Pixels Per Foot (PPF) required for various image processing algorithms? - algorithm

I'm working on a project in which images/video will need to be processed in order to detect certain objects within the frame. For this project, I'm in charge of selecting hardware (image sensor, lens, processor, etc), and I'd like to select the lowest cost image sensor possible for cost-constraint reasons. For the application, the camera will adhere to the following two requirements:
The camera will be at a fixed position
The distance to the object of interest is known
So, I'm wondering if there is any data/recommendations like the following:
"Based on algorithm X (e.g. face detection), select an image sensor / lens combination so that the object of interest is covered by a pixel-density of at least 40 pixels-per-foot."
For a few use cases, such as face detection or face recognition, I've found some materials available online that have recommended minimum PPF requirements to ensure acceptable data is fed to the algorithm (Pixel Density Reqs for Face Detection). Obviously, any detection requirements are heavily algorithm dependent, but I was hoping maybe someone could provide some insight or resources they've come across to address this.
Some (slightly) more specific information - if possible, I'd like to be able to perform the following:
Perform facial detection (not necessarily recognition)
Discern/detect a human from the front, back, and top
Also, I'm aware that there are image processing libraries available for computer/machine vision (such as OpenCV), could this library (or similar ones) contain this information? I'll look into it, but if someone has a specific library to reference that would be very helpful.


Determine distance to vehicle in image (Matlab, OpenCV)

I have 2 image:
1 Initial image when I detected car.
2 IPM image when I transformed image to another plan.
I don't have any information about camera parameters.
I know the location of the car in original image and in IPM image and I wish to know how can I determinate the distance between the car and the camera. Can we assume the height of the camera is 1 m.
Exist any formula or algorithm for that?
From your question, it appears that you are in the monocular case, where depth/scale information is naturally unavailable. I'm afraid there is no easy way to achieve what you want. Off the top of my head, here are a few options:
1- Using neural networks. This is the least expensive option (from a material and development effort point of view.). Plus, it will work if you do not have a video stream but only single images (although I'm guessing that is not your case). If performance is not an issue, you can take more or less any convolutional neural network, and train it on depth data. Otherwise, a quick search will lead you to faster state of the art networks which you can taylor to your needs. However, databases which contain depth map ground truth are a bit scarce, and you usually have to build the depth map for your training data yourself. In that case many of the open source methods listed here at the bottom of here come to mind. Once you have the depth maps you can train for monocular depth estimation.
2- You can use stereo cameras. Those naturally give you the depth, via for example simple triangulation.
3- You have a video stream and can use IMUs or car odometry. In that case, you can use many (multisensor) Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) method . The litterature on the subject is rich, but IMU calibration is usually a bit nightmarish.
4- You can use a cheap GPS receiver (the ublox EVK* series come to mind). In that case, you still need to use some SLAM variant (e.g constrained bundle adjustment or any kalman-based method). Assuming low GPS bias (since you show only peri-urban images which are not affected by multipath) this will give you a decent approximation of the scale.
Note that methods three and four will give you an estimate of the reconstruction, so if you use sparse (i.e feature based) SLAM methods, you will end up having to densify the region where your car is detected (unless crude estimates are ok).

Algorithm, tool or technique to represent 3D probability density functions on space

I'm working on a project with computer vision (opencv 2.4 on c++). On this project I'm trying to detect certain features to build a map (an internal representation) of the world around.
The information I have available is the camera pose (6D vector with 3 position and 3 angular values), calibration values (focal length, distortion, etc) and the features detected on the object being tracked (this features are basically the contour of the object but it doesn't really matter)
Since the camera pose, the position of the features and other variables are subject to errors, I want to model the object as a 3D probability density function (with the probability of finding the "object" on a given 3D point on space, this is important since each contour has a probability associated of how likely it is that it is an actually object-contour instead of a noise-contour(bear with me)).
If the object were a sphere, I would detect a circle (contour). Since I know the camera pose, but have no depth information, the internal representation of that object should be a fuzzy cylinder (or a cone, if the camera's perspective is included but it's not relevant). If new information is available (new images from a different location) a new contour would be detected, with it's own fuzzy cylinder merged with previous data. Now we should have a region where the probability of finding the object is greater in some areas and weaker somewhere else. As new information is available, the model should converge to the original object shape.
I hope the idea is clear now.
This model should be able to:
Grow dynamically if needed.
Update efficiently as new observations are made (updating the probability inside making stronger the areas observed multiple times and weaker otherwise). Ideally the system should be able to update in real time.
Now the question:
How can I do to computationally represent this kind of fuzzy information in such a way that I can perform these tasks on it?
Any suitable algorithm, data structure, c++ library or tool would help.
I'll answer with the computer vision equivalent of Monty Python: "SLAM, SLAM, SLAM, SLAM!": :-) I'd suggest starting with Sebastian Thrun's tome.
However, there's older older work on the Bayesian side of active computer vision that's directly relevant to your question of geometry estimation, e.g. Whaite and Ferrie's seminal IEEE paper on uncertainty modeling (Waithe, P. and Ferrie, F. (1991). From uncertainty to visual exploration. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 13(10):1038–1049.). For a more general (and perhaps mathematically neater) view on this subject, see also chapter 4 of D.J.C. MacKay's Ph.D. thesis.

image registration(non-rigid \ nonlinear)

I'm looking for some algorithm (preferably if source code available)
for image registration.
Image deformation can't been described by homography matrix(because I think that distortion not symmetrical and not
homogeneous),more specifically deformations are like barrel/distortion and trapezoid distortion, maybe some rotation of image.
I want to obtain pairs of pixel of two images and so i can obtain representation of "deformation field".
I google a lot and find out that there are some algorithm base on some phisics ideas, but it seems that they can converge
to local maxima, but not global.
I can affort program to be semi-automatic, it means some simple user interation.
maybe some algorithms like SIFT will be appropriate?
but I think it can't provide "deformation field" with regular sufficient density.
if it important there is no scale changes.
example of complicated field
What you are looking for is "optical flow". Searching for these terms will yield you numerous results.
In OpenCV, there is a function called calcOpticalFlowFarneback() (in the video module) that does what you want.
The C API does still have an implementation of the classic paper by Horn & Schunck (1981) called "Determining optical flow".
You can also have a look at this work I've done, along with some code (but be careful, there are still some mysterious bugs in the opencl memory code. I will release a corrected version later this year.): http://lts2www.epfl.ch/people/dangelo/opticalflow
Besides OpenCV's optical flow (and mine ;-), you can have a look at ITK on itk.org for complete image registration chains (mostly aimed at medical imaging).
There's also a lot of optical flow code (matlab, C/C++...) that can be found thanks to google, for example cs.brown.edu/~dqsun/research/software.html, gpu4vision, etc
-- EDIT : about optical flow --
Optical flow is divided in two families of algorithms : the dense ones, and the others.
Dense algorithms give one motion vector per pixel, non-dense ones one vector per tracked feature.
Examples of the dense family include Horn-Schunck and Farneback (to stay with opencv), and more generally any algorithm that will minimize some cost function over the whole images (the various TV-L1 flows, etc).
An example for the non-dense family is the KLT, which is called Lucas-Kanade in opencv.
In the dense family, since the motion for each pixel is almost free, it can deal with scale changes. Keep in mind however that these algorithms can fail in the case of large motions / scales changes because they usually rely on linearizations (Taylor expansions of the motion and image changes). Furthermore, in the variational approach, each pixel contributes to the overall result. Hence, parts that are invisible in one image are likely to deviate the algorithm from the actual solution.
Anyway, techniques such as coarse-to-fine implementations are employed to bypass these limits, and these problems have usually only a small impact. Brutal illumination changes, or large occluded / unoccluded areas can also be explicitly dealt with by some algorithms, see for example this paper that computes a sparse image of "innovation" alongside the optical flow field.
i found some software medical specific, but it's complicate and it's not work with simple image formats, but seems that it do that I need.
Drop - Deformable Registration using Discrete Optimization

What is an algorithm I can use to program an image compare routine to detect changes (like a person coming into the frame of a web cam)?

I have a web cam that takes a picture every N seconds. This gives me a collection of images of the same scene over time. I want to process that collection of images as they are created to identify events like someone entering into the frame, or something else large happening. I will be comparing images that are adjacent in time and fixed in space - the same scene at different moments of time.
I want a reasonably sophisticated approach. For example, naive approaches fail for outdoor applications. If you count the number of pixels that change, for example, or the percentage of the picture that has a different color or grayscale value, that will give false positive reports every time the sun goes behind a cloud or the wind shakes a tree.
I want to be able to positively detect a truck parking in the scene, for example, while ignoring lighting changes from sun/cloud transitions, etc.
I've done a number of searches, and found a few survey papers (Radke et al, for example) but nothing that actually gives algorithms that I can put into a program I can write.
Use color spectroanalisys, without luminance: when the Sun goes down for a while, you will get similar result, colors does not change (too much).
Don't go for big changes, but quick changes. If the luminance of the image changes -10% during 10 min, it means the usual evening effect. But when the change is -5%, 0, +5% within seconds, its a quick change.
Don't forget to adjust the reference values.
Split the image to smaller regions. Then, when all the regions change same way, you know, it's a global change, like an eclypse or what, but if only one region's parameters are changing, then something happens there.
Use masks to create smart regions. If you're watching a street, filter out the sky, the trees (blown by wind), etc. You may set up different trigger values for different regions. The regions should overlap.
A special case of the region is the line. A line (a narrow region) contains less and more homogeneous pixels than a flat area. Mark, say, a green fence, it's easy to detect wheter someone crosses it, it makes bigger change in the line than in a flat area.
If you can, change the IRL world. Repaint the fence to a strange color to create a color spectrum, which can be identified easier. Paint tags to the floor and wall, which can be OCRed by the program, so you can detect wheter something hides it.
I believe you are looking for Template Matching
Also i would suggest you to look on to Open CV
We had to contend with many of these issues in our interactive installations. It's tough to not get false positives without being able to control some of your environment (sounds like you will have some degree of control). In the end we looked at combining some techniques and we created an open piece of software named OpenTSPS (Open Toolkit for Sensing People in Spaces - http://www.opentsps.com). You can look at the C++ source in github (https://github.com/labatrockwell/openTSPS/).
We use ‘progressive background relearn’ to adjust to the changing background over time. Progressive relearning is particularly useful in variable lighting conditions – e.g. if lighting in a space changes from day to night. This in combination with blob detection works pretty well and the only way we have found to improve is to use 3D cameras like the kinect which cast out IR and measure it.
There are other algorithms that might be relevant, like SURF (http://achuwilson.wordpress.com/2011/08/05/object-detection-using-surf-in-opencv-part-1/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SURF) but I don't think it will help in your situation unless you know exactly the type of thing you are looking for in the image.
Sounds like a fun project. Best of luck.
The problem you are trying to solve is very interesting indeed!
I think that you would need to attack it in parts:
As you already pointed out, a sudden change in illumination can be problematic. This is an indicator that you probably need to achieve some sort of illumination-invariant representation of the images you are trying to analyze.
There are plenty of techniques lying around, one I have found very useful for illumination invariance (applied to face recognition) is DoG filtering (Difference of Gaussians)
The idea is that you first convert the image to gray-scale. Then you generate two blurred versions of this image by applying a gaussian filter, one a little bit more blurry than the first one. (you could use a 1.0 sigma and a 2.0 sigma in a gaussian filter respectively) Then you subtract from the less-blury image, the pixel intensities of the more-blurry image. This operation enhances edges and produces a similar image regardless of strong illumination intensity variations. These steps can be very easily performed using OpenCV (as others have stated). This technique has been applied and documented here.
This paper adds an extra step involving contrast equalization, In my experience this is only needed if you want to obtain "visible" images from the DoG operation (pixel values tend to be very low after the DoG filter and are veiwed as black rectangles onscreen), and performing a histogram equalization is an acceptable substitution if you want to be able to see the effect of the DoG filter.
Once you have illumination-invariant images you could focus on the detection part. If your problem can afford having a static camera that can be trained for a certain amount of time, then you could use a strategy similar to alarm motion detectors. Most of them work with an average thermal image - basically they record the average temperature of the "pixels" of a room view, and trigger an alarm when the heat signature varies greatly from one "frame" to the next. Here you wouldn't be working with temperatures, but with average, light-normalized pixel values. This would allow you to build up with time which areas of the image tend to have movement (e.g. the leaves of a tree in a windy environment), and which areas are fairly stable in the image. Then you could trigger an alarm when a large number of pixles already flagged as stable have a strong variation from one frame to the next one.
If you can't afford training your camera view, then I would suggest you take a look at the TLD tracker of Zdenek Kalal. His research is focused on object tracking with a single frame as training. You could probably use the semistatic view of the camera (with no foreign objects present) as a starting point for the tracker and flag a detection when the TLD tracker (a grid of points where local motion flow is estimated using the Lucas-Kanade algorithm) fails to track a large amount of gridpoints from one frame to the next. This scenario would probably allow even a panning camera to work as the algorithm is very resilient to motion disturbances.
Hope this pointers are of some help. Good Luck and enjoy the journey! =D
Use one of the standard measures like Mean Squared Error, for eg. to find out the difference between two consecutive images. If the MSE is beyond a certain threshold, you know that there is some motion.
Also read about Motion Estimation.
if you know that the image will remain reletivly static I would reccomend:
1) look into neural networks. you can use them to learn what defines someone within the image or what is a non-something in the image.
2) look into motion detection algorithms, they are used all over the place.
3) is you camera capable of thermal imaging? if so it may be worthwile to look for hotspots in the images. There may be existing algorithms to turn your webcam into a thermal imager.

How does the image recognition work in Google Shopper?

I am amazed at how well (and fast) this software works. I hovered my phone's camera over a small area of a book cover in dim light and it only took a couple of seconds for Google Shopper to identify it. It's almost magical. Does anyone know how it works?
I have no idea how Google Shopper actually works. But it could work like this:
Take your image and convert to edges (using an edge filter, preserving color information).
Find points where edges intersect and make a list of them (including colors and perhaps angles of intersecting edges).
Convert to a rotation-independent metric by selecting pairs of high-contrast points and measuring distance between them. Now the book cover is represented as a bunch of numbers: (edgecolor1a,edgecolor1b,edgecolor2a,edgecolor2b,distance).
Pick pairs of the most notable distance values and ratio the distances.
Send this data as a query string to Google, where it finds the most similar vector (possibly with direct nearest-neighbor computation, or perhaps with an appropriately trained classifier--probably a support vector machine).
Google Shopper could also send the entire picture, at which point Google could use considerably more powerful processors to crunch on the image processing data, which means it could use more sophisticated preprocessing (I've chosen the steps above to be so easy as to be doable on smartphones).
Anyway, the general steps are very likely to be (1) extract scale and rotation-invariant features, (2) match that feature vector to a library of pre-computed features.
In any case, the Pattern Recognition/Machine Learning methods often are based on:
Extract features from the image that can be described as numbers. For instance, using edges (as Rex Kerr explained before), color, texture, etc. A set of numbers that describes or represents an image is called "feature vector" or sometimes "descriptor". After extracting the "feature vector" of an image it is possible to compare images using a distance or (dis)similarity function.
Extract text from the image. There are several method to do it, often based on OCR (optical character recognition)
Perform a search on a database using the features and the text in order to find the closest related product.
It is also likely that the image is also cuted into subimages, since the algorithm often finds a specific logo on the image.
In my opinion, the image features are send to different pattern classifiers (algorithms that are able to predict a "class" using as input a feature vector), in order to recognize logos and, afterwards, the product itself.
Using this approach, it can be: local, remote or mixed. If local, all processing is carried out on the device, and just the "feature vector" and "text" are sent to a server where the database is. If remote, the whole image goes to the server. If mixed (I think this is the most probable one), partially executed locally and partially at the server.
Another interesting software is the Google Googles, that uses CBIR (content-based image retrieval) in order to search for other images that are related to the picture taken by the smartphone. It is related to the problem that is addressed by Shopper.
Pattern Recognition.
