Can't use struct from own package - go

I created following file structure in $GOPATH/src
I have follwoing files here
- controllers/
- meController.go
- app.go
In app.go I'm importing my controller like that:
import ""
And in main func I'm trying to use it's method.
meController = new(controllers.meController)
m.Get("/", meController.Index)
My meController.go looks like this
package controllers
type meController struct {
func (controller *meController) Index () string {
return "Hello World"
But I'm getting this error:
./app.go:5: imported and not used: ""
./app.go:12: undefined: meController
I don't have any idea how to get this to work.
Any ideas?

In Go, every symbol that starts with lowercase is not exported by the package. call your struct MeController and you'll be fine.


Doesn't see public functions of a struct Golang

I don't see the public method of the struct that I defined.
Can someone please let me understand why?
Here is the code:
// DataSaver.go:
package DataStorage
import (
type DataSaver struct {
// doesn't relevant to my question
fileName string
file *os.File
func PrintStr() {
Then, I have a main method in other class. I initialized the struct and I wanted to call to PrintStr() function. However, I can't call to this method. Why?
Thank you!
That is not a method, it is just a function.
Import DataStorage (you should make it lower case) then you can call DataStorage.PrintStr()
I had a play around myself with this, and there are a few things to be careful of:
Make sure you import the package properly with respect to your GOPATH, e.g.
import ""
And ensure that your packages/repos are in your GOPATH and in the correct directories (go is very fussy about how you do this)
Refer to your function using the package name like so:
func main(){
The other poster is correct in that go conventions are to keep package names in lowercase.
Seems you dont have the concept of method receiver yet. Your method for the struct should be defined as below :
func (this DataSaver)PrintStr() {
func (this *DataSaver)PrintStr() {
which one you choose depends on you want to call the method on a pointer or not;

golang : Custom package and 'undefined'

I've read the doc on creating custom packages, etc but I can't seem to pin down what the problem is.
|-> zaphod
|-> zaphod.go
I've done a 'go get' and it
dropped it into the same dir as 'zaphod' and created and .a file under pkg.
|-> zaphod/
|-> zaphod.go
|-> go-icinga2-api/
zaphod.go is very simple right now
package main
import (
func main () {
t := iapi.Config("zaphod","beeblebrox","http://localhost",true)
When I do a go build in the zaphod directory I get
./zaphod.go:11: undefined: iapi.Config
I've read through the docs, checked cases and tried different structures but I can't seem to get it to load the package and let me call iapi.Config. The iapi code works and if I build something in the go-icinga2-api directory it works fine and the test all pass.
I want to create a separate project/code base that imports the go-icinga2-api and uses it, but can't seem to get it work.
Added info. The structure for go-icinga2-api is
|-> iapi
|-> client.go
|-> client_test.go
|-> host.go
client.go is
// Package iapi provides a client for interacting with an Icinga2 Server
package iapi
import (
// Server ... Use to be ClientConfig
type Server struct {
Username string
Password string
BaseURL string
AllowUnverifiedSSL bool
httpClient *http.Client
// func Config ...
func (server *Server) Config(username, password, url string, allowUnverifiedSSL bool) (*Server, error) {
// TODO : Add code to verify parameters
return &Server{username, password, url, allowUnverifiedSSL, nil}, nil
I've tried with the .go files up one level, i.e. not nested underneath iapi/ to for the same results.
Updated Answer
In client.go, it looks like you're trying to use Config as a constructor for Server structs. Since Config is defined with a receiver (func (server *Server)), it's a method of Server and can't be called directly. You're code should work if you remove (server *Server).
It's idiomatic to name constructors New[type being returned], or New if the type is the same name as the package.
From the 3rd paragraph of the Package Names section of Idiomatic Go:
the function to make new instances of ring.Ring—which is the definition of a constructor in Go—would normally be called NewRing, but since Ring is the only type exported by the package, and since the package is called ring, it's called just New, which clients of the package see as ring.New
Original Answer
The import path should reference a directory. In your code, you then reference that package by whatever name is used in the package [name] in the .go files in that directory.
For example, if contains a file called api.go with the line package iapi, your importing package should look like this:
package main
import (
func main () {
t := iapi.Config("zaphod","beeblebrox","http://localhost",true)
Note the declaration of the Config() function:
func (server *Server) Config(username, password, url string, allowUnverifiedSSL bool) (*Server, error)
It's a "method" that should be applied to a Server object:
Thus you need to first create a Server object (or you could try with nil):
var server iapi.Server
server, err := server.Config(...)
You're trying to run it as if it had the following declaration:
func Config(username, password, url string, allowUnverifiedSSL bool) (*Server, error)

Package is found but contents are not?

I get a strange error while building my go project.
My structure:
package configuration;
type Config int;
func (c Config) Parse(s string) map[string]string {...}
package main;
func main() {
var config Config;
argMap := config.parse(...);
if my working directory is $GOPATH, I do:
go build configuration - no output, OK
go build main
imported and not used "configuration"
undefined: Config
So my package is found ($GOPATH/pkg contains configuration.go with correct content - I can see the Parse method) and main imports it, but does not recognize its contents?
I recon the problem is that the type Config is not exported? Why would that be?
You are trying to use Config from package main, where it is not defined, instead of the one from configuration (thats the error "imported and not used"):
package main
import "configuration"
func main() {
var config configuration.Config
argMap := config.Parse(...)
The second problem is calling unexported parse instead of Parse as explained by VonC.
argMap := config.parse(...); wouldn't work, since you declared a Parse() method.
(as in "exported method configuration.Parse()")
var config configuration.Config
argMap := config.Parse(...);
Config is exported, but the methods are case-sensitive (cf. Exported Identifiers).

How to use other struct methods from other files in Golang

I have a file called login.go and account.go
In login.go
func (api *ApiResource) test() {
In account.go I have:
func main () {
Res := new(ApiResource)
Buit I'm getting undefined:test error.
They both use package main and are on same src/ folder
What do I need to fix here?
If you used go run then you must pass both files to like go run login.go account.go.

Package imports, cannot use struct from imported package

This is probably a noob mistake but I cannot figure this out.
In main.go I am importing a package.
// ...
func main() {
r.HandleFunc("/users/list", UsersModel.List())
The package is stored in src/models/users
The users package looks like this:
package users
import (
// ...
* User Model
type UsersModel struct {
// Add methods to the UsersModel type.
func (m *UsersModel) List() {
// ...
When I run the code I get the following error.
src\main.go:9: imported and not used: "models/users" src\main.go:20:
undefined: UsersModel
The go code appears to be valid as if I invalidate it throws an error. How do I export the UsersModel type from the users package?
You need to prefix your use of UsersModel with the package name users, like so:
um := users.UserModel{}
UsersModel.List() is also wrong: go doesn't have "static methods" or "class methods".
