how to get selected value for Kendo DropDownList - kendo-ui

I can't figure out how to determine which item is selected in the my kendo dropdownlist. My view defines it's model as:
#model KendoApp.Models.SelectorViewModel
The ViewModel is defined as:
public class SelectorViewModel
//I want to set this to the selected item in the view
//And use it to set the initial item in the DropDownList
public int EncSelected { get; set; }
//contains the list if items for the DropDownList
//SelectionTypes contains an ID and Description
public IEnumerable<SelectionTypes> ENCTypes
and in My view I have:
This DropDownList contains the values I expect but I need to pass the selected value back to my controller when the user clicks the submit button. Everything works fine except I don't have access to which item was selected from the controller's [HttpPost] action. So, how do i assign the DropDownList's value to a hidden form field so it will be available to the controller?

For anyone who found this wondering how to get the selected value in JavaScript, this is the correct answer:
From the documentation:

when select a value from a dropdown list, and in the selec event , we can get the selected value as following ,
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:37%" })
.Events(x => x.Select("onSelectBookValue"))
.DataSource(datasource => datasource.Read(action => action.Action("ReadBookDropDow", "PlanningBook").Type(HttpVerbs.Get)))
javascript function like following ,
function onSelectBookValue(e) {
var dataItem = this.dataItem(e.item.index());
var bookId = dataItem.BookId;
//other user code
I believe this will help someone

Hello I was just going through this problem,kept on searching for 2 hours and came up with a solution of my own.
So here is the line to fetch any data bidden to the kendo drop down.
Just change the id customers to the id you have given tot he kendo drop down.

Maybe you should be using the DropDownListFor construct of the Kendo DropDownList like so in your view:
#(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m.EncSelected)
This way, when you submit, it will be availble on the POST request and you won't need to put an hidden field anywhere.
BUT should you need to use the hidden field for some reason, put it there, subscribe the the select event of the dropdown list and put using JQuery (for instance) put the selected item on the hidden field.
It's your choice :)

If you want to read also out the text of the dropdown, you can get or set the value by using the following kendo function:
Using this .val() as #Vivek Parekh mentions will not work - there is no function .val() in the kendo framework.
If you want you could use jQuery and get the value back: $('#EncounterTypes').val()

Updated DEMO

You can get the selected item like following code and then use to get further information
var selectedFooType = $("#fooType").data("kendoDropDownList").dataItem();


Model binding fails with Kendo MultiSelect

In the model I have long? field that I like to use Kendo MultiSelect for it. The main reason for this choice is server-side filtering. It doesn't reflect current Model's value, nor it sends any value to the server. By inspected traffic, I'm sure that it doesn't update the model's value.
#(Html.Kendo().MultiSelectFor(x => x.theField)
.DataSource(ds =>
ds.Read(" ", "API").ServerFiltering(true))
.Value(new long?[] { Model.theField})
I can put a hidden field and update its value or multiselect's change, but there should be a better solution.
I should note that this multi select is in an editor template and is used by Kendo Grid in popup editor.
When using nullable types, you need to use ValuePrimitive(true)! So the end code is:
#(Html.Kendo().MultiSelectFor(x => x.theField)
.DataSource(ds =>
ds.Read(" ", "API").ServerFiltering(true))
The main reason for this choice is server-side filtering
You can find on their demo site that DropDownList and ComboBox also support that feature. But if you insist to use MultiSelect then lets dig some of your code.
Look Name() method will give a name for your input element e.g (input, select). When form serialized it will use our input name as form's field property. If you are using HtmlHelper that ends with "For" e.g (LabelFor, MultiSelectFor) input attribute name will be named by its binded property.
Html.Kendo().MultiSelectFor(x => x.theField)
You will have
<select name="theField"> ....
You don't have to use Name() method anymore, therefore MultiSelect value will be binded as theField property as per form serialized to server.
Now if you look to Request.Form["theField"] when you debug inside your controller, you will see what value being sent. It usually a content of joined string array if multiple items selected, so you need to change theField type to handle array of string or int instead of nullable long type.
At last you find the way to solve your problem, this solution credit to Akbari
When using nullable types, you need to use .ValuePrimitive(true)

Filtering Dropdown list in mvc razor view

I've two tables
and other table is
State ID
State Name
Country Id
I am using this code to populate data in dropdownlist of country in citycontroller.cs
ViewBag.countries = new SelectList(db.Couns.OrderBy(c => c.CountryName).ToList(), "ID", "CountryName");
in create.cshtml
#Html.DropDownList("Select Country", ViewBag.countries as SelectList)
i want the functionality in which the state dropdown should be populated according to the selection of the country dropdown what should be done?????
If you have the list of states downloaded already to the client machine then knockout.js would be the way to go. If you want to download only the states that are related to the selected country once that selection is made you shohuld make an AJAX call to the server when a country is selected and have the success function populate the state list.
You will need to use Ajax calls for that. You may want to have a look at this answer I provided to a question similar to yours.
You can wse jQuery ajax to load the States when the country gets selected.
<script type="text/javascript">
var states="";
var countryId=$(this).val();
states+="<option value='"+item.ID+"'>"+item.StateName+"</option>";
Assuming Country is the ID of your Country DropDown and States is the ID of your States Dropdow and you have an action method which accepts the country id as the parameter and get the states in JSON format
public ActionResult GetStates(int id)
var stateList=repo.GetStatesForCountry(id);
return Json(stateList,JsonRequestBehaviour.AllowGet);
Assuming repo.GetStatesForCountry returns a List of States based on the country Id passed. You may replace that function call with your method call which returns a list of State class objects.
Suggestion : I would try to avoid the dynamic ViewBag /ViewData approach to populate the Dropdwon and switch to a more strongly typed approach. Here is an example how to do it.

Assign default values while creating new Item

This question about Telerik MVC Grid.
I have two Grids with Master->Details relationship. These to grids are loaded using Ajax Binding. I want to create new Item in Details grid and pass ProductId field value from Master grid.
I have added property below but do not know how to get ProductId from Master grid. I have tried to pass value using ViewBag on Detail child loading it it seems ViewBag is not assigned then Ajax call is performed. Maybe someone know how to solve this problem?
Editable(editing => editing.DefaultDataItem(new UserViewModel { ProductId = ?????? })
When you have Master Grid and Detail Grid,
and you want to create record in the Detail Grid ,
You should add JavaScript logic which uses the OnSave event of the Detail Grid to pass additional value to the server (it should be the selected record in the Master Grid).
Check the documentation there are examples.
Have you tried using client side template for this?
Editable(editing => editing.DefaultDataItem(new UserViewModel { ProductId = <#= ProductId #> })
If you're using Ajax binding, you could also pass the parent's ID on insert:
dataBinding.Ajax().Insert("_Insert", "SubItem", new { productId= "<#= ProductId #>" }));
Don't forget to set your DataKey of the parent grid
.DataKeys(keys => keys.Add(c => c.Id))

how to retrieve value of dropdown selection when form is not been submitted yet

I have following code
#using (Html.BeginForm())
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.IDs, new SelectList(Model. IDs), Model.SelectedID)
So user selection from this combo bind to SelectedID property of the model. My understanding is that this binding happen only when form is submitted. Let’s say from the same page, I need to do an AJAX call but at this point ) Model.SelectedID does not provide any value because form hasn’t been submitted yet (although user has selected something from drop down). Any ideas how to best deal with this situation?
You can use javascript.
var selectedValue = $("#IDs").val();
bind a change event to your DD
var currVal = $(this).val();
//do ajax
As others have pointed you would get this value with javascript on the change of the drop down list.
I wanted to point out however, that your understanding of the overload you are using for the drop down list is incorrect. This overload will display a default option box label.
For example you could prompt the users to select select something from the list:
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.IDs, new SelectList(Model. IDs), "Select Something...")
If you were to post the form in your example as is, you can see the selected item come across in the form. If your view model is setup in such a fashion the model binder would take over and bind this value to your "SelectedID" property.
public string DropDown(FormCollection form)
var selectedItem = form["IDs"];
return selectedItem;

DropDownList MVC3

I am doing a edit operation on a record in Grid . One of the column is DropDownValue.
When I go to Edit View , depending upon this dropdownvalue , I make few fields editable and readable. And , One more point is here, I didnt select the dropdown Yet, But whatever its value selected before is the one which I should retrieve. I know I have to use jQuery .But I didnt exact Syntax to do tht.
Here is my dropdown
<div id="dvstatus">
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Study.StudyStatusId, Model.StatusSelectList, new { id = "ddlStatus" })
My requirement is how to get the dropdown value item , when it is loaded onto .cshtml
If you're not referring to the selected value of the dropdown then just pass the value from the controller to your view using your model if you're using a strongly-typed view or pass it some other way like using ViewBag and just set the value when it's passed on view.
You can add a hidden field to save the initially loaded value. Eg
<div id="dvstatus">
#Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Study.StudyStatusId)
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Study.StudyStatusId, Model.StatusSelectList, new { id = "ddlStatus" })
Then you can use java script to compare current value of the drop down and the value of the hidden field(which has the initial value).
