How do I check the availability of a url? [closed] - ruby

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How do I know if the response for a url is 200 or 404 and how do I check the availability of the url?

You can make a GET request using Net::HTTP:
uri = URI('')
res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
puts res.code


Parse form using Nokogiri and pass it to URI.encode_www_form? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have simple HTML form, which I got from a web page:
<form id="my">
I need to get this form via it's ID, which I know how to do:
#get_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(page)
nb = #get_doc.at_css('#my')
maybe could i iterate via object ?
I need to get all the input values and input names into some variable, and then pass it to URI.encode_www_form.
How can I do this? How could I get all the inputs inside the form with names and values, and pass them to encode_www_form?
arr = []
# form = doc.at_css '#form'
form.css('input').each do |i|
arr << [i['name'], i['value']]
URI.encode_www_form arr

Ruby function titled inflect [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Here is ruby code:
[:val1, :val2, :val3].each do |method_name|
define_method(met_n) do |param1, param2|
inflect(param1, param2, SOME_CONST[met_n.to_s])
It's not mine code. I tried to figure out what inflect is, but I failed, although it should be a standard ruby function.
So how is it defined or where do I find a documentation about it?
inflect isn't a standard ruby function. This must be part of someone else's API.

Visualize an OWL file with Gruff [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How can I load an OWL file in Gruff? It's not clear in the tutorials. I have a file, camera.owl. I need to display this in Gruff and view a graph of it.
I found the answer to this question myself. You need to look under the file menu. File > Load Triples > RDF/XML > File .... Thank you.

Iterate through Map in ruby [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How do I rewrite this Java statement in Ruby?
for (Map.Entry<byte[], HServerLoad.RegionLoad> entry : serverLoad.getRegionsLoad().entrySet()){
Thanks for your help!
If you want to iterate a ruby map(hash) with key and values you could write
h.each { |k, v| puts "Key=#{k}, Value=#{v}" }

Ruby Downloading on a webpage [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to download all the links in a webpage using a ruby script. My idea was to extract the href links if I could get the Source code, set a download location using command prompt. Is there a way for this ?
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "net/http"
require "uri"
#past your link
gets = STDIN.gets rescue nil
url = URI.parse gets
http = Net::HTTP.start(, url.port) do |resp|
puts resp.get(url.request_uri).body
#your regular for href
or use
