Not able to run Hadoop daemons - hadoop

When I run the jps command:
I only see jps as the running java program in return.
When I run command, I receive errrors like:Connection to port 22 refused

Hadoop script uses SSH for managing it's services. Looks like that your computer/cluster:
has no ssh daemon installed. You can install it on Ubuntu with sudo apt-get install ssh.
(less likely) sshd uses non-default port. Check your sshd configuration.


How to start Memgraph database on Ubuntu?

I know that there are two ways to run Memgraph on Ubuntu:
sudo systemctl start memgraph
sudo service memgraph start
Is there a preferred way to run Memgraph?
I've seen that if Ubuntu is run as WSL that the command for running it is sudo runuser -l memgraph -c '/usr/lib/memgraph/memgraph'. Can I use this command also on standalone Ubuntu installation, or is this one only for WSL?
systemctl interacts with systemd which is an init(and manager) system. When the Linux kernel is booted, there are some services that must start, etc. These are managed by systemd which is controlled by systemctl. service is the same as systemctl but for older systems which do not use systemd as their init system.
This command is simply running the executable placed in /usr/lib/memgraph/memgraph with the user memgraph.
The difference between these two is that the latter one won't start on the startup while the first one will.

Failed to start ansibled.service: Unit not found

I couldn't start my ansible server installed in Centos/7 yet the installation works properly, any help plz
[vagrant#ansible-server ~]$ sudo systemctl status ansibled
Unit ansibled.service could not be found.
[vagrant#ansible-server ~]$ sudo systemctl start ansibled
Failed to start ansibled.service: Unit not found.
Ansible is not a Linux system Service. The command you are using is use for any service which is install on the linux. Just use Ansible command to run your playbook or adhoc command.

JPS command shows only JPS

I installed hadoop and tried to run it. The terminal shows that everything has been started but when i run jps command it shows only jps. I am new to ubuntu and we need to use for academics can anyone help me run it.
I installed java using sudo apt-get install open-jdk
My usr/lib/jvm directory looks like this
The following are my hadoop configuration files:
Its probably due to the users you are using . I can see with different user and jps with a different user. Run both commands with the same user

apache mesos is not recognized as a service in a ubuntu linux environment

Hi I am trying to install apache mesos in my ubuntu based system. I have installed zookeeper and marathon along with this setup.
apt-get install mesos marathon
it says its success but when i try to see available services systems does not show mesos-master or slaves as available services. also
service mesos-master/slave start
says unrecognized service. any idea?
I had the same issue, so after trying multiple tricks .. I found that you can start the mesos-master using the following command:
mkdir ~/workdir; sudo mesos master --work_dir=/home/azureuser/wokdir&
Some documentation has not matched actual installations for me - Mesos may installed to be managed by upstart/systemd kinds of commands rather than service. Most recently for me, a CentOS 6.6 install of Mesos has landed in upstart-managed territory, e.g.:
start mesos-master
stop mesos-master
status mesos-master
YMMV, but that's what I've recently seen.
I faced same issue, I was not able to start mesos-master on UBUNTU-14.04 although I double checked installation and zookeeper service started successfully and tested well.
I found work around to start mesos-master service.
$ cd /usr/sbin/
$ sudo ./mesos-master --work_dir=/var/lib/mesos --log_dir=/home/rajeev/logs/mesos/
above command run mesos-master service successfully [But sudo service mesos-master start command failed to start mesos master node]

Namenode is not running without errors in cygwin

I have installed hadoop2.2, ssh, java in my cygwin. When I tried to run the namenode using this sbin/ start namenode", I'm getting no errors but when I run jps command once, I can see the namenode running once. After 10 sec it is not running.
