Stripe's JS not working with browser's Manual proxy configuration - proxy

I am trying to integrate stripe with my site. To detect security risks, I use Burp Suite. For that I have to modify my proxy settings.
I have set below proxy configurations in my Browser (Google Chrome)
HTTP proxy:
Port: 8000
Now when I fill the stripe form and try to purchase, I get below error
An unexpected error has occurred submitting your credit card to our secure
credit card processor. This may be due to network connectivity issues, tt
so you should try again (you won't be charged twice).
If this problem persists, please let us know!
This error is thrown by
Why do I get this error? I can't even open that URL in my browser. By the way I am able to open other sites like Google.

You have an HTTP proxy, but you're trying to access an HTTPS site.


Sitecore URL not working after installation

I have installed sitecore 9 xp0 in my local machine. After the installation, when I tried to launch the URL, the url is automatically redirecting to https. But in IIS, sitecore has only http binding.
These are the below lines from powershell during installation. It clearly shows http binding is used and it works.
[UpdateSolrSchema]:[Authenticating] http://mywebsite/sitecore/admin/PopulateManagedSchema.aspx?indexes=all
[UpdateSolrSchema]:[Requesting] http://mywebsite/sitecore/admin/PopulateManagedSchema.aspx?indexes=all
[UpdateSolrSchema]:[Success] Completed Request
when I try to launch http://mywebsite/sitecore it is redirecting to https://mywebsite/sitecore and getting the below error.
Can’t connect securely to this page
This might be because the site uses outdated or unsafe TLS security settings. If this keeps happening, try contacting the website’s owner.
I even added https binding manually, selecting "DO_NOT_TRUST_SitecoreRootCert". But I am getting the below error
This site is not secure
This might mean that someone’s trying to fool you or steal any info you send to the server. You should close this site immediately.
Not sure, what could be the issue. Can someone help me on this? Thanks in Advance

privateNetworkClientServer error when using geoserver with cesium

I have a geoserver hosting imagery over http. my client site uses https. I've been using openlayers and it all works perfectly. now i'm trying to move to cesiumjs and i'm not getting any imagery in IE or Edge (i am unable to test other browsers unfortunately). i can get imagery in my client if using bing maps, so the client code is functional otherwise. from the browser console i see:
SEC7117: Network request to http://[myserver]:8080/geoserver/cite/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.1&request=GetMap&styles=&format=image%2Fjpeg&layers=cite%3Abmpyramid&srs=EPSG%3A3857&bbox=195678.7924100496%2C156543.03392804041%2C234814.55089206248%2C195678.7924100496&width=256&height=256 did not succeed. This Internet Explorer instance does not have the following capabilities: privateNetworkClientServer
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by http://[myserver]:8080/geoserver/cite/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.1&request=GetMap&styles=&format=image%2Fjpeg&layers=cite%3Abmpyramid&srs=EPSG%3A3857&bbox=195678.7924100496%2C195678.7924100496%2C215246.6716510579%2C215246.6716510579&width=256&height=256
the URLs are good; i can copy/paste into a new browser and get tiles back. from the browser network tab of the dev tools i can see there are no outgoing image requests.
does anybody know of a way to get around this?
Despite the cryptic error messages, it seems this is not an HTTP/HTTPS issue like I thought; it's a Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) problem specific to WebGL/CesiumJS. It is summarized near the bottom of this page: .
Basically there are two options. First, you can enable CORS in your geoserver. I confirmed this did indeed resolve the issue in my dev environment. However, this is not really an option for us in prod.
The other option is to set up a proxy where instead of cesium directly requesting tiles, it requests them from your own web server and your web server fetches them manually. when going this route, you modify your cesium like so:
layers.addImageryProvider(new Cesium.ArcGisMapServerImageryProvider({
url : '//',
proxy : new Cesium.DefaultProxy('/proxy/')

Cordova ajax call kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 311

Anyone encountered this error? kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 311?
I wrote a simple cordova application running in iPad (iOS 9 up). This applications calls an HTTPS api but throws this error kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 311.
Pleas note that the HTTPS Server has a valid CA Issued SSL Certificate.
I googled a lot on this error but without any luck and only managed to found this cfStreamErrorHTTPSProxyFailureUnexpectedResponseToCONNECTMethod that has an int value of 311 and it says that
The HTTPS proxy returned an unexpected status code, such as a 3xx
Indeed the resource that i am invoking is returning a 302 which unfortunately i have no control of.
And to access the https server, i have to specifically connect to a wifi proxy where the IP address is whitelisted in the https server.
I hope someone from this great community could provide me some light on this error.
Thank you.
I also have received the same error. The problem is that you are accessing network through a proxy which needs to be authenticated before you send a request.
In your case, generally if you are accessing internet in the system browser, you might have proxy settings(along with authentication) in your browser or system preferences -> network -> Advanced -> Proxies.
In order to address the authentication issues while URL requests, Apple has given documentation in this regard -
For a simple model implementation just refer to Simple example of NSURLSession with authentication

How do I bypass the 'ports, protocols and domains must match' CORS issue whilst in development?

I have a local site running ASP.Net MVC 3 over HTTP and HTTPS through IIS Express.
The HTTP url is http://localhost:4000 and the HTTPS is https://localhost:44301.
I'm trying to hook up the Stripe payments API but it really does not like the port, protocol and domain mismatch. I've tried using CORS to tell it to trust but it seems that it is due to the port mismatch and I cannot figure out how to tell it to ignore that.
Adding the following header does not product any difference.
When accessing my payment page via HTTP, I get the following:
Blocked a frame with origin "" from
accessing a frame with origin "http://localhost:4000". The frame
requesting access has a protocol of "https", the frame being accessed
has a protocol of "http". Protocols must match.
It gets worse when using SSL as my local SSL port is not 443.
How do I tell CORS to ignore the port mismatch whilst in development?
You can disable same origin policy while in development. Load chrome with the following argument:
Didn't the error message tell you the problem? Use HTTPs.
I still get this message my live site:
Uncaught SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a frame with origin "". Protocols, domains, and ports must match.
..everything still works so I wouldn't worry about it. There's not much you can do about the domains being different.

Google checkout callback can't seem to reach https server

I am trying to implement Google Check out (GCO) on a new server, the process seemed to work fine on the old server.
The error from GCO integration console is the timeout error you might expect if there is load on the server and/or the response takes longer than 3 seconds to respond.
To perform a test (not integrating with my database), I have set some code to send an email to me instead. If I hit the https url manually, I get the email and I can see an output to the screen. If I then leave it as that, Google still returns the Timeout error and I don't get an email. So I have doubts as to whether google is even able to hit the https url.
I did temporarily attempt to use the unsecure url for testing and indeed I received the email, however this solution isn't the route we've developed for, so the problem is something to do with the secure url specifically.
I have looked into the certificate which is a UTN-USERFirst-Hardware which is listed as accepted on . I have also tried to temporarily disable the firewall with no joy. Does anyone have any sugestions?
Good to hear you figured out the problem.
I'm adding the links below to add a litle more context for future readers about how Google Checkout uses HTTP Basic Authentication:
