Spring Tool Suite doesn't show integration-graph for a spring-integration-context.xml file - spring

I have a fully functional Spring Integration project. I'm using Spring Tool Suite 3.5.1. When I open my spring-integration-context.xml file I only get Design and Source for tabs at the bottom of the editor window. I'm looking for integration-graph but cannot figure out how to enable it or show it.
On my work machine I'm using Spring Tool Suite 3.5.0 and I get Source, Namespaces, Overview, beans, integration, and integration-graph as tabs for the xml file. Any ideas? Thanks~

Right-click on the project and enable "Spring Nature".

Right click on the file and select "open with" -> "spring config editor"


Can't open application.properties in Eclipse

I've encountered a problem as I'm practising with Spring Boot. I've installed in Eclipse the Spring Tool 4 plugin and then created a Spring project. The problem is I can't open the application.properties file within Eclipse and I do not understand the reason. I double click and nothing happens.
Is this a known problem or am I doing something wrong? The file is openable from outside the IDE with a text editor but it seems empty.
Try to open the file by pressing ctrl+shift+R and application. properties.

Spring application.properties is grayed out with Spring Initilizr

I am new to spring and trying to use Spring Initilizr for my project.
I am using the code that was generated by this tool after adding dependencies for 'Spring Web' and 'Spring Data Redis'.
When I open the generated code in IntelliJ and try to edit the file application.properties, I notice that everything I type there is grayed out. According to IntelliJ it is an 'unused property'.
Any idea how to enable application.properties in my project?
As it was mentioned in one of the comments, it is indeed an issue with InteliJ. The properties are working as expected, IntelliJ for some reason doesn't display it correctly.
I see that the answer is accepted; but do not see the solution provided explicitly. In the event it helps others, the property file will be read even if it is greyed out or says "unused property". But if you want the color coded keys, this is what I did to make Intellij recognize the application properties file.
Option-1) Recomplile application.properties under Build -> Recomplile 'application.properties' https://i.stack.imgur.com/I6MXc.png
Option-2) Invalidate cache under File -> Invalidate Caches with IDE restart
Rebuild the project with either of these options and see if the file is recognized.

Deploying Existing Spring Boot Application on Google App Engine

I have developed an application using Spring locally. I want to deploy my existing application using Google App Engine. Does anyone know how to deploy existing application to GAE?
You can convert your project using Cloud Tools for Eclipse. Go to this page and drag and drop the 'install' icon inside your Eclipse installation. See the Google documentation on how to use the plugin.
Basically you right click on you project and convert it to a maven project, or choose File > Import... > Existing Maven Projects wizard. Once you have your maven project loaded into Eclipse, tight click again and Configure > Convert to App Engine Project. This guide explains the whole process.
Finally, having your project set up:
To deploy the project to App Engine Standard environment:
Right click the project in the Package Explorer the project to open
the context menu.
Select Deploy to App Engine Standard
A dialog pops up.
Select the account you want to deploy with, or add a new account.
The list of projects the account has access to loads. Select the one
you want to deploy to.
Click OK.
All the details are here.
In this Github repo, there are instructions on how to convert an existing Spring Boot App to Google App Engine. In this answer, I apply those instructions to a sample application.

In STS - spring tool suite, war files are not showing up to add in tomcat?

I ran the clean and install commands and I can see the war file gets generated. But I am unable to add it to the tomcat server in STS. In the add modules option of the server, the war is not showing up. Has anyone faced this issue before?
Check if your project is set to "facetted form" (right click project name, "Properties", "Project Facets") and enable "Dynamic Web Project". After that you can even add your project to the server by drag and drop.
For Spring-Boot projects better use the "Boot Dashboard" (click "Window", "show view", "other", "Spring Boot Dashboard".

I am not able to see the tabs in spring config editor in Spring STS plugin

I am trying to see the graphical user interface to look my spring batch jobs.
I can't see spring batch graphs in Editor.
In dependency graph, the tabs are not shown at the bottom.
Someone please help me.
I miss information in your question, but i can think of 3 possibilities:
.) You didnt open your xml with the spring config editor. Close the file in your IDE, right click -> open with -> other -> spring config editor.
.) You didnt add spring project nature to your project. Right click on your project -> Spring tools -> add spring project nature.
.) You miss the batch-context in your xml. Open the file with the spring config editor, click namespaces, add batch, save it and you should see the batch and batch-graph tab at the bottom.
Spring config files are not added. They were not automatically detected.
The way add that.
Project properites -> Spring -> Bean Support -> Config files.
