Updating and event start/end time Google Calendar, v3 api - google-api

I am using the Google API PHP client with Google Calendar.
I am having now problems creating the event, but when I try to update the datetime start/end the call just fails and the event is not updated.
I have successfully updated just the summary, but have been unable to update the start/end times.
private function _update_google_event($eventId = '', $updateData = array())
if(strlen($eventId) == 0 || empty($updateData)) return false;
$calendar = $this->_get_gcal();
//First get the event
$event = $calendar->events->get($this->calendar_id, $eventId);
if(isset($updateData['summary'])) {
if(isset($updateData['location'])) {
if(isset($updateData['start'])) {
$start = new Google_Service_Calendar_EventDateTime();
if(isset($updateData['end'])) {
var_dump(new Google_EventDateTime());
$end = new Google_Service_Calendar_EventDateTime();
//Update Sequence
$event->setSequence($event->getSequence() + 1);
echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n";
//Send the update request
//$updatedEvent = new Google_Service_Calendar_Event($calendar->events->update($this->calendar_id, $event->getId(), $event));
$updatedEvent = $calendar->events->update($this->calendar_id, $event->getId(), $event);
echo $updatedEvent->getUpdated();
return false;
I have seen some stack overflow questions on updating events that mentioned needing to update the sequence number, so I have done so, but it does not change anything for start/end time.
Any tips/pointers would be much appreciated.
If any other details can help, please just ask.
Thank you!

I realized my problem was not in the function, but in the data that I'm passing itself.
$updateData['start'] and $updateData['end'] was being passed as a DateTime object. I resolved it by using DateTime::format and then passing it into the function.


How to update only one property of model?

I'm working on user consents. In my request I have these properties:
$newsLetters (bool|nullable),
$sms (bool|nullable),
$billEmail (bool|nullable),
I need update only one. So I need to find one which is not null and update it, if in my request is more than one properties with bool values i need to throw exception.
How can I achieve this?
My request extends spatie/laravel-data.
I don't understand why would you handle something like this on the backend (you can use radio button for this and always send only one value), you can use validation for requests or something like this:
$newsLetters = null;
$sms = true;
$billEmail = null;
$values = [$newsLetters, $sms, $billEmail];
$filter = sizeof(array_filter($values, function($el) { return $el === null;})) < 2;
if($filter) {
//return exception or whatever
} else {
//update values

Problem listing assignments of a student in Google Classroom

I am starting to use Classroom API to enhance local apps in our school. In order to make a report for a class, I want to list all student assignments and gradings. I use loops to go through all courses for a student, then all coursework for every course, and then all submissions for every coursework. Here is the piece of code that I use:
function fListWorkStudent(idStudent)
// Variables
var pageToken = null;
var optionalArgs =
pageToken: pageToken,
courseStates: 'ACTIVE',
studentId: idStudent,
pageSize: 0
var optionalArgs2 =
pageToken: pageToken,
userId: idStudent,
pageSize: 0
// Courses for a student
var response = Classroom.Courses.list(optionalArgs);
var sCourses = response.courses;
if (sCourses.length === 0)
Logger.log("No courses");
for (course in sCourses)
var idCourse=sCourses[course].id;
var nomprof=getUserName(sCourses[course].ownerId);
// Coursework for every course
var responseW = Classroom.Courses.CourseWork.list(idCourse);
var works = responseW.courseWork;
if (works && (works.length > 0))
for work in works)
var idWork=works[work].id;
// Submissions for every coursework
var responseS = Classroom.Courses.CourseWork.StudentSubmissions.list(idCourse, idWork, optionalArgs2);
var submissions = responseS.studentSubmissions;
if (submissions && submissions.length >0)
for (submission in submissions)
// Prepare report here
The problem with this code is that when I call Classroom.Courses.CourseWork.StudentSubmissions.list(idCourse, idWork, optionalArgs2) to get the submissions filtered of selected student, and the loop reaches a coursework not assigned to that student, the call fails with error 'classroom.courses.courseWork.studentSubmissions.list; error: Requested entity was not found.'
I could solve it by checking in the loop if the coursework is not assigned to that student before calling the API function, or maybe using a try..catch clause to catch the possible error, but I would like to know if there is a smarter solution to this issue.
Unfortunately the API does not give you an endpoint to list directly all assignment / submissions of a given student
However, you are not alone with this problem, there is already a feature request for this functionality on Google's Public Issue Tracker.
I recommend you to give it a "star" in order to increase visibility.
In the mean time, indeed you either need to implement a try...catch statement, or a conditonal statement, something like:
if(works[work].assigneeMode == "ALL_STUDENTS" || (works[work].assigneeMode == "INDIVIDUAL_STUDENTS" && works[work].individualStudentsOptions.studentIds.indexOf(idStudent)!=-1))
var responseS = Classroom.Courses.CourseWork.StudentSubmissions.list(idCourse, idWork, optionalArgs2);

Subscribe to a doc using Svelte / RxJs / RxFire. How can I update the subscription

I use a derived store in the code below. It feels like a strange construct because I only use the derived construct for the dynamic $session dependency and to get the normData. But not with $norm. I use $norm only once to kick off the derived store.
Nevertheless it seem to work fine. But I have to renew the subscription if the $session changes. Is it possible to update the RxFire / RxJs subscription without unsubscribing first?
let normDocRef = null;
let normData = null;
let normSubscription = null;
const norm = derived(
$session => {
normDocRef = db.doc(`uploads/${$session.a_id}_${$session.year}`);
// renew the subscription if $session changes
if (normSubscription)
normSubscription = doc(normDocRef).subscribe(snapshot => {
if (snapshot.exists) {
normData = snapshot.data();
} else {
normData = null;
$norm; // kick off the derived store to monitor $session
// show the data and updates
$: console.log(normData);
onDestroy(() => {
if (normSubscription) normSubscription.unsubscribe();
Update: I can use the set and return options of the derived store to change $norm in a real $norm Svelte store. Code below in my own answer.
But the real question is: Can I update a subscription. Change the subscription without the unsubscribe?
I already had the answer, but did not realize it.
Below the derived store code with the set() and return() options.
When the session changes the return() will unsubscribe automatically.
So still an unsubscribe and not an update ... but this feels good. Nice!
let normDocRef = null;
let normSubscription = null
const norm = derived(
($session, set) => {
normDocRef = db.doc(`uploads/${$session.a_id}_${$session.year}`);
normSubscription = doc(normDocRef).subscribe(snapshot => {
if (snapshot.exists) {
} else {
set({}); // clear
return () => {
}, {} // initial value
$: console.log('$norm', $norm); // Now it is a real store
onDestroy(() => {
if (!normSubscription.closed) {
API docs derived store:
Derives a store from one or more other stores. Whenever those dependencies change (like the $session), the callback runs.
If you "return a function" from the callback, it will be called (before the callback) when a) the callback runs again (because the dependency changed), or b) ...
Ok, roughly get what you trying to describe over here.
You can actually use the reactive declaration to execute code when a variable / store changed.
In this case is to execute the resubscribe method:
let normDocRef = null;
let normData = null;
let normSubscription = null;
$: {
normDocRef = db.doc(`uploads/${$session.a_id}_${$session.year}`);
// renew the subscription if $session changes
if (normSubscription) {
normSubscription = doc(normDocRef).subscribe(snapshot => {
if (snapshot.exists) {
normData = snapshot.data();
} else {
normData = null;
onDestroy(() => {
if (normSubscription) normSubscription.unsubscribe();
The key here, is that when compiling this, Svelte knows that the block is depending on $session, so it will re-execute the code block whenever $session changed.
Should you want to refactor it out into another function, you need to make sure that Svelte knows that function depends on $session, ie:
$: resubscribe_norm($session);
Here, Svelte can tell that, if $session changed, need to call resubscribe_norm again.

How to create logic hook in SuiteCRM Leads to calculate and display Days Since Last Activity for a given record

This would be displayed in a new field Days Since Last Activity and based on Today minus Date Modified.
You can do something like this on whatever hook u want
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
class logic_hooks_class
function after_retrieve_method($bean, $event, $arguments)
$date_modified = $bean->date_modified;
$datetime1 = new DateTime();
$datetime2 = new DateTime($date_modified);
$interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);
$elapsed = $interval->format('%a');
$bean->days_since_last_activity_c = $elapsed;

Modifying Parse.User object before FIRST save

I'm working on an app and I need some changes to be made on new users registering during certain periods.
I've added a variable which I will change manually, and a check if that value is true or false.
This is my current code:
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave(Parse.User, function(request, status)
var special = true;
request.object.set("points", 1000);
request.object.set("role/objectid", "PZHTquGti0");
request.object.set("points", 0);
request.object.set("role/objectid", "TQyjIY59oL");
status.success("Job finished successfully!");
}); // end of Parse.define
This code errors out with "Uncaught Error: change must be passed a Parse.Object" and I've been looking through the documentation to find out how to change a value of a subclass of the User object, but have found none.
Also, this code will also run when updating a user, which I don't want it to do.
Any help is highly appreciated!
First of all for running the code on first save (insert), you can use request.object.isNew()
As the role column is a pointer, you should set an object & not the id string directly.
So create a new dummy object and assign the id to it.
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave(Parse.User, function(request, status)
if(request.object.isNew()){ // Object Insert
var Role = Parse.Object.extend("_Role");
var role = new Role();
var special = true;
request.object.set("points", 1000);
role.id = "PZHTquGti0";
request.object.set("role", role);
request.object.set("points", 0);
role.id = "TQyjIY59oL";
request.object.set("role", role);
else{ // Object Update
//Do nothing
status.success("Job finished successfully!");
}); // end of Parse.define
