Magento Tax calculation added twice on cart page - magento

I am suffering with tax calculation. Here i set "Tax Calculation Method Based On" is "Unit price" in System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Tax.
So price included tax is display for product on product detail page. So when i add product into cart, product is added with included tax. but on cart page again it adds tax in subtotal.
So tax is added twice at
On product details page
On cart subtotal
I don't know what wrong with this. please Help.

Check system -> configuration -> sales -> shipping settings -> origin in the Magento backend.
Select the right country here in dropdown and flush cache. This should prevent tax from being added twice.


Edit tax calculation in Magento 1.9

I am working on an existing Magento 1.9 project.
Here is the scenario
In admin panel i have set the product price to 118, now in front end it showing the price to 100 + 18% tax, same in the checkout cart.
I just want to show 118 without any tax, how can i do that. Any guidance or pointing in direction will be a great help, this is my first php work..
Update to question Now i have update all tax rate to 0, but it is still reducing the prices as mentioned above, so i look at the My SQL table Sales_flate_quote, and it shows the price in column name subtotal-->495.76, base_subtotal--> 585, the price i set in magento is 585. i am still finding the possible cause.
On the index page, price is showing 585, when i go in cart it shows 495.76
I'm not sure if I correctly understand your question, but are you aware of the tax display settings in the config (determining if the price should be shown including or excluding tax in frontend)?
Screenshot of Magento System Configuration
You can find these settings in System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Tax
There are settings for tax display type of product prices as well as cart prices.
Edit: I forgot to mention the calculation settings that are more likely what you are searching for:
Screenshot of Tax Calculation Settings
Especially have a look at "Catalog Prices" ("Whether catalog prices entered by admin include tax.")
You can find these settings in System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Tax too.

Show Product Price including tax at product view page

I have made the settings to display product price, at product view page ,inclusive of tax.
I made the changes in admin like:
Display Product Prices In Catalog : including Tax
But the prices are still showing exclusive of tax at product view page.
Go to System->Configuration->Sales(left side)->Tax. Then in Calculation settings-> Catalog Prices Make it to INCLUDING TAX. Now save the configuration and go to the Catalog->Manage Products. Edit the required product. In the PRICES tab, it has to show the tax value below to the field where we enter price for the product. For eg: See image below.
Here my product price is $550. Down to it is shows the value that included of TAX also(If you enable option as explained above, then the tax value shows as in the image). So TAX value is also included in $550 only.

Magento: show shipping price checkout including tax

We have a problem with the tax settings in Magento for the shipping method. If we are correct we have everything set up right. We want 21% of tax to the shipping methods and this is set up correct. In the image below you will see in the the totals a shipping amount of 3.95 euro and this is correct. In red you will only see that the shipping amount at the part of "verzendwijzen" shows 3.26, so without tax.
Does anyone know how to change this?
From the Admin panel, select System > Configuration.
In the Configuration panel on the left, under Sales, select Tax
Click to expand the calculation settings, and in the dropdown of shipping prices select Including Tax.
Also on the same page expand price display setting.
In display shipping Prices select including tax.
Hope these will do the thing if you haven't changed and core file of magento

Magento Grand Total Calculates Total without adding shipping Tax

So I have this weird thing going on in a magento site I'm working on.
I've set up the shipping table rate and I've checked and re-checked all the Tax setting but I'm still getting two different sets of results from the same order.
The PDF invoice and the backend view of an invoice displays the correct totals including all the shipping costs and the tax. See below.
Screen Shot -
However when viewing the products in the admin create order page the Shipping Tax is not included in the Grand Total. See image above.
Also the frontend of the site is not calculating the Tax on Shipping either. See below.
Screen Shot -
If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it. This one has me confused.
Thanks in advance!
Maybe somebody changed the value in System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Tax -> Tax Classes in the Tax Class for Shipping drop down.
Take a look on this value and then go to Sales -> Tax -> Manage Tax Rules and filter by the correct Customer Tax Class and in Product Tax Class choose the value that you looked before.
Now go through the filtered Tax Rules and check out whether the applied Tax Rates are correct.

How do I configure magento to display prices including the TAX?

I'm struggling to configure my Magento store to do the following with TAX.
I want to give a product a price which includes the tax amount specified i.e 20% so when I add it to the cart the TAX and grand total are displayed correctly.
For example:
My product has a price of £20. 20% TAX of £3.33 is built into the price. When this product is added to the cart I'd like the cart to display the TAX amount of £3.33 and the grand total of £20.
Right now all I can get is the grand total to add the TAX on top totalling £23.33. Also the display price is £23.33 not £20.
I'd love some help!
Look under System/Configuration/Sales/Tax/Calculation
There are two important choices here
Catalog prices include tax
Shipping prices include tax
See magento prices inclusive of tax
Add this code in your phtml file where you getting the product price.
$_priceIncludingTax = Mage::helper('tax')->getPrice($_product, $_product->getFinalPrice());
If you want to display price on frontend with tax, go to:
System -> Configuration -> SALES -> Tax -> Price Display Settings -> Display Product Prices in Catalog
You have three options there. To show product price:
Excluding Tax
Including Tax
Including and Excluding Tax
