When does SonarQube plugin run unit test? - sonarqube

I'm using SonarQube4.2 with jekins plugin. I configured Sonar as Post-Build Action on Jenkins, and It's work fine. I'm wondering that if maven compiles test sources before executing the sonar action, sonar automatically run these test units, but maven only compiles main sources, then sonar doesn't run unit tests. If Jenkins execute mvn test phase before Sonar as Post=Build Action, Jenkins duplicate running unit tests. I want to compile sources, running unit tests and executing Sonar, hence I configured mvn test-compile with Post-Build Action for Sonar in Job. Is it usual way? Does any body knows better way to executiong sonar with Jenkins.


How to configure build step for maven goal in teamcity to run unit test

I use junit in my java project (developed using intellij idea) for unit test, and I want to configure build step in team city to run my unit tests only. I also use maven to build my project. It works when I set goals for maven to "clean compile" but I dont know how to configure build step to run unit tests.
Also in command line. when i run "maven test" it runs unit tests correctly and shows the failures.
I can't comment on TeamCity, but I'll try to help anyway out of my maven knowledge.
So first of all mvn clean compile will never run your unit tests, because maven has a concept of lifecycle and testing phase is coming after compile phase.
When you run mvn test it will run all the face up to (including) the test phase so the unit tests will run as a part of maven default lifecycle.
Now you're asking about a "build step for running unit tests" from which I conclude that you need a separate step. In maven phase is nothing more than running a series of plugins. In maven plugin has goals, so you can run a plugin responsible for running unit tests directly.
In maven this plugin is called "surefire" and a goal is called "test", so you can run:
mvn surefire:test
Given the classes (production code and tests) are compiled, you will see that this only runs your unit tests. So this probably has to be configured in Team City.

Fail the Jenkins build if there is test failures in a multi-module Maven Project

At the moment I have a project, lets call it mightymouse. Mightymouse POM is a multi-module project for mightymouse-web and mightmouse-backend.
Both of the sub modules have tests. In my situation, the mightymouse-web project compiles, test, package, install, deploys first. Then then -backend project goes through, only to fail during the integration-test stage. (Yet, it still goes through to the deploy stage).
The Jenkins job is setup to execute mvn clean deploy.
Question: Is there anyway to prevent Maven from going all the way to the deploy step on any module failing it's tests?
By default, a maven multi module build also uses the fail-fast option
--fail-fast - the default behavior - whenever a module build fails, stop the overall build immediately
Moreover, by default the maven-failsafe-plugin already fails as soon as an integration test fails via the testFailureIgnore option
Set this to true to ignore a failure during testing. Its use is NOT RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion.
User Property: maven.test.failure.ignore
Default: false
Note that the maven-surefire-plugin has the same for unit testings.
Hence, by default a multi-module build should stop as soon as a test fails (unit test or integration test), no further module would be built and not further maven phase should be invoked.
However, a Maven Jenkins job (and not a freestyle Jenkins job invoking Maven) set this option to true by default and hence the build would not fail, it will keep on and deploy, while the job would be set to UNSTABLE and not SUCCESSFUL (but still deploying).
As such, you could change your maven invocation in your Jenkins job to:
mvn clean deploy -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false
Overriding thus Jenkins default settings and meeting your requirements.

how to execute all the invoke top level maven target in jenkins and execute remaining build steps only if maven target are successful

I have a Continuous integration setup using jenkins. I need to run Junit test cases and selenium test cases and commit the jar files in svn, only if all the junit and selenium scripts are passed.
Junit and selenium test cases are separate maven projects so i have used two invoke top level maven targets (One for selenium and other for Junit). I came across following issues,
Selenium scripts will be executed first and if any of the selenium test cases are failed, the jenkins build is marked as Failed and it will start to execute the post-build actions skipping all the build steps including junit. I want to run the Junit test cases also even if selenium scripts are failed. So i have added -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true in maven goals to execute the junit test cases even if selenium scripts are failed. This worked perfectly as i expected and continued to execute junit test caes and the build is marked as UNSTABLE.
Now i got another issue, i have a build step to invoke ant at the end (To commit jars in svn only if selenium and junit are passed). After adding -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true, the jars are getting commited to svn even if there is any failures.
Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
The build should run both Selenium and Junit, even if there is any failure in any one of project.
Jars should be committed in svn only if everything is successful (This is done by using ant target, so i have placed invoke ant at the end in Build step.
Is there any other way to accomplish this ? Thanks in advance.

Exclude testng tests while building in jenkins

I have a test which consists of both junit test and testng tests. It works fine when i run 'mvn test' from parent pom, but testng tests fail while building in jenkins. I need a way to skip testng tests from running in jenkins.
You said you use jenkins so i assume that you are using maven plugin :
Have you tried to skip test cases in your Maven run? Use the code below in maven properties section of maven plugin:
please use below code in properties section of maven plugin to skip the test cases
Hope this helps
It's better to set it up via runtime in Jenkins' job configuration:
Invoke Top Level Maven -> Advanced.
Add maven.test.skip=true
Once the tests are OK, just remove this line.
You can disable test execution in runtime as well:
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Can I run post processing on my maven integration test results if there are test failures?

I want to extend a maven2 POM to run some post processing on my integration test results. I added a java:exec plugin and bound it to the post-integration-test phase.
All is fine when the tests pass but if I get any test failures then the post processing isn't executed.
Question: Is there an option to force a task, regardless of the results of the integration test phase?
Our POM was using the Surefire plugin to execute the integration tests but it looks like that was a mistake. The Failsafe plugin is intended to address this issue. From the documentation:
If you use the Surefire Plugin for running tests, then when you have a test failure, the build will stop at the integration-test phase and your integration test environment will not have been torn down correctly. The Failsafe Plugin is used during the integration-test and verify phases of the build lifecycle to execute the integration tests of an application. The Failsafe Plugin will not fail the build during the integration-test phase thus enabling the post-integration-test phase to execute.
