Printing output to a command window when golang application is compiled with -ldflags -H=windowsgui - go

I have an application that usually runs silent in the background, so I compile it with
go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui <gofile>
To check the version at the command line, I wanted to pass a -V flag to the command line to get the string holding the version to be printed to the command prompt then have the application exit. I added the flag package and code. When I test it with
go run <gofile> -V prints the version fine. When I compile the exe, it just exits, printing nothing. I suspect it's the compilation flag causing it to not access the console and sending my text into the bit bucket.
I've tried variations to print to stderr and stdout, using println and fprintf and os.stderr.write, but nothing appears from the compiled application. How should I try printing a string to the command prompt when compiled with those flags?

The problem is that when a process is created using an executable which has the "subsystem" variable in its PE header set to "Windows", the process has its three standard handles closed and it is not associated with any console—no matter if you run it from the console or not. (In fact, if you run an executable which has its subsystem set to "console" not from a console, a console is forcibly created for that process and the process is attached to it—you usually see it as a console window popping up all of a sudden.)
Hence, to print anything to the console from a GUI process on Windows you have to explicitly connect that process to the console which is attached to its parent process (if it has one), like explained here for instance. To do this, you call the AttachConsole API function. With Go, this can be done using the syscall package:
package main
import (
const (
var (
modkernel32 = syscall.NewLazyDLL("kernel32.dll")
procAttachConsole = modkernel32.NewProc("AttachConsole")
func AttachConsole(dwParentProcess uint32) (ok bool) {
r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procAttachConsole.Addr(), 1, uintptr(dwParentProcess), 0, 0)
ok = bool(r0 != 0)
func main() {
ok := AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS)
if ok {
fmt.Println("Okay, attached")
To be truly complete, when AttachConsole() fails, this code should probably take one of these two routes:
Call AllocConsole() to get its own console window created for it.
It'd say this is pretty much useless for displaying version information as the process usually quits after printing it, and the resulting user experience will be a console window popping up and immediately disappearing; power users will get a hint that they should re-run the application from the console but mere mortals won't probably cope.
Post a GUI dialog displaying the same information.
I think this is just what's needed: note that displaying help/usage messages in response to the user specifying some command-line argument is quite often mentally associated with the console, but this is not a dogma to follow: for instance, try running msiexec.exe /? at the console and see what happens.

One problem with the solutions already posted here is that they redirect all output to the console, so if I run ./myprogram >file, the redirection to file gets lost. I've written a new module,, that avoids this problem. You can use it like this:
import (
func main() {
err := fixconsole.FixConsoleIfNeeded()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fatalf("FixConsoleOutput: %v\n", err)
os.Stdout.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Hello stdout\n"))
os.Stderr.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Hello stderr\n"))

Answer above was helpful but alas it did not work for me out of the box. After some additional research I came to this code:
// go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui
package main
import "fmt"
import "os"
import "syscall"
func main() {
modkernel32 := syscall.NewLazyDLL("kernel32.dll")
procAllocConsole := modkernel32.NewProc("AllocConsole")
r0, r1, err0 := syscall.Syscall(procAllocConsole.Addr(), 0, 0, 0, 0)
if r0 == 0 { // Allocation failed, probably process already has a console
fmt.Printf("Could not allocate console: %s. Check build flags..", err0)
hout, err1 := syscall.GetStdHandle(syscall.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
hin, err2 := syscall.GetStdHandle(syscall.STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil { // nowhere to print the error
os.Stdout = os.NewFile(uintptr(hout), "/dev/stdout")
os.Stdin = os.NewFile(uintptr(hin), "/dev/stdin")
fmt.Printf("Hello!\nResult of console allocation: ")
fmt.Printf("r0=%d,r1=%d,err=%s\nFor Goodbye press Enter..", r0, r1, err0)
var s string
The key point: after allocating/attaching the console, there is need to get stdout handle, open file using this handle and assign it to os.Stdout variable. If you need stdin you have to repeat the same for stdin.

You can get the desired behavior without using -H=windowsgui; you'd basically create a standard app (with its own console window), and hide it until the program exits.
func Console(show bool) {
var getWin = syscall.NewLazyDLL("kernel32.dll").NewProc("GetConsoleWindow")
var showWin = syscall.NewLazyDLL("user32.dll").NewProc("ShowWindow")
hwnd, _, _ := getWin.Call()
if hwnd == 0 {
if show {
var SW_RESTORE uintptr = 9
showWin.Call(hwnd, SW_RESTORE)
} else {
var SW_HIDE uintptr = 0
showWin.Call(hwnd, SW_HIDE)
And then use it like this:
func main() {
defer Console(true)
fmt.Println("Hello World")

If you build a windowless app you can get output with PowerShell command Out-String
.\\main.exe | out-string
your build command may look like:
cls; go build -i -ldflags -H=windowsgui main.go; .\\main.exe | out-string;
cls; go run -ldflags -H=windowsgui main.go | out-string
No tricky syscalls nor kernel DLLs needed!


GO: Run cli command with wrong args

I use cobra to create CLI command tool.
everything is looking OK except the error handling
what I want that if command was sent by mistake (wrong args or wrong input) return std.err instead of std.out
to simplify the secnario I've created this which demonstrate my use-case
package main
import (
var (
RootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "myApp",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Printf("ROOT verbose = %d, args = %v\n", args)
provideCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "provide",
Run: nil,
appCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "apps",
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
name := args[0]
if name != "myapp" {
err := errors.New("app name doesnt exist")
return err
return nil
SilenceUsage: true,
func init() {
// Add the application command to app command
// add provide command to root command
func main() {
if err := RootCmd.Execute(); err != nil {
Now if I compile the binary and run exec.Command against the binary everything is working as expected. but if I want to test the error scenario like mycli provide apps apps1
I want to see that returned in std.err and not at std.out
When I execute mycli provide apps myapp everything should be OK
but if I run mycli provide apps myapp2 I want to get std.err and not std.out , which is not the case here ...what am I missing here ?
Your sample already prints the error both to stdout and stderr.
By default the cobra package prints any errors it encounters to stderr, unless you specifically change that.
So running
./main provide apps something 2> ./stderr.txt creates a text file with the following content (this is what cobra writes to stderr without your intervention):
Error: app name doesnt exist
And running ./main provide apps something > ./stdout.txt - creates a text file with the following content (you printed that yourself with fmt.Println(err), the second line from the bottom in your code):
app name doesnt exist
Which means default behaviour prints errors both to stdout and stderr.
As Devin has advised you, changing the last line to os.Stderr.WriteString(err) or
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) (the one I would use) will make your project to print everything to stderr only, which means printing errors twice:
Error: app name doesnt exist
app name doesnt exist
It might be useful to know that cobra allows you some control of error printing behaviour. For example, you can tell a cobra command which stream to print to:
command.SetOutput(os.Stdout) // Defaults to os.Stderr
you could also prevent printing of errors:
command.SilenceErrors = true
or prevent printing of usage text:
command.SilenceUsage = true

Daemonize after startup in Go

I have a system I need to operate as a daemon, which has been developed in go. Ordinarily I could just manage this though something like systemd or even just something as simple as './project &' but this particular project needs to get some input before it can become a daemon - it needs a password to be entered.
This password cannot be provided as command line args, placed in a config file, hard coded in the source etc. It must be manually provided by someone who has knowledge of the password at system startup.
At startup, the project needs to collect the password, verify that things are correct, and only if the correct password has been provided (verified by attempting to decrypt a certificate) can it then actually begin to operate as the daemon.
Is there any way in go for the project to startup, accept input from stdin, perform whatever validation is needed etc, and only then become a daemon process (detaching from stdin etc)?
Currently I can simulate the required behavior by starting it, and after the password has been entered using 'ctrl+z' to suspend it and bg to push the process to the background. Surely there has to be a way of doing that from within the process itself...
here is a program that does what I think you meant.
so the program only checks the password. The actual daemon is webserver which gets called only when password checks out.
package main
import (
func main() {
pwd, err := terminal.ReadPassword(1)
if err != nil {
if string(pwd) == "test" {
c := exec.Command("./webserver")
the daemon program I used here was taken from here
Its not possible to run a single program both as waiting for input and as a daemon.
You could use flags and carefully control your app flow and run itself as a daemon if a given flag (such as encrypted credentials) is passed. Or even store them in a temporary file, database or anywhere.
func main() {
cred := flag.String("cred", "", "raw cred")
if *cred == "" {
fmt.Print("Enter credentials:\n")
decryptedCred, _ := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin).ReadString('\n')
if !validCred(decryptedCred) {
encryptedCred := encryptCredentials(decryptedCred)
cmd := exec.Command("./project", fmt.Sprintf("-cred=%s", encryptedCred), "&")
fmt.Printf("Started project with pid: %d\n", cmd.Process.Pid)
for {
// start app
// use *cred here
Whatever the approach I would probably keep track of the pid, etc.
# Enter credentials:
# Started project with pid: 11702
ps ax | grep project
# 11667 s001 R 0:02.47 ./project -cred=N/esPq8wsWn4/+Gco16ddl9UnJ0= &\012
Hope this helps

Reading from stdout pipe once ready in golang

I'm facing with a weird golang issue. The following code will clarify:
package main
import (
var (
pw io.WriteCloser
pr io.ReadCloser
func main() {
term := exec.Command("/bin/sh")
// Get stdin writer pipe
pw, _ = term.StdinPipe()
pr, _ = term.StdoutPipe()
run("cd ~")
pwd := run("pwd");
// Do something with pwd output
func run(c string) string {
io.WriteString(pw, fmt.Sprintln(c))
buf := make([]byte, 32 * 1024)
return string(buf)
I'd like to run some commands in a shell env and read their output. There's no problem on write/run command but it seems that there're some limitations while reading:
you can't know if a command doesn't output anything or not;
there's no way to check if stdout is ready to be read or not.
The pr.Read(dest) method will block the code flow until something is read from stdout. As said, the goal is to read sequentially (without using a go routine and/or an infinite loop). This means that if we send a cd command the func end is never reached.
Setting the non-block flag through unix.SetNonblock on stdout file descriptor seems to solve the above issue but you can't know prior if it's ready or not and an error saying "resource temporary not available" is returned from .Read call.
As Cerise Limón mentioned go functions whould be the way to go here, since these sorts of interactive scripting exercises are traditionally done with expect.
You can wrap the the parrellel execution into a library to it might still look like sequencial code, so this might be helpful:
From the readme:
child, err := gexpect.Spawn("python")
if err != nil { panic(err) }
child.SendLine("print 'Hello World'")

Making a full screen Terminal application with Go

I'm trying to build a full screen terminal application. I'm using Go as my language of choice. I've figured out how to read from os.Stdin, but I'm unclear on how to clear the terminal window and manipulate the cursor position. I also want to capture the terminal input without it being printed (echoed back).
My questions are:
How can I effectively clear and print to the terminal with column/row coordinates?
How do I stop the terminal from printing keys pressed
My intent:
I want to create a full screen terminal application that renders it's own UI and handles input internally (hot keys/navigation/etc...).
If there are any libraries that cover this sort of use case please feel free to suggest them.
The easiest way to clear the terminal and set position is via ansi escape codes. However, this may not be the ideal way as variation in terminals may come back to bite you.
fmt.Print("\033[2J") //Clear screen
fmt.Printf("\033[%d;%dH", line, col) // Set cursor position
A better alternative would be to use a library like goncurses or termbox-go (credit: second is from Tim Cooper's comment).
With such a library you can do things like this:
import (
gc ""
func main() {
s, err := gc.Init()
if err != nil {
defer gc.End()
s.Move(5, 2)
Code above copied from Rosetta Code
As of December 2019, I would recommend using rivo/tview library.
(goncurses mentioned by #vastlysuperiorman has not been updated since June 2019 and termbox-go is explicitly declared unmaintained).
Here's the "hello world" app, taken from the project's README (reformatted for readability):
package main
import (
func main() {
box := tview.NewBox().
SetTitle("Hello, world!")
if err := tview.NewApplication().SetRoot(box, true).Run(); err != nil {
tview provides screenshots and example code as well as the standard godoc reference.
To stop the terminal from printing keys pressed you can use the below code:
import (
func main(){
fmt.Print("Enter Value: ")
byteInput, _ := terminal.ReadPassword(int(syscall.Stdin))
input:= string(byteInput)
fmt.Println() // it's necessary to add a new line after user's input
fmt.Printf("Your input is '%s'", input)

List of currently running process in golang, Windows version

How can I get the list of currently running processes in golang under Windows?
I need something like:
List of currently running process in Golang
but usable under Windows too.
I just implemented the function you need (EnumProcess as axw stated above).
Check out You might want to wait until my pull request is through :)
An example on how to use:
You need to use the Windows API function EnumProcesses. The syscall package on Windows enables you load arbitrary DLLs and their functions (i.e. via LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress). So you can get at EnumProcesses in psapi.dll. This gives you a list of PIDs; you can then use OpenProcess and EnumProcessModules to get the process name.
It's possible that someone has already done the work to implement this, but I don't know of anything. If you can't find anything, take a look at the syscall package's source (say, src/pkg/syscall/zsyscall_windows_386.go) and do something similar to what's done for the other Windows API functions.
according to the syscall package docs: This package is locked down. Code outside the standard Go repository should be migrated to use the corresponding package in the repository.
You can use, it has Process32First and Process32Next to let enumerate system processes.
This seems to do it:
package main
import ""
// unsafe.Sizeof(windows.ProcessEntry32{})
const processEntrySize = 568
func main() {
h, e := windows.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(windows.TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0)
if e != nil {
p := windows.ProcessEntry32{Size: processEntrySize}
for {
e := windows.Process32Next(h, &p)
if e != nil { break }
s := windows.UTF16ToString(p.ExeFile[:])
The code is cleaner if you use Windigo (error checking omitted for brevity):
package main
import (
func main() {
pids, _ := win.EnumProcesses()
for _, pid := range pids {
hSnap, _ := win.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(co.TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, pid)
defer hSnap.CloseHandle()
hSnap.EnumModules(func(me32 *win.MODULEENTRY32) {
fmt.Printf("PID: %d, %s # %s\n",
me32.Th32ProcessID, me32.SzModule(), me32.SzExePath())
Or if you just want the processes, without the modules:
package main
import (
func main() {
pids, _ := win.EnumProcesses()
for _, pid := range pids {
hSnap, _ := win.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(co.TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, pid)
defer hSnap.CloseHandle()
hSnap.EnumProcesses(func(pe32 *win.PROCESSENTRY32) {
fmt.Printf("PID: %d # %s\n",
pe32.Th32ProcessID, pe32.SzExeFile())
