Is Internet Explorer 10 slower, when using compatibility mode? - performance

Internet Explorer 10 has so-called compatibility mode, which can be activated to make older sites display properly.
If the compatibility mode is enabled, does it slow the overall pages performance and/or JavaScript? And is there any other impact apart from performance eg. overall stability, memory usage etc?

After a bit of thought, I think the answer to your questions is:
It depends.
It depends on what your site does with css. It depends what your site does with markup. It's entirely possible that some new CSS thing has come out in the last few years that IE 11 added very good support for, and the team of engineers spend lots of time optimizing. The old legacy way to do it might work, but be slower because it's old code that never got refactored and optimized. Imagine that repeated over and over... an old IE8 feature that now has a much faster IE11 css or markup equivalent... and you're not getting to leverage any of it.
Or, maybe your site uses none of that functionality, and it's (about) the same no matter which mode you're in. While the likely scenario is that you will probably see some sort of performance hit by running in compatibility mode, it certainly isn't guaranteed.


It's 2018 and I start to care about Internet Explorer 5.5

I don't know if I should ask this here, but I really need your opinion.
I read and read many online articles about why you should don't care about old Internet Explorer versions (because it is really outdated and insecure etc). I have taken seriously all those articles and I started to don't care about Internet Explorer <= 11 when I redesigned and re-launched my websites.
Now, it's 2018 and I need to re-design my websites and add new features (because I got a lot of user feedback, and I have a lot of exciting ideas). And because I start it from the beginning I want to think again about this. I analyzed my stats and I'm still getting hits from IE8, IE7, IE6 and... IE5.5 (Windows 98 & ME)!
I know these versions are really outdated, insecure, but there are some people using old versions and old operating systems. I know I shouldn't care about these versions, but I really care about my visitors and their experience on my website (maybe there are people who live in the mountains or in poor villages, and they have a dial-up connection - why not?).
If there are such kind of persons, then:
Is there any reason why should I not create my new website to work even in Internet Explorer 5.5?
Why should I not care about webpage size, to be loaded fast even on dial-up or low broadband (Cable, GPRS etc)?
Thank you!
I think it's not generally a bad idea to consider IE when creating a new website, but there are some aspects you must consider.
You should do extra work to support IE, which includes more time and effort in the development. So you must ask yourself, is it really worth it?
Also you might ignore a lot of new APIs and features of JavaScript and CSS, to support older versions of IE. So you are probably affecting user experience of a large amount of your users, for a small section of them which are using IE.
Or you might use some libraries to detect browser support for certain features or using conditional comments (again, extra work to do).
Another solution might be to show a specific page to the IE users and encourage them to use a newer browser, which probably has no effect to a person who is still using IE5 in 2018!
Generally I think there is no complete answer to this question. It really depends on the goal, time and budget of the project.

IE takes too much time to load the page compared to Firefox

I have a page which displays around 1000 records.
The page gets loaded quite easily on firefox..around 2 seconds. But same on IE taking more that 10 seconds.
I checked performance tuning on server side, and modified the hibernate Criteria query returning this whole data. But issue is still there.
I also tried to remove almost all the plugins from IE thinking those could be the culprits. But no impact. :(
Trying to monitor the UI components on IE developer tool, but didnt find much details.
Any suggestions please. :)
Thanks in Advance :)
Performance issues like this will be down to rendering the UI. The server side processing won't vary from browser to browser, so it will be down to the way different browsers handle the drawing of the elements. Without seeing your page in action it is not easy to suggest anything to help improve your situation.
Guys Got the Culprit here... :) :)
After doing lot of RnD on Server side and Client side, I took a look at "Developer Tool" in IE.
You can find something like "Document Mode: Quirks". If you check the Wiki page for this Quirks mode, You can find a definition as "In computing, quirks mode refers to a technique used by some web browsers for the sake of maintaining backward compatibility with web pages designed for older browsers, instead of strictly complying with W3C and IETF standards in standards mode."
So this all becuase of checking for compatibility for all components on page. And hence the performance issue. :)
And When I changed this mode to IE 8 Standard. Things started working really well.
IE and its issues ...!!!! :D

Predict consequences of installing LESS, CSS3PIE on a high-load project

I faced situation of global site redesign (not appearance, but code architecture and underlying technologies). Website has about 135 000 visitors everyday. And it's crucial to make right decision now.
I had no experience of using LESS and CSS3PIE on such big projects before. Maybe some of you can predict some trouble which I can run into using technologies mentioned above. I would like to know advantages and drawbacks.
Isn't it better to use old tested and reliable methods like sprites for round corner buttons with shadows and gradients? I look at They just degrade gracefully in IE and don't use CSS3PIE.
Nobody answered me, so I try to answer myself. Since there are server-side LESS-compilers for all major platforms (Ruby, .NET, PHP) I decided to use LESS but compile server-side instead of using LESS.js which is not good because it prevents client's browser from caching CSS.
As concerning CSS3PIE I don't see any significant drawbacks of using it, a little more load lies on client using IE but it's not so bad.
The only issue I can foresee now is background and decoration disappearing on popups. I have already encountered this problem and posted a question here but no one ever answered.
I would avoid using CSS3Pie for production sites. In my experience, the higher the number of CSS3Pie-rendered elements on the page, the worse IE8/9 will perform.
Specifically, when I was using IE9 with an IE8 document mode, and with at least 2 elements rendered using CSS3Pie (using border-radius and linear-gradient), I observed a noticeable lag when scrolling the browser window. That is, I would try and scroll down the page, and the scroll bar would take a couple of seconds to "catch up" with the mouse pointer.
As soon as I switched CSS3Pie off, no lag when scrolling was observed. The same applies for IE8 in my experience.

General Problems With Quirks Mode

I'm working on a large website that has hundreds of pages with headers, footers, pop-ups w/ iframes, buttons, logos, etc all over it.
It's been developed for several years. The entire time there have been no DOCTYPE tags, so all the code that has been written for it has been written against quirks mode.
Here is my question:
What are the likely issues to run into if switching the whole thing to non-quirks mode?
Are there going to be so many issues that it isn't worth it to switch?
You should go and try it. Make a test installation and test it.
I did the same thing lately and there were some problems. Most of time I had no big problems, but sometimes it is really very hard to fix everything, because standard mode simply doesn't support some weird behaviour of qwirks mode. But I am happy to have the conversion done. Also those pages didn't look the same in all browsers, because qwirks isn't 100% same everywhere.

AJAX vs ActiveX/Flash for browser-based game

I have been following the usage of JavaScript for the past few years, and with the release of extremely fast scripting engines (V8, SquirrelFish Extrene, TraceMonkey, etc.) the possibilities of JavaScript have increased dramatically. However, the usage share of Internet Explorer coupled with it's total lack of support for recent standards makes me want to drop a bomb on Microsoft's HQ, as it creates a huge amount of problems for any website.
The game will need to be pretty dynamic client-side, with animations and other eye-candy things, but not a full-blown game like those that run directly in the OS using DirectX or OpenGL. However, this might be a little stretch for JavaScript and will certainly feel extremely slow in Internet Explorer (given that the current IE engine can be hundreds of times slower than SFX; gotta see what IE9 will bring), would it be better to just do the whole thing in Flash? I know this means requiring the plug-in AND I have no experience whatsoever with Flash (other than browsing YouTube :P). It also means I can't just output directly from PHP, I would have to use XML or some other format to pass data to it (JSON is directly integrated in JS and PHP can deal with it easily).
Another idea would be to provide an alternative interface just for IE, though I don't know how (ActiveX maybe? or with Flash, then why not just provide it to all browsers) or totally not supporting it and requiring the use of other browsers, although this is plain stupid from a business perspective.
So here am I, wondering what approach to take and thus asking for your advice. How should I build the client-side? AJAX in all browsers, Flash in all browsers or a mix (AJAX for "modern" browsers and something else for the "grandpa": IE).
I recommend a plug-in platform (Flash, Silverlight, or Java) over AJAX. Having a clean layer of abstraction between your game and the client's browser is a big advantage. In any non-trivial AJAX game look forward to endless corner-cases where browsers differ in performance or implementation.
Personally, I think Flash is easy to learn if you are coming from AJAX experience. Flash is currently the most widely installed and proven plug-in for browser games. However, Silverlight and Java are both building momentum. Also, the Unity engine has become a popular choice for commercial browser games.
I think you shouldn't leave Java out of the equation. It's a powerful, fast language, and with Java applets, you can do almost anything. If you want hardware-accelerated graphics via OpenGL, JOGL can do it, even in an applet.
On the other hand, it might not be right for you. But at this early stage, I think you should evaluate all of your options, and since you have no experience with Flash but sound like you've got a bit of programming experience, you might feel more at-home with Java.
I believe the current answer is Flash game.
Java Applet: getting less and less common those days and it is not commonly installed as a plugin on many computers.
SilverLight: too new and might vary and change in time. not commonly installed on many computers and it's Microsoft (whom tends to change technology every 2 years ...)
JavaScript / AJAX: Still a new kid on the block, it's on the rise it is true with many nice features, but still lack of good cross browser for IE even IE8, can not play sounds internally, still slower than the others, and you don't know where will it evolves.
Eventually probably the best solution for now is Flash development:
Cross platform. Works fast. Long time already alive and have a lot of support.
I hope this answer will change in the next year. Happy Peasach.
Check out Jmonkey. The "plugin" loads if you have Java on your machine. Once it's cached, the next time the visitor goes to the page, it your game loads very quick. Check out their website for demos and see what I mean:
Oh, I forgot to say, it's a 3D scenegraph Java engine. I just tried it again, and it loaded in linux. Looks they've put in some good work.
Don't do it with javascript in the browser. And Flash really can be a pain just because it's closed source and you don't know if you've made a mistake or found a bug - speaking from experience. I'd never want to make another Flash game again.
How about using RaphaelJs , it is a Javascript library that make dinamyc images using SVG, and for IE, it try to make those images using the IE alternative: VML. Im using it on my own WebGame, but i dont really make complex graphics in it. The most complex thing done on RapahelJs was a heath map (20 * 20 tiles ) with a dinamyc opacity slider. An it work with jquery without any problem or configuration!
