generic hql select function given field and param - hql

is this valid HQL?
If not (i assume not since im getting wrong result back). How/can i achieve this generic slect transaction?
String hql = "SELECT * from users Where :searchCriteria = :searchString";
List q = session.createSQLQuery(hql).addEntity(Users.class)
.setParameter("searchField", searchCriteria)
.setParameter("searchString", searchString).list();

Try this hql,
Criteria cr= session.createCriteria(Users.class);
cr.add(Restrictions.eq("searchField", searchCriteria);
cr.add(Restrictions.eq("searchString", searchString);
List<Users> user_data=(List<Users>)cr.list();


How to get the data in query(search result of hql)?

I am a novice to use jdbc and I have some problems.
I use hql to search data in MySQL, and the result is Query type. I don't know how to get the data from the "Query".This is my code:
final String hql = "select app.appkey,app.type from " + getClassName() +
"app where app.appkey<>'no-appkey' group by app.type";
Query query = getEntityManager().createQuery(hql);
Thanks a lot.
You have to do the following:
final String hql = "select app.appkey,app.type from " + getClassName() + " app where app.appkey<>'no-appkey' group by app.type";
Query query = getEntityManager().createQuery(hql);
query.list(); //or query.getSingleResult();
query.list() will give a list of results.
query.getSingleResult() will give you a object.
You can check this.
If you are expecting a list of results, so:
List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();
If you are expect one single result:
Object[] result = query.getSingleResult(); // if more than one result was found, this method will throw a NonUniqueResultException
If column information will be stored in a position of the Object array. Example:
String appKey = (String) result[0];
String appType = (String) result[1];
But work with Object array is not good. Try to use Dto, like explained here.

Dynamic Linq on DataTable error: no Field or Property in DataRow, c#

I have some errors using Linq on DataTable and I couldn't figure it out how to solve it. I have to admit that i am pretty new to Linq and I searched the forum and Internet and couldn't figure it out. hope you can help.
I have a DataTable called campaign with three columns: ID (int), Product (string), Channel (string). The DataTable is already filled with data. I am trying to select a subset of the campaign records which satisfied the conditions selected by the end user. For example, the user want to list only if the Product is either 'EWH' or 'HEC'. The selection criteria is dynaically determined by the end user.
I have the following C# code:
private void btnClick()
IEnumerable<DataRow> query =
from zz in campaign.AsEnumerable()
orderby zz.Field<string>("ID")
select zz;
string whereClause = "zz.Field<string>(\"Product\") in ('EWH','HEC')";
query = query.Where(whereClause);
DataTable sublist = query.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>();
But it gives me an error on line: query = query.Where(whereClause), saying
No property or field 'zz' exists in type 'DataRow'".
If I changed to:
string whereClause = "Product in ('EWH','HEC')"; it will say:
No property or field 'Product' exists in type 'DataRow'
Can anyone help me on how to solve this problem? I feel it could be a pretty simple syntax change, but I just don't know at this time.
First, this line has an error
orderby zz.Field<string>("ID")
because as you said, your ID column is of type int.
Second, you need to learn LINQ query syntax. Forget about strings, the same way you used from, orderby, select in the query, you can also use where and many other operators. Also you'll need to learn the equivalent LINQ constructs for SQL-ish things, like for instance IN (...) is mapped to Enumerable.Contains etc.
With all that being said, here is your query
var productFilter = new[] { "EWH", "HEC" };
var query =
from zz in campaign.AsEnumerable()
where productFilter.Contains(zz.Field<string>("Product"))
orderby zz.Field<int>("ID")
select zz;
Update As per your comment, if you want to make this dynamic, then you need to switch to lambda syntax. Multiple and criteria can be composed by chaining multiple Where clauses like this
List<string> productFilter = ...; // coming from outside
List<string> channelFilter = ...; // coming from outside
var query = campaign.AsEnumerable();
// Apply filters if needed
if (productFilter != null && productFilter.Count > 0)
query = query.Where(zz => productFilter.Contains(zz.Field<string>("Product")));
if (channelFilter != null && channelFilter.Count > 0)
query = query.Where(zz => channelFilter.Contains(zz.Field<string>("Channel")));
// Once finished with filtering, do the ordering
query = query.OrderBy(zz => zz.Field<int>("ID"));

Filter with Spring-Data and QueryDSL on nullable reference attribute

I have following issue. I am using Jquery Datatable serverside and I am now implementing the search box. But I have an issue there in special case, when a dataset has an attribute, what is "null". So the dataset will not be found although it should found cos it matches on one attibute.
The situtation in beginning is like follows. You see there is a dataset with apprentice Fabio Bartels, who has not Fachrichtung. And a dataset with Viktoria.
Now when I search for Viktoria, the filter works as expected:
When I search for Fabio, then Dataset is not found:
The problem I have is, that I don't know how to handle the filter, that a attribute will only be validated against the search string when the attribute is not null.
Serverside Java Classes see like follows:
class ContractSearchQuery {
private static QContract contract = QContract.contract;
static BooleanExpression getPredicate(final ContractSearch filter) {
BooleanExpression predicate;
if (filter == null || filter.isEmpty()) {
} else {
final String search = filter.getSearch();
final List<BooleanExpression> expressions = new ArrayList<BooleanExpression>();
expressions.add(containsApprenticeName(search)); // AUSZUBILDENDER
expressions.add(containsSpecialisation(search)); // FACHRICHTUNG
BooleanExpression expression = expressions.get(INTEGER_ZERO);
for (int i = 1; i < expressions.size(); i++) {
expression = expression.or(expressions.get(i));
predicate = expression;
return predicate;
private static BooleanExpression containsApprenticeName(final String search) {
final BooleanExpression expLastName = contract.apprentice.lastName.containsIgnoreCase(search);
final BooleanExpression expFirstName = contract.apprentice.firstName.containsIgnoreCase(search);
return expLastName.or(expFirstName);
private static BooleanExpression containsSpecialisation(final String search) {
Spring-Data-Repository Call:
final PageRequest pageRequest = new PageRequest(firstResult / maxResults, maxResults, orderSort);
final Page<Contract> page = contractRepository.findAll(predicate, pageRequest);
return page.getContent();
By the way I recognized when I do direct request against my db with joining Specialisation Table, then I only get Fabio as record, when not joining Specialisation, I get all three persons. Maybe somethings to do with my issue:
select a.first_name, a.last_name from contract c
join company_occupation_combination coc on c.company_occupation_combination =
join occupation_combination oc on coc.occupation_combination =
join apprentice a on c.apprentice =
With Join:
select a.first_name, a.last_name from contract c
join company_occupation_combination coc on c.company_occupation_combination =
join occupation_combination oc on coc.occupation_combination =
join specialisation s on oc.specialisation =
join apprentice a on c.apprentice =
Result: "Viktoria";"Kruczek"
Okay, on db site I found out (with Hibernate and JPA I start forgetting SQL-Basices ;-)), that I need a left join for the nullable relation, so my query should result to an sql like:
select a.first_name, a.last_name from contract c
join company_occupation_combination coc on c.company_occupation_combination =
join occupation_combination oc on coc.occupation_combination =
left join specialisation s on oc.specialisation =
join apprentice a on c.apprentice =
So my question is, how can I manage left Join when I have a Query-Class using QueryDSL and Spring-Data-Repository like mentioned above?
If you really need left join, you can't achieve that via predicate (instead it is possible via sub-query)
To be able to do left-join, you will need JPAQuery.
Assuming you have already configured repositories, and able to use EntitiManager, implement ContractRepositoryCustom , so that in your implementation you can have
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "unitname")
protected EntityManager entityManager;
public List<Contract> findAllContracts() {
return new JPAQuery(entityManager, HQLTemplates.DEFAULT)
.join(QContract.contract.companyOccupationCombination, QCompanyOccupationCombination.companyOccupationCombination)
.join(QCompanyOccupationCombination.companyOccupationCombination.occupationCombination, QOccupationCombination.occupationCombination)
.leftJoin(QOccupationCombination.occupationCombination.specialization, QSpecialization.specialization)
.join(QSpecialization.specialization.apprentice, QApprentice.apprentice)
And for pagination you always apply limit(maxResults) and offset(firstResult)
I really like working with Spring-Data and Query-DSL, cos it makes my code really tidy. But I am really suprised, that for the case of nullable references there seems no solution. Sure you can use another solution like #vtorosyan mentioned and thank you again for that solution, but when you project is builded up with combination of QueryDSL and Spring-Data, you really don't want to bring a second style in your application.
But I needed a solution, so I did now the follows.
The point of the issue was, that when I used data from a nullable entity, a join has been executed what hided the datasets, who had a null reference on it, see examples above. What I now did and I hope I will not get another issue then with that solution on later time of that project. I did the null references to not null and defined something like null-record.
Example I added a record for specialisation like
0 Keine
Instead of null I now use that record what has until now following effects:
First my table shows now "Keine" (engl. "None") for all attributes what are not set. It looks more consistent when having a textoutput then empty string.
Now I can explicitly search for "Keine", when I am interested for data records what have no specialisation set.
And my searchbox works as expected for records, which have no speciafication set. (THAT WAS MY ISSUE FROM BEGINNING WHAT I WANTED TO SOLVE):
Additional to that searchbox I use a modal dialog for filtering. Now I can explicitly filter "Keine" for "nullable" records:
If you think there is another good solution for that issue without rebuild code using Spring-Data and QueryDSL konsequently, don't hesitate to post ;-)

Spring jdbcTemplate dynamic where clause

Is it possible to generate arbitrary where condtions SQL query through Jdbc template:
If i pass value for 1 parameter (only name) : search by name
"select * from address where shopname = ?";
If i pass value for 2 parameter (name and city) - search by shopname and city:
"select * from address where shopname = ? and city = ?";
I have mupliple search fields. 7 fields. If user enters any combination. i have search only based on parameter. How to dynamically pass the parameters to the sql. Need snippet/Example how to achieve this.
What you want is some sort of criteria building api, which Hibernate has. Unfortunately, I don't think Spring's JdbcTemplate has any such facility. Others will correct me if I'm wrong...
Though as some guys already suggested that Hibernate is the best way of doing this, but still i think you can try this approach-
String sql = "select * from address where 1 = 1";
if(shopname != null)
sql += "and shopname = :shopname";
if(city!= null)
sql += "and city = :city";
and so on..and use NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
Spring Data and Hibernate have that kind of functionality. Though it might not be worth dragging in such big framework for your app.
You can try to check out SimpleJdbcInsert
Alternatively you can try to fix it in SQL with checking on empty, but if you have lots of data to go through, this technique will slow down your request.
"select * from address
where (shopname = ? or shopname = null)
and (city = ? or city = null)";
If Scala is an option to you, the query could be constructed with something like this:
case class Search(shopname:String, city:String = None) {
def sql = "select * from address where shopname = '"+shopname+"'" +" and city = '"+
_ +"'").getOrElse("")
Example usage:
Search("lloh", Some("Austin")).sql

Linq to EF Expression Tree / Predicate int.Parse workaround

I have a linq Entity called Enquiry, which has a property: string DateSubmitted.
I'm writing an app where I need to return IQueryable for Enquiry that have a DateSubmitted within a particular date range.
Ideally I'd like to write something like
IQueryable<Enquiry> query = Context.EnquirySet.AsQueryable<Enquiry>();
int dateStart = int.Parse("20090729");
int dateEnd = int.Parse("20090930");
query = (from e in query
where(enq => int.Parse(enq.DateSubmitted) < dateEnd)
where(enq => int.Parse(enq.DateSubmitted) > dateStart)
select e);
Obviously Linq to EF doesn't recognise int.Parse, so I think I can achieve what I want with an Expression method that returns a predicate???
I've been playing around with PredicateBuilder and looking all over but I've successfully fried my brains trying to work this out. Sure I could add another property to my Entity and convert it there but I'd really like to understand this. Can anyone explain or give an example/link that doesn't fry my brains?
Thanks in advance
If you know your date strings are valid, and they're really in that order (which is a natural sort order) you might be able to get away with string comparisons:
IQueryable<Enquiry> query = Context.EnquirySet.AsQueryable<Enquiry>();
string dateStart ="20090729";
string dateEnd = "20090930";
query = (from e in query
where(enq => enq.DateSubmitted.CompareTo(dateEnd)) < 0)
where(enq => enq.DateSubmitted.CompareTo(dateStart)) > 0)
select e);
