Store SSH Key on Heroku to Connect Rails App to Remote Thru SFTP - ruby

This is a long shot, but I'm trying to add an ssh key to a Heroku for its use in connecting to another server through SFTP:
Net::SFTP.start(HOST, USER, password: PASSWORD, keys: ['yada.pem']) do |sftp|
#sftp = sftp
My original solution was to push a .ssh directory to the repo and store yada.pem there. keys would include the path to this file.
A safer solution I've been told would be to store the key in an environment variable on Heroku. Problem is, this would store the key as a string, which I couldn't really pass to SFTP.start.
I could solve the problem in a couple ways:
Is there a way to pass the key as a string with Ruby net/sftp?
Is there a way to add a public key to Heroku so that net/sftp would use it when trying to connect to the remote server?

You can pass keys as strings in the option hash under the key :key_data (should be an array of strings, each element of which containing a key in PEM format).
Net::SFTP.start(HOST, USER, password: PASSWORD, key_data: ['PEM key as string']) do |sftp|
#sftp = sftp
See Net::SSH#start (to which Net::SFTP#start defers).


Ansible Try Multiple Passwords for Same User

I need to login into 50 hosts and perform a specific task.
Each host has one of 2 passwords (ex: pass1 and pass2) for a specific user (ex: foo).
I do not know on which host "foo" is set with "pass1" and on which host "foo" is set with "pass2". I have both passwords in a vault file.
Using Ansible, how can I first make a task where I try to login as "foo" with "pass1", then if unsuccessful login with "pass2" and finally setting a fact with the correct vault value (depending on which password worked i.e. "foo" managed to login).
I then want to use that fact to perform additional tasks on that same host.

Jenkins: How to get an encrypted credentials password from shell script?

I was using the secrets/master.key that was there when the password was encrypted and stored to credentials.xml. But restoring the the same set of credentials.xml and master.key is not working in a new jenkins setup. I even tried to restore secret.key but that too is not working.
I also noticed the ecrypted string in is credentials.xml is also not same for same string.
I am trying to automate the jenkins setup. Is there a way I can get the encrypted password that the jenkins produce from bash?
Jenkins and its plugins usually encrypt strings using the Secret class, which (AFAICT) stores the key under ${JENKINS_HOME}/secrets/hudson.util.Secret.
I don't know of any easy standalone solution, but you can use the Jenkins Script Console (or the groovy CLI command) to attempt to decrypt secret values that you have:
import hudson.util.Secret
Secret a = Secret.fromString('my secret value')
String ciphertext = a.getEncryptedValue()
println ciphertext
// '{AQAAABAAAAAQdIQUuG2AhKoV7mCIcd3PXBdw8ItgchIrvQrQ=}'
// or similar; will change with each new secret object
Secret b = Secret.decrypt(ciphertext)
String plaintext = b.getPlainText()
println plaintext
// 'my secret value'
CRUMB=$(curl -s "$host"'/crumbIssuer/api/xml?xpath=concat(//crumbRequestField,":",//crumb)')
encrypted_passphrase=$(curl -H "$CRUMB" -d "script=println(hudson.util.Secret.fromString('password').getEncryptedValue())" -X POST $host/scriptText)

Chef: How to set a user's password from an encrypted data bag

I am using Chef with kitchen (1.5.0) and vagrant (1.8.1) to manage a user consistently with a new server. My user recipe looks like this:
include_recipe "users"
group 'sudo'
password_secret = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load_secret(node['enterprise_sp']['secret_file'])
jays_password = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load('user_secrets','jgodse', password_secret)['password']
shadow_password = `openssl passwd -1 -salt xyz #{jays_password}`.strip
user 'jgodse' do
action :create
group 'sudo'
system true
shell '/bin/bash'
home '/home/jgodse'
manage_home true
password shadow_password #added to /etc/shadow when chef runs
The unencrypted data bag was where I configured my password in the clear. I then encrypted the data bag with a knife command.
This works, but this seems like a really dirty way around the problem of setting my password. I had to do that because the password directive of the user block only takes the shadow password, and that can only be generated by shelling out to an openssl command.
Is there a cleaner way of getting the shadow password without shelling out to an openssl command which generates the password?
You should not be storing the password at all, just hash it beforehand and put the hash in the data bag in the first place. Also using encrypted data bags like this is scary-level unsafe, please take some time to familiarize yourself with the threat model of Chef's encryption tools, this ain't it.
At least pre-calculate the password hash and put that into the data bag.
See for inspiration.

Ansible with multiple SSH key pair

I am new to Ansible. I am able to test it and its working fine with my test requirment. For making connection between management node and the client node I am using already created ssh key pair. How can I use another node with different SSH key pair? For reference I am considering 3 ec2-instance with different key pairs.
Good news- in a basic use case, this is fairly easy. Simply use the ansible_ssh_private_key_file parameter in your Ansible inventory.
Here are some examples purloined from my personal file:
$ cat hosts.ini
[server1] ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/server1.pem
[testservers] ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/aws-testserver.pem ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/aws-testserver.pem ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu
[piwall] ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/raspberrypi.pem ansible_ssh_user=pi
tedder42 is correct, however, there is a better way of doing it.
See ansible_ssh_private_key_file here.
I have in my host files the following
# SSH Keys configuration
ansible_ssh_private_key_file = <YOUR PRIVATE KEY LOCATION>
# Server configuration
If you have multiple keys configuration, you can do something like the following
ansible_ssh_private_key_file = <YOUR PRIVATE KEY LOCATION>
ansible_ssh_private_key_file = <YOUR 2nd PRIVATE KEY LOCATION>
That's way cleaner than tedder42 answer. This is useful if you have multiple keys for multiple servers.
Otherwise, you can include your key in ansible.cfg file instead.

Invalid public ssh key

Trying to follow the instructions on github for Generating SSH Keys for windows.
I run ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "", enter passphrase and it appears the SSH key is generated correctly.
However, when trying to "Add SSH Key" on GitHub it gives me the error
Key is invalid. It must begin with 'ssh-rsa' or 'ssh-dss'. Check that you're copying the public half of the key
The public key generated by Windows looks like this:
Comment: "2048-bit RSA,"
*public key*
Most notably it does not begin with 'ssh-rsa' or 'ssh-dss'. I tried just copying the *public key* part and prepending 'ssh-rsa' to it but I get the same error on GitHub. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Got it. The public key should look like this:
ssh-rsa *public key*
That is:
ssh-rsa<space><public key ending with ==><space><email address>
In Linux,after executing the above command,( file will be generated in the directory you are working on.
Then if you do a " cat ", you will get your public key which has "ssh-rsa" in the beginning.
Now,you need to copy paste the displayed text in your GitHub Account.
Hope this will probably solve the issue.
And in windows,I think you should edit the file in NotePad++
GitHub generates two files: one with no type, and one .pub. You need the second one with the .pub extension, that file will already have the pattern:
ssh-rsa <key> <email>
If it doesn't have this pattern, you may be looking at the wrong file.
After the Git Bash steps, I went through the steps successfully. A pub file was generated in the Drive:\Users<YOUR DIR>.ssh\
Open the file with notepad, copied and pasted into That's it!
