Delay in running a command in a shell script - shell

I have written a shell script which includes some commands to collect various Test logs.But I want to put waiting time before a particular command so that it will run after 30 mins after starting the shell script.Anyone having the knowledge regarding it please help me out.
Thanks in advance

You can use the at command to schedule a job to run at any time:
echo "/my_path/my_script" | at now + 30 minutes
If you want a delay inside your script you can sleep to a specific time using this solution.


Crontab closing background process?

I am testing a bash script I hope to run as a cron job to scan a download log and perform labor-intensive conversions on image files. In order to run several conversions at once, the first script loops through the download log and sends the filename to the second script, which I set to run as a background process using &.
The script pair works well, but when the process is complete, I must press the enter key to return to a command prompt. This is a non-issue when I am running a test, but I am not sure if this behavior has ramifications when run as a cron job.
Will this be an issue? If so, is there a way to close the "terminal" running the first script from the crontab?
Here's a truncated form of my code:
Script 1 (to be launched by crontab):
for i in file1 file2 file3 etc
bash /path/to/ $i &
exit 0
Script 2 (
fileName=${1?no file given}
jpegName=$(echo $fileName | sed s/tif/jpg/g)
convert $fileName $jpegName
exit 0
Thanks for any help/assurances you can give!
you don't need script 2. you can convert it to function and put it inside script1.
Another problem is you are running in an uncontrolled way. You cannot foresee how many processes will be created (background processes) and this may lead to severe performance overheads.
finally, if you cannot end process in normal way, you may choose to terminate it again using cron by issueing pkill

How run PowerShell script all time?

I have PowerShell script that is getting WorkingSet of one process.
When WorkingSet of process is higher then defined, it will kill the process. (process will start autmaticly - this is not part of my script)
How I can make that this script will run all-time? For example now when process will be using high RAM, script will immediately run itself and will kill this process?
Is this possible or is better to do some timer that will run for example for 10 seconds? 10 sec, run script, 10 sec, run script, ....?
And how to do that?
Thnak you for your help
You could put the script in a loop and run on startup (put it in the Startup folder)
while ($true)
Start-Sleep -s 10
# check process and kill if necessary
Or you could set up a Scheduled Task to run at midnight and repeat every minute for 24 hours, that would be a more efficient means but I don't think it gets finer than once a minute.

Run variable length bash script at the top of the hour without cron

I have a simple bash script that runs some tasks which can take varying amounts of time to complete (from 15 mins to 5 hours). The script loops using a for loop, so that I can run it an arbitrary number of times, normally back-to-back.
However, I have been requested to have each iteration of the script start at the top of the hour. Normally, I would use cron and kick it off that way, every hour, but since the runtime of the script is highly variable, that becomes trickier.
It is not allowable for multiple instances of the script to be running at once.
So, I'd like to include the logic to wait for 'top of the hour' within the script, but I'm not sure of the best way to do that, or if there's some way to (ab)use 'at' or something more elegant like that. Any ideas?
You can still use cron. Just make your script use a lock file. With the flock utility you can do:
exec 42> /tmp/myscriptname.lock
flock -n 42 || { echo "Previous instance still running"; exit 1; }
rest of your script here
Now, simply schedule your job every hour in cron, and the new instance will simply exit if the old one's still running. There is no need to clean up any lock files.

Is there a way to create a bash script that will only run for X hours?

Is there a way to create a bash script that will only run for X hours? I'm currently setting up a cron job to initiate a script every night. This script essentially runs until a certain condition is met, exporting it's status to a holding variable to keep track of 'where it is' after each iteration. The intention is to start-up the process every night, run for a few hours, and then stop, holding the status until the process starts up the next night.
Short of somehow collecting the start time, and checking it against the current time in each iteration of the loop, is there an easier way to do this? Bash scripting is not my forte (I know enough to get things done and be dangerous) and I have not done something like this before. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Use GNU Coreutils
GNU coreutils contains an actual timeout binary, usually invoked like this:
# timeout after 5 seconds when sleeping for 30
/usr/bin/timeout 5s /bin/sleep 30
In your case, you'd want to specify hours instead of seconds, so to timeout in 2 hours use something like 2h instead of 5s. See timeout(1) or info coreutils 'timeout invocation' for additional options.
Hacks and Workarounds
Native timeouts or the GNU timeout command are really the best options. However, see the following for some ideas if you decide to roll your own:
How do I run a command, and have it abort (timeout) after N seconds?
The TMOUT variable using read and process or command substitution.
Do it as you described - it is the cleanest way.
But if for some strange reason want kill the process after a time, can use the next
./long_runner &
(sleep 5; kill $!; wait; exit 0) &
will kill the long_runner after 5 secs.
By using the SIGALRM facility you can rig a signal to be sent after a certain time, but traditionally, this was not easily accessible from shell scripts (people would write small custom C or Perl programs for this). These days, GNU coreutils ships with a timeout command which does this by wrapping your command:
timeout 4h yourprogram

Running a shell script once a day at random time [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Cron jobs and random times, within given hours
(13 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Need run a shell script once a day at random time. (so once every day between 00:00-23:59).
I know the sleep command, and the cron too, but
the cron has not random times
and the sleep solution - not very nice - my idea is launch the script every midnight and sleep random time at the start of the script.
Is here something more elegant?
If you have the at command, you can combinte the cron and the at.
Run from a cron every midnight the next script:
script="/tmp/" #insert the path to your script here
min=$(( 24 * 60 ))
rmin=$(( $RANDOM % $min ))
at -f "$script" now+${rmin}min
The above will run the at command every midnight and will execute your script at random time . You should check your crontab how often is the atrun command started. (The atrun runs the commands stored with the at)
The main benefit in comparison with the sleep method: this "survives" the system reboot.
I would simply launch you script at midnight, and sleep for a random time between 0 and 86400 seconds. Since my bash's $RANDOM returns a number between 0 and 32767:
sleep $(( ($RANDOM % 1440)*60 + ($RANDOM % 60) ))
The best alternative to cron is probably at
See at man page
Usually, at reads commands from standard input, but you can give a file of jobs with -f.
Time wise, you can specify many formats. Maybe in your case the most convenient would be
at -f jobs now + xxx minutes
where your scripts gives xxx as a random value from 1 to 1440 (1440 minutes in a day), and jobs contains the commands you want to be executed.
Nothing prevents you from running sed to patch your crontab as the last thing your program does and just changing the next start time. I wouldn't sleep well though.
You can use cron to launch bash script, which generates pseudorandom timestamp and gives it to unix program at
I see you are familiar with bash and cron enough, so at will be a piece of cake for you. Documentation as always "man at" or you can try wiki
