Access multiple pc's with text file full of IP's - bash

I already written a script to delete files on pc's. I have a text file full of IPs, how do I edit the script to access all the pc's? all the computers has the same username and password and can I just add the commands above my script?

Something along the lines of this might do what you want?
for machine in $(cat machines.txt);
scp myscript $mymachine
ssh $machine myscript
It is likely you will need to administer these machines in future, so I suggest you look into configuration management tools like chef or puppet


How to replace wrong file with correct one in 60 ec2 instances with same folder structures?

I have 60 ec2 instances which share the same folder structure are similar to one another but not completely identical. The incorrect file was uploaded to all 60 instances and I was wondering what would be the best way to replace that file with the correct one? The file is named the same and is placed in the same location throughout all the instances. Am new to using AWS in general so any help would be much appreciated.
Assuming you don't want to use something like ansible, have access to the servers and want to use just bash you could do something like:
Put all your IP addresses of your servers into a file, one on each line - like so:
Then create a script:
while read line; do
ssh -i path_to_key.pem ec2-user#$line 'sudo rm -rf /path_to_directory | command 2 | command 3'
done < IpAddresses.txt
Maybe you could do something like the above to first remove the directories you don't want and then do an scp to copy the correct file in.
Depends on the commands you need to correct the problem, but this is an option.
Note, I haven't tested this command exactly - so you may need to correct/test a bit.
If your EC2 instances have the correct IAM permissions, you could use the Simple Systems Manager (SSM) console, using the Run Command service. Click 'Run a command', then select AWS-RunShellScript from the list of command documents. In the text box you can specify a shell command to run, and below that you can choose the set of instances you want to run the command on.
This is the recommended way to update and administer large fleets of instances such as you have.

Need to create/delete text file in Unix box from windows

I have a requirement where i need to create and delete a text file on unix from my windows server where i have informatica installed.
Using workflow i was able to place file in unix but not able to find a way to delete already existing file.
Also the client does not want us to download any additional software like putty on windows server.
Please feel free to ask for more information if required.
if you are able to drop .sh (shell script) and execut it on unix then you can do that with "rmdir yourfolder" command, if you folder has andything under then you will need to use "rm -r yourfolder", if files inside the folder have any dependicies you need to use "rm -rf yourfolder".
Just make sure that you will navigate to the correct folder where you are deleting things.
Br, Aljaž.
Use Command Task in Informatica Workflow to invoke syntax mentioned by #Aljaz

Unix shell script to archive files on Remote system

I have a requirement to archive files on remote location. i.e., I need to write a shell script that will connect to remote path copy(move) files from this path and then paste them on another location in the same system (The target system could be either a Unix system or a windows system).
This script will be scheduled to run once a day without manual intervention.
Unison should fit your bill. rsync and scp would work as well but they can be a bit cryptic to set up.
There are implementations of the Secure Shell (SSH) for both targeted systems. The Secure Shell comes with a secure copy program, named scp which would allow you to run commands like
scp localfile user#remotehost:directory/remotefilename
As lynxlynxlynx pointed out, another option is the rsync suite. Both SSH and rsync will require some configuration (rsync less so). See the respective home pages.

ssh-keygen without ssh access

I've got a Lacie Network Space 2 where they have disabled the SSH access and I'd like to write a script where I transfer files from my computer to the NS2 using scp.
The only problem I have is that I can't (from what I know) generate a public key without first connecting via SSH.
So my question is: Is it possible to generate a key without having access to SSH, for use with scp? Or some other clever way to transfer files to my NS2 (FW 2.2.4) using a script.
I might add that I'm currently mounting the disk and using cp, but I'd like something better.
Thanks in advance!
What exactly do you want? If you want to scp to the NS2, you'll have to generate the keys on the source machines and append it to authorized_keys on the target. Since you can already mount & use cp, you should be able to do that.
Note that since scp works over ssh, if they've disabled ssh this won't work. OTOH, if they've only disabled password based ssh, or set /bin/false as your shell, this might work.
I have concluded that if you want to gain access to ssh keys on your NS2 with a newer FW you have to remove the disk from its casing and connect it to a computer, as they explain in this link
Enabling SSH on NS2
I thank you both for your answers, but I guess I'll have to do it the hard way.

using alias instead of IP in scp

I have a desktop in the office that I often need to access from home and use scp to copy files. Currently I am doing it like this
scp username#x.x.x.x ...
I want a mechanism that I dont have to type the IP address each time I want to scp something. I was trying to do it by creating an alias, but it doesn't seem to work.
Can I give my desktop machine a name so that instead of typing the ip address I can use the name of the machine instead ?
One way to deal with this is to create an entry in your ssh configuration. This can be done on a system wide basis or, if you don't have root access on this box, just for your user.
The per user configuration file is ~/.ssh/config and uses the following format
host my_desktop
This method is also nice because you can specify other options like the user name. To find out more about the options available try man ssh_config.
You should have a HOSTS file on your system that's designed to do exactly that. On my Linux system, it's located at /etc/hosts. If you add a line that looks like this: my_desktop
then all accesses to the name my_desktop will be mapped to the IP address listed. This change only affects the machine whose HOSTS file was modified, though. If you want to make it so that anybody can access an IP using a specific name, then you're looking at something a little more difficult (this is the general problem that DNS servers were designed to resolve).
Use a environment variable to hold your IP and username - then use the variable in the scp command.
user#crunchbang:~$ export mypc='myuser#x.x.x.x'
user#crunchbang:~$ scp $mypc: ......
