Flyway 3.0 Migration Checksum mismatch - maven

after upgrading Flyway Maven plugin from 2.3 to 3.0 I get:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.flywaydb:flyway-maven-plugin:3.0:migrate (default-cli) on project
xxx: org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Validate failed. Found
differences between applied migrations and available migrations:
Migration Checksum mismatch for migration
V003__data_feed_sources_locations.sql: DB=942424992,
Classpath=1117634405 -> [Help 1]
Got a similar error on some other project.
If I downgrade back to 2.3 the migration runs ok. Does this has something to do with different platform encoding for calculating checksums?
Any workaround, or better yet, proper solution?

Flyway 3.0 changed the default of validateOnMigrate to true.
This is however a good thing, as in the spirit of fail fast, errors are discovered sooner.
In your case some scripts did change since they were applied, which is what Flyway is reporting.
You have two options:
suppress the error by setting validateOnMigrate to false (2.3 default behavior)
invoke to reallign the checksums
Flyway Repair

To add to Axel Fontaine's answer:
I was able to use mvn flyway:repair but I had to point the flyway.locations config property at the folder that contains my db migration scripts. Otherwise I would get the message "Repair of metadata table xyz.schema_version not necessary. No failed migration detected." like other folks mentioned.
I used mvn -Dflyway.locations=filesystem:<project dir>/src/main/resources/db/migrations flyway:repair and I saw the checksum updated in the metadata table, fixing my problem.

I found the easiest way to resolve this issue was to literally update the checksum in the schema table to the value flyway expected. I knew for a fact that my migration files had not changed and that the current state of the database was what it needed to be. I also did not want to spend time reading documentation and messing around with or other methods that could potentially mess things up even more. A simple sql update resolved it right away

First, it looks for checksum changes. These changes occur if we update migration files which are already applied to a db instance.
FlywayException: Validate failed: Migration checksum mismatch for migration version 18.2.6
-> Applied to database : 90181454
-> Resolved locally : 717386176
repair() method would fix up checksum issue by updating the flyway_schema_history table with local checksum value.
However, it would neglect updated statements in same migration file. So, new changes in same file would be neglected as there is already an entry for version in flyway_schema_history table. setValidateOnMigrate() method has no effect in this scenario. We should follow incremental approach, schema changes should be supplied through new files.

The issue happen right after I changed the V1_2__books.sql ddl file, There should be a better way to force flyway to recognize the new changes!!!
I tried to run mvn flyway:repair but it did not work, I ended up changing the schema url in the file [datasource.flyway.url] to books2
I removed the below files as well (books is my old schema name )
~ #~:rm
~ #~:rm -r books.trace.db
I ran the application and BINGO :)

Just wanted to add, that in order for the checksum to be updated by repair. Flyway has to have access to the directory where all the migrations are. Otherwise flyway just goes about it's business and outputs
"Repair of failed migration in metadata table xyz.schema_version not necessary. No failed migration detected."

The checksum needs to be updated using the flyway repair command (run the Flyway command as stated in “Upgrade procedure” but replace “migrate” with “repair”).
I recommend you do not intrude directly to database, sql scripts, etc. It can be dangerous
./flyway repare -user=root -password=changeme -url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/mypath -table=my_flyway_schema_version_table -locations=filesystem:/mypath_sql_scripts

if you are running on local db u can delete the flyway_schema_history table

Invoke directly from configurations.
Add below bean to your configuration class or create a new class with #Congiguration annotation and add the below code.
public FlywayMigrationStrategy repairFlyway() {
return flyway -> {
// repair each script's checksum;
// before new migrations are executed

There is yet another solution. You can drop your migration from schema_version table.


Original SQL script now invalid according to Flyway

We have a Spring boot application that has been in production for a while. We use Flyway to manage database migrations. I just upgraded to Spring boot 2.5.4 from 2.4.5 which brings with it an upgrade to Flyway 7.7.3.
When executing all the migrations in a fresh local environment, the migration now fails due to a syntax issue with this comment:
I imagine this won't be an issue in environments which have already executed this migration but what is the best way to fix this for new environments with a fresh database given that the original file cannot be edited due to checksum comparison on migration?
My current versioning just includes a major version i.e. V2, V3 etc. My thinking is to get rid of V2 (the script with the issue) and introduce V2.1 which would be an exact copy of V2 with the erroneous comment section removed. I would then set both ignoreMissingMigrations and ignoreIgnoredMigrations to true
Does this sound like the right way to solve this?
Thanks in advance.
Changing the script and then executing flyway repair would be the ideal solution - this would rectify the checksums.
Assuming this option is not available for some reason (it would be helpful to know what that is in case we can fix it!), the above sounds correct. ignoreMissingMigrations means your old deployments won't object to V2 not being there, and ignoreIgnoredMigrations means they won't object to V2.1 being present. The downside is that these ignores may not be valid in the longer term - so they won't, for example, catch a later script that goes missing unintentionally.

Liquibase optimize changelog problem with integrity (ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed)

After some time I would like to optimize changelog I use in my Spring-Boot application. I use SQL syntax in my liquibase files.
I have updated some of the old sqls (without changing changeset name). And now I got:
Caused by: liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
37 change sets check sum
classpath:db/changelog/db.changelog-master.sql::4::siewer was: 8:8560502cf93e550076df8a7dc82a45b6 but is now: 8:543d80fbaa5a5b468e56ac6ef4705e58
Is it possible to change old changesets and update hashes without executing the migration? I would like already in-use databases to work without changes (but to be able to get new migrations). At this moment when I start an application with fresh database everything is ok, but when I want to run app on already populated database I got errors.
Any tips? Is this possible to be done?
You can run your migration scripts against a clear database, copy the hashes (or copy it directly from the error log one by one), and update the hash directly in the liquibase table. Just make sure it's updated together with the deployment of the new changesets, otherwise the app won't start.
Yes, it's possible. You can use <validCheckSum> for it. This will tell liquibase what the checksum for this changeSet actually is.
<changeSet id="foo" author="bar">
<!-- changeSet logic here -->
Or if you don't care about the checksum of the changeSet at all, you can use ANY instead of actual checksum:
<changeSet id="foo" author="bar">
<!-- changeSet logic here -->
And some philosophy about it:
You shouldn't alter the existing changeSets. If you need to make the changes to your database schema, then you should write new changeSets in addition to the old ones.

Flyway does not ignore out of order migration scripts, with outOfOrder=false

I am not using outOfOrder.
I would like to be able to add a migration script, that would not be the latest, (e.g. to bugfix an existing script, without changing that script).
I would like the new script to be run, as part of the normal ordering, on databases that haven't been migrated yet.
Any databases that are up to date (e.g. manually repaired) should ignore the new script.
From the documentation:
OutOfOrder - Allows migrations to be run "out of order". If you
already have versions 1 and 3 applied, and now a version 2 is found,
it will be applied too instead of being ignored.
This suggests that the new script will be ignored, but I get the error:
ERROR: Validate failed: Detected resolved migration not applied to database
Will the new script only be ignored if the db baseline is ahead of it?
Is this the expected behaviour?
If so, I guess my solution here is either to:
Use outOfOrder, and complicate all my scripts to be idempotent.
Baseline my db after every migration.
There is a pull request for this that will be merged in time for Flyway 5.1.0:
Until then you also have the option to disable validation by setting validateOnMigrate to false.

VS2013 migrating automátically my db even when AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;

I have an application with several code based migrations (EF5 code first) and an initializer that inherits from CreateDatabaseIfNotExists then I install that application on a production machine for the first time leting CodeFirst create the database from scratch. After that I add another code based migration and generate the migration script on my development machine and apply that script on the production machine. Then when I run my app on the production machine I'm getting errors. Those errors were generated because the code on my migrations are not being executed and there are code on those migrations that must be executed (for instance I have File Stream on my db).
Then, to solve that I changed my initializer to MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion with AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false. That solution solved the problem of executing all migrations code on first create but now I have this problem: VS2013 migrates the database automaticaly (if I add another migration) what I expect is to have an exception because AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false in VS2012 that is happening BUT VS2013 IS MIGRATING AUTOMATICALLY.
Why is that happening? What I'm doing wrong?
Automatic Migrations Enabled refers to the process of trying to automatically migrate your database to match your DbContext. For example, say you create your DbContext and run it once. Then you add a new table. With Automatic Migrations, you don't need to run Add-Migration, you can just run your app again and EF will automagically modify your database (note: it doesn't do this for all schema changes, but it makes a good effort. Sometimes you will still need to use Add-Migration).
Since your initializer is set to MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion, any time the DbContext initialized it will run all of the migrations that are available. If there is any mismatch between your DbContext and the schema your migrations generate, you'll get an exception.
It sounds like the scenario you're expecting is when there is a mismatch between your DbContext and your database, you should get an exception. If this is what you want, you should not set your initializer to MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion.

flyway clean is not dropping scheduler jobs or programs

I recently added a scheduler job and program to my development schema. When I tried to refresh the schema, I did a flyway clean, and then a flyway migrate.
I got the following error:
ERROR: Found non-empty schema "TESTDATA" without metadata table! Use init() or set initOnMigrate to true to initialize the metadata table.
When I dropped the job and program by hand, I was then able to run migrate again.
I've been using flyway for a while, and it's always been very straightforward - but I'm not sure how to convince it to properly clean my schema, now that I have an overnight batch job.
Note: I see the option -initOnMigrate, but this causes me two problems:
I have a lot of batch files which would be sensitive to trying to add another runline option.
I use flyway both to update existing schemas and to refresh schemas from scratch. If I need to modify the job or program, I could only include initOnMigrate (and have it bomb on the update), or not include it, and have it bomb on refresh (my current problem).
Thank you
You can work around this by implementing FlywayCallback.afterClean() and do the cleanup yourself.
Also, please file an issue in the issue tracker so we can fix this in time for 3.1.
