Exception from HRESULT: 0x80041098" - visual-studio-2010

Everyone. I need to use union of every three sequence raster in database, so I use ILogicalOp.BooleanAnd. Weirdly I receive {"Exception from HRESULT: 0x80041098"} in third time of for loop.
Here is part of my code: error appear on temp=… In the following line when i==2.
ILogicalOp RMath;
for (int i = 0; i < inputRas.Length-2; i=i+1)
temp = RMath.BooleanAnd(inputRas[i], inputRas[i+1]);
rasOut = RMath.BooleanAnd(temp, inputRas[i + 2]);
Any comment will be appreciated.


Bug in my Pig Latin script

Im trying to do a Median operation on a file in Pig. The file looks like this.
The file is loaded and the data inside it is grouped as follows:
wdata = load 'weatherdata' using PigStorage(',') as (city:chararray, temp:int);
wdata_g = group wdata by city;
Im trying to get the median from all the temperatures of the cities as following:
wdata_tempmedian = foreach wdata_g { tu = wdata.temp as temp; ord = order tu by temp generate group, Median(ord); }
The data is ordering because is needs to in sorted order to find a median.
But Im getting the following error message which I couldn't figure out what is the mistake:
[main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 1200: <line 3, column 53> mismatched input 'as' expecting SEMI_COLON
Any help is much appreciated.
You are missing a ';' after ordering the temperatures.
wdata_tempmedian = FOREACH wdata_g {
tu = wdata.temp as temp;
ord = ORDER tu BY temp;
GENERATE group, Median(ord);
wdata_ordered = ORDER wdata_g BY temp;
wdata_tempmedian = FOREACH wdata_ordered GENERATE group, Median(ord);
Note:I am assuming you are using data-fu since PIG does not have a Median function.Ensure the jar is correctly registered
register /path/datafu-pig-incubating-1.3.1.jar

why is Matlab slow in for loop with large number of iterations but fast with a small number of iterations?

I am running a function to extract some information from 100,000+ patient xray dicom files. the files are stored within a veracrypt encryption container for security purposes.
when i run the function on a small sample of files it performs really quickly, however when i run the function on the entire dataset it is very slow in comparison, going from several files per second to 1 file per second (approximately).
i was wandering why this is happening? i have tried storing the data on an ssd and on a normal hard drive and get the same sort of slow down when using a larger dataset compared to a small one.
i have added the code below for reference but haven't commented it fully yet.. this is for my thesis so i will do it once i get the extraction finished..
thanks for any help.
function [ DB, corrupted_files ] = extract_from_dcm( folder_name )
%EXTRACT_FROM_DCM Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
if nargin == 0
folder_name = 'I:\Find and Treat\MXU Old Backup\2005';
Database_Check = strcat(folder_name, '\DataBase.mat');
if exist(Database_Check, 'file')
entry_start = length(DB) + 1;
entry_start = 1;
[ found_dicoms ] = recursive_search( folder_name );
mat_file_location = strcat(folder_name, '\DataBase.mat');
excel_DB_file = strcat(folder_name, '\DataBase.xlsx');
excel_Corrupted_file = strcat(folder_name, '\Corrupted_Files.xlsx');
% the recursive search creates a struct with the path for each
% dcm file found. the list is then recursivly used to locate
% the image and extract the relevant information from it.
fprintf('Start Patient Data Extraction\n');
h = waitbar(0,'','Name','Patient Data Extraction');
entry_end = length(found_dicoms);
if entry_end == 0
% set(handles.info_box, 'String', 'No Dicom Files Found in this Folder or its Subfolders');
% set(handles.info_box, 'String', 'Congratulations Dicom Files have been found Look Through the Data Base using the Buttons Below....Press Save Button to save the Database. (Database Save format is EXCEL SpreadSheet and MAT file');
for kk = entry_start : entry_end
progress = kk/entry_end;
progress_percent = round(progress * 100);
waitbar(progress,h, sprintf('%d%% %d/%d of images processed', progress_percent, kk, entry_end));
img_full_path = found_dicoms(kk).name;
% search_path = folder_name;
% img_full_path = strrep(img_full_path, search_path, '');
try %# Attempt to perform some computation
dicom_info = dicominfo(img_full_path); %# The operation you are trying to perform goes here
try %# Attempt to perform some computation
dicom_read = dicomread(dicom_info); %# The operation you are trying to perform goes here
old = dicominfo(img_full_path);
DB(kk).StudyDate = old.StudyDate;
DB(kk).StudyTime = old.StudyTime;
if isfield(old.PatientName, 'FamilyName')
DB(kk).Forename = old.PatientName.FamilyName;
DB(kk).Forename = 'NA';
if isfield(old.PatientName, 'GivenName')
DB(kk).LastName = old.PatientName.GivenName;
DB(kk).LastName = 'NA';
if isfield(old, 'PatientSex')
DB(kk).PatientSex = old.PatientSex;
DB(kk).PatientSex = 'NA';
if isempty(old.PatientBirthDate)
DB(kk).PatientBirthDate = '00000000';
DB(kk).PatientBirthDate = old.PatientBirthDate;
if strcmp(old.Manufacturer, 'Philips Medical Systems')
DB(kk).Van = '1';
DB(kk).Van = '0';% section to represent organising by different vans
DB(kk).img_Path = img_full_path;
catch exception %# Catch the exception
fprintf('read - file %d corrupt.\n',kk);
continue %# Pass control to the next loop iteration
catch exception %# Catch the exception
fprintf('info - file %d corrupt.\n',kk);
continue %# Pass control to the next loop iteration
[ corrupted_files, DB ] = corruption_check( DB, found_dicoms, folder_name );
fprintf('End Patient Data Extraction\n');
fprintf('Start Saving Extracted Data \n');
if isempty(DB)
msg = sprintf('No Dicom Files Found');
DB_table = struct2table(DB);
writetable(DB_table, excel_DB_file);
fprintf('End Saving Extracted Data \n');
OK thanks for all the help..
My problem was the saving at the end of each iteration but the biggest problem was the line where i run the dicomread function. i changed the saving to occur for every 20 images processed.
I also removed the preallocation suggested in the comments to see what difference it made without the dicromread and saving a swell. it was considerably slower than with the preallocation.
... i just need to find a solution for dicomread (which i was using as a way to check if the file was corrupt or not).

Aparapi add sample

I'm studing Aparapi (https://code.google.com/p/aparapi/) and have a strange behaviour of one of the sample included.
The sample is the first, "add". Building and executing it, is ok. I also put the following code for testing if the GPU is really used
System.out.println("Kernel did not execute on the GPU!");
and it works fine.
But, if I try to change the size of the array from 512 to a number greater than 999 (for example 1000), I have the following output:
!!!!!!! clEnqueueNDRangeKernel() failed invalid work group size
after clEnqueueNDRangeKernel, globalSize[0] = 1000, localSize[0] = 128
Apr 18, 2013 1:31:01 PM com.amd.aparapi.KernelRunner executeOpenCL
WARNING: ### CL exec seems to have failed. Trying to revert to Java ###
Kernel did not execute on the GPU!
Here's my code:
final int size = 1000;
final float[] a = new float[size];
final float[] b = new float[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
a[i] = (float)(Math.random()*100);
b[i] = (float)(Math.random()*100);
final float[] sum = new float[size];
Kernel kernel = new Kernel(){
#Override public void run() {
int gid = getGlobalId();
sum[gid] = a[gid] + b[gid];
Range range = Range.create(size);
if (!kernel.getExecutionMode().equals(Kernel.EXECUTION_MODE.GPU)){
System.out.println("Kernel did not execute on the GPU!");
I tried specifying the size using
Range range = Range.create(size, 128);
as suggested in a Google group, but nothing changed.
I'm currently running on Mac OS X 10.8 with Java 1.6.0_43. Aparapi version is the latest (2012-01-23).
Am I missing something? Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Aparapi inherits a 'Grid Style' of implementation from OpenCL. When you specify a range of execution (say 1024), OpenCL will break this 'range' into groups of equal size. Possibly 4 groups of 256, or 8 groups of 128.
The group size must be a factor of range (so assert(range%groupSize==0)).
By default Aparapi internally selects the group size.
But you are choosing to fully specify the range and group size to using
Range r= Range.range(n,128)
You are responsible for ensuring that n%128==0.
From the error, it looks like you chose Range.range(1000,128).
Sadly 1000 % 128 != 0 so this range will fail.
If you specifiy
Range r = Range.range(n)
Aparapi will choose a valid group size, by finding the highest common factor of n.
Try dropping the 128 as the the second arg.

Groovy I/O performance issue

I'm not a groovy expert, just use it from time to time. One of the latest goals was to generate a very simple file containing some random data. I created the following script:
out = new File('sampledata.txt')
Random random = new Random();
java.util.Date dt = new java.util.Date();
for (int i=0; i<100000; ++i) {
dt = new java.util.Date();
out << dt.format('yyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.SSS') + '|box|process|||java.lang.Long|' + random.nextInt(100) + '|name\n'
Now, I'm really puzzled with its performance. It takes around 1.5 minutes to complete whilst the same code written in Java or Ruby takes less than a second.
Similar code in Ruby (takes around 1 second to execute):
require "time"
File.open("output.txt", "w") do |file|
100000.times do
line = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S.%L") + '|box|process|||java.lang.Long|' + rand(100).to_s + '|name'
file.puts line
Any ideas how groovy's processing speed could be improved?
The left shift operator opens the file, jumps to the end, appends the text, and closes the file again...
Instead, try:
Random random = new Random();
// Open the file and append to it.
// If you want a new file each time, use withWriter instead of withWriterAppend
new File('sampledata.txt').withWriterAppend { w ->
100000.times {
w.writeLine "${new Date().format('yyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.SSS')}|box|process|||java.lang.Long|${random.nextInt(100)}|name"
(this is also much more like what the Ruby code is doing)

Error in reading video file in Matlab

Hi I am getting a strange error while trying to read a video, frame wise in matlab. I am doing the following:
xyloObj = VideoReader(vid_name);
fps = xyloObj.FrameRate;
nFrames = xyloObj.NumberOfFrames;
vidHeight = xyloObj.Height;
vidWidth = xyloObj.Width;
% Preallocate movie structure.
mov(1:nFrames) = ...
struct('cdata', zeros(vidHeight, vidWidth, 3, 'uint8'),...
'colormap', []);
index =1;
for k = 1:nFrames
mov(index).cdata = read(xyloObj, k);
index = index+1;
I get the following error:
Error using VideoReader/read (line 80)
The file could not be read.
Haven't found solution to this error anywhere else.
EDIT: File format is avi. something like: D:\videos\drunk.avi.
How about using a mmread? I used VideoReader on Linux, but in my case, the length of frames is not correct.
Moreover, since I need the timestamp of videos, I have changed from VideoReader mmread.
