Transpose CSV data with awk (pivot transformation) - bash

my CSV data looks like this:
I want my data to look like this:
There are more Indicators and more countries than listed here.
Pretty large files (number of rows something with 5 digits).
Looked around for some transpose threads, but nothing matched my situation (also I'm quite new to awk, so I couldn't change the code I found to fit my data).
Thanks for your help.

If the number of Ind fields is fixed, you can do:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"}
{a[$2,$1]=$3; count[$2]}
END {for (i in count) print i, a[i,"Ind1"], a[i, "Ind2"], a[i, "Ind3"]}' file
BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} set input and output field separator as semicolon.
{a[$2,$1]=$3; count[$2]} get list of countries in count[] array and values of each Ind on a["country","Ind"] array.
END {for (i in count) print i, a[i,"Ind1"], a[i, "Ind2"], a[i, "Ind3"]} print the summary of the values.
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} {a[$2,$1]=$3; count[$2]} END {for (i in count) print i, a[i,"Ind1"], a[i, "Ind2"], a[i, "Ind3"]}' file
unfortunately, the number of Indicators is not fixed. Also, they are
not named like "Ind1", "Ind2" etc. but are just strings.' I clarified
my question.
$ awk -v FS=";" '{a[$2,$1]=$3; count[$2]; indic[$1]} END {for (j in indic) printf "%s ", j; printf "\n"; for (i in count) {printf "%s ", i; for (j in indic) printf "%s ", a[i,j]; printf "\n"}}' file
proportion_males no_of_people area_in_km
France 2.4 200 17
Germany 7.9 300 16
USA 5.3 500 18
To have ; separated, do replace each space with ;:
$ awk -v FS=";" '{a[$2,$1]=$3; count[$2]; indic[$1]} END {for (j in indic) printf "%s ", j; printf "\n"; for (i in count) {printf "%s ", i; for (j in indic) printf "%s ", a[i,j]; printf "\n"}}' file | tr ' ' ';'

Using awk and maintaining the order of output:
awk -F\; '
NR>1 {
if(!($1 in indicators)) { indicator[++types] = $1 }; indicators[$1]++
if(!($2 in countries)) { country[++num] = $2 }; countries[$2]++
map[$1,$2] = $3
printf "%s;" ,"Country";
for(ind=1; ind<=types; ind++) {
printf "%s%s", sep, indicator[ind];
sep = ";"
print "";
for(coun=1; coun<=num; coun++) {
printf "%s", country[coun]
for(val=1; val<=types; val++) {
printf "%s%s", sep, map[indicator[val], country[coun]];
print ""
}' file


bash - select columns based on values

I am new to bash and have the below requirement:
I have a file as below:
If you notice the values of these columns can be of 3 types only: s1,s2,s3
I can extract the last 2rows from the given file which gives me:
I want to further parse the above lines so that I get only the columns with say value s1.
Desired output:
say col3,col25 are the only columns with value s2, then say a comma separated value is also fine ex:
Can someone please help?
P.S. I found many examples where a file parsed based on the value of say 2nd (fixed) column, but how do we do it when the column number is not fixed?
Checked URLs:
awk one liner select only rows based on value of a column
there are 2 input lines
each input line has the same number of comma-separated items
We can use a couple arrays to collect the input data, making sure to use the same array indexes. Once the data is loaded into arrays we loop through the array looking for our value match.
$ cat col.awk
/col1/ { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) { arr_c[i]=$i } ; n=NF }
! /col1/ { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) { arr_s[i]=$i } }
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
{ if (arr_s[i]==smatch)
{ printf "%s%s" ,sep,arr_c[i]
sep=", "
/col1/ : for the line that contains col1, store the fields in array arr_c
n=NF : grab our max array index value (NF=number of fields)
! /col1/ : for line that does not contain col1, store the fields in array arr_s
END ... : executed once the arrays have been loaded
sep="" : set our initial output separator to a null string
for (...) : loop through our array indexes (1 to n)
if (arr_s[i]==smatch) : if the s array value matches our input parameter (smatch - see below example), then ...
printf "%s%s",sep,arr_c[i] : printf our sep and the matching c array item, then ...
sep=", " : set our separator for the next match in the loop
We use printf because without specifying '\n' (a new line), all output goes to one line.
$ cat col.out
$ awk -F, -f col.awk smatch=s1 col.out
col2, col4
-F, : define the input field separator as a comma
here we pass in our search pattern s1 in the array variable named smatch, which is referenced in the awk code (see col.awk - above)
If you want to do the whole thing at the command line:
$ awk -F, '
/col1/ { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) { arr_c[i]=$i } ; n=NF }
! /col1/ { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) { arr_s[i]=$i } }
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
{ if (arr_s[i]==smatch)
{ printf "%s%s" ,sep,arr_c[i]
sep=", "
' smatch=s1 col.out
col2, col4
Or collapsing the END block to a single line:
awk -F, '
/col1/ { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) { arr_c[i]=$i } ; n=NF }
! /col1/ { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) { arr_s[i]=$i } }
END { sep="" ; for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { if (arr_s[i]==smatch) { printf "%s%s" ,sep,arr_c[i] ; sep=", " } } }
' smatch=s1 col.out
col2, col4
I'm not so good with awk, but here is something that seems to work, outputting only the column names whose corresponding values are s1 :
#<yourTwoLines> |
tac |
awk -F ',' 'NR == 1 { for (f=1; f<=NF; f++) { relevant[f]= ($f == "s1") } };
NR == 2 { for (f=1; f<=NF; f++) { if(relevant[f]) print($f) } }'
It works in the following way :
reverse the lines order with tac, so the value (criteria) are handled before the headers (which we will print based on the criteria).
when handling the first line (now values) with awk, store in an array which ones are s1
when handling the second line (now headers) with awk, print those who correspond to an s1 value thanks to the previously filled array.
solution in awk that prints a resulting row after parsing each set of 2 rows.
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN {FS=","; p=0}
/s1|s2|s3/ {
for (i=1; i<NF; i++) {
if ($i=="s2") str = sprintf("%s%s", str?str ", ":str, c[i])
!p { for (i=1; i<NF; i++) { c[i] = $i } }
p { print str; p=0; str="" }
Rationale: build up your resultstring str when you're looping through the value-row.
whenever your input contains s1, s2 or s3, loop through the elements and - if value == s2 -, add column with index i to resultstring str; set the print var p to 1.
if p = 0 build up column array
if p = 1 print resultstring str
With input:
$ cat input.txt
The result is:
$ awk -f tst.awk input.txt
col2, col3
Notice the empty 3rd line: no s2's for that one.
Let's say you have this:
cat file
Then you can use this awk:
awk -F, -v val='s2' '{
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
if (NR==1)
else if ($i==val)
s=s hdr[i] FS;
if (s) {
sub(/,$/, "", s);
print s
}' file
If order of the columns returned is not a concern
awk -F"," 'NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){a[i]=$i};next}{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i=="s2")b[i]=$i}}END{for( i in b) m=m a[i]","; gsub(/,$/,"", m); print m }'

awk dynamic field list to print

what is the best way to do something like
awk '{ print $1, $3, $5 }'
but in a dynamic way?
The case is that the last field to print in only known at runtime.
so it might be $1, $3, $5, it might also be $1, $3, $5, $7, $9 or even more
my first trial is like:
awk -v MAX=7 '{for (i = 2; i < MAX; i+=2) {print i,$i} }'
but it print one field in a line:
instead of
a[2] a[4] a[6]
is there a better way to achieve this?
Thanks for all your suggestion. :)
One follow-up question.
at runtime, I already have the sequence available, say MyArray=(2 4 6 8)
is there a way to "pass" this array into awk and ask awk to print $2 $4 $6 $8 ?
so that I can save one for-loop inside awk
Using printf omits the newlines but you'll need to use a format string and add a newline yourself:
awk -v MAX=7 '{
for (i = 2; i < MAX; i+=2) {
printf "a[%d]=%s " i, $i
printf "\n"
Note that the above example includes a trailing space after the last a[N]=VAL on each line. If you want to omit it, you can use something like:
awk -v MAX=7 '{
print_num = 0
for (i = 2; i < MAX; i+=2) {
if ( print_num++ > 0 ) { printf " " }
printf "a[%d]=%s" i, $i
printf "\n"
With an array A you can do
for i in $(seq 0 2 ${#A}); do
printf "%s " ${A[i]}
done | sed 's/ $/\n/'

Spreading cell values into columns using UNIX

Suppose we have this file:
head file
And I'd like to get this out:
Does someone know how to get this output, using awk or sed?
Assuming that the possible values of name are only Je or Ko or Ne, you can do:
awk -F, 'BEGIN{print "id,Je,Ko,Ne"}
NR==1{ next }
print $1","je","ko","ne}' file
If you want something that will print the values in the same order they are read and not limited to your example fields, you could do:
awk -F, 'BEGIN{OFS=FS; x=1;y=1}
NR==1 { next }
!($2 in oa){ oa[$2]=1; ar[x++]=$2}
for (i=1; i<x; i++)
s=s==""?ar[i]:s OFS ar[i];
print "id" OFS s;
for (j=1; j<y; j++){
split(lines[j], a)
for (i=1; i<x; i++) {
s=s==""?tt:s OFS tt;
print a[1] OFS s;
' file
Here's a "two-pass solution" (along the lines suggested by #Drakosha) implemented using a single invocation of awk. The implementation would be a little simpler if there was no requirement regarding the ordering of names.
awk -F, '
# global: n, array a
function println(ix,name,value, i,line) {
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
if (a[i]==name) {line=line OFS value} else {line=line OFS 0}
print line;
FNR==1 {next} # skip the header each time
NR==FNR {if (!mem[$2]) {mem[$2] = a[n++] = $2}; next}
!s { s="id"; for (i=0;i<n;i++) {s=s OFS a[i]}; print s}
{println($1, $2, $3)}
' file file
I suggest 2 passes.
1st will generate all the possible values of column 2 (Je, Ko, Ne,
2nd will be able to trivially generate the output you are looking for.
awk -F, 'BEGIN{s="Je,Ko,Ne";print "id,"s}
NR>1 {m=s; sub($2,1,m); gsub("[^0-9,]+","0",m); print $1","m}' file

Rearranging a csv file

I have a file with contents similar to the below
How can I use 'awk' or similar to rearrange this to the below:
Football Tennis Squash
Boy 5 1 1
Girl 0 3 1
I'm not even sure if this is possible, but any help would be great.
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN{ FS=","; OFS="\t" }
printf ""
for (sport in sports) {
printf "%s%s", OFS, sport
print ""
for (gender in genders) {
printf "%s", gender
for (sport in sports) {
printf "%s%s", OFS, count[gender,sport]+0
print ""
$ awk -f tst.awk file
Squash Tennis Football
Boy 1 1 5
Girl 1 3 0
In general when you know the end point of the loop you put the OFS or ORS after each field:
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
printf "%s%s", $i, (i<n?OFS:ORS)
but if you don't then you put the OFS before the second and subsequent fields and print the ORS after the loop:
for (x in array) {
printf "%s%s", (++i>1?OFS:""), array[x]
print ""
I do like the:
n = length(array)
for (x in array) {
printf "%s%s", array[x], (++i<n?OFS:ORS)
idea to get the end of the loop too, but length(array) is gawk-specific.
Another approach to consider:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN{ FS=","; OFS="\t" }
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
if (!seen[i,$i]++) {
map[i,++num[i]] = $i
for (i=0; i<=num[2]; i++) {
printf "%s%s", map[2,i], (i<num[2]?OFS:ORS)
for (i=1; i<=num[1]; i++) {
printf "%s%s", map[1,i], OFS
for (j=1; j<=num[2]; j++) {
printf "%s%s", count[map[1,i],map[2,j]]+0, (j<num[2]?OFS:ORS)
$ awk -f tst.awk file
Football Squash Tennis
Boy 5 1 1
Girl 0 1 3
That last will print the rows and columns in the order they were read. Not quite as obvious how it works though :-).
I would just loop normally:
awk -F, -v OFS="\t" '
{names[$1]; sport[$2]; count[$1,$2]++}
END{printf "%s", OFS;
for (i in sport)
printf "%s%s", i, OFS;
print "";
for (n in names) {
printf "%s%s", n, OFS
for (s in sport)
printf "%s%s", count[n,s]?count[n,s]:0, OFS; print ""
}' file
This keeps track of three arrays: names[] for the first column, sport[] for the second column and count[name,sport] to count the occurrences of every combination.
Then, it is a matter of looping through the results and printing them in a fancy way and making sure 0 is printed if the count[a,b] does not exist.
$ awk -F, -v OFS="\t" '{names[$1]; sport[$2]; count[$1,$2]++} END{printf "%s", OFS; for (i in sport) printf "%s%s", i, OFS; print ""; for (n in names) {printf "%s%s", n, OFS; for (s in sport) printf "%s%s", count[n,s]?count[n,s]:0, OFS; print ""}}' a
Squash Tennis Football
Boy 1 1 5
Girl 1 3 0
Format is a bit ugly, there are some trailing OFS.
To get rid of trailing OFS:
awk -F, -v OFS="\t" '{names[$1]; sport[$2]; count[$1,$2]++} END{printf "%s", OFS; for (i in sport) {cn++; printf "%s%s", i, (cn<length(sport)?OFS:ORS)} for (n in names) {cs=0; printf "%s%s", n, OFS; for (s in sport) {cs++; printf "%s%s", count[n,s]?count[n,s]:0, (cs<length(sport)?OFS:ORS)}}}' a
You can always pipe to column -t for a nice output.

Unix/Bash: Uniq on a cell

I have a tab-separated fileA where the 12th column (starting from 1) contain several comma separated identifiers. Some of them in the same row, however, can occur more than once:
GO:0042302, GO:0042302, GO:0042302
GO:0004386,GO:0005524,GO:0006281, GO:0004386,GO:0005524,GO:0006281
(some with a white-space after the comma, some where it is not).
I would like to only get the unique identifiers and remove the multiples for each row in the 12th column:
Here is what I have so far:
for row in `fileA`
cut -f12 $row | sed "s/,/\n/" | sort | uniq | paste fileA - | \
awk 'BEGIN {OFS=FS="\t"}{print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $13}'
done > out
The idea was to go over each row at a time, cut out the 12th column, replace all commas with newlines and then sort and take uniq to get rid of duplicates, paste it back and print the columns in the right order, skipping the original identifier column.
However, this does not seem to work. Any ideas?
Just for completeness, and because I personally prefer Perl over Awk for this sort of thing, here's a Perl one-liner solution:
perl -F'\t' -le '%u=();#k=split/,/,$F[11];#u{#k}=#k;$F[11]=join",",sort
keys%u;print join"\t",#F'
-F'\t' Loop over input lines, splitting each one into fields at tabs
-l automatically remove newlines from input and append on output
-e get code to execute from the next argument instead of standard input
%u = (); # clear out the hash variable %u
#k = split /,/, $F[11]; # Split 12th field (1st is 0) on comma into array #k
#u{#k} = #k; # Copy the contents of #k into #u as key/value pairs
Because hash keys are unique, that last step means that the keys of %u are now a deduplicated copy of #k.
$F[11] = join ",", sort keys %u; # replace the 12th field with the sorted unique list
print join "\t", #F; # and print out the modified line
If I understand you correctly, then with awk:
awk -F '\t' 'BEGIN { OFS = FS } { delete b; n = split($12, a, /, */); $12 = ""; for(i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { if(!(a[i] in b)) { b[a[i]]; $12 = $12 a[i] "," } } sub(/,$/, "", $12); print }' filename
This works as follows:
BEGIN { OFS = FS } # output FS same as input FS
delete b # clear dirty table from last pass
n = split($12, a, /, */) # split 12th field into tokens,
$12 = "" # then clear it out for reassembly
for(i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { # wade through those tokens
if(!(a[i] in b)) { # those that haven't been seen yet:
b[a[i]] # remember that they were seen
$12 = $12 a[i] "," # append to result
sub(/,$/, "", $12) # remove trailing comma from resulting field
print # print the transformed line
The delete b; has been POSIX-conforming for only a short while, so if you're working with an old, old awk and it fails for you, see #MarkReed's comment for another way that ancient awks should accept.
Using field 2 instead of field 12:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN{ FS=OFS="\t" }
split($2,f,/ *, */)
$2 = ""
delete seen
for (i=1;i in f;i++) {
if ( !seen[f[i]]++ ) {
$2 = $2 (i>1?",":"") f[i]
$ cat file
a,a,a GO:0042302, GO:0042302, GO:0042302 b,b,b
c,c,c GO:0004386,GO:0005524,GO:0006281, GO:0004386,GO:0005524,GO:0006281 d,d,d
$ awk -f tst.awk file
a,a,a GO:0042302 b,b,b
c,c,c GO:0004386,GO:0005524,GO:0006281 d,d,d
If your awk doesn't support delete seen you can use split("",seen).
Using this awk:
awk -F '\t' -v OFS='\t' '{
delete seen;
split($12, a, /[,; ]+/);
for (i=1; i<=length(a); i++) {
if (!(a[i] in seen)) {
s=sprintf("%s%s,", s, a[i])
$12=s} 1' file
In your example data, the comma followed by a space is the delimiter of the 12th field. Every subfield after that is merely a repeat of the first field. The subfields appear to already be in sorted order.
GO:0042302, GO:0042302, GO:0042302
^^^dup1^^^ ^^^dup2^^^
GO:0004386,GO:0005524,GO:0006281, GO:0004386,GO:0005524,GO:0006281
Based on that, you could simply keep the first of the subfields and toss the rest:
awk -F"\t" '{sub(/, .*/, "", $12)} 1' fileA
If instead, you can have different sets of repeated subfields, where keys are not sorted like this:
GO:0042302, GO:0042302, GO:0042302, GO:0062122,GO:0055000, GO:0055001, GO:0062122,GO:0055000
GO:0004386,GO:0005524,GO:0006281, GO:0005525, GO:0004386,GO:0005524,GO:0006281
If you were stuck with a default MacOS awk you could introduce a sort/uniq functions in an awk executable script:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
BEGIN {FS="\t"}
c = uniq(a, split($12, a, /, |,/))
sort(a, c)
s = a[1]
for(i=2; i<=c; i++) { s = s "," a[i] }
$2 = s
47 # print out the modified line
# take an indexed arr as from split and de-dup it
function uniq(arr, len, i, uarr) {
for(i=len; i>=1; i--) { uarr[arr[i]] }
delete arr
for(k in uarr) { arr[++i] = k }
return( i )
# slightly modified from
function sort(arr, len, haschanged, tmp, i)
haschanged = 1
while( haschanged==1 ) {
haschanged = 0
for(i=1; i<=(len-1); i++) {
if( arr[i] > arr[i+1] ) {
tmp = arr[i]
arr[i] = arr[i + 1]
arr[i + 1] = tmp
haschanged = 1
If you had GNU-awk, I think you could swap out the sort(a, c) call with asort(a), and drop the bubble-sort local function completely.
I get the following for the 12th field:
