure if that's part of your requirement.
def find_dup(array)
array.group_by { |value| value }.find { |_, groups| groups.count > 1 }.first
Also, note that making things one line doesn't strictly mean is better. I'd find the code more readable split over more lines, but that's just my opinion.
def find_dup(array)
array.group_by { |value|
}.find { |_, groups|
groups.count > 1
Just want to add one more approach to the mix.
def find_last_dup(arr)
arr.reverse_each.detect { |x| arr.count(x) > 1 }
Alternatively, you can get linear time complexity in two lines.
def find_last_dup(arr)
freq = arr.each_with_object( { |x, obj| obj[x] += 1 }
arr.reverse_each.detect { |x| freq[x] > 1 }
For the sake of argument, the latter approach can be reduced to one line as well, but this would be unidiomatic and confusing.
def find_last_dup(arr)
arr.each_with_object( { |x, obj| obj[x] += 1 }
.tap do |freq| return arr.reverse_each.detect { |x| freq[x] > 1 } end
> a
=> [8, 5, 6, 6, 5, 8, 6, 1, 9, 7, 2, 10, 7, 7, 3, 4]
You can group the dups together:
> a.uniq.each_with_object( {|e, h| c=a.count(e); h[e]=c if c>1}
=> {8=>2, 5=>2, 6=>3, 7=>3}
> a.group_by{ |e| e}.select{|k,v| v if v.length>1}
=> {8=>[8, 8], 5=>[5, 5], 6=>[6, 6, 6], 7=>[7, 7, 7]}
In each case, the order of the result is based on the order of the elements in a that have dups. If you just want the first:
> a.group_by{ |e| e}.select{|k,v| v if v.length>1}.first
=> [8, [8, 8]]
Or last:
> a.group_by{ |e| e}.select{|k,v| v if v.length>1}.to_a.last
=> [7, [7, 7, 7]]
If you want to 'fast forward' to the first value that has a dup, you can use drop_while:
> b=[1,2,3,4,5,4,5,6]
> b.drop_while {|e| b.count(e)==1 }[0]
=> 4
Or the last:
> b.reverse.drop_while {|e| b.count(e)==1 }[0]
=> 5
def find_duplicates(array)
array.dup.uniq.each { |element| array.delete_at(array.index(element)) }.uniq
The above method find_duplicates duplicated the input array and deletes the first occurrence of all the elements, leaving the array with only remaining occurrences of the duplicate elements.
array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3]
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3]
=> [3, 4]

Create a new array based on a relationship between elements in an existing array in ruby [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 5 years ago.
Improve this question
I have the following array:
a = [1, 2, 6, 10, 11]
and I want to return a new array b that consists of the sums of adjacent elements that differ by one. In this case, the returned array would be:
b = [3, 21]
i.e. a[0] and a[1] differ by one, so sum them and add 3 to b.
a[3] and a[4] differ by one, so sum them and add 21 to b.
I've made a mistake:
a = [1, 2, 6, 10, 11, 12]
It should return:
b = [3, 33]
You can initialize a b variable and use each_cons, taking two consecutive elements from the array, then use map, inside you can get the sum of those two values per array if the substraction of both values is equal to 1, as you'll get nil values then you can compact the "mapped" result:
a = [1, 2, 6, 10, 11]
b = a.each_cons(2).map do |value|
value.reduce(:+) if value[1] - value[0] == 1
# => [3, 21]
Here's an update, you can use slice_when and convert to array the enumerator that you get as result, then to map the sum of each array element that has more than one value inside, and the compact in order to remove nil elements:
p arr.slice_when{|a, b| b !=}.to_a
# => [[1, 2], [6], [10, 11, 12]]
p arr.slice_when{|a, b| b !=}{|e| e.sum if e.size > 1}
# => [3, nil, 33]
p arr.slice_when{|a, b| b !=}{|e| e.sum if e.size > 1}.compact
# => [3, 33]
But this looks better using select and mapping the sum of elements at the end:
p arr.slice_when{|a, b| b !=}{|e| e.size > 1}.map(&:sum)
A benchmark:
arr = [1, 2, 6, 10, 11, 12] do |bm| do
iterations.times do
arr.slice_when{|a, b| b !=}{|e| e.sum if e.size > 1}.compact
end do
iterations.times do
arr.slice_when{|a, b| b !=}{|e| e.size > 1}.map(&:sum)
end do
iterations.times do
arr.chunk_while { |a,b| b == }.select{ |a| a.size > 1 }.map{|e| e.reduce(:+)}
user system total real
0.920000 0.010000 0.930000 ( 0.942134)
0.920000 0.010000 0.930000 ( 0.939316)
0.940000 0.010000 0.950000 ( 0.964895)
You can use chunk_while. It 'chunks' adjacent elements if they differ by 1 (using the test #SebastiánPalma has but with abs). See Ruby documentation for more information about these methods.
a.chunk_while { |x,y| (x-y).abs == 1 }.select{ |a| a.size > 1 }.map(&:sum)
#=> [3, 21]
Note: Array#sum can only be used in Ruby >= 2.4. Use inject(&:+) otherwise:
a.chunk_while {|x,y| (x-y).abs == 1 }.select{|a| a.size > 1}.map {|a| a.inject(&:+)}
a.chunk_while {|x,y| (x-y).abs == 1 } #actually returns an enumerator.
#=> [[1, 2], [6], [10, 11]]
a.chunk_while {|x,y| (x-y).abs == 1 }.select{|a| a.size > 1}
#=> [[1, 2], [10, 11]]
a.chunk_while {|x,y| (x-y).abs == 1 }.select{|a| a.size > 1}.map(&:sum)
#=> [3, 21]
This will work with Ruby v1.9+.
arr = [1, 2, 6, 6, 10, 11, 12]
each_with_object([[arr.first]]) { |n,a| (a.last.last - n).abs == 1 ?
a.last.push(n) : a.push([n]) }.
reject { |a| a.size == 1 }.
#=> [3, 33]
Here's a variant that allows us to skip the step reject { |a| a.size == 1 }. (I thought this might be of interest even though I don't think I'd advocate it.)
e = (arr + [Float::INFINITY]).to_enum
a = [[]]
loop do
n =
(a.last.last-n).abs==1 ? a.last.push(n) : (a.push([n]) if (n-e.peek).abs==1)
#=> [3, 33]
When the iterator is at the end and n #=> Float::INFINITY, e.peek raises a StopIteration exception which Kernel#loop handles by breaking out of the loop.
iterate through each element, initialize var 'sum' to elem if sum is nil. When difference between elem and next is one, add next elem to sum and store in sum, increment seq so we know there was at-least one with diff as 1.
Do this until the diff b/t elem and next is not 1, when diff is not 1 push the sum to res array if seq > 0 and reset sum to nil and seq to 0. This only takes O(n).
a.each_with_object([]).with_index do |(x, res), i|
sum ||= x
if a[i+1] && (x - a[i+1]).abs == 1
seq += 1
sum += a[i+1]
res << sum if seq > 0
sum = nil
seq = 0

How do I check an array for duplicates? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to find and return a duplicate value in array
(23 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I've got an array A. I'd like to check if it contains duplicate values. How would I do so?
Just call uniq on it (which returns a new array without duplicates) and see whether the uniqed array has less elements than the original:
if a.uniq.length == a.length
puts "a does not contain duplicates"
puts "a does contain duplicates"
Note that the objects in the array need to respond to hash and eql? in a meaningful for uniq to work properly.
In order to find the duplicated elements, I use this approach (with Ruby 1.9.3):
array = [1, 2, 1, 3, 5, 4, 5, 5]
=> [1, 2, 1, 3, 5, 4, 5, 5]
dup ={|element| array.count(element) > 1 }
=> [1, 1, 5, 5, 5]
=> [1, 5]
If you want to return the duplicates, you can do this:
dups = [1,1,1,2,2,3].group_by{|e| e}.keep_if{|_, e| e.length > 1}
# => {1=>[1, 1, 1], 2=>[2, 2]}
If you want just the values:
# => [1, 2]
If you want the number of duplicates:{|k, v| {k => v.length}}
# => [{1=>3}, {2=>2}]
Might want to monkeypatch Array if using this more than once:
class Array
def uniq?
self.length == self.uniq.length
irb(main):018:0> [1,2].uniq?
=> true
irb(main):019:0> [2,2].uniq?
=> false
