GoldParser: Accept programs not ending with an empty line - vbscript

I'm rewriting a GoldParser Grammar for VBScript. In VBScript Statements are terminated using either a newline or ':'. Therefore i use the following terminal:
NewLine = {All Newline}
| ':'
Because every statement has to end with the Newline terminal, only programs ending with an empty line are accepted. How can i extend the newline terminal to also accept programs not ending with an empty line? I tried the following:
NewLine = {All Newline}
| ':'
| {EOF}
This does not work because the {EOF} (End of File) group does not exist.

EOF is a special token and I'm not aware of any syntax allowing you to use it in a production rule. It is emitted when the tokenizer receives no more data, and as such it is not a control character you could use in a terminal definition either.
That being said, you have different possibilities to parse the (strictly speaking invalid) input. The simplest may be to just append a newline at the end of the string or text being tokenized. While this will not make it parse correctly in the GOLD Builder test window, it will make your code process the data as expected and it will not add complexity to the grammar.


sed command for inserting text inside single quote

Suppose there's a text file with the following line:
export MYSQL_ADMIN=''
I want to insert text inside that single quote using the sed command, so that it changes to something like this for example:
export MYSQL_ADMIN='abc1'
What is the appropriate sed command for that in Linux?
I tried
sed -i -e ''/MYSQL_ADMIN/s/''/'abc1'/g"
but it didn't work.
Something like sed -i "s;export MYSQL_ADMIN=.*;export MYSQL_ADMIN='abc1';" /path/to/file.ext
-i modify file in place
s means substitute,
First block is what you are matching as an regular expression - the .* matches everything to the end of the line, this ensures you don't keep any text on that line after the substitue - and second block is what you are replacing with that match.
Always check the file after each run of sed if there is no error and check what changed.
To get the single quotes to print you may have to do ""'"" like ""'""abc1""'""
It is important to understand that although
I want to insert text inside that single quote using the sed command
is a perfectly good characterization of the effect you want to achieve, it does not map directly onto operations from sed's repertoire. With sed, the appropriate tool for most line modifications is the s command, which substitutes specified text for one or more matches to a specified regular expression. That would be the most natural thing to use for your case.
Additionally, it is important with sed to understand how and when to bind commands to specific lines. If you don't do that for a given command then it is applied to all lines. Sometimes that's fine, but other times it will produce unwanted results.
I tried
sed -i -e ''/MYSQL_ADMIN/s/''/'abc1'/g"
but it didn't work.
The two leading single quotes in that sed expression match each other, leaving the trailing double quote unmatched. Also, you do not specify the name of the file to modify. This variation would at least be valid shell syntax, and it would have the desired effect on the specified line appearing in file my_script:
sed -i -e "/MYSQL_ADMIN/s/''/'abc1'/g" my_script
That might also make other, unwanted changes, however.
You need to make some assumptions about the content of the file in order to do such a thing at all. The above depends on the text MYSQL_ADMIN and '' to appear on the same line only in the line(s) you want to modify. That may turn out to hold, but it seems unnecessarily risky. An assumption more likely to hold in general would be that there will be only one assignment to variable MYSQL_ADMIN, or that it is acceptable to modify all such assignments that assign a single-quote-delimited empty value.
Going with the latter, one might end up with this:
sed -i -e "s/\<MYSQL_ADMIN=''\(\s\|$\)/MYSQL_ADMIN='abc1'\1/g" my_script
The pattern \<MYSQL_ADMIN=''\(\s\|$\) improves on your plain MYSQL_ADMIN in these significant ways:
the \< causes it to match only immediately after a word boundary -- start of line, whitesepace, or punctuation. This prevents substitutions for other variables whose names happen to end with MYSQL_ADMIN. If you prefer, it would be even stronger to instead anchor the match to the beginning of the line with ^.
including the ='' in the pattern distinguishes between MYSQL_ADMIN and variables whose names contain that as an initial substring. It also ensures that the '' that gets replaced, if any, goes with the variable and does not merely appear somewhere else on the line.
the \(\s\|$\) both matches and captures either a whitespace character or the empty string at the end of a line. This distinguishes between assignments of an empty value and assignments of values that are merely prefixed by '' (which is valid if the file is a shell script). Having included it in the match, the capture allows the matched text, if any, to be preserved in the output (via the \1 in the replacement).
Because that matches the whole assignment, a complete assignment must appear in the replacement, too. On the other hand, this means that (probably) you can apply the command to every line, as shown, with no particular loss of efficiency relative to the previous command.
Even that might produce changes you didn't want, however, such as in comment lines or quoted text.

Sed keep original indentation and camel-casing a variable

I have a simple sed script and I am replacing a bunch of lines in my application dynamically with a variable, the variable is a list of strings.My function works but does not keep the original indentation.the function deletes the line if it contains the certain string and replaces the line with a completely new line, I could not do a replace due to certain syntax restrictions.
How do I keep my original indentation when the line is replaced
Can I capitalize my variable and remove the underscore on the fly, i.e. the title is a capitalize and underscore removed version of the variableName, the list of items in the variable array is really long so I am trying to do this in one shot.
Ex: I want report_type -> Report Type done mid process
Is there a better way to solve this with sed? Thanks for any inputs much appreciated.
sed function is as follows
sed -i "/name\=\"${variableName}\.name\" value\=model\.${variableName}\.name options\=\#lists\./c\\{\{\> \_dropdown title\=\"${variableName}\" required\=true name\=\"${variableName}\"\}\}" test
{{> _select title="Report Type" required=true name="" options=#lists.report_type}}
{{> _dropdown title="Report Type" required=true name="report_type"}}
sample input variable
Try this:
sed -E "s/^(\s+).*name\=\"(report_type)\.name\" value\=model\.report_type\.name options\=\#lists\..*$/\1\{\{\> \_dropdown title\=\"\2\" required\=true name\=\"\2\"\}\}/;T;s/\"(\w+)_(\w+)\"/\"\u\1 \u\2\"/g" input.txt > output.txt
I used "report_type" instead of ${variableName} for testing as an sed one-liner.
Please change back to ${variableName}.
Then go back to using -i (in addition to -E, which is for extended regex).
I am not sure whether I can do it without extended regex, let me know if that is necessary.
use s/// to replace fine tuned line
first capture group for the white space making the indentation
second capture group for the variable name
stop if that did not replace anything, T;
another s///
look for something consisting of only letters between "",
with a "_" between two parts,
seems safe enough because this step is only done on the already replaced line
replace by two parts, without "_"
\u for making camel case
Doing this on your sample input creates two very similar lines.
I assume that is intentional. Otherwise please provide desired output.
Using GNU sed version 4.2.1.
Interesting line of output:
{{> _dropdown title="Report Type" required=true name="Report Type"}}

Bash script " & " symbol creating an issues

I have a tag
<string name="currencysym">$</string>
in string.xml And what to change the $ symbol dynamically. Use the below command but didn't work:
sed -i '' 's|<string name="currencysym">\(.*\)<\/string>|<string name="currencysym">'"<!\[CDATA\[${currencysym}\]\]>"'<\/string>|g'
Getting OUTPUT:
<string name="currencysym"><![CDATA[<string name="currencysym">$</string>#x20B9;]]></string>
" & " Has Removed...
But I need:
<string name="currencysym"><![CDATA[₹]]></string>
using xml-parser/tool to handle xml is first choice
instead of <..>\(.*\)<..> better use <..>\([^<]*\)<..> in case you have many tags in one line
& in replacement has special meaning, it indicates the whole match (\0) of the pattern. That's why you see <...>..</..> came to your output. If you want it to be literal, you should escape it -> \&
First problem is the line
This actually reads as "assign empty to currencysym and start no process in the background":
In bash you can set an environment variable (or variables) just or one run of a process by doing VAR=value command. This is how currencysym= is being interpreted.
The & symbol means start process in the background, except there is no command specified, so nothing happens.
Everything after # is interpreted as a comment, so #x20B9; is just whitespace from Bash's point of view.
Also, ; is a command separator, like &, which means "run in foreground". It is not used here because it is commented out by #.
You have to either escape &, # and ;, or just put your string into single quotes: currencysym=\&\#x20B9\; or currencysym='₹'.
Now on top of that, & has a special meaning in sed, so you will need to escape it before using it in the sed command. You can do this directly in the definition like currencysym=\\\&\#x20B9\; or currencysym='\₹', or you can do it in your call to sed using builtin bash functionality. Instead of accessing ${currencysym}, reference ${currencysym/&/\&}.
You should use double-quotes around variables in your sed command to ensure that your environment variables are expanded, but you should not double-quote exclamation marks without escaping them.
Finally, you do not need to capture the original currency symbol since you are going to replace it. You should make your pattern more specific though since the * quantifier is greedy and will go to the last closing tag on the line if there is more than one:
sed 's|<string name="currencysym">[^<]*</string>|<string name="currencysym"><![CDATA['"${currencysym/&/\&}"']]></string>|' test.xml
<string name="currencysym"><![CDATA[₹]]></string>
As #fedorqui points out, you can use this example to show off correct use of capture groups. You could capture the parts that you want to repeat exactly (the tags), and place them back into the output as-is:
sed 's|\(<string name="currencysym">\)[^<]*\(</string>\)|\1<![CDATA['"${currencysym/&/\&}"']]>\2|' test.xml
sed -i '' 's|\(<string name="currencysym">\)[^<]*<|\1<![CDATA[\₹]]><|g' YourFile
the group you keep in buffer is the wrong one in your code, i keep first part not the &
grouping a .* is not the same as all untl first < you need. especially with the goption meaning several occurence could occur and in this case everithing between first string name and last is the middle part (your group).
carrefull with & alone (not escaped) that mean 'whole search pattern find' in replacement part

Bash script sourcing config file but can't use vars in arithmetic

This is killing me. I have a config file, "myconfig.cfg", with the following content:
echo "I LOVE THIS"
Then I have a script that I'm trying to run, that sources the config file in order to use the settings in there as variables. I can print them out fine, but when I try to put one into a numeric variable for use in something like a "seq " command, I get this weird "invalid arithmetic operator" error.
Here's the script:
source ./myconfig.cfg
let someVarNum=${SOME_VAR}
echo "someVarNum=${someVarNum}"
And here's the output:
")syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is "
I've tried countless things that theoretically shouldn't make a difference, and, surprise, they don't. I simply can't figure it out. If I simply take the line "SOME_VAR=2" and put it directly into the script, everything's fine. I'm guessing I'll have to read in the config file line by line, split the strings by "=", and find+create the variables I want to use manually.
The error is precisely as indicated in a comment by #TomFenech. The first line (and possibly all the lines) in myconfig.cfg is terminated with a Windows CR-LF line ending. Bash considers CR to be an ordinary character (not whitespace), so it will set SOME_VAR to the two character string 2CR. (CR is the character with hex code 0x0D. You could see that if you display the file with a hex-dumper: hd myconfig.cfg.)
The let command performs arithmetic on numbers. It also considers the CR to be an ordinary character, but it is neither a digit nor an operator so it complains. Unfortunately, it does not make any attempt to sanitize the display of the character in the error message, so the carriage return is displayed between the two " symbols. Consequently, the end of the error message overwrites the beginning.
Don't create Unix files with a Windows text editor. Or use a utility like dos2unix to fix them once you copy them to the Unix machine.

Why does sed not replace overlapping patterns

I have a database unload file with field separated with the <TAB> character. I am running this file through sed to replace any occurences of <TAB><TAB> with <TAB>\N<TAB>. This is so that when the file is loaded into MySQL the \N in interpreted as NULL.
The sed command 's/\t\t/\t\N\t/g;' almost works except that it only replaces the first instance e.g. "...<TAB><TAB><TAB>..." becomes "...<TAB>\N<TAB><TAB>...".
If I use 's/\t\t/\t\N\t/g;s/\t\t/\t\N\t/g;' it replaces more instances.
I have a notion that despite the /g modifier this is something to do with the end of one match being the start of another.
Could anyone explain what is happening and suggest a sed command that would work or do I need to loop.
I know I could probably switch to awk, perl, python but I want to know what is happening in sed.
Not dissimilar to the perl solution, this works for me using pure sed
With #Robin A. Meade improvement
sed ':repeat;
t repeat'
:repeat is a label, used for branch commands, similar to batch
s|\t\t|\t\n\t|g; - Standard replace 2 tabs with tab-newline-tab. I still use the global flag because if you have, say, 15 tabs, you will only need to loop twice, rather than 14 times.
t repeat means if the "s" command did any replaces, then goto the label repeat, else it goes onto the next line and starts over again.
So it goes like this. Keep repeating (goto repeat) as long as there is a match for the pattern of 2 tabs.
While the argument can be made that you could just do two identical global replaces and call it good, this same technique could work in more complicated scenarios.
As #thorn-blake points out, sed just doesn't support advanced features like lookahead, so you need to do a loop like this.
Original Answer
sed ':repeat;
b repeat
:repeat is a label, used for branch commands, similar to batch
/\t\t/ means match the pattern 2 tabs. If the pattern it matched, the command following the second / is executed.
{} - In this case the command following the match command is a group. So all of the commands in the group are executed if the match pattern is met.
s|\t\t|\t\n\t|g; - Standard replace 2 tabs with tab-newline-tab. I still use the global because if you have say 15 tabs, you will only need to loop twice, rather than 14 times.
b repeat means always goto (branch) the label repeat
Short version
Which can be shortened to
sed ':r;s|\t\t|\t\n\t|g; t r'
# Original answer
# sed ':r;/\t\t/{s|\t\t|\t\n\t|g; b r}'
And the Mac (yet still Linux/Windows compatible) version:
sed $':r\ns|\t\t|\t\\\n\t|g; t r'
# Original answer
# sed $':r\n/\t\t/{ s|\t\t|\t\\\n\t|g; b r\n}'
Tabs need to be literal in BSD sed
Newlines need to be both literal and escaped at the same time, hence the single slash (that's \ before it is processed by the $, making it a single literal slash ) plus the \n which becomes an actual newline
Both label names (:r) and branch commands (b r when not the end of the expression) must end in a newline. Special characters like semicolons and spaces are consumed by the label name/branch command in BSD, which makes it all very confusing.
I know you want sed, but sed doesn't like this at all, it seems that it specifically (see here) won't do what you want. However, perl will do it (AFAIK):
perl -pe 'while (s#\t\t#\t\n\t#) {}' <filename>
As a workaround, replace every tab with tab + \N; then remove all occurrences of \N which are not immediately followed by a tab.
sed -e 's/\t/\t\\N/g' -e 's/\\N\([^\t]\)/\1/g'
... provided your sed uses backslash before grouping parentheses (there are sed dialects which don't want the backslashes; try without them if this doesn't work for you.)
Right, even with /g, sed will not match the text it replaced again. Thus, it's read <TAB><TAB> and output <TAB>\N<TAB> and then reads the next thing in from the input stream. See
In a regex language that supports lookaheads, you can get around this with a lookahead.
Well, sed simply works as designed. The input line is scanned once, not multiple times. Maybe it helps to look at the consequences if sed used rescanning the input line to deal with overlapping patterns by default: in this case even simple substitutions would work quite differently--some might say counter-intuitively--, e.g.
s/^/ / inserting a space at the beginning of a line would never terminate
s/$/foo/ appending foo to each line - likewise
s/[A-Z][A-Z]*/CENSORED/ replacing uppercase words with CENSORED - likewise
There are probably many other situations. Of course these could all be remedied with, say, a substitution modifier, but at the time sed was designed, the current behavior was chosen.
