Accessing the contents of an Array containing a hash in Ruby [closed] - ruby

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am new to ruby and trying out some examples.I have the array below that contains a hashmap.
f = [{"qty"=>"5", "unit"=>"kgs", "item"=>"sugar", "cost"=>"400", "salestax"=>"0.0"}]
I want to print out some thing like this
5 kgs of sugar : 400 at a tax of 0.0(if you notice the content is from the hashset)
I've tried some thing like:
|m| puts m for u in m |qty,unit,item,cost,salestax| puts "#{qty} #{unit} of #{item} : #{cost} #{salestax}"
but its not giving me what I want.

f.each do |hash|
puts "#{hash['qty']} #{hash['unit']} of #{hash['item']}: #{hash['cost']} at a tax of #{hash['salestax']}."
Seems like that is what you want.

Another way
f.each { |hash| puts "%s %s of %s : %s at a tax of %s" % hash.values }


How do I iterate over this Hash in Ruby? [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I want to access the content of files sha and stats.
client.commit("healtheintent/hcc_reference_service","3a3c56babbc1c77323d178303fa06f8d11e1133d").each do |key,value|
puts ("#{value}")
Now the values returns the entire content inside the files
Similarily, How do I access the stats
How to iterate over the hash in general
hash = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 2 }
hash.each do |key, value|
if key == :a
puts "a is #{value}"
puts "It is not a, it's #{key}"
Also you can iterate over the keys only or over the values only using each_key or each_value methods

How can I produce one whole string from iteration on array of arrays in Ruby [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have array of arrays looking something like this :
arr = [[f,f,f,f,f], [f,f,t,f,f], [f,t,f,t,f]]
and am I outputing it formatted on the console like this:
arr.each {|a| puts a.join.gsub('t','<b></b>').gsub('f','<i></i>')}
and it generates something like this:
but it is only in the output. I am wondering how I can assign it to a string? With the new lines and everything, exactly the way it looks,
a= [["f","f","f","f","f"], ["f","f","t","f","f"], ["f","t","f","t","f"]].map do |arr|
arr.join.gsub(/[ft]/) do |x|
if x =~ /f/
elsif x =~ /t/
puts a
# >> <i></i><i></i><i></i><i></i><i></i>
# >> <i></i><i></i><b></b><i></i><i></i>
# >> <i></i><b></b><i></i><b></b><i></i>

Any good way of checking if a json object is a subset of another one in Ruby? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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By a is a json subset of b, I mean
For object, b has all the key-value pairs as in a.
For array, b has the same size as a, the order doesn't matter though
{"one":1}.should be_subset_json({"one":1,"two":2})
[{"one":1}].should_NOT be_subset_json([{"one":1},{"two":2}])
[{"two":2},{"one":1}].should be_subset_json([{"one":1},{"two":2}])
[{"id":1},{"id":2}].should be_subset_json([{"id":2, "name":"b"},{"id":1,"name":"a"}])
Just implementing your spec there seems to work.
require 'json'
def diff_structure(a, b)
case a
when Array ==
when Hash
a.all? {|k, v| diff_structure(v, b[k]) }
a == b
RSpec::Matchers.define :be_subset_json do |expected|
match do |actual|
diff_structure JSON.parse(actual), JSON.parse(expected)
describe "Data structure subsets" do
specify { '{"one":1}'.should be_subset_json('{"one":1,"two":2}') }
specify { '[{"one":1}]'.should_not be_subset_json('[{"one":1},{"two":2}]') }
specify { '[{"two":2},{"one":1}]'.should be_subset_json('[{"one":1},{"two":2}]') }
specify { '{"a":{"one":1}}'.should be_subset_json('{"a":{"one":1,"two":2}}') }
# Data structure subsets
# should be subset json "{\"one\":1,\"two\":2}"
# should not be subset json "[{\"one\":1},{\"two\":2}]"
# should be subset json "[{\"one\":1},{\"two\":2}]"
# should be subset json "{\"a\":{\"one\":1,\"two\":2}}"
# Finished in 0.00172 seconds
# 4 examples, 0 failures

How to use code block in Ruby? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have the following code
animals.each{|a| puts a}
I wanted to print only tiger in this array for that I wrote something like this
animals.each{|a| if a==1 puts animals[a]}
But it's not working why?
You can play with enumerable like this:{ |a| a == 'tiger' }.each{ |a| puts a }
The wrong you did in your case:-
animals.each{|a| if animals[a]==2 puts a}
inline if statement you put in a wrong way.
#each passes element of the array,not the index. So animals[a] will not work. It will throw error as no implicit conversion of String into Integer (TypeError).
Do this as below using Array#each_index
animals.each_index{|a| puts animals[a] if animals[a] == 'tiger' }
# >> tiger
Maybe you are looking for this
animals.each_with_index{|animal, index| puts animal if index==1}
Please not that "tiger" occurs at index 1 and not 2.
you can simply do this
animals.fetch(animals.index('tiger')) if animals.include? 'tiger'
animals[animals.index('tiger')] if animals.include? 'tiger'

How to split a Number to Natural Numerals in Ruby [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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for example:
input: 15
15 = 1+2+3+4+5
15 = 4+5+6
15 = 7+8
input: 4
output: cannot split
Here's one way:
def natural_numerals(value)
results = []
(1..value-1).each {|i| (i..value-1).each {|j| results << (i..j).to_a.join("+") if (i+j)*(j-i+1)/2 == value}}
if results.empty? then nil else results end
output1 = natural_numerals(15)
output2 = natural_numerals(4)
puts output1.inspect #=> ["1+2+3+4+5", "4+5+6", "7+8"]
puts output2.inspect #=> nil
