When will Findbugs 3.0.0 FINAL be released? - java-8

My understanding is that Findbugs 3.0.0 will support analyzing Java 8 bytecode. I see that there is a beta version of it available here:
SonarQube is waiting until the final version of Findbugs 3.0.0 is released before upgrading their Java plugin to use it. This means SonarQube is unable to analyze our Java 8 projects.
Is there a target date for Findbugs 3.0.0 release or a known workaround for using the beta version of it with SonarQube?

Well, 3.0.0 RC1 is released today (25.06.2014) and we plan to release 3.0.0 final (if there will be no major regressions reported) in July.
Update: 3.0.0 is released on 06.07.2014, see https://mailman.cs.umd.edu/pipermail/findbugs-discuss/2014-July/004029.html

As per mailing list thread : https://mailman.cs.umd.edu/pipermail/findbugs-discuss/2014-May/003999.html
The release is now mainly depending on early adopters feedback.


In the SonarQube Marketplace, what does it mean for a plugin to be incompatible?

I just upgraded from SonarQube 6.1 to 6.7.7. For SonarJava, it automatically installed (it was before). In the Marketplace, when I hover over the available versions from 5.0-5.13, it says “Incompatible”. When I hover over 5.13.1+, it says “Requires system update”. What does it mean for it to be incompatible if it doesn’t require a system update?
I am seeing this with various other plugins as well, such as SonarPython, which had 1.8 automatically installed. I had to manually install 1.9.1 in order to get this bug fix (which is why I originally upgraded the server): https://community.sonarsource.com/t/python-s1481-code-smell-unused-local-variables-should-be-removed-false-positive-with-string-interpolation/8961
I could manually install newer versions of other plugins as well, but I don’t know if that’s safe.
I also can’t find an official plugin compatibility matrix, since this only shows 7.9+: https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/instance-administration/plugin-version-matrix/
Incompatible means that the plugin does not work with the version of SonarQube you have installed.
An example of an incompatible plugin would be one where the plugin relied on an API that was removed in your current SonarQube version. You may be able to use that version of the plugin if you downgraded your SonarQube instance to a previous version.
Requires system update means you need to upgrade SonarQube in order to install the plugin.
For what it's worth, the states as described by the API documentation are:
Update status values are:
COMPATIBLE: plugin is compatible with current SonarQube instance.
INCOMPATIBLE: plugin is not compatible with current SonarQube instance.
REQUIRES_SYSTEM_UPGRADE: plugin requires SonarQube to be upgraded before being installed.
DEPS_REQUIRE_SYSTEM_UPGRADE: at least one plugin on which the plugin is dependent requires SonarQube to be upgraded.

Sonar 6.x LTS release schedule

We would like to upgrade our Sonar setup to 6.x but waiting for LTS release. Is there any update on when Sonarqube LTS (6.x) release is scheduled?
Also, we would like to understand major differences between Sonarqube 4.5.7 & Sonarqube 6.x in terms of support for Java/maven/msbuild/fxcop versions and other major features that 4.x users should be aware of.
The release of 6.7 LTS is planned for this fall. But you cannot upgrade directly from 4.5.7 to 6.7; you must first go through the intervening (current) LTS: 5.6.6.
For a summary of the differences between 4.5.7 and 5.6.6, see this blog post. If you want more details, you should consult the release notes, as Simon noted in the comments.
When you upgrade to 5.6.6 (why not go ahead & get that out of the way?), you'll find that your custom dashboards are still there, but have been set aside in favor of a hard-coded project homepage. When you get to 6.7, you'll find that custom dashboards have been eliminated entirely, and a new projects page has been provided, as well as a reworked Measures space and countless other improvements.
Nov 2019 Update: The current LTS is now 7.9. More information about the SonarQube LTS model is available here.

Nested functional complexity issue fix in SonarQube version?

Just found a bug regarding "Do not include complexity of nested functions into nesting one complexity".
It say's its fixed with version 2.15 in sonarsource. But i'm unable to find in what version of SonarQube, the same is fixed. Right now, we use SonarQube version of 4.5.6, but the issue still persist in that version.
SonarJS 2.15 is not compatible with SonarQube 4.5.6: since version 2.14, SonarJS requires SonarQube 5.6 or later.
You need to first upgrade to SonarQube 5.6 or later, and then upgrade SonarJS.

How to enable RCI in SonarQube 4.3?

I am doing code anaylysis using SonarQube version 4.3 with Sonar Runner 2.4. But I don't see RCI (Rules compliance index) which was there in version 3.7.
is RCI replaced by Technical Debts ? (as in SONAR-4820)
is it possible to view RCI in SonarQube version 4.3, if so how ?
FYI #goodspeed, we're going to reintroduce this RCI metric by publishing a dedicated plugin. I expect this plugin to be released by the end of July.
After searching for some time, I found out that RCI is deprecated from default widget after SonarQube 4.0. Refer the following for more info:
1) http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SONAR-4755
2) http://sonarqube.15.x6.nabble.com/Sonarqube-4-2-Rules-Compliance-Metric-missing-tt5023713.html

Cobertura & Java 7 support

Any ideas when cobertura will support java 7?
Found http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3295711&group_id=130558&atid=720018
We preferred cobertura over emma and other code coverage tools and looks like we have to redo all those again, now that none of them support java 7 yet.
Cobertura 2.0.3 supports Java 7, the cobertura-maven-plugin version 2.6 which uses this version has been just released
I was able to get it to work by adding the following argument:
I got it from here.
I think the answer is: it won't. There is discussion on the mailing list that the project is not being maintained, and there are Java 7 bugs that have been open for a year. On the bright side, JaCoCo functionality is comparable and is being actively maintained.
Further to Jagger's comment, it looks like this is now being actively worked on for the next release - see:
with the comment "Fix java 7 stack map issue".
Old thread, but my answer may be useful: Cobertura does support the latest Java versions and is actively maintained. eCobertura (the Eclipse plug-in for Cobertura) hasn't been maintained since 2010, but Cobertura itself is still maintained.
eCobertura will not run with Java 7 or higher, but Cobertura will.
If you are looking for coverage reports (suc h as the ones that eCobertura used to provide), just run the Cobertura maven plugin with mvn cobertura:cobertura and check the HTML report under target/site/cobertura/index.html
