Crystal Report creating a receipt register report 2 - visual-studio-2010

This question is related to my first question, see it here: Crystal Report creating a receipt register report
I already done some parts of my report with the help of a good person(Siva) but I'm on much bigger problem I think. It's about my sundries section.
In my table
and I want to display my report to look like this.
And this is what I'm getting...
You can see in my table that the record with RefNo: 1003 has a lots of account that has been paid. Unfortunately the reports I'm getting has no record of AccCode: 4200 Housing Loan with a credit of -$40.
I don't know how to achieve this again... I'm placing all the details in a group footer of field name RefNo.
Please someone can help me to this, you can just give me some idea and I try to handle it. Thanks in advance.


Microsoft Dynamics Web API | PATCH invoice detail

Does anyone know how to update the invoice detail entity along with Invoice under postman? I have searched google but not find many useful answers for this. I even try to use odata.bind annotation but still not able to solve my issue here. Basically, I just want to update Invoice Details along with Invoice in one API call. Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
We have a concept called deep insert for creating parent and child record in one call. Unfortunately for updating/patching we have to deal with one object at a time. ie invoice and invoice detail separately.

Adding Payments to Printed Invoice in Acumatica Report Designer

The Problem
Accounts Receivable has asked me to add (pre)payments to the invoices they send out because customers are paying twice (when they pre-pay and then when they get the invoice). They have tried sending receipts of payments with the invoice, but the double payments are still happening. Plus, as the head of Accounting said, "If doctor bills can show payments, why can't we? The pre-payments are applied in the system to an invoice but why is there no way to include that on the invoice?"
My Investigation
The Invoice report form has ARTran entity as the detail lines on any given invoice. However, ARTran only includes the itemized lines created for an invoice (usually from a link Sales Order) and not the applied payments. Applied payments are in the table ARAdjst which has no correlation to ARTran. So, my immediate thought is that a subreport is needed. Acumatica's help files say in order to add subreport, the report definition file needs to be in the same file on the server as the main report definition and that the subreport needs to have the same report parameters as the main report.
Proposed Solution
Create a subreport for ARAdjst for an invoice and total the payments in the subreport at the bottom of the main report. Let the subreport be visible only if there are payments. Subtract the payment total from the invoicing total, which is what Accounting really wants.
How It's Going
I have created a simple report called Adjustments that has the same parameters as the invoice and shows the ARAdjst for the invoice and sums the total for payments. I added the subreport to the Invoice report and linked them via parameters. I haven't even tried to get the sum of Adjustments to a field on the Invoice. I also added the Adjustments report to the server via the Report Designer (which puts the definition in the database) and by copying the file to reports folder on the server because that's what the help says to do. It crashes every time I try to run invoices in Acumatica. I also had to remove the group footer on invoice that I added for the Adjustments subreport, because I was getting an error even if I rolled back to a different version. I've considered the fact that since it's not a system report, that might be why it won't let me add it as a subreport. There are no system reports that show (pre)payments beyond AR Detail or AR Register, both of which are not what I'm looking for.
My Plea
Has anyone added a non-system report as an Acumatica subreport before and had the addition work? If yes, how?
I'm feeling like this solution is dead in the water, right now. And I never thought I would see the day when I miss Crystal Reports, ha. I was going to take screenshots of the report layouts, but obviously, there is more to it than that or it would be working.
There's nothing really special with built-in sub-reports.
You need to have 2 rpx files in reports folder for report and sub-report.
Then you put a SubReport element in the main Report.
Passing the parameters is the most tricky part. Reference:
Maybe I'm wrong but from what I know, you can pass a parameter from Report to Sub-Report:
But you can't pass the parameter from Sub-Report to Report:
To display the total of Sub-Report in the Report I would add a new custom field to the report DAC (invoice) that sums the pre-payments. This custom field can be initialized with the desired value in many ways. For example, using a field attribute like PXFormula/PXDBCalc or with a FieldSelecting event.

Grouping of data in crystal report

I am creating a crystal report for employees logs although I succeeded in designing the report as the way i wanted, my only problem is its only showing one user details but printing the logs of the other employees. what i want is to display employee logs data per page. Any help and suggestions will be greatly welcomed. See the query and crystal report design and the result:
Okay I found the answer by using the grouping section after tweaking crystal reports functions and by googling it. now i am getting the result that i want.
I Grouped the UserID, UserName and their respective departments.

RedSHOP - mod_products info needed

I'm terribly sorry to post this question here, but RedCOMPONENT just does not bother to answer my forum post or anyone else for that matter.
All I want to know, can this mod_products from RedCOMPONENT display featured products as well as products from a specific brand?
Thanks in advance.
You won't be able to do it with the extension you mentioned unless you code it yourself. I haven't looked into redSHOP majorly before and I;m not going to pay to download the module you mentioned, but in one of the PHP files, there will be some code retrieving the products from a specific table column using an SQL command. You could always try adapting this so that (if features products have their own table column) the SQL command retrieve products from both columns.
Else, you might be interested in this module which shows the features products for RedSHOP.
You should use mod_redshop_featureproduct module.

When are Magento rule-based product relations worked out?

Magento's rule-based product relations (up-sell, cross-sell etc) are stored in a database table, and I assume they are updated once in a while. Unfortunately, I can't find any documentation about when that happens or what triggers it. Is it:
Cached, like a block, and expires after a certain time?
Generated whenever you save a product?
Generated by CRON?
I'd really appreciate it is someone could fill in the blanks for me. I'm using the Enterprise edition, if that helps or makes any difference.
So I dug around the product link data a bit. The relevant object we're looking at here is catalog/product_link, which the catalog/product object uses to retrieve linked object data.
While grouped and bundle products seem to write to this in cronjobs, I have not found any cases where this data is written in a cron-job for actual upsell/cross-sell products. I will keep digging a bit, but this seems to imply that the products are calculated at save time.
Hope that helps!
Search for the observers on events "catalog_product_save_before" and "catalog_product_save_after" to see in your project when it is fired and what function is called.
In the enterprise edition the observer fired is enterprise_targetrule/observer, function : catalogProductAfterSave ...
