issue facing with find command in linux - shell

I am facing one problem using find command. I have below directory structure. In which a,b,c directories contain some files but i want to scan only b directory when i am using below command it scans c directory as well which is not required.
find /a/b/ f -type -mtime +90
Is there any solution to resolve this problem?
Please assist.
i want to write a find command which scans a directory for files but does not scan files of its subdirectories.

Use -maxdepth 1 to look in the b directory only.
find /a/b/ -type f mtime +90 -maxdepth 1
From man find:
-maxdepth levels
Descend at most levels (a non-negative integer) levels of directories below
the command line arguments. '-maxdepth 0' means only apply the tests and
actions to the command line arguments.

find /a/b/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -mtime +90


Why can't I exclude a directory using find

I attempting to run a command on all subdirectories in a directory using find and -exec, however on one of the directories, the user the script runs under does not have adequate permissions and I get an error (permission denied). I am attempting to ignore the directory using either ! -path or using -prune. Neither of these methods work. I have tried both of the commands down below.
I have tried every combination of subDirToExclude— with and without ./ at the beginning, with and without /* at the end. I've tried relative path, full path and every single combination of all of them that you can think of to try and match this path, but it simply does not work. The man page is unhelpful and no suggestions from any related questions on this forum produce any useful results. Why do none of the methods suggested in the man page work? How can this actually be done?
find /path/to/dir -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -path "subDirToExclude" -exec somecommand {} +
find /path/to/dir -maxdepth 1 -type d -path "subDirToExclude" -prune -o -exec somecommand {} +
find: ‘/path/to/dir/subDirToExclude’: Permission denied
The argument to the -path option should be a full pathname, not just the name of the directory. Use -name if you just want to match the name of the directory.
find /path/to/dir -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name "subDirToExclude" -exec somecommand {} +
You could also do this without using find at all, since you're not recursing into subdirectories because of -maxdepth 1.
shopt -s extglob
somecommand /path/to/dir /path/to/dir/!(subDirToExclude)/
Putting / at the end of the filename makes the wildcard only match directories. Actually, this will also match symbolic links to directories; if that's a problem, you can't use this solution.

list only folders (ls -d) relative to parent in bash

I have found that this command works correctly in the current folder:
ls -d */ -1
but how can I get the same result in case when I want to list only folders being not in this folder (e.g. I want to list folders being on 1 or 2 levels higher, that is, in a parent or grandparent).
Sounds like you're looking for find, along with the -type d switch to limit the results to directories:
find .. -type d
You can use .. to start from the parent directory.
Depending on your version of find, you may be able to specify -mindepth and -maxdepth to limit the results:
find .. -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -type d

Bash script that deletes files older than N days but excludes files in certain folder

I need to create a bash script that deletes all files older than N days in downloads folder but would exclude all files in archive sub-folder. My folder structure is like this:
Based on this Q&A I was able to create script that finds and deletes files older than N days, but I would like to exclude all files in archive subfolders.
find ./downloads -mtime +32 -type f -delete
find ./downloads -maxdepth 2 -type f -mtime +32 -delete
-maxdepth levels
Descend at most levels (a non-negative integer) levels of directories below the command line arguments. -maxdepth 0
means only apply the tests and actions to the command line arguments.
Adding ! -path (your path) should do the trick
find ./downloads ! -path ./downloads/*/archive/* -mtime +32 -type f -delete

Exclude specified directory when using `find` command

I have a directory which contains a number of files (no subdirectories). I wish to find these files. The following gets me close:
$ find docs
I don't want the directory itself to be listed. I could do this instead:
$ find docs -type f
Using a wildcard seems to do the trick as well:
$ find docs/*
My understanding is that these work in different ways: with -type, we're providing a single path to find, whereas in the latter case we're using wildcard expansion to pass several paths to find. Is there a reason to favour one approach over the other?
You have a UNIX tag, and you example has a *. Some versions of find have a problem with that.
If the directory has no subdirectories.
Generally the first parms to find has to be a directory or a list of directories
find /dir1 /dir2 -print
Find is recursive - so it will follow each directory down listing every thing, symlinks, directories, pipes, and regular files. This can be confusing. -type delimits your search
find /dir1 /dir2 -type f -print
You can also have find do extra output example: have it rm files older than 30 days for example:
find /dir1 /dir2 -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;
Or give complete infomation
find /dir1 /dir2 -type f -mtime +30 -exec ls -l {} \;
find /dir1 /dir2 -type f -mtime +30 -ls # works on some systems
To answer your question: because find can be dangerous ALWAYS fully specify each directory , file type ,etc., when you are using a nasty command like rm. You might have forgotten your favorite directory is also in there. Or the one used to generate your paycheck. Using a wildcard is ok for just looking around.
Using *
find /path/to/files -type f -name 'foo*'
-- tics or quotes around strings with a star in them in some UNIX systems.
find docs -type f
will get you a listing of every non-directory file of every subdirectory of docs
find docs/*
will get you a listing of every file AND every subdirectory of docs

What does this bash script means

I've found the following line of code in a script. Could someone explain me what does this following line of code means?
Basically, the purpose of this line is find a set of files to archive. Since I am not familiar with bash scripts, it is difficult for me to understand this line of code.
_filelist=`cd ${_path}; find . -type f -mtime ${ARCHIVE_DELAY} -name "${_filename}" -not -name "${_ignore_filename}" -not -name "${_ignore_filename2}"`
Let's break it down:
cd ${_path} : changes to the directory stored in the ${_path} variable
find is used to find files based on the following criteria:
. : look in the current directory and recurse through all
-type f: look for regular files only (not directories)
-mtime ${ARCHIVE_DELAY} : look for files last modified
${ARCHIVE_DELAY}*24 hours ago
-name "${_filename}": look for files which have name matching ${_filename}
-not -name "${_ignore_filename}" : do not find files which have
name matching ${_ignore_filename}
-not -name "${_ignore_filename2}" : do not find files which have
name matching ${_ignore_filename2}
All the files found are stored in a variable called _filelist.
The backtick (`) symbol assigns to the variable the output of the command.
Your script is assigning to $_filelist what you get by:
Changing directory to $_path
Finding in the current directory (.) files (-type f) where
Name is $_filename (a pattern, I suppose)
Name is not $_ignore_filename or $_ignore_filename2
I think you could as well change that to find ${_path} ... without the cd, but please try it out.
makes the variable _filelist contain the output of the command somecode.
Somecode, in this case, is mostly a find command, which searches recursively for files.
find . -type f -mtime ${ARCHIVE_DELAY} -name "${_filename}" -not -name "${_ignore_filename}" -not -name "${_ignore_filename2}"
find .
searches the current dir, but this was just before changed to be _path.
-type f
only searches in ordinary files (not dirs, sockets, ...)
specifies the modification time of that files, to be the same as ${ARCHIVE_DELAY}
-name explains
itself, has to be "${_filename}"
-not name
explains itself too, I guess.
So the whole part sets the variable filelist to files, found by some criterias: name, age, and type.
