Print awk for empty row - bash

I have one problem. I am using this code in bash and awk:
awk 'BEGIN {print "CHR\tSTART\tSTOP\tPOCET_READU\tGCcontent"}'
for z in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
export $z
for i in {0..249480000..60000}
let "u +=60000"
export $i
export $u
samtools view /home/filip/Desktop/AMrtin\ Hynek/highThan89MapQ.bam chr$z:$i-$u | awk '{ n=length($10); print gsub(/[GCCgcs]/,"",$10)/n;}'| awk -v chr="chr"$z -v min=$i -v max=$u '{s+=$1}END{print chr,"\t",min,"\t",max,"\t",NR,"\t",s/NR}}'
From this I am getting the result like this:
chr1 60000 120000 30 0.333
chr3 540000 600000 10 0.555
The step of loop is 60000, but if I divide s/NR, sometimes the NR is 0 and this row is not in output. Thank I wan to get if the NR=0 and s/NR does not exist (because we cannot divide by 0):
chr1 0 60000 N/A N/A
chr1 60000 120000 30 0.333
chr3 480000 540000 N/A N/A
chr3 540000 600000 10 0.555
I tried use condition like
{s+=$1}END{print chr,"\t",min,"\t",max,"\t",NR,"\t",s/NR; if (S/NR == "") print chr,"\t",min,"\t",max,"\t","N/A","\t","N/A"}'
But it doesnt work.
Could you help me please?

The problem is you're dividing by zero, which is an error. You need to test NR before doing the division.
awk -v chr="chr"$z -v min=$i -v max=$u '
END {print chr, "\t", min, "\t", max, "\t", (NR ? NR : "N/A"), "\t", (NR ? s/NR : "N/A")}'


How to replace the value of multiple columns in a file based on two columns in another file with bash?

I'm trying to replace the value of multiple columns in a file using awk. The reason to use awk is that the file is very large and cant do it loading it in memory. I've tried to do with pandas (python).
I have a large database as a textfile. I put here a example of the info in the file (tab-delimited):
CHROM POS REF ALT GT_00 d_GT_00 c_GT_00 de_GT_00 can_GT_00 epi_GT_00
chr1 10 T A 7 1 1 2 5 7
chr1 10 T A 7 1 1 3 0 1
chr1 10 T G 7 2 1 1 8 2
chr1 11 None None 2 0 0 0 5 4
chr1 11 G T 2 1 0 0 2 3
If the first two columns (CHROM,POS) are the same in the rows, I have to sum the values of the columns that contain '_00' in the header.
So, the expected output, is:
CHROM POS REF ALT GT_00 d_GT_00 c_GT_00 de_GT_00 can_GT_00 epi_GT_00
chr1 10 T A 21 4 3 6 13 10
chr1 10 T A 21 4 3 6 13 10
chr1 10 T G 21 4 3 6 13 10
chr1 11 None None 4 1 0 0 7 7
chr1 11 G T 4 1 0 0 7 7
I dont know how to do this, because I'm very new in programing, so, I have to do the following with this awk code.
awk -F'\t' 'FNR==1{next};
for (i=5;i<=10;i++)
{sum[$1"\t"$2, i] += $i}
}END {for (key in keys) { printf "%s", key
for (i=5;i<=10;i++) {printf "%s%s", "\t", sum[key,i]} printf "\n"}} OFS='\t' out.txt
With this code, and using as 'out.txt' the first textfile, I get:
chr1 10 21 4 3 6 13 10
chr1 11 4 1 0 0 7 7
Now, I'm trying to replace, in the rows with chr1 10, the 6 values in the first row, and in the rows with chr1 11, the 6 values in the second row.
I have accomplished to change the value in one column with the this code:
awk -F"\t" 'NR==FNR{h[$1"\t"$2]=$3;next}
printf $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"h[$1"\t"$2]"\t";
for (i=6;i<=NF;i++)
{printf "%s",$i "\t"};
printf "\n"
}' OFS="\t" file1 file2
but need to do the same for all the columns.
How can I do it using a similar code?
Note: I have more columns that doesn't have '_00' in the header name
here you go with a memory efficient perl on-liner which should solve your problem. You may need to add the correct input filed separator e.g. -F'\t' and a regex to skip comment lines.
perl -lane 'if(!$prev || $prev eq "$F[0]:$F[1]"){push #r,[#F[4..$#F]]; push #snp,join"\t",#F[0..3]}else{for $r (#r){$o[$_]+=$$r[$_] for 0..scalar(#$r)-1}; print join"\t",($_,#o) for #snp; #snp=(join"\t",#F[0..3]); #o=(); #r=([#F[4..$#F]])} $prev="$F[0]:$F[1]"; END{for $r (#r){$o[$_]+=$$r[$_] for 0..scalar(#$r)-1}; print join"\t",($_,#o) for #snp;}' < \
<(echo -e "chr1 10 A T 1 2 3\nchr1 10 A G 1 2 3\nchr1 11 A T 4 5 6\nchr2 12 G C 7 8 9")
formatted version with comments for you :)
if(!$prev || $prev eq "$F[0]:$F[1]"){ # CHROM:POS compare to previous line
push #r,[#F[4..$#F]]; # store values in array of array reference
push #snp,join"\t",#F[0..3] # store CHROM,POS,REF,ALT
for $r (#r){ # CHROM:POS is new
$o[$_]+=$$r[$_] for 0..scalar(#$r)-1 # sum up values in array references
print join"\t",($_,#o) for #snp; # join CHROM,POS,REF,ALT with summed values
#snp=(join"\t",#F[0..3]); # re-initialize
$prev="$F[0]:$F[1]"; # store CHROM:POS info
END{ # print final lines
for $r (#r){
$o[$_]+=$$r[$_] for 0..scalar(#$r)-1
print join"\t",($_,#o) for #snp;

Add lines with 0 for missing values in a datatable

I have a dataset counting occurences of bins, for instance:
1 10
2 15
3 1
5 50
8 990
As you can see, I am missing bins in the first column. As I want to plot this data, I'm looking for a way to add those missing value, with a 0 on the second column, e.g. if I know my bins go up to 10:
1 10
2 15
3 1
4 0
5 50
6 0
7 0
8 990
9 0
10 0
I'm looking for a unix/bash solution as it fits my pipeline and my files are rather big, but maybe R is more suited for this ?
EDIT: Thanks to karafaka sir, adding solutions which will capture very first line's digits too.
awk -v value=10 '$1-prev>1{while(++prev<$1){print prev,"0"}} {prev=$1;print} END{if(prev<value){while(prev<=value){print prev,"0";prev++}}}' Input_file
Let's say following is the Input_file:
cat Input_file
3 10
4 15
7 1
9 50
19 990
Then after running above code we will get following output.
1 0
2 0
3 10
4 15
5 0
6 0
7 1
8 0
9 50
10 0
11 0
12 0
13 0
14 0
15 0
16 0
17 0
18 0
19 990
Could you please try following.
awk -v value=10 'prev && $1-prev>1{while(++prev<$1){print prev,"0"}} {prev=$1;print} END{if(prev<value){while(prev<=value){print prev,"0";prev++}}}' Input_file
Adding a non-one liner form of solution too now.
awk -v value=10 '
prev && $1-prev>1{
print prev,"0"
print prev,"0"
}' Input_file
we can combine seq and awk to make the task easier:
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $1 in a?a[$1]:$1 FS 0}' file <(seq 10)
You can do this as well:
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $1 in a?a[$1]:$0}' f <(seq -f '%g 0' 10)
Test with your data:
kent$ cat f
1 10
2 15
3 1
5 50
8 990
kent$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $1 in a?a[$1]:$1 FS 0}' f <(seq 10)
1 10
2 15
3 1
4 0
5 50
6 0
7 0
8 990
9 0
10 0
Using Bash and join:
$ join -a 1 --nocheck-order -e 0 -o 1.1,2.2 <(seq 10) file
1 10
2 15
3 1
4 0
5 50
6 0
7 0
8 990
9 0
10 0
another awk
$ awk -v mx=10 '{while(++k<$1) print k,0}1;
END {while(k++<mx) print k,0}' file
this will fill the first records if missing as well.
$ awk '{n[$1]=$2} END{for (i=1;i<=10;i++) print i,n[i]+0}' file
1 10
2 15
3 1
4 0
5 50
6 0
7 0
8 990
9 0
10 0

shell script for extracting line of file using awk

I want, the selected lines of file to be print in output file side by side separated by space. Here what I have did so far,
for file in SAC*
awk 'FNR==2 {print $4}' $file >>exp
awk 'FNR==3 {print $4}' $file >>exp
awk 'FNR==4 {print $4}' $file >>exp
awk 'FNR==5 {print $4}' $file >>exp
awk 'FNR==7 {print $4}' $file >>exp
awk 'FNR==8 {print $4}' $file >>exp
awk 'FNR==24 {print $0}' $file >>exp
My output is:
I want output should be
XV AMPY BHZ 2012-08-15T08:00:00 2013-12-31T23:59:59
First the test data (only 9 rows, tho):
$ cat file
1 2 3 14
1 2 3 24
1 2 3 34
1 2 3 44
1 2 3 54
1 2 3 64
1 2 3 74
1 2 3 84
1 2 3 94
Then the awk. No need for that for loop in shell, awk can handle multiple files:
$ awk '
ORS=" "
a[2];a[3];a[4];a[5];a[7];a[8] # list of records for which $4 should be outputed
FNR in a { print $4 } # output the $4s
FNR==9 { printf "%s\n",$0 } # replace 9 with 24
' file file # ... # the files you want to process (SAC*)
24 34 44 54 74 84 1 2 3 94
24 34 44 54 74 84 1 2 3 94

awk Count number of occurrences

I made this awk command in a shell script to count total occurrences of the $4 and $5.
awk -F" " '{if($4=="A" && $5=="G") {print NR"\t"$0}}' file.txt > ag.txt && cat ag.txt | wc -l
awk -F" " '{if($4=="C" && $5=="T") {print NR"\t"$0}}' file.txt > ct.txt && cat ct.txt | wc -l
awk -F" " '{if($4=="T" && $5=="C") {print NR"\t"$0}}' file.txt > tc.txt && cat ta.txt | wc -l
awk -F" " '{if($4=="T" && $5=="A") {print NR"\t"$0}}' file.txt > ta.txt && cat ta.txt | wc -l
The output is #### (number) in shell. But I want to get rid of > ag.txt && cat ag.txt | wc -l and instead get output in shell like AG = ####.
This is input format:
>seq1 284 284 A G 27 100 16 11 16 11
>seq1 266 266 C T 27 100 16 11 16 11
>seq1 185 185 T - 24 100 10 14 10 14
>seq1 194 194 T C 24 100 12 12 12 12
>seq1 185 185 T AAA 24 100 10 14 10 14
>seq1 194 194 A G 24 100 12 12 12 12
>seq1 185 185 T A 24 100 10 14 10 14
I want output like this in the shell or in file for a single occurrences not other patterns.
AG 2
CT 1
TC 1
TA 1
Yes, everything you're trying to do can likely be done within the awk script. Here's how I'd count lines based on a condition:
awk -F" " '$4=="A" && $5=="G" {n++} END {printf("AG = %d\n", n)}' file.txt
Awk scripts consist of condition { statement } pairs, so you can do away with the if entirely -- it's implicit.
n++ increments a counter whenever the condition is matched.
The magic condition END is true after the last line of input has been processed.
Is this what you're after? Why were you adding NR to your output if all you wanted was the line count?
Oh, and you might want to confirm whether you really need -F" ". By default, awk splits on whitespace. This option would only be required if your fields contain embedded tabs, I think.
UPDATE #1 based on the edited question...
If what you're really after is a pair counter, an awk array may be the way to go. Something like this:
awk '{a[$4 $5]++} END {for (pair in a) printf("%s %d\n", pair, a[pair])}' file.txt
Here's the breakdown.
The first statement runs on every line, and increments a counter that is the index on an array (a[]) whose key is build from $4 and $5.
In the END block, we step through the array in a for loop, and for each index, print the index name and the value.
The output will not be in any particular order, as awk does not guarantee array order. If that's fine with you, then this should be sufficient. It should also be pretty efficient, because its max memory usage is based on the total number of combinations available, which is a limited set.
$ cat file
>seq1 284 284 A G 27 100 16 11 16 11
>seq1 266 266 C T 27 100 16 11 16 11
>seq1 227 227 T C 25 100 13 12 13 12
>seq1 194 194 A G 24 100 12 12 12 12
>seq1 185 185 T A 24 100 10 14 10 14
$ awk '/^>seq/ {a[$4 $5]++} END {for (p in a) printf("%s %d\n", p, a[p])}' file
CT 1
TA 1
TC 1
AG 2
UPDATE #2 based on the revised input data and previously undocumented requirements.
With the extra data, you can still do this with a single run of awk, but of course the awk script is getting more complex with each new requirement. Let's try this as a longer one-liner:
$ awk 'BEGIN{v["G"]; v["A"]; v["C"]; v["T"]} $4 in v && $5 in v {a[$4 $5]++} END {for (p in a) printf("%s %d\n", p, a[p])}' i
CT 1
TA 1
TC 1
AG 2
This works by first (in the magic BEGIN block) defining an array, v[], to record "valid" records. The condition on the counter simply verifies that both $4 and $5 contain members of the array. All else works the same.
At this point, with the script running onto multiple lines anyway, I'd probably separate this into a small file. It could even be a stand-alone script.
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
v["G"]; v["A"]; v["C"]; v["T"]
$4 in v && $5 in v {
a[$4 $5]++
for (p in a)
printf("%s %d\n", p, a[p])
Much easier to read that way.
And if your goal is to count ONLY the combinations you mentioned in your question, you can handle the array slightly differently.
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
a["AG"]; a["TA"]; a["CT"]; a["TC"]
($4 $5) in a {
a[$4 $5]++
for (p in a)
printf("%s %d\n", p, a[p])
This only validates things that already have array indices, which are NULL per BEGIN.
The parentheses in the increment condition are not required, and are included only for clarity.
Just count them all then print the ones you care about:
$ awk '{cnt[$4$5]++} END{split("AG CT TC TA",t); for (i=1;i in t;i++) print t[i], cnt[t[i]]+0}' file
AG 2
CT 1
TC 1
TA 1
Note that this will produce a count of zero for any of your target pairs that don't appear in your input, e.g. if you want a count of "XY"s too:
$ awk '{cnt[$4$5]++} END{split("AG CT TC TA XY",t); for (i=1;i in t;i++) print t[i], cnt[t[i]]+0}' file
AG 2
CT 1
TC 1
TA 1
XY 0
If that's desirable, check if other solutions do the same.
Actually, this might be what you REALLY want, just to make sure $4 and $5 are single upper case letters:
$ awk '$4$5 ~ /^[[:upper:]]{2}$/{cnt[$4$5]++} END{for (i in cnt) print i, cnt[i]}' file
TA 1
AG 2
TC 1
CT 1

Shell script to find common values and write in particular pattern with subtraction math to range pattern

Shell script to find common values and write in particular pattern with subtraction math to range pattern
Shell script to get command values in two files and write i a pattern to new file AND also have the first value of the range pattern to be subtracted by 1
$ cat file1
$ cat file2
Script that works:
awk 'NR==FNR{x[$1]=1} NR!=FNR && x[$1]' file1 file2 | sort | awk 'NR==1 {s=l=$1; next} $1!=l+1 {if(l == s) print l; else print s ":" l; s=$1} {l=$1} END {if(l == s) print l; else print s ":" l; s=$1}'
Script out:
Desired output:
Similar to sputnick's, except using comm to find the intersection of the file contents.
comm -12 <(sort file1) <(sort file2) |
sort -n |
awk '
function print_range() {
if (start != prev)
printf "%d:", start-1
print prev
FNR==1 {start=prev=$1; next}
$1 > prev+1 {print_range(); start=$1}
END {print_range()}
Try doing this :
awk 'NR==FNR{x[$1]=1} NR!=FNR && x[$1]' file1 file2 |
sort |
awk 'NR==1 {s=l=$1; next}
$1!=l+1 {if(l == s) print l; else print s -1 ":" l; s=$1}
END {if(l == s) print l; else print s -1 ":" l; s=$1}'
