xamp windows 7 apache not loading - windows

I get this message:
Status change detected: stopped
Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
If you need more help, copy and post this
entire log window on the forums
all other services load, bar apache

this may happen often because of other programs using the port 80 or 443 which Apache uses.
I ran into this issue with Skype and I had to configure it to use another port rather than 443.
Check your port by typing in your command line netstat -np TCP | find "80" and for port 443 to see the network status of them.
Check your Skype configurations for the ports :
Tools->Options->Advanced->Connections and uncheck the button that says "Use port 80 and 443 ..."


Laradock + PhpStorm + Xdebug Fails whereas PhpStorm Validation Succeeds

I've setup debug configuration for PhpStorm and it is successfully validated by PhpStorm:
Xdebug helper for Chrome is also installed.
The problem is that nothing happens when I start listening for debug connections and reload the required page with Xdebug helper switched on. Also tried this bookmarklets with no luck.
No errors or something, just nothing.
Also tried to set different IPs as dockerhost: from 192.168.. range (from network settings), from 172.* range (from nginx), from 10.* range ( is default). Also tried docker.for.mac.internal.host which failed when containers were starting.
Docker 17.02, macOS Sierra, PhpStorm 2017.3
If you're on linux, be sure to create corresponding rules in your firewall.
But to troubleshoot this more effectively you need to gather more info.
Enable xdebug logging xdebug.remote_log=/var/www/xdebug.log in you
xdebug.ini or you can append that in the "Cli Interpreters > Configuration Options" in PHPStorm (xdebug.remote_log, /path/inside/workspace/container/xdebug.log)
Another step you could take is to monitor the incoming connections to your machine. (run this on where you installed docker). It will start listening to all incoming connection attempts on port 9000.
sudo tcpdump -i any port 9000
Now run the debugger once, check the logs inside the container (workspace by default) and see if any incoming connection attempts have gone through from the container.
If you see something like Time-out connecting to client (Waited: 200 ms). :-(, chances are that your firewall is blocking the incoming connections.
To open them up you could add a rule using ufw
sudo ufw allow in from to any port 9000 (or write down a specific ip) Be sure to double check that this is the ip trying to connect
this will allow all connections on port 9000 from 172.22.0.* (which is what laradock uses for its virtual networks). Be sure to double check the logs maybe your setup uses different ip range)
My working xdebug.ini (both in php-fpm and workspace containers are the same)
If none of the above works, another step would be to also check if you have any containers running on port 9000 already. If so, then you'll need to use another, port, just don't forget to expose it from docker.
(Explanation: docker binds (exposes) ports to the host machine so that any incoming connections get directed to the right container, if 9000 is taken, xdebug won't be able to connect to any IDE on your machine, even if the IDE says it is running the listener)
Hope this helps.

Able to open TCP port but not listening

Using Add rule in windows firewall, I was able to open TCP port 15537. When i am trying to executing command netstat -ano on terminal windows, this port is not listed. I tried to execute telnet command on terminal window (e.g. telnet IP port) but getting
Connecting To localhost...Could not open connection to the host, on port 15537: Connect failed
Then I downloaded PortQry application and execute it from different machine, this machine is also in the same network, the result I received was
"Not Listening".
I already spent more than 2 days and asked internal group but could not find solution.
Note: both machines are having Windows 10 OS.
No solution is needed as no problem is indicated in the question. You have opened a TCP port successfully. You have not made any attempt to cause anything to listen to that TCP port.
It's not clear what results you expected, but you got the results that you should have expected. Nothing is wrong. The port is open because you opened it. Nothing is listening on that port because you didn't set anything to listen on that port.
There may be some forwarding rules? Since the purpose of access is not on the local machine, the netstat command cannot see the port on listening, but it can see the next action based on this port, usually to do some forwarding
I am not very familiar with windows firewall configuration, but I know that if there is a forwarding rule in linux, like
-p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -j {other forwading chain}
we can not see 8080 listening on this host (netstat -tunpl), but telnet host:8080 may see connected
Use nmap instead of netstat for detecting opening port
nmap -p your_port_number your_local_ip
Run service on that port
For eg- In my case,in order to open port,I use
"service ssh start" or "service apache2 start "and it's open port 22 and 80 for connection respectively in my linux machine.
On using nmap in my lan network both ports opened.
Hope it help

Connecting through VPN breaks xdebug in PhpStorm

I am currently set up using xdebug, PhpStorm & Vagrant.
It works perfect, but when I am connected to the internet through a VPN, the debug page never loads, it hangs on connecting to the page.
Specifically I click Run > Debug, and Firefox browser opens and the page is blank, the tab says "Connecting..." with the spinning icon, the bottom left says "Waiting for {page address}...". PhpStorm gives no indication it is waiting for anything, it looks like it is connected in debug mode.
If I wait for about 5 minutes or more, sometimes the page does load, but it is unusable for debugging purposes, and if I click a link/refresh the page, again it is 5 minutes.
Any idea why being connected through VPN would break it like this?
Andrew, can we get a few more details about your setup?
Without knowing your specific setup, I'm going to guess that the remote PHP app may not be able to connect to port 9000 on your laptop.
Before starting your debug session, you might try setting up a reverse tunnel to allow your remote host to talk to port 9000 on your laptop.
From a command line on your laptop you would do something like the following :
ssh -R remoteUser#webServerIP
For example, ssh -R user500#
In the above example, your laptop ( will be logged into the remote server ( as user500 and will be able to see via the netstat command that it's listening for connections on port 9000 :
user500#$ netstat -natep | grep 9000
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 500 5189077 -
tcp 0 0 ::1:9000 :::* LISTEN 500 5189076 -
Now you should be able to initiate a debug session with PhpStorm by setting xdebug.remote_host= on your remote server in php.ini .
Similarly, initiating a php debug session from the command line while logged into the remote server would look like this -
php -dxdebug.remote_host= -dxdebug.remote_enable=1 -dxdebug.remote_autostart=1 my_php_code.php
I'm running linux / CentOS on both my laptop and remote server.

Wakanda Server 10 on Amazon EC2, cannot listen for connections on port 8080 or secure port 4433 on all IP addresses

I have installed wakanda server on an Amazon EC2 server running ubuntu by following this utube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSQODnB7wRU .
Now the video is for an older version but I have followed along successfully until I actually launch wakanda on the server. This is what I get in the console:
Welcome to Wakanda Server 10 build 10.187175
Publishing "DefaultSolution" solution
The solution's log file will be stored in the "/home/ubuntu/.Wakanda Server/UserCache/Wakanda Server/DefaultSolution-1882/Logs/" folder
The Administration Web Server cannot listen for connections on port 8080 or secure port 4433 on all IP addresses
You can customize the Administration Web Server's ports with the "--admin-port" and "--admin-ssl-port" options
, then when I try to log into it via the browser it says the connection dropped! Any help would be much appreciated, it seams I need to restrict the IP addresses which can access, but how?
Your wakanda server tried and failed to listen on 8080 and/or 4433
Check the following things:
Are the ports 8080 and/or 4433 used by other processes? (sudo netstat -tapen | grep :8080, if a result is found, then yes another process uses 8080. Check 4433 also)
You may found that wakanda server is already running as a service:
yes you should use this service (create and edit /etc/default/wakanda, add WAKANDA_SOLUTION_AT_STARTUP=your_path and restart with sudo /etc/init.d/wakanda restart)
or to continue starting it manually, stop the service first (sudo /etc/init.d/wakanda stop)
Has the current user the right to listen on those ports? (try running the server with sudo just to check, then use authbind or equivalent)
Can you use alternative ports? (use --admin-port and --admin-ssl-port wakanda server options)
wakanda-server --help will give you the list of options available, especially --solution=VALUE to provide the path to your solution.

windbg -remote does not connect to localhost on Server 2012

I'm attempting to debug the startup of a service using the IFEO method (which I've successfully done on server versions prior to Windows 2012 on scenarios other than startup). The Debugger reg value is c:\debuggers-x64\cdb.exe -server tcp:port=1234. I then start the service and verify that cdb.exe is listening using netstat -na | findstr 1234 (I verified nothing was listening on this port prior to starting the service). Then I attempt to connect to the debugging server like this windbg.exe -remote tcp:server=localhost,port=1234 but it hangs for maybe 15-30 seconds and then fails. I try again and while it's hanging I run netstat -na | findstr 1234 again and it shows cdb.exe listening on port 1234 and it also shows a SYN_SENT to on port 1234 (presumably sent by windbg.exe). It remains in the SYN_SENT state until windbg.exe reports a failure to connect.
So TCP connection establishment never completes. I checked the firewall and it's turned off. I also tried using the IP address of the network adapter (as opposed to localhost) but I get the same behavior. I also tried having cdb.exe listen on a port > 5000 but that also has the same behavior.
Does anyone know if there's new security introduced in Server 2012 for accessing TCP ports?
