What is an example regex in ruby that will match any emojis? - ruby

I need to match emojis in a string in Ruby using a regex. I have tried several unicode sequences and none seem to quite do the job. I am also not sure where the start and end range for emojis would be.

This regex matches all 845 emoji, taken from Emoji unicode characters for use on the web:
I generated this regex directly from the raw list of Unicode emoji. The algorithm is here: https://github.com/franklsf95/ruby-emoji-regex.
Example usage:
regex = /[\u{203C}\u{2049}\u{20E3}\u{2122}\u{2139}\u{2194}-\u{2199}\u{21A9}-\u{21AA}\u{231A}-\u{231B}\u{23E9}-\u{23EC}\u{23F0}\u{23F3}\u{24C2}\u{25AA}-\u{25AB}\u{25B6}\u{25C0}\u{25FB}-\u{25FE}\u{2600}-\u{2601}\u{260E}\u{2611}\u{2614}-\u{2615}\u{261D}\u{263A}\u{2648}-\u{2653}\u{2660}\u{2663}\u{2665}-\u{2666}\u{2668}\u{267B}\u{267F}\u{2693}\u{26A0}-\u{26A1}\u{26AA}-\u{26AB}\u{26BD}-\u{26BE}\u{26C4}-\u{26C5}\u{26CE}\u{26D4}\u{26EA}\u{26F2}-\u{26F3}\u{26F5}\u{26FA}\u{26FD}\u{2702}\u{2705}\u{2708}-\u{270C}\u{270F}\u{2712}\u{2714}\u{2716}\u{2728}\u{2733}-\u{2734}\u{2744}\u{2747}\u{274C}\u{274E}\u{2753}-\u{2755}\u{2757}\u{2764}\u{2795}-\u{2797}\u{27A1}\u{27B0}\u{2934}-\u{2935}\u{2B05}-\u{2B07}\u{2B1B}-\u{2B1C}\u{2B50}\u{2B55}\u{3030}\u{303D}\u{3297}\u{3299}\u{1F004}\u{1F0CF}\u{1F170}-\u{1F171}\u{1F17E}-\u{1F17F}\u{1F18E}\u{1F191}-\u{1F19A}\u{1F1E7}-\u{1F1EC}\u{1F1EE}-\u{1F1F0}\u{1F1F3}\u{1F1F5}\u{1F1F7}-\u{1F1FA}\u{1F201}-\u{1F202}\u{1F21A}\u{1F22F}\u{1F232}-\u{1F23A}\u{1F250}-\u{1F251}\u{1F300}-\u{1F320}\u{1F330}-\u{1F335}\u{1F337}-\u{1F37C}\u{1F380}-\u{1F393}\u{1F3A0}-\u{1F3C4}\u{1F3C6}-\u{1F3CA}\u{1F3E0}-\u{1F3F0}\u{1F400}-\u{1F43E}\u{1F440}\u{1F442}-\u{1F4F7}\u{1F4F9}-\u{1F4FC}\u{1F500}-\u{1F507}\u{1F509}-\u{1F53D}\u{1F550}-\u{1F567}\u{1F5FB}-\u{1F640}\u{1F645}-\u{1F64F}\u{1F680}-\u{1F68A}]/
str = "I am a string with emoji 😍😍😱😱👿👿🐔🌚 and other Unicode characters 比如中文."
str.gsub regex, ''
# "I am a string with emoji and other Unicode characters 比如中文."
Other Unicode characters, such as Asian characters, are preserved.
EDIT: I udpated the regex to exclude ASCII numbers and symbols. See comments from How do I remove emoji from string for details.

Emojis don't exist in one single range. They are scattered about. This is a collection of codes, and ranges where possible, that will match emojis. Tested in ruby 2.0.0p451:
str = "😣"

You can use the emoji_data gem to canonically match emoji in a string via it's .scan method: https://github.com/mroth/emoji_data.rb
(disclaimer: I am the author)

Some of the more recent Emoji need to be constructed by multiple Emoji-related codepoints, for example, using the invisible "Zero-width joiner" (U+200D) codepoint to construct so called Emoji ZWJ sequences. You can use my unicode-emoji gem, which comes with a regex, build from the latest Emoji data by the Unicode consortium.


Regex for capital letters not matching accented characters

I am new to ruby and I'm trying to work with regex.
I have a text which looks something like:
Some text which is always non capitalized. Headings are always capitalized, followed by a space or nothing more.
I'm using this regular expression to choose all headings:
However, it matches all headings which does not contain chars as Č, Š, Ž(slovenian characters).
So I'm guessing [A-Z] only matches ASCII characters? How could I get utf8?
You are right in that when you define the ASCII range A-Z, the match is made literally only for those characters. This is to do with the history of characters on computers, more and more characters have been added over time, and they are not always structured in an encoding in ways that are easy to use.
You could make a larger character class that matches the slovenian characters you need, by listing them.
But there is a shortcut. Someone else has already added necessary data to the Unicode data so that you can write shorter matches for "all uppercase characters": /[[:upper:]]/. See http://ruby-doc.org//core-2.1.4/Regexp.html for more.
Altering your regular expression with just this adjustment:
You may need to adjust it further, for instance it would not match the heading "I AM A HEADING" due to the match insisting each word is at least two letters long.
Without seeing all your examples, I would probably simplify the group matching and just allow spaces anywhere:
You can use unicode upper case letter:
Your regex:
RegEx Demo

How to match characters from all languages, except the special characters in ruby

I have a display name field which I have to validate using Ruby regex. We have to match all language characters like French, Arabic, Chinese, German, Spanish in addition to English language characters except special characters like *()!##$%^&.... I am stuck on how to match those non-Latin characters.
There are two possibilities:
Create a regex with a negated character class containing every symbol you don't want to match:
if ( name ~= /[^*!#%\^]/ ) # add everything and if this matches you are good
This solution may not be feasible, since there is a massive amount of symbols you'd have to insert, even if you were just to include the most common ones.
Use Oniguruma (see also: Oniguruma for Ruby main). This supports Unicode and their properties; in which case all letters can be matched using:
if ( name ~= /[\pL\pM]/ )
You can see what these are all about here: Unicode Regular Expressions
Starting from Ruby 1.9, the String and Regex classes are unicode aware. You can safely use the Regex word character selector \w
"可口可樂!?!".gsub /\w/, 'Ha'
#=> "HaHaHaHa!?!"
In ruby > 1.9.1 (maybe earlier) one can use \p{L} to match word characters in all languages (without the oniguruma gem as described in a previous answer).

Regex to validate strings having only characters (without special characters but with accented characters), blank spaces and numbers

I am using Ruby on Rails 3.0.9 and I would like to validate a string that can contain only characters (case insensitive characters), blank spaces and numbers.
special characters are not allowed (eg: !"£$%&/()=?^) except - and _;
accented characters are allowed (eg: à, è, é, ò, ...);
The regex that I know from this question is ^[a-zA-Z\d\s]*$ but this do not validate special characters and accented characters.
So, how I should improve the regex?
I wrote the ^(?:[^\W_]|\s)*$ answer in the question you referred to (which actually would have been different if I'd known you wanted to allow _ and -). Not being a Ruby guy myself, I didn't realize that Ruby defaults to not using Unicode for regex matching.
Sorry for my lack of Ruby experience. What you want to do is use the u flag. That switches to Unicode (UTF-8), so accented characters are caught. Here's the pattern you want:
And here it is in action at Rubular. This should do the trick, I think.
The u flag works on my original answer as well, though that one isn't meant to allow _ or - characters.
Something like ^[\w\s\-]*$ should validate characters, blank spaces, minus, and underscore.
Validation string only for not allowed characters. In this case |,<,>," and &.

Regexp Greek chars by number

I deal with strings that contain Greek and English (Latin) text. I'd like to use a regex to catch all the Greek words that contain 4 or more characters on them.
Using regexp manual I figure out that I can use \p{Greek} to grab all Greek words and \w{4,} in order to grab 4+ character words. However, these two don't work together, from various tests I made.
Is there any way to do what I want using 1 regexp expression? Strings are UTF-8 and come out of tweets.
Are you using the UTF-8 pattern modifier?

Remove all but some special characters

I am trying to come up with a regex to remove all special characters except some. For example, I have a string:
str = "subscripción gustaría♥"
I want the output to be "subscripción gustaría".
The way I tried to do is, match anything which is not an ascii character (00 - 7F) and not special character I want and replace it with blank.
This doesn't work. The last special character is not removed.
Can someone help? (This is ruby 1.8)
Update: I am trying to make the question a little more clear. The string is utf-8 encoded. And I am trying to whitelist the ascii characters plus ó and í and blacklist everything else.
Oniguruma has support for all the characters you care about without having to deal with codepoints. You can just add the unicode characters inside the character class you're whitelisting, followed by the 'u' option.
ruby-1.8.7-p248 > str = "subscripción gustaría♥"
=> "subscripci\303\263n gustar\303\255a\342\231\245"
ruby-1.8.7-p248 > puts str.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z\sáéíóúÁÉÍÓÚ]/u,'')
subscripción gustaría
=> nil
str.split('').find_all {|c| (0x00..0x7f).include? c.ord }.join('')
The question is a bit vague. There is not a word about encoding of the string. Also, you want to white-list characters or black list? Which ones?
But you get the idea, decide what you want, and then use proper ranges as colleagues here already proposed. Some examples:
if str = "subscripción gustaría♥" is utf-8
then you can blacklist all char above the range (excl. whitespaces):
if string is in ISO-8859-1 codepage you can try to match all quirky characters like the "heart" from the beginning of ASCII range:
The problem is here with regex, has nothing to do with Ruby. You probably will need to experiment more.
It is not completely clear which characters you want to keep and which you want to delete. The example string's character is some Unicode character that, in my browser, displays as a heart symbol. But it seems you are dealing with 8-bit ASCII characters (since you are using ruby 1.8 and your regular expressions point that way).
Nonetheless, you should be able to do it in one of two ways; either specify the characters you want to keep or, alternatively, specify the characters you want to delete. For example, the following specifies that all characters 0x00-0x7F and 0xC0-0xF6 should be kept (remove everything that is not in that group):
puts str.gsub(/[^\x00-\x7F\xC0-\xF6]/,'')
This next example specifies that characters 0xA1 and 0xC3 should be deleted.
puts str.gsub(/[\xA1\xC3]/,'')
I ended up doing this: str.gsub(/[^\x00-\x7FÁáÉéÍíÑñÓóÚúÜü]/,''). It doesn't work on my mac but works on linux.
